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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

Evadne really wished she could morph into Aviana’s pet crocodile, Rudi, and maul that annoying man

Thaddeus to bits!

They’d been married for three years, but they’d always slept in separate rooms. Thaddeus had never

even held Evadne’s hand. Now, after their divorce, he was suddenly all over her. Evadne bet even the

crocodile wouldn’t want to bite him.

Because, frankly, that man was a da mn creep.

Thaddeus felt a sudden pang in his heart, as if it had cracked.

Just then, a Porsche pulled up in front of them, and Gordon hurriedly leaped out and ran over.

“Mr. Thaddeus!”

“Are you out of your mind, Mr. Thaddeus? You should’ve gone straight to the hospital after that serious

car accident! Why are you acting like you don’t care about your own life?”

“I’m fine,” said Thaddeus, struggling to keep his eyes open but still failing to see Evadne clearly in front

of him. “And you’re the crazy one.”

Evadne was stunned! It dawned on her why Thaddeus had arrived so late today, why he seemed off,

why he couldn’t even hold a pen steady.

Turned out he’d been in a car accident!

“Thaddeus, you should’ve gone to the hospital after the accident! Do you think being handsome makes

you invincible? Have you thought about possible internal injuries? If you delay treatment, you could end

up paralyzed!” Evadne yelled, filled with concern.

Thaddeus was silent for a moment, then said, “Didn’t you always want me to leave? If I go to the

hospital, the divorce will be postponed. Is that what you want?”

Evadne was taken aback, then gave a cold laugh, “Of course not. Guess I should thank you, then.”


Hearing the affectionate call, Evadne swiftly turned around.

Two black luxury cars were parked there.

Cas sius and Arnold, looking dashing in their suits, stood in front of the cars. Arnold even held a bunch

of beautiful red roses. They were both smiling at her.

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“Cas sius! Arnold!” Evadne ran towards them with a beaming smile.

Thaddeus felt a pang of bitterness.

He used to wait outside the Ashbourne family’s house while the family members inside enjoyed their

family bliss. He could only endure the cold outside.

It was so da mn pathetic.

He didn’t know whether to hate himself for being stu pid or Evadne for deceiving him.

“Why are you guys here?” Evadne looked at Cas sius’s hand, her eyes full of concern. “Cas sius, you

should be resting at home. Why did you follow?”

“I’m not so weak and I’m already better,” Cas sius rea**ured her. “Today is an important day for you and

for us too. We weren’t there when you got married, but this time, we’ll be with you.”

“Thank you, guys.” Evadne said, moved.

“Congratulations, Evadne! You’re finally free from the Abernathy family, and you can live your own life!”

Arnold happily handed her the roses.

“Thank you, Arnold!” Evadne took the flowers, inhaling the sweet fragrance.

Arnold’s voice was too loud, and his disdain for the Abernathy family was obvious.

Thaddeus’s face looked as if it had been run over by a car, so ugly it was hard to look at.

From another luxury car, Suri, Myra, and Aviana all got out, smiling and walking over to surround


“Why are you all here?” Evadne was so thrilled that she was close to tears.

“Duh, how could we not be?” Aviana gave her a big hug.

“Evadne, Emeric wanted to come too, but his presence might draw too much attention.” Suri explained


“I understand,” Evadne said with an understanding smile.

Seeing his ex-wife surrounded and loved by her family, Thaddeus felt an unbearable pain.

In the past three years, he hadn’t given her even a fraction of all this love, but why did she insist on

staying with him, enduring his coldness and cruelty?

He was desperate for an answer and on the verge of going mad.

“It’s Myra! The retired movie queen, Myra!” Gordon gaped at the still stunningly beautiful Myra and

said, “I’d kill for her autograph! My mom is a fan!”

Thaddeus shot him a cold look and said, “Back to the office!”

However, the next second. Thaddeus finally couldn’t hold on any longer and pa**ed out.

‘Mr. Thaddeus!”

When Thaddeus woke up, he found himself lying in a hospital bed.

“Evadne.” As soon as he regained consciousness, her name was the first thing out of his mouth.

“You’ve injured your right wrist and have a mild concussion. There are also some blood clots in your

skull, but it’s not a big deal.”

Evadne was standing with her back to the window, her silhouette breathtakingly beautiful against the


While Thaddeus was unconscious, Gordon had told Evadne about the car accident.

Gordon said Thaddeus hadn’t slept all night. When he saw Thaddeus in the morning, the room was

filled with smoke, making him dizzy.

“Mr. Thaddeus probably didn’t get a good night’s rest and fainted while driving. Or maybe his headache

acted up, affecting his driving.”



Chapter 114

Evadne knew how painful Thaddeus’s headaches could be. He rarely drove himself because of it over

the years.

Not sleeping, heavy smoking, not going to the hospital even after getting injured. Who the hell was

Thaddeus trying to impress?

Well, Acacia might be impressed. But she certainly wasn’t buying it!

Evadne’s eyes were cold as she said indifferently, “Take care of yourself; I’m leaving.”

With that. Evadne strode towards the door.

“Evadne! Stop!”

Seeing her still resolute in leaving. Thaddeus was filled with desperation and, disregarding his own

condition, got off the bed to chase after her.

Just as Evadne’s hand had gripped the doorknob, the man suddenly moved closer, his strong arms

bracing the door panel. His towering figure was like a prison cage, trapping her in the shadows.

“Are you nuts? What the heck are you trying to do?” Evadne retorted, both startled and angry.

“Give me an answer, and I’ll let you go.” Thaddeus stared at her, his voice a bit dark. “Why did you

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marry me back then?”

“Like there’s a ton of reasons!”

Evadne lifted her foot, looking like she was about to kick him.

But the next second, her restless leg was trapped by Thaddeus’s knee, and she couldn’t move, only

being able to bite her lip in anger.

Although she was somewhat capable, against Thaddeus, a top student from the military academy, she

was simply no match!

“Evadne, I just want the truth; is that so hard?”

“Is it enough if I tell you I married you because I was out of my mind? Get off me! I’m going to scream!”

Thaddeus didn’t budge, clearly unsatisfied with her answer.

At that moment, the door was violently pushed open from the outside.

Suddenly, Evadne was forcefully pushed away, falling into Thaddeus’s arms.

The man reacted quickly, his arms tightly wrapping around her waist and his palm pressing on her

lower belly.

Her waistline seemed even more exquisite than he had imagined.

His throat bobbed, inner turmoil igniting.

Evadne’s breathing became chaotic in an instant, with a tingling sensation spreading from her waist

throughout her body.

“Mr. Thaddeus! Mrs. Abernathy?”

Gordon stood there dumbfounded, his imagination wasn’t enough to comprehend what they were


Evadne took the opportunity to break free from Thaddeus’s hold, lifting her sharp, high-heeled shoe to

stomp him hard, but the man’s reaction was astonishingly fast, and he dodged.

She didn’t get her way, but she found a chance to escape, disappearing from the ward in a flash.

“Mrs. Abernathy ran away, should we chase her back?” Gordon swallowed nervously.

Thaddeus’s look was like he was about to eat someone alive.

Did he pick the wrong time to come?

Thaddeus clenched his fist, squinted his eyes, and said angrily, “Go back to HR and sign your own

penalty form; and bonus are all cut!”
