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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

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Chapter 591

Watching from the sidelines, Lily felt the heartache as she saw the torment in Jareth’s fiery eyes, his

desperation palpable. Initially, she too had not been in favor of Jareth’s “tough love” approach, fearing it

too harsh for Marilla.

But the stark reality of Elspeth’s death sentence could not remain hidden forever. Better to deal with it

now and rip off the Band–Aid than let the wound fester.

Yet, she had underestimated Jareth’s control over Marilla and the usually docile Marilla’s explosive

strength when cornered.

“Lily, take Marilla back to her room to rest,” ordered Thaddeus, his voice laced with concern as he

turned to Jareth. “You look like hell, too. Let Lily stay with Marilla.”

Lily gingerly lifted Marilla from Jareth’s embrace, easily sweeping her into her arms and ascending the

staircase with unwavering steps.

The couple was left dumbfounded.

Jareth’s secretary, raised in the household since she was a girl, was proving to be worth her weight in


“I just wanted for Marilla to face reality. I didn’t expect for it to turn out like this,” Jareth confessed, his

chest heaving as if a bellows had been shoved inside, his whole being seeming to fry in an invisible

frying pan. “Elspeth never truly cared for Marilla. I thought Marilla had come to accept that, that she


“You thought, you thought! Have you ever, for once, considered Marilla’s feelings in all of this?” Evadne

exploded, closing the gap between them in two strides and grabbing Jareth by the collar. “From the

moment you charmed her, brought her into your life, keeping her away from the Abernathy family, then

parading her before the scrutinizing eyes of the Fairhaven elite – your grandfather, your mother! And

now you impose your will upon her, assuming she’ll just accept and bear it? Where do you get this blind

confidence? Have you ever truly considered Marilla? Have you seen things from her perspective? Have

you ever cared about her feelings?”

“Evadne.” Thaddeus’s gaze faltered.

He wanted to interject but feared making matters worse, knowing his own words often lacked the

necessary tact.

Reminiscing, Jareth felt a sharp pang in his heart, his eyes losing their luster.

He had never asked if Marilla was happy, if this was what she wanted.

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Her compliance, her gentlenes, all made him overlook her true feelings. She agreed to everything he

proposed, appreciated every gift, even the passionate nights that left her breathless, always

whispering, “I love it, I love you, Jareth.”

But now, he suddenly realized he might have been wrong.

He thought he was being considerate, altruistically noble, never pondering whether this was the kind of

‘good‘ Marilla desired or could withstand.

“Jareth, you and Marilla may both come from affluent families, but you’re from two entirely different

worlds,” Evadne continued, her voice a mix of anger and concern. “What you need to do is enter her

tender world with enough love and patience, not carelessly drag her into your life, isolating her from the

world, severing her normal social needs, and keeping her caged like a canary! Marilla has a passion for

art, a raw talent that could make her a prodigious artist. Have you ever seriously cultivated that talent?

Why not hire a teacher for her, send her to a prestigious school for further education? Or is her gift just

a means to amuse you each day? Do you realize you’re squandering her potential?”

Jareth felt as if a gaping hole had been torn in his chest, pain throbbing raw and real, “I’m not wasting

Marilla. I’m not holding her back. In this lifetime, I only want Marilla! You and Thad have known from the

start that I intended to marry her!”

“And what then? Repeat the same day over and over, possibly even worse than now,” Evadne shook

her head in disappointment. “If you can’t properly care for Marilla, you shouldn’t make promises you

can’t keep. This isn’t the first time, and certainly the most severe. How many more times will there be

over the decades to come? Can you endure that? Can you persist? You’re not a patient man by nature.

You’re accommodating and tolerant now only because you’re in the honeymoon phase of your

relationship! But what about ten, twenty years from now, when your love and patience run out? Will you

still care for Marilla as you do today? Will you still kneel and hold her, comfort her like you did this


“I can! Why wouldn’t I be able to?” Jareth’s voice broke, hoarse and choked, as he shouted back at

Evadne, “You shouldn’t doubt my love for Marilla! You shouldn’t insult me with your skepticism!”

“Enough, Jareth!” Thaddeus stepped forward, wrapping an arm around Evadne to shield her, his eyes

dark and serious. “She didn’t mean it like that; she’s just distressed for Marilla. Back in the Abernathy

household, none of us, including myself, ever truly cared for Marilla. The only one who’s always been

there for her was Evadne. Seeing Marilla in such pain, Evadne feels it just as acutely. Her harsh words

are out of concern.”



Chapter 591

Evadne’s lips were tight, and her throat scorched from yelling. She had been harsh, but it was out of

fear for Marilla’s welfare.

She never meant to drive a wedge between them, but the current state of their relationship was

anything but healthy. Marilla’s condition meant she couldn’t steer the course of their emotions, and it

was high time she gave Jareth a wakeup call. Otherwise, the unintended hurt was a constant shadow.

“Autism can manifest as either hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity, and unfortunately, Marilla is the

former. It’s often her keen sensitivity, her stronger–than–average empathy that makes her so

vulnerable to agitation, her actions so uncontrollable,” she explained, her voice steady despite the

weight of her words.

Leaning against Thaddeus, Evadne’s face was a canvas of somber reflection. “Besides, Elspeth is her

mother. Even though she’s a murderous fiend, irredeemable, a step back would remind us that Elspeth

did raise Marilla when she was just a little girl. Her own mother sentenced to death, the victim her

beloved brother’s mother–it’s a double blow that would naturally shatter Marilla. You should have seen

it coming.”

Jareth’s fingers clenched tight, his gaze unfocused and scattered. “Marilla said she wanted to see

Elspeth. I didn’t want her to, I refused, and that’s how things ended up like this. Did I really make a


Evadne and Thaddeus exchanged a look, sighing in unison.

After a moment, Thaddeus stepped forward, his large hand resting on his brother’s shoulder. “Jareth,

take Marilla to see Elspeth. They’re mother and daughter, after all. For better or worse, Marilla

deserves that final goodbye.”

Jareth looked stunned, his heart in turmoil. “But Elspeth is your enemy.”

“We separate the issues. Besides, we’ve had our revenge, she’s paid her dues.. That’s enough,”

Thaddeus said, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips, a sense of release twinkling in his eyes.

It wasn’t about letting go of the hatred for Elspeth, nor was it about diminishing the pain his mother had

suffered. It was the understanding that clinging too fiercely to hatred could drown not just oneself in

agony but also those around you.

Evadne nodded in agreement, her sigh audible. “Jareth, I know you and Thaddeus are tight, but you

have Marilla now. You’re a family. Can you put her first next time? Stop worrying about Thad.”

Thaddeus and Jareth were speechless.

“And don’t think Marilla wanting to see Elspeth is a betrayal. Her wish to see Elspeth one last time

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shows she’s pure–hearted, compassionate. If Marilla were like Glynnis, acting as if she popped out of a

rock, then you’d really have something to fear.”

Considering Marilla’s unstable condition, Evadne decided not to leave that night, even if it meant

staying awake to care for her.

With Evadne staying, Thaddeus naturally wanted to be by her side.

Knowing Evadne’s need for good sleep, he called Gordon to bring over all of her essentials–her

nightgowns, skincare, aromatherapy–everything for just one night’s stay. He personally arranged the

bedroom, ensuring she’d have a peaceful rest.

At nightfall, Evadne went to check on Marilla with Lily.

Thaddeus called Jareth to the dining room, opening a bottle of red wine to ease his mood.

However, the usually self–proclaimed ‘god of wine, Jareth, was sullen, his desire to drink completely


“Jareth, I’ve been thinking. When Marilla wakes up, maybe it’d be best for her to stay with Evadne for a

few days,” Thaddeus suggested with a serious tone.

Jareth, taken aback, stood up abruptly. “Thaddeus! What have I done to deserve this? Are you really

trying to take Marilla away from me?”

Thaddeus’s brows knitted slightly. “It’s not about taking her away. Marilla’s just unstable right now. A

few days with Evadne might help her relax.”

“Being with me makes you that uneasy? Am I that untrustworthy to you?”

Thaddeus paused, then spoke softly, “To be honest, if today’s incident is anything to go by, you’re not

putting us at ease.”

“Damn it!” Jareth’s eyes, narrow and red with anger, looked like they could shatter the wine bottle in his


“You’ve never been the most stable guy when it comes to emotions. You’ve been trying, changing,

controlling yourself with Marilla. But personality, it’s in your blood, etched in your bones. You’re nearly

thirty–change doesn’t happen overnight.”

Thaddeus’s gaze dropped, his next words almost too much for Jareth to bear. “Jareth, I know you love

Marilla, but if this relationship is proving too strenuous, too painful, then maybe it’s time to reconsider.

It’s not too late.”

Jareth’s forehead throbbed with visible veins. “Thaddeus, what are you saying?”

“But if after the passion fades, you can’t bear it, you want out, or worse, you start neglecting Marilla,

then it won’t just be me, it’ll

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!