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Guardian-In-Law by Five Generals

Chapter 361
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Chapter 361 Fired

“Ms. Pamela, when Mr. White moved the company back to Lilyrose, you were just a fresh grad looking

for a job. He took you in even when you didn’t have related work experience and he helped you a lot in

your career. How can you just forget about that?

“When Mr. White’s wife, Winnie, was pregnant, you tried to sedu White but got turned down. Mr. White

showed you mercy becaus were still young and transferred you to another branch so that hi wife

wouldn’t suspect anything. He saved your career as well could you forget that?!”

Megan’s expression turned grim as she glared at Sophie who fire shots like a machine gun.

Her dark past was displayed on the table, exposed for everyone to see and hear, yet she had no words

to argue back.

Sophie then switched her attention to Gino.

“Mr. Hebrew, you were one of the pioneers of the company but we all know you were not capable

enough to keep up with the company’s expansion, yet you still embezzled money from the company.

“Mr. White didn’t kick you out for old time’s sake and transferred you to a branch that required less of

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you. Yet you badmouthed him behind his back and he still didn’t do anything to you even when he

heard it!

“Before Shangrila went bankrupt, you stayed and didn’t betray the company because you were not

even capable of doing that!”

Gino was infuriated.

Sophie went on to criticize every other executive in the room.

Before Shangrila Group went bankrupt, she was one of the members

of the board. She knew every other member’s dark past and their


It was also why Megan gave her a hard time using her position.

Sophie’s growl echoed across the room.

“All of you only remember how Mr. White drove the company to bankruptcy but never the good things

he did!

“It’s not even Mr. White’s fault, or Kaze’s fault. It’s because t three families wanted to annex Shangrila

Group. They were g and they already had their eyes on the company for a long time

“You dared not criticize the top three families and shifted all the blame on the deceased and his good

friend who had a mental disability!”


In the end, Sophie shouted, “Every single one of you is afraid of the higher power but never seems to

be afraid of bullying the weak!”

More than twenty executives of the company were being criticized mercilessly by a girl.

All of them were furious as they glared at Sophie. If their gazes could kill, Sophie would have died ten

thousand times over.

“Sophie Song, you little bitch! I’ll slap your mouth off your face!”

Gino bolted up angrily and raised his hand at Sophie.

She was stunned. Her face turned pale as her mind went blank.


Right before Gino’s hand could touch Sophie, a strong hand ceased his wrist and stopped him.

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“If you hit her, I will break you,” Kaze said grimly and he tossed the man’s hand away.


Gino rubbed his painful wrist as he stared at Kaze. He dared not choose violence anymore.

Sophie regained her composure and looked uneasily at Megan and the others.

The small conflict pulled her out of her angry trance.

It was like a bucket of cold water diminishing the flame of her, and fear took over.

She got so carried away with her anger that she scolded Mega all the executives, and before she knew

it, she offended every

the room.

“Sophie, you are just a team leader. This isn’t a place for you to ra your voice…”

When the executives finally reacted, they lashed out at Sophie as


“Sophie, you are fired! You don’t need to come back tomorrow onward!” Megan said coldly.

She was the HR deputy director and Sophie’s direct superior, so she had the right to fire the girl.

“It’s over. My mother is still in the hospital and now I just lost my job

Sophie’s expression turned pale. The sudden gush of sorrow made her tear up.