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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chatper 578
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Chapter 578

Blood so red it was terrifying!

The image of Cynthia’s horrific death flashed across Elspeth’s mind, and she suddenly let

out a piercing ring in her ears, as if she were drowning, her body drenched in cold sweat,

her lips pale and trembling incessantly.

“Elspeth? Elspeth, are you alright?” Cedric, clearly sensing something was amiss, asked in


“It’s nothing.” Elspeth’s handcuffed hands curled tightly under the table, fiercely cutting

off the mental images.

“Elspeth, you haven’t answered my question.”

Cedric pressed again, “You need to come clean with me right now. Is this the only life

you’ve taken? It’s vital for your defense in court, for upholding your reputation. You’re

aware that on the surface it’s just the death of a maid, but Thaddeus and Evadne are

clearly using this as a leverage to corner you, to ensure you can’t recover. They will dig

deep into your past and could present any kind of evidence against you in court, it’s


Elspeth still quivered uncontrollably, biting her lip.

“I’m asking you these questions with no ulterior motive, only to have a better chance of

winning in court. You must be completely honest and trust me, we need to work together

fully. Only if I know everything about you can I stand undefeated in the courtroom.”

Elspeth let out a laugh that made one’s skin crawl, “Mr. Cedric, are you really trying to

help me, or are you just looking out for your own golden reputation?”

Cedric didn’t like being questioned this way, but due to her status as Mrs–Abernathy, he

had to play along, “Of course, helping you get acquitted is far more important than any

undefeated streak.”

“Forget it, I don’t trust any of you lawyers!”

Anxious, Elspeth shook her legs like she was having a seizure, “If I tell you, you’ll just have

another weapon to threaten me with later. I’ve seen enough of these dirty tricks, don’t

think you can fool me!”

Cedric frowned and asked, “Are you suggesting that there is truth to this?”

“No! I haven’t killed anyone! Never have I ever! Don’t you dare slander me!” Elspeth

screamed, her emotions boiling over as she stood up like a madwoman.

“Alright, alright, if you say no, then that’s good.” Cedric leaned back, wary of her lunging

at him.

The courtroom was packed.

Though the trial was publically broadcasted on the court’s website, to avoid any

disturbances from uninvited guests, Frederic booked all the available seats for spectators,

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filling them with allies from the Abernathy Group and his legal network.

For today’s trial, besides Frederic, the long–absent Glynnis had also been summoned.

She naturally didn’t want to appear at such an ominous event, and there was no love lost

between her and her mother.

“Dad, why do I have to be here? The reporters will see me and start spinning tales!”

Glynnis whined, her voice tinged with irritation as she furrowed her brows, “I can’t even

step outside my door without fearing ridicule, afraid to show my face at any social event.

Having a mother like this, it’s an utter disgrace!”

“Ridicule? You are an Abernathy heiress, who would dare mock you? Besides, regardless of

everything, she is your biological mother. As her daughter, you should naturally be here to

support her through this ordeal. How can you be so cold–hearted?” Frederic spoke sternly

from the front row, rebuking her coldly.

Frustrated, Glynnis asked, “Then why am I the only one here? Why isn’t Marilla here?”

“Don’t you know your sister’s situation? How could she come to such a place, endure such

stress? You should be understanding as her sister, not complaining,” Frederic shook his

head disapprovingly.

Glynnis dared not speak further, but inwardly she resented, thinking if only she had the

backing like that simpleton did from Jareth.

She thought, “Just you wait, Marilla.”

Footsteps approached.

Frederic and Glynnis turned to look, their expressions darkening immediately.

Entering were Thaddeus and Evadne, followed by several members of the Ashbourne




Chapter 578

Cassius, Aaron, Nydia, and even the three Ashbourne ladies had come to show their

support for the victim, a show of solidarity at such a critical moment.

Jareth should have been there too, to boost their morale, but fearing the distress it might

cause his beloved Marilla, he chose to stay at home with her.

Glynnis glared at Evadne, grinding her teeth.

But Evadne paid her no attention, not even a glance, leaving Glynnis to silently fume with


Evadne, stunningly beautiful with light makeup, wore an immaculate pearl–white business

suit adorned with a sapphire brooch of her own design, exuding elegance and grace.

Thaddeus stood tall and imposing by her side, his black suit perfectly tailored, embodying

the strength and dignity of his stature.

They both took seats in the first row, separated by an aisle from the Abernathy Group,

marking a clear divide.

“Dad, what’s Thaddeus doing? What’s he thinking?” Glynnis whispered, always quick to

stir discord, “He’s the CEO of the Abernathy Group, and now he sits openly against us with

the Ashbourne family. Isn’t this a slap in your face for all to see?”

Frederic clenched his teeth, feeling the flames of resentment seething within him.

“We finally made it to this day,” Aviana said, gripping Myra’s hand. Recalling the hardships

she had endured, Aviana couldn’t help but tear up.

Myra took a deep breath, her heart fluttering with nervous anticipation, and nodded subtly.

The day had arrived, a day Cynthia and Erica had been longing for, and they weren’t alone

in their anticipation.

Never in her wildest dreams did Evadne expect to witness Elspeth standing trial.

Regardless of the outcome, the very fact that this day had come was a source of deep

contentment for her.

“Justice shines bright; karma never misses its mark. Elspeth’s misdeeds are countless, she

will receive the fate she deserves,” murmured Suri, who clutched Myra’s hand with a

reassuring softness, though her gaze upon the defendant was icy and piercing./

Evadne overheard the chatter of the three ladies behind her. Far from feeling relieved, she

was more burdened and anxious than ever before. This was the final showdown, no

turning back.

She wasn’t after a decade, two, or even a lifetime of Elspeth behind bars.

Evadne wanted the death penalty. A life for a life.

Every furrow of Evadne’s brow, every faint smile, tugged at Thaddeus’s heartstrings. He

quickly sensed her anxiety and reached for her cool, pale hand, his fingers weaving

through hers in a reassuring clasp.

“Evadne, stay calm, don’t fret. We have to trust Jason, trust Arnold. We will win this

battle,” he whispered, locking eyes with her, his own deep and mesmerizing. Her restless

heart began to settle.

“Didn’t you say you had an important meeting at the corporation today, Cassius? Why are

you here? They can manage without you, right?” Aaron asked with a look of surprise.

“It’s fine, Dad’s holding down the fort.”

Cassius’s eyes softened with affection as he glanced at his little sister sitting in the front

row, “I said I couldn’t rest easy not being here for Evadne, fearing any unforeseen

incidents. So, I followed her here.”

“Cassius, you’re spoiling Evadne as if she’s your daughter.”

Aaron sighed sincerely, his gaze lingering on the perfectly matched figures of Evadne and

Thaddeus, his emotions complex, “But we, as her brothers, might find ourselves with

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fewer chances to be by her side. Evadne now has a guardian angel to cherish her for life,

and soon, she won’t need us anymore.”

“A woman grows up and leaves the nest. Since Evadne’s eighteenth birthday, I’ve been

prepared for the day she wouldn’t need me,” Cassius said, a tinge of bittersweetness in

his heart at the thought of his sister’s joyous moments, but no jealousy, just a heartfelt

blessing, “Actually, it’s quite alright. She’s found someone to entrust her life to, and we old

knights can finally step back

with honor.”

As the plaintiffs, defense attorneys, and prosecutors took their seats, the courtroom

chatter subsided.

Jason and Cedric stood on opposite sides, tension palpable.

“Go, Jason, you got this,” Nydia murmured, sitting next to her mother, her gaze intense

and fixed on Jason’s commanding presence, her back straight, nerves taut.

Arnold, in his crisp uniform, strode to his seat with a decisive air, his sharp features

exuding an authoritative presence that filled the room.



Chapter 578

“Oh my gosh, look at him!”

Aviana was swooning over Arnold, “Arnold looks so dashing in court! If all prosecutors were

as handsome as him, I’d find excuses to come here all the time!”

Myra and Nydia exchanged glances.

Suri’s forehead creased with exasperation, “You’re married, can you act a bit more

mature? The prosecutor’s office isn’t a dating service.”

Arnold, feeling the weight of his role as prosecutor to seek justice for the victims and

uphold the state’s case, swept his gaze over the audience. When he saw his family there,

even his battle–hardened heart felt a warm surge of support.

Just then, as the courtroom doors were about to close, a slender figure slipped in.

Arnold’s gaze, which was about to retreat, was captured once more, this time by the sight

of Camille, dressed in an understated khaki suit, taking a seat in the quiet corner of the

back row. Her face was partly hidden by dark sunglasses, making it difficult for Arnold to

read her expression or to know if she was watching him.

But even so, he felt his blood ignite, boil, and leap with an invincible force.

As the doors opened again, two officers escorted Elspeth into the courtroom, her wrists

shackled, her prisoner’s jumpsuit a stark contrast to the room. Ward was brought in

alongside her.

Elspeth shot Ward a venomous glare, but her eyes brimmed with tears when she looked at

Frederic, the perfect picture of a

damsel in distress.