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His Eagle Eyes on Me

Chapter 2406
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"Yeah. | don't like anything related to the art of tea. My family forcedto learn it and that's why | traveled overseas to complete

my education. | don't want to listen to them anymore," Juliet chatted with Avery, all the while focusing on her true intention.

Avery was unlike anything she had imagined before. From the looks of it, Avery did not appear to be a horrible person.

"Juliet, would it be okay forto ask about the scars on your wrist?" Avery had taken a few glanced at her wrists and realized that

they were marks of attempted suicide.

Juliet had not expected Avery to pay attention to her wrist and felt uncomfortable at the question. "I got into a huge fight with my

family when | decided to cto Aryadelle to study. My father didn't wantto study abroad," she said calmly. "Sometimes,

there's a price to pay when you want something. These were my prices in exchange for my freedom."

Avery nodded, imagining the scene of Juliet cutting her own wrist.

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"I sympathize with it, but that seems a bit extreme. You only get to live once and if something goes wrong, it's all going to be over."

As a doctor, Avery instinctively hated the idea of suicide.

"l wouldn't have done it if | had another choice," Juliet said warily as she recalled what had happened in the past.

"How's your relationship with your family now?" Avery asked.

"Better." Thinking that it might concern Avery, Juliet explained, "they mainly mind their own businesses nowadays."

"That's great. | have one other question. When you decided to study abroad, why did you choose Aryadelle out of all the other

countries? Do you know someone here, or was it because of sother considerations?" Avery asked, before taking a sip of water

from her glass.

Juliet lowered her gaze and answered steadily, "lI chose Aryadelle because it's far enough from my home, but not too far. | don't

know if you can understand how | feel. If I'm too close to home, I'm worried that my parents would try to control me, but | love

them and want to be able to go hwhenever | want as well."

Avery could sympathize. "What's your expected salary?"

"I'm a fresh graduate with no previous experience. If you are willing to givea chance, | don't care how much | get," Juliet said


"Speaking of, | have one more question. Before you submit your resto the Sterling Group, have you read through the

requirements of the position?" Concerned that she might intimidate Juliet, Avery purposely spoke with a cheerful smile.

Juliet smiled. "I guess | am too young to be afraid! | read online that one can learn a lot of things if they can get into Sterling Group,

so | took a leap of faith."

"They do have stricter requirements because they receive a lot of applications, whereas there's only one position open, so they

have plenty of candidates to choose from."

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"Miss. Tate, | believe there are a lot of people applying to your company as well, right? Tate Industries is a powerful enterprise as

well and if | knew that you are hiring an assistant as well, | would have submitted an application here, too."

Juliet started to guess her chance of being accepted, as she could not tell what Avery was thinking from her attitude.

Avery was polite and gentle to the point that it felt as though she had taken a liking in Juliet, but Juliet knew that people like Avery

were sociable, so she could not figure out what Avery was truly thinking.

"Yes. We've received quite a lot of applications as well because one click on the inteand you would know that Elliot is our

major shareholder. If one couldn't get into the Sterling Group, entering Tate Industries is a rather good alternative as well."

Juliet nodded. "Miss. Tate, you are different from what | pictured. | did sresearch on what recruiters would often ask and others

usually ask the applicants if they can accept working overtime, if they can adapt to an intensive work schedule, if they are married

and if they plan on having a child in the next two years."