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Guardian-In-Law by Five Generals

Chapter 212
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Chapter 212 Who Are You?

The candidates stopped and turned around to Darcy.

“Darcy Quint? I heard she was accused by her friend and now cleared her name.”

“I heard the banks targeted her and withheld the loans to take revenge on her. She’s forced to a dead

end and still able to save the company. She’s really a capable leader. Let’s hear what she has to say.”

Even though they were still upset, they were willing to give a chance to Darcy for her reputation.

“Thank you. I will provide everyone with a satisfactory explanation.”

After she held the new applicants back, she turned to Dean and the


She bellowed, “Dean, you left the company in the face of a crisis and we compensated you for

everything. We owed you nothing and now you came to ruin our hiring process? What are you trying to


The new applicants finally knew what happened.

Dean and the former employees were no longer part of Quintessential Group and they were here to

cause problems.

How shameless! How disgusting!

Dean and the former employees were shocked. They thought they could take advantage of Darcy but

she got a preemptive strike on them.

With just a few words, she took control of the situation and seized the moral high ground.

Dean immediately feigned a pitiful look and said, “Ms. Quint, we were


Chapter 211 Ungrateful

Dean Anstar, the HR director, who was the first to resign.

Behind him were former executives and employees who resigned with him.

They learned that Quintessential Group had overcome the crisis and got more than two billion worth of

investment from different major companies.

They regretted leaving the company.

The Group would surely rise to prominence and expand rapidly. The employees of the company would

also enjoy all kinds of benefits, so when they heard the company was hiring again, they came back.

Unfortunately, there were too many candidates.

The normal employees got anxious. They were afraid their original positions would be taken, so they

teamed up with Dean and the other executives to force other candidates to leave.

Dean was smart as well.

As a traitor, he knew his odds of returning to Quintessential were slim, but if he could get several

former employees on his side, then he

would have the leverage to negotiate with Darcy.

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Therefore, he revealed his former identity and cut the line.

“He’s the former HR director of the company? If we want in, we must go through him. We cannot get on

his bad side!”

The new applicants immediately opened up a path for him.

Dean and the former employees then strutted in like kings.


The other new applicants were frustrated when they saw the former HR director lead the former

employees to cut the line.

The former employees and executives under Dean’s lead even

mocked the new candidates.

“We are the company’s ex-employees. We will get hired back. You

guys can go back where you came from!”

“Yeah! We are close with Mr. Anstar, so there’s no chance for all of you. Get out!”

The applicants dared not defy him and because of him, their impression of Quintessential Group turned


If the former HR director led the former employees to cut the line,

then the company must have a poor work culture.

“I didn’t expect the company to have such a poor culture! I’m out!”

“Yeah. With our resume, we can get a high-paying job anywhere! We

won’t take this!”

“Two billion of investment, so what? Quintessential Group is going to

die soon!”

A number of applicants turned to walk away.

Dean and the former employees were delighted that their plan worked.

They did it on purpose.

If they did not eliminate the competition, they could never get back into the company.

As for the company’s image being ruined by their filthy tricks, they did

not care.

They came back because of the benefits.

If the company went bankrupt one day, they would leave again without hesitation. They did it before

and could do it again.


“Ms. Quint, Dean and the former employees are all back. They cut the line and forced the applicants


Meanwhile, in the office, Riley entered Darcy’s office hurriedly to inform her of the situation.

Darcy slammed her table angrily when she learned what happened.

“Those shameless bastards. What do they think this company is?”

She compensated Dean and the former employees when they left and did not plan to hold them

responsible for abandoning the company.

She wanted to end the working relationship on a good note but then they took advantage of her and

disrespected the company.

She went downstairs immediately and saw the new applicants walking away, complaining about the

poor working culture of the


She was infuriated but she suppressed her anger as anger could not solve problems.

She raised her voice, “New applicants, hold on! Don’t leave just yet!! am the CEO of Quintessential

Group. Please believe in us! The work culture here is not like that!”


Chapter 212 Who Are You?

The candidates stopped and turned around to Darcy.

“Darcy Quint? I heard she was accused by her friend and now cleared

her name.”

“I heard the banks targeted her and withheld the loans to take revenge on her. She’s forced to a dead

end and still able to save the company. She’s really a capable leader. Let’s hear what she has to say.”

Even though they were still upset, they were willing to give a chance. to Darcy for her reputation.

“Thank you. I will provide everyone with a satisfactory explanation.”

After she held the new applicants back, she turned to Dean and the


She bellowed, “Dean, you left the company in the face of a crisis and we compensated you for

everything. We owed you nothing and now you came to ruin our hiring process? What are you trying to


The new applicants finally knew what happened.

Dean and the former employees were no longer part of Quintessential Group and they were here to

cause problems.

How shameless! How disgusting!

Dean and the former employees were shocked. They thought they could take advantage of Darcy but

she got a preemptive strike on


With just a few words, she took control of the situation and seized the moral high ground.

Dean immediately feigned a pitiful look and said, “Ms. Quint, we were


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thought the company was done for and we have a family to feed, we cannot just lose our jobs, that’s

why we left!”

“Yeah! Ms. Quint!”

The other executives did the same and started to beg for mercy.

They made it sound like they were forced to leave the company, so Darcy should show compassion

and take them back.

However, Darcy scoffed, “Really? That’s not what you said when you threw your resignation letters in

my face. You took advantage of the

situation and even threatened to sue me.”

She was prepared for this. She told Riley to play the footage of Dean. and the others resigning on the

big screen.

Their ugly sides were exposed instantly.

Dean’s expression turned bitter.

Darcy preempted this!

He never knew Darcy was this sharp and smart back then.

To the former executives, Darcy had always been the unfortunate girl who was tasked to clean up the

mess for the Quint family, so they

never took her seriously.

Dean knew he could not pretend any longer, so he cut to the chase. and said, “Ms. Quint, we want our

positions back. We are pioneers of the company, and without us, the company can’t operate properly!”

The others echoed in agreement.

Darcy grunted and said, “No! I will never let you people come back to the company!”

No matter what Dean and the others said, she would never allow


“No? Who do you think you are?” questioned an aged voice.

Master Quint and the extended family came strutting in.

“Mr. Chairman!”

Dean and the others were delighted.

Darcy frowned. “Grandfather, they abandoned the company when we needed them most and took

advantage of us. I do not trust them. Since we have many new applicants here, we can hire new blood

to expand the company. It’s better than to rehire these ingrates!”

Dean immediately went over to Master Quint and begged, “Mr. Chairman, don’t believe her! Before you

came, she eagerly raised the salary of the current employees and made some of them chiefs of


“Darcy is trying to fill the office with her people so she can control the entire company, so for sure she

won’t let us back, because we are loyal to you, not her!”