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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 519
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Chapter 519

A chill and sharp aura hung in the air as if a word dangled precariously above their heads

Churf Roderick, with a parched smile, offered, “Uh, why don’t you two have a cup of coffee?”

“No need I can’t afford the luxury of your coffee

Evadne crossed her shapely legs, her gaze was icy as she retorted, “Release my assistant immediately. The issue between the Ashbournes and the Chambers is a private matter. If you want to keep climbing the ladder without a hitch, you’d better not meddle and make things uncomfortable for yourself.”

Miss Ashbourne was always straight to the point, no beating around the bush!

Chief Roderick’s feigned smile faltered, but he managed to say “Ms. Evadne, I understand you’re upset. But in the past over thirty years working as a police officer, Eve dealt with all sorts of people, and no one brought in here was ever innocent. Jason may be your man, but he left Byron disabled. That’s a serious

charge of assault with intent to cause harm, and I’ve already reported the case to my superiors”

Evadne’s brows furrowed deeply, and her hand was clenched in anger on the arm of the sofa

“In Elmsworth, everyone is equal before the law, even tycoons can’t bully the weak or disregard the rules. So, Ms. Evadne, I’m afraid I can’t comply with your request.”

“Chief Roderick, that’s a pretty speech. Everyone is equal before the law”

Thaddeus’s warm hand squeezed her cold hand, his eyes carrying a wintry threat, “That means you shouldn’t be wrongly accusing an innocent man, right?”

Evadne’s eyes widened, suddenly realizing something, she felt her heart skipping a beat.

“Mr. Thaddeus, what are you implying?” Chief Roderick asked, perplexed.

“The one who beat up Byron wasn’t Jason. It was me

Thaddeus’s lips curled with a scornful arc, his eyes glinting sharply, as though he could cleave the man in two with his stare, “You can release Jason now. Arrest me instead.”

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Evadne gasped gripping his hand tightly, “Thaddeus!”

Chief Roderick turned fiabbergasted and speechless!

“Chief Roderick, what’s the matter? I’ve confessed, now do your job”

a profound sense of

Thaddeus appeared calm and collected, with his hand gently caressing Evadne’s waist, providing her with a prof security, “Or does your so–called equality not apply to the wealthy?”

“No, no Mr. Thaddeus, see here.” Chief Roderick was utterly discombobulated.

The CEO of Elmsworth’s top financial group confessed to assaulting the scion of the Chambers Group. How could he judge this? It could be the end of him!

Feeling Matthew’s words still echoed in his ears, he still dared not touch this untouchable figure!

“If we’re talking about involvement, I had a part in it too

Evadne raised an eyebrow mischievously, displaying a defiant smile, “When you took Byron’s statement, why didn’t you ask who crushed his fingers, or who knocked out his front teeth? Oh, and his impotence, that was all my doing too. Didn’t that cripple mention any of this to you?”

Ms. Evadne! Assault charges are no joke. I know you want to protect your man, but this isn’t a game! Chief Roderick mopped his brow frantically

“Evadne, stop messing around,” Thaddeus chided softly, pinching her side gently

Tm not joking. I’m serious”

Evadne met his gaze with a charming smile, “Wherever you go, I’ll follow. Like a true partnership.”

A true partnership

These three words sent Thaddeus’s soul into a tremendous upheaval; he felt his heart racing uncontrollably and his breath hard to steady

She was his wife.

Chapter 519

Always had been, his most beloved wife.

“Hmph, you two will do anything to protect your own, won’t you?”

A sinister voice interrupted, and a man walked in with a stormy expression, none other than Matthew,

Chief Roderick, seeing his lifeline arrive here, was visibly relieved, almost to the point of tears!

And behind Matthew was another figure–Cedric!

After ending the call, Matthew couldn’t shake his unease and decided to come check things out. He immediately reached out to Cedric to explain the situation, hoping to involve him in sorting out Byron’s mess.

Cedric, still smarting from a previous humiliation courtesy of Avery, initially didn’t want to get involved.

But upon hearing that Evadne and Thaddeus were intervening, he couldn’t pass up the chance to see them squirm and promptly hurried over.

Evadne bit down hard, with anger burning in her eyes at the sight of this despicable and treacherous creature, which reminded her of a conniving villain straight out of a classic courtroom drama.

“Mr. Chambers, I didn’t expect you to hire him as your lawyer.”

Thaddeus’s lips curled with o casual scom. “You’re not

“Of course I know. What of it?

unaware o of Cedric’s relationship with Jason, are you?

Matthew’s smile was laced with malice. “Isn’t Cedric a top–notch lawyer? What’s wrong with hiring a first–rate attorney to defend my brother?

“Cedric is Jason’s older brother. Not only does he not stand by his own family, but he also sides with those who want to imprison his brother. What do you call that? Betraying your own for favor, or nursing the hand that bites you? The man’s derision was as cutting as his stunning features.

Cedric glared venomously at Thaddeus, his face a mask of false bravado, “Oh, Mr. Thaddeus, I’m fiattered to be the target of your personal attacks as a mere lawyer How honored I am. I work as a lawyer, you see. My job is to play for the team that makes the best offer. What’s got you so hot under the collar, trying to take the moral high ground and rake me over the coals? You’re making this gig tougher than it has to be. By your logic, those who defend murderers should be thrown to the wolves to be drawn and quartered, am I right?”

With that, he blinked in mock surprise, “Mr. Thaddeus, you’re all fired up. Could it be that you haven’t found a decent lawyer for Jason? Geez, if I’d known it was going to be such a case, I wouldn’t have accepted Mr. Chambers‘ invitation in

the first place!” Evadne was so angry that the delicate blue veins on her forehead seemed to dance!

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If this weren’t a police station, she would have knocked his teeth out by now, maybe even given him a swift kick to the groin, leaving him to commiserate with Byron in the infirmary!

“I don’t need to find a lawyer for Jason. An innocent man needs no defense.

Cedric thought his provocation would have enraged Thaddeus, but the man responded with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “Even if I were looking. I wouldn’t choose you. Even beasts protect their young, yet Mr. Cedric lacks the

most basic sense of right and wrong. You’re lower than an animal, you’re better off sticking with Mr. Chambers. After all, birds of a feather fiock together, don’t they?”

Evadne couldn’t help but burst into laughter, clapping for her man so wildly that her shoulders were shaking

Chief Roderick, on the other hand, couldn’t muster a smile but quivered in the background like a frightened quail, The tension in the room was so thick that a single spark could blow the roof off!

“Thaddeus! Cut the clever talk!” Matthew was livid, “I’m telling you, you’ve made Byron suffer, and the Chambers family will fight you to the bitter end! You think you can whitewash Jason’s guilt and pull strings because of your wealth, like turning a mountain into a molehill? Dream on!”

Cedric patted his shoulder, signaling him to keep his cool, lest he speak out of turn.

Then Cedric stepped forward, looking at Chief Roderick with a leisurely smile, “Chief Roderick, the efficiency of your officers leaves something to be desired. Mr. Thaddeus, Ms. Evadne, and I have been catching up for a while now. What’s taking them so long with the paperwork?”

Chief Roderick was taken aback, “Ah?”

Matthew was equally confused.

Just then, a knock on the door was followed by a police officer entering with a document for Chief Roderick


Chapter 519

The next moment, his words turned Thaddeus and Evadne’s faces pale with shock

“Chief, this is Jason’s signed confession and plea agreement. He’s already signed it and left his fingerprint”


Chapter 520