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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2409
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"Miss. Tate already askedabout that. | said that | didn't have any expectation in particular so you can just offer with the lowest

wage you have."

"The minimum salary for this position would be three to four thousand, so we are going to offer you three thousand at first. Once

you pass the probation, you will get a raise. We do an appraisal every half a year depending on your performance."

"Thank you! That salary is considered quite high already. I'm happy with it. I'll work hard." Juliet was overwhelmed by different

emotions. She was happy that the interview went so smoothly, surprised because Avery accepted her despite her lack of

experience, concerned because she didn't know if she could fulfill her duty well, and worried if she could find the truth of the

Goulds Family's downfall.

In the afternoon, Natalie walked out of her apartment with a bag of trash on her way to a salon for a haircut.

Two minutes later, she noticed that she was being followed.

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It was during the day and though the weather was slightly cloudy, there were cars and passer-by everywhere on the streets, so she

wasn't afraid. She made a sharp turn in the alley ahead and the man who was following her went into the alley as well.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" She roared.

The man was wearing a mask, but she could tell that he did not expect Natalie to confront him.

"Are you working for Elliot?" Natalie took a guess. "I don't think I've done anything."

"You are a smart woman, Ms. Jennings. | won't beat around the bushes. You crossed Mr. Foster before, so it's only natural that he

has someone keeping an eye on you," the man said.

"Oh... So it is him." She sighed a breath of relief. "I'm going to the salon. Are you coming along? | can pay for you."

"No. Go ahead and just ignore me." The man followed her to the salon.

"Tell Elliot that | intend on going back to Aryadelle because my parents are there. | have nothing left, so | won't try anything


"What do you plan to do now?"

"I'm falling ill and the doctor has askedto take more rest. I'll wait until next year to plan my future!" She said carelessly. "Your

job is to keep an eye on me? It's cold out there so | stay hall the time. Why don't you stay with me? That way, | have someone

to talk to. I'm bored out of my mind at home."

"..." The man was instantly rendered speechless.

Half an hour later, Holly received a text message from Natalie.

[Holly, Elliot's man is onto me. We shouldn't meet up for the tbeing. Let's talk through messages if you need to reach me.]

Holly did not live with Natalie, so she was not worried. As long as she stays away from Natalie, she should be safe.

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Still, she would have to be careful, as she knew better than to fully rely on Natalie.

After a few thoughtful moments, she swiftly gathered all her belongings and left the area she lived in.

She did not contact her landlord about it as she had already paid three months' worth of her rent along with one month worth of

deposit ahead of time; even if she was to mention to the owner that she was leaving, the owner would not give her money back

since the contract had not expired.

Since Natalie was being watched, it was not a good tfor her to alarm anyone.

At night, Natalie gave her a call.

"Holly, where are you now?" Natalie asked. "It's best that you move! | don't want Elliot's men to find you."

"I've already moved," Holly said calmly.

"That's great. I'm calling you to share sgood news," Natalie said cheerfully.