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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 645
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Chapter 645

Avery’s gaze wwe try, mundercus intent seeping through has tightly pressed, pallid lips.

As Thaddeus staimed toward the master with a menacing air, Harvey, the loyal hound, was quick to bear his teeth and charge

**A Thaddeus, this is Ms. Evadne’s turf. You really want to cause a scene here? Aren’t you worried about embarrassing both Chauman Ashbourne and Ms. Evadne7”

Thaddeus eyes were cold, his thin lips curling with disdain. “Out of my way”

Mr Chambers, please get into the car I’ll handle this!”

But Harvey hadn’t finished his act

Suddenly, he felt a numbness in his arm, followed by excruciating pain that spread throughout his body, and the world spun before his eyes.


Thaddeus remained unfiinchingly cold, grabbing Harvey’s arm and fiipping him with a twist.

Harvey was sent spiraling through the air, crashing to the ground with a cry of pain so intense he couldn’t muster the strength to


Thaddeus, without so much as a blink, strode over the crumpled figure on the ground,

Avery tensed, his delicate features shrouded in a dark, ominous cloud,

As Thaddeus closed in, four bodyguards from the Chambers Group rushed to Avery’s defense with swift precision.

Oh, right. Avery was no longer the discarded pawn skirting the edges of the Chambers Group; he was now a boss, and naturally, his entourage refiected his status,

Avery clenched his teeth. “Attack”

The four bodyguards lunged at Thaddeus with fists fiying!

But the man stood unfazed, his movements lightning–fast and ferocious. The towering bodyguards were no match for him, crumbling like paper dolls–no contest.

It was no wonder he was top–ranked in military academy!

Now it was Avery’s turn to clash with him.

Both men threw punches, fierce, vicious, with the sound of rushing wind.

Avery, eyes blazing with fury, struggled against Thaddeus, but he was clearly outmatched and overpowered.


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Caught off–guard, Avery’s vision darkened, and then–a brutal, iron–cold punch landed squarely on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.

“Mr. Chambers!” Harvey cried out in terror, scrambling to his master’s side.

Avery gasped in pain, tasting blood in his mouth. His usually immaculate suit was dust–stained, his hair disheveled, and a shocking streak of red marred his pale cheek./

“Mr. Chambers, your face.” Harvey was dumbfounded by the sight of his master’s wound.

Avery, panting heavily, shakily touched his face.

Upon inspection, his palm was smeared with crimson–this couldn’t have been the work of mere fists!

Thaddeus towered above him, looking down as if Avery were a filthy, dying mongrel.

His eyes were sharp with cold intent as he twisted his neck, a mocking smile lifting his lips. He raised his right hand, revealing a steel watch wrapped around his knuckles, the source of such devastating impact.

On the watch face was Avery’s blood.

Disgusted, Thaddeus fiung away the expensive timepiece as if to rid himself of some contaminating disease.

“Thaddeus, you’re truly despicable!” Avery hissed through bloodied lips, twitching with fury.

“Despicable? I’m simply returning the favor. I could stoop to dark tricks and backstabbing–anyone can. I just choose not to sink to



your level, not to become a venomous viper like you.”

Thaddeus eyes narrowed, “But Avery, don’t touch Evadne or her loved ones. Otherwise, the beating you received today will be nothing compared to what I will unleash upon you, with a hundredfold vengeance.*

With that, Thaddeus turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Avery to his agony.

“Mr. Chambers! I’ll call for backup, we’ll get revenge!” Harvey, having never seen his master so humiliated, was nearly in tears. Avery spat blood onto the ground, his tooth clinking as it hit the pavement–a testament to the severity of Thaddeus‘ attack. “Even if you call ten more thugs, they won’t stand a chance against him.”

Using all his strength to stand, Avery’s lips twisted into a sinister smile, like something from the depths of hell.

“Don’t rush. There are always bigger fish in the sea. And if he doesn’t fall by my hand, someone else will make sure he’s brought to his knees.”

When Thaddeus returned to Evadne, Emeric was looking much better, enjoying the apple slices his daughter was feeding him.

Thaddeus entered, his presence cool, his breath uneven.

With a teasing glint, Evadne asked, “What took you so long? Did your phone take a swim in the toilet?”

“Sorry, Evadne, had to deal with some urgent business,” Thaddeus replied softly.

“Ms. Evadne, let me take over,” Dylan offered, seeing the couple might need a private moment, and took the plate from her hands. But Emeric was in no mood for subtlety, shooting Dylan a gruff look. “Look at you, I’m finally getting some pampering from my girl, and you have to step in now? Trying to show off how helpful you are?”

With a resigned smile, Dylan watched Emeric like an indulgent parent.

Evadne and Thaddeus couldn’t help but laugh, the shadow cast by Avery’s presence fading away.

The couple retreated to a secluded nook in the office.

In a dimly lit corner filled with burgeoning affection, Evadne leaned in close, her chest pressing against Thaddeus‘ still–heaving chest as she propped her knee against his leg.

Her eyes, shimmering with a predatory gleam, locked onto his.

Thaddeus‘ throat went dry, his hand finding its way to the small of her back. “Evadne, your dad is just on the other side of that wall. You’re not thinking of doing something here, are you?”

“Your mind’s always filled with something horny,” Evadne whispered with a low chuckle, fiicking his forehead.

“I never used to be like this.”

Thaddeus‘ hands roamed with a mind of their own, traveling from the small of Evadne’s back up to the nape of her neck, kneading gently. “But the moment I touch you, I can’t help myself. It’s like I’m addicted. I want you so bad.”

Such shameless sweet nothings, Thaddeus could spout them on cue.

Evadne’s heart raced, her cheeks fiushed a deep crimson as she playfully pounded on his chest. “Tell me, where the hell have you


Thaddeus bit his lip, hesitating for a moment.

“You’re still panting. Did a phone call really wear you out that much?”

Her feline eyes narrowed, her fingertips tracing circles on his stubbled chin. “Did you make a call, or did you get into a scrap with some alley mutt?”

“Smart cookie, can’t hide anything from you,” Thaddeus murmured, kissing the corner of her lips.

“I know you’re steamed, but revenge is a dish best served cold.”

Evadne gripped his reddened knuckles tightly, holding his hands in hers. “I’m just scared some viper will bite you, and that would be a loss too great.”

“If I let Avery so much as scratch me/what kind of man would I be? How would I protect you or your dad?”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “Thad, after everything Emeric did to you, the insults, the beatings. And still, you turn the other cheek. How do you do it? If it were me, I couldn’t be so forgiving.”

“Your dad was just trying to protect you, that’s why he punished me.”




Thaddeus smiled, a bittersweet tinge to his grin. And I deserved it, maybe even more than what he dished out.”

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Thad‘ Evadne’s eyes brimmed with tears.

“Your dad loves you a lot, so I’m gonna take care of him. I want you to feel all the love in the world. For your happiness, I’ll do everything in my power.”

He thought, “T’ll make it up to you, tenfold, a hundredfold.”

With tears streaming, Evadne pulled his face close and kissed him fiercely, as if she wanted to devour him entirely.

Deepening the kiss, again and again.

The day Chasel was dragged back to the Bright estate by Warner.

For three straight days, he was virtually under house arrest. His phone confiscated, well–fed but completely grounded.

“Warner! What the heck is this? This is kidnapping!”

Chasel watched in disbelief as a steel gate, reminiscent of a dog’s kennel, was installed on his bedroom door, locking him in tight. “Don’t blame me, it was Dad’s orders.”

Warner glared at him through the bars. “Dad’s overseas on business. He said until he gets back to deal with you, you’re to stay put in your room. No leaving. Period.”

“I have to get back to the States! I’ve got unfinished business. Let me out!” Chasel’s eyes were bloodshot as he shook the bars in desperation.

“Nope, not happening. Which part don’t you understand?”

Warner was visibly irritated. “Cut the act. Busy? Ha! I bet if I let you out now, you’d be running straight back to the Ashbournes! Have you fallen for Evadne or something, going to the lengths of taking care of Emeric? You’re just slapping our grandfather and father in the face. Do you think it’s an honor for the Brights to be Emeric’s side piece? Are you itching to be the Ashbourne’s son–in–law?

Are we, the Brights, supposed to keep filling the Ashbourne’s holes? Are you out of your mind?”

Warner’s fury grew with every word. Just this morning he’d been icing his swollen cheek, all thanks to Evadne’s handiwork. Now, he was taking it all out on Chasel.

After all, it was this kid who started the whole mess. If it weren’t for his shameless eagerness to cozy up to the Ashbournes, would Warner have had to storm over there and come back reeking of trouble?

Chasel was burning up inside, seething with frustration.

But Warner wasn’t entirely wrong.

He stayed with the Ashbournes indeed for the one he loved.

Only, he wasn’t in love with the Ashbourne family’s daughter, but rather, humorously enough, the Ashbourne’s son.

If the Brights ever found out the truth, they wouldn’t just confine him; they’d probably erase him from existence.

“Warner, I swear I won’t go back to the Ashbournes! I swear!”

Seeing that tough talk got him nowhere, Chasel resorted to pleading, his eyes wide with feigned innocence as he clasped his hands together. “Warner, please, just let me out. I was foolish. I felt sorry for Auntie Suri, got carried away and helped Chairman Ashbourne. I was wrong, I won’t do it again! Please!”

“Heh, you little liar. I’m more likely to believe that Shakespeare is still kicking than any of your tall tales.”

Warner knew him too well, having grown up together. “You’ve made promises before, haven’t you? And how many weren’t just tricks? Stop struggling and stay put!”