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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2414
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A few minutes later, Avery's face was filled with disbelief and shock. She immediately found Melvin's number and made a call to


"Is there something you need, President Tate?" Melvin was slightly surprised to receive a call from her. "Have you eaten?"

"Melvin, | just saw your proposal and saw that you want to hire a spokesperson, which is fine by me, but why do you have to

choose Eric out of all people? Don't you know he's my friend? If we reach out to him, he's definitely not going to take any money

from us."

A few years ago, there had been a crisis in the Tate Industries and Eric had chosen to reshis job as an idol to support Tate

Industries; not only did he write a song over the Tate Industries’ drones, he even reviewed the drones on a video he posted on

social media.

After that, Tate Industries had collaborated with Eric and Eric refused to accept any payment.

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Avery knew how much Eric's effort was worth, and she refused to take advantage of him.

"President Tate, | know that you are friends with him. Close friends, at that. But let's be logical here. Eric Santos has the influence

and popularity like no other idols. If we can get him to work with us, our sales will double or even more." Melvin was merely

viewing the matter from a business point of view.

Though Avery understood that, she could not get herself to accept it.

"The influence of our products in the market is equivalent to his influence in show business. Who else should we hire?" Melvin


Avery was not certain if she felt like crying or laughing. "Melvin, you don't have to praise our products to that extent. It's not good

to be too arrogant."

"I'm simply stating a fact, President Tate. If you don't want to talk to Eric, | can do it."

"What's the difference, Melvin? It's not like Eric doesn't know I've returned to Tate Industries. You are puttingin a very difficult

position." Avery felt a sharp pain in her head.

"If you are only worried about him not accepting any payment, | can convince him. As long as he is compensated for his service,

you are okay with it, right?" Melvin did not wish to give up on his proposal. "lI will find a way to convince him."

Avery rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Letthink. You don't have to represent Tate Industries if we are really doing this. | already

know him and if | let you do the talking, it would look like I feel guilty or something."

"You don't have to overthink this, President Tate. If you feel conflicted, you can show my proposal to your husband and get his

opinion on this. | believe he will make the right choice." Melvin was confident with his proposal, and with Elliot as well.

As a successful businessman, Elliot would never let his personal feelings get involved in making any business decision; when

something was beneficial to the company, Elliot would never be as hesitant and indecisive as Avery.

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"Sure. I'll ask him about it later." Avery decided to get a second opinion from Elliot.

"Letknow once you have."


"But you can tellabout it tomorrow if it gets too late at night. | don't want your husband to misunderstand."

Avery chuckled. "Relax, Melvin, Elliot will not misunderstand."

"Why?" He asked sincerely. "Is it because I'm ugly?"

Avery burst into laughter.

"Oh, | need to go for dinner now. Letknow if you need anything. You can reachany tbefore twelve at night."