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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 415
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Chapter 415

ery without reason, or just decided to the blame on his rival


didn’t doubt Avery

Ever since Avery had come back into Exedre’s life. Thaddeus had been quietly digging deep into his relationship with the Chambers family his activities in Elmsworth, and what he’d been up to in Helgen over the years.

Of course, with Avery’s cunning, the truly confidential information remained out of reach, but his ties with the underworld in Helgen and the company he’d established, which openly dean in real estate and gambling but covertly involved in all sorts of unsavoury businesses, were not a secret. It was just that his extensive connections in Helgen, the collusion between officials and businessmen, and a powerful protective umbrella had enabled him to grow his business and lounder his background.

More importantly, he was heavily involved with the military and political circles in Country T!

As such, Thaddeus believed that Avery had the capability to secretly pass on information to Country and send people to silently annihilate them amidst the chass

Even if the Abernathy family and Ashbourne family wanted to pursue the matter they wouldn’t be able to find their bodies, leaving them will no dues and clos

Cassius noticed Thaddeus’s strange expression and forrowed his brows, asking “Do you have an idea whop behind this?”

Thaddeus took a deep breath, “It isn’t the time to talk about this. Let’s deal with the immediate problems frat, he could just openly accuse Avery without by

proof. Doing so would make him seem penny and damage his own reputation

“You definitely know who’s behind this, don’t you? Cassius shot down two more than his gaze locked

Like his sister Evache, Cassius was determined and relentless

Thaddeus’s in a silent competition.

While the attackers, although not particularly far, were accurate with their shots and thus didn’t dare to approach the

“If they’re from the underworld in Country I can’t say for sure.”

Thaddeus gripped his gun tightly, his eyes gleaming brightly in the night. But if they’re from Country T’s military, then I can be 90


Before Cassius could ask for clarification, a voice came from a loudspeaker, “Starlalands critical base for our military Lay down your weapons, base your resistance and surrendert Or we wont hold back!”

“It’s the military.” Cassius’s pulls contracted.

He never expected that their pursuit of a simple fugitive would alarm the military forces of Country What on earth was this wargs background

Thaddeus gritted his teeth his l*ps moving slightly as he muttered. “Heh, jest

Avery it was you wasn’t it?


“Surrender now! I assure you, you’ll be treated humanely!” The voice from the loudspeaker shouted again.

The air on the island, usually humid and hot seemed to freeze amidst the perilous tension.

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“Don’t listen to their bullshit” Cassius was on high alert, a ruthless glint in his eyes, Trust me, the moment we step out, we’ll be subjected to anything but humane treatment. I’ve heard and used these kinds of tricks too many times before.”

Thaddeus was taken aback, looking at Cassius’s cold, unfeeling face with surprise.

It seemed that President Ashbourne’s life had been quite an adventure.

Suddenly Thaddeus heard the sound of footsteps on the grass. He lowered his voice, warning “They’re closing in run to the left to distract them. You take the others and find Ward’s Hideout!

“No way! How can I leave you here alone?” Cassius immediatly resed, without hesitation.

“If we both die here, you’ll regret saying that.”

“And if you die here, how am I supposed to face Evache?!”

Danger was closing in, while the two men were at an impassa.

“Cassius,” Thaddeus suddenly uttered.

Cassius felt a pang in his heart, Heating Thaddeus call him that stined something within him. It was a strange feeling a mix of pain and bitterness.

“No matter what, you have to return to Evade. She told me that the most important people in her life are her family,” Thaddus suid looking straight into Cassius’s eyes

“What about you, Thaddeus? Don’t you matter to Evocne?!!

Cassius eye were red, his grip on Thaddeus a tightening “Evadne spent thirteen years to get to you. How many more years do you want her to spand to get over the pain you’ve caused? Is this what a human does?!”

Thaddeus grabitter smile, determination in his eyes, “Aber the divorce, I think I’ve already died once in Evadne’s heart. If I did again, shell get used to it

Without waiting for Cassis to respond, Thaddeus darted off like an now released from its bon


Cassius could do fothing but watch as Thaddeus disappeared into the darkness of the forest, the enemies pursuing him like sharks ameling blood.

Thaddeus uned himself as bait to drow away as many enemies as possible from Cassius and the others.

He was now 90% sure that the swith arrival of these attackers was connected to Avery who was asuing commands from afar in Elmsworth

If that was the case, then he was their target as long as the separated from Cassius, there was a chance for Cassius and the others to escape

The sharp branches of the trees out Thaddeus’s arma, neck, and face, but he didn’t care. The sound of gunfire and exploding bullets followed him as he ran

Thank goodness for his extensive experience in field combat, otherwise, he would have been long gone

“Avery you better hope I don’t make it out of here alive” Thaddeus gritted its teeth, wins throbbing on his forehead, swiftly moving “if I survive, your end is night

Just as he was engaged in a fierce battle with the enemy a bullet whistled towards him from behind


He heard the terrifying sound of it cutting through the air, but he was pinned down by the enemy fire from the front; there was no time to turn an

Thaddae bone–crushing pain in his left shoulder, his face turned ashen, sweat trickling down his back!

He had been shot!

Fortunately, it wasn’t fatal, but the bone–deep pain was not something normal person could endure.

A phrase of Country T language wafted from behind him, causing a few people in front to lower their guns.

“HL. Mr. Abemathy.”

Thaddeus, enduring the excruciating pain, his handsome face covered in cold sweat, slowly turned around

There stood Word, a submachine gun in his hand, grinning menacingly, “I did’t expect to so you so soon, Mr. Abernathy I assume you’re not here Star Island for a vocation, the locals art exactly friendly”

The henchmen behind him were also aimed to the teeth, looking at Thaddeus with contempt, as if he was a joke.

This nobleman from Elmsworth, in the eyes of these mercenaries, was no more than a cul with a fiick of their fingers, they could turn him into their lapdog

“Ward, surrender Thaddeus replied succinctly his face as cold as frost.

At this moment, he could even hear the sound of his left shoulder bleeding, his breath becoming weaker, he had no energy to waste on banter.

The mercenaries burst into laughter. “Haha, alright, Mr. Abernathy, I’m right in front of you why don’t you come and catch me?”

Ward tilted his head, his expression tuming sinister, “But do you have the strength? Shouldn’t you take care of the bullet in your left shoulder first?

Thaddeus gritted his teeth, his face not betraying any pain

if you keep dawdling your left arm will be ruined, don’t blame me for not warning you,” before Ward could finish speaking the man suddenly used his hand, the muzzle of the gun pointed straight at him!

Seeing this, the mercenaries quickly loaded their guns, all aiming an Thaddeus

was a tense stand–off.

Thaddeus was alone, but his composed and arogant aura had a pressure that made these hyenas cautious.

Ward mised an eyebrow in surprise. He really didn’t expect that man at this point, Thaddeus would still have the nerve to point a gun of him.

‘Well it seems i was worrying too much. Mr. Abemulhy doesn’t even care about his own life; why would he care about an arm?”

Tfire this bullet at the last moment of my Thaddeus was already numb from the pain, but his gun–holding hand was still sy believe in my marksmanship, this bullet will certainly blow your head off. If you don’t believe me you can try”

Ward clenched his teeth, his face twisted into a grimace.

He had investigated Thaddeus before while he

the Abemathy famly, working for Elspeth

This young man was not a silver spoon–fed brat, he had graduated from military school with excellent grades and won many honors in the peacekeeping force.

Moreover, the fact that he had managed to hold on all now proved this excellent marksmanship: he was basically a dead shot!

“Hey, Mr. Abernathy, my life isn’t worth much, but your life is worth a fortune. Are you willing to trade your life for mine? Besides, if you die, won’t Ms. Ashbourne, who you’ve risked your he to protect, be heartbroken? She’ll become a young widow, won’t she?

Thinking of Exidh; Thaddeus feltäke his heart was being ripped apart.

He loved Evadne, in this life or in the red life; he wanted to spend every moment with her.

He was not even close to having enough of her love how could he be willing to die here? But this was a separate issue from him taking revenge for her, and making Ward pay with his blood!

At this moment, one of the henchmen said to Ward in local language. The boss gave us orders to this guys schim

“Exactly, we have so many people and so many weapons we can’t handle him? Even if his shooting is accurate, can he be faster than us? I don’t believe it!”

Ward’s eyes glumed with malicious intent, “Guys do you want to get rich and retire early

The rest nodded in agreement

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Then let’s catch him alive tonight. This guy is the son of the richest man in Elmsworth. If we take him hostage even if we ask for hundreds of milljóns, his old man wil have to cough it up to save his son’s life!”

Hundreds of milions? Everyone’s eyes lit up, refiecting their greedi

If he was dead, he was just a b*dy, if he was alive, he was a cosh cow!

Good, very good. His greed was Thaddeus’s opportunity!

Ward waved his hand and roared Guys! Catch him alive! We’re going to be rich!”

The mercenaries swarmed him, rushing towards Thaddeus

With his left arm impobilized, he could only get his teeth, shooting at their hearts with his right hand, killing one with each bullot, not beating to pull the trigge

Seeing their compdes fall in front of them, these vicious brutes acted as if they hadn’t seen anything, continuing to try and capture Thaddeus alive!

Hundreds of mons!

it’s enough for them to live care was for the rest of their days, and they wouldn’t have to risk their lives anymore! As for those who

Even if it’s just a hundred million, its ent died, they were just unlucky!

Wald was cunning and ruthless, he had treated to the back, letting these simple–minded goons act as human shields for him, helping him black bullets!

Thaddeus was a sharp shooter, so what? His bullets will run out eventually. Then he could take advantage of the situation, capture him, and threaten Frederic and the old man with his life. By then, no matter how much money he asked for they would have to obediently hard II over!

One by one, people fell, and Thaddeus, after using up all the bullets in his two guns and the spare magazine cl*ps he had on him, was out of ammo

Unarmed, they were no match for him, but he was injured now, his combat ability had declined. There was a real possibility that he would be captured alive!

Not he couldnt be captured even if he was, he had to take down Ward first

In thick of time, Thaddeus seized the opportunity to grab a gun from one of the mencemanes, without hesitation, he find two shots at Ward.

Surprisingly, Ward was crally as a foc he sensed Thaddeus’s intention and smoothly maneuvered behind one of his pals, using him as a human shield. The poor soul get two holes blasted through his chest.

“Thaddeus! I gave you a chance to walk away and you just wouldn’t; you’re hell– bent on walking through the gates of Hades! You can’t blame anyone but your ell

Ward knew he had no choice but to finish this man off. He readied his submachine gun, preparing to tum Thaddeus into Swiss cheese!

Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped up in the heat of the battle, no one had noticed the sound of a massive helicopter growing louder.

Now it was almost upon them!

*Ward! You dare to hurt my man, you’re going to pay with your dame life!

A voice like silver bells, it was clear and crisp, icy yet fierce, descended from the heavens

Thaddeus’s heart pounded against his chest; he bited his pale, handsome face, his eyes wide with disbelief as he stared into the dark night sky.

A white helicopter hovered mid-air, a rope ladder dangling from its door. On the ladder was a woman, a delicate hand gripping a gleaming silver Desert Eagle, her hair whipping wildly in the wind. Her expressive eyes shot a bone chilling glare that stole his heartbest and breath away.

The moonlight showered upon her, Illuminating her like a snowfiake; she was radiant!

How many women in the world could be so broathtakingly beautiful, yet terrifying at the same time?

As Thaddeus gazed at the figure glowing brighter than the sun, his eyes filled with unshed tears, the comers of his l*ps lifting into a smile.

His woman had come; his dame had arrived!