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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 88
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Jax POV:
Nova briefly disappears to organise drinks and food to be brought to the private
lounge on our floor leaving me with Alex and Luna Ophelia.
“So this was a surprising visit” I say to them as they look at me with wide smiles.
“As soon as we felt her power Alex became restless, he was about to call the council when elder Martin reached out. Alex was
too impatient to call you and thought the best idea was to just head here straight away” Ophelia says with humour as she looks
at her mate. “Learning she was your mate was a lovely surprise though I have to
“Why don’t they sense Kingsley?” Zeus asks me suddenly.
“I think it’s part of his protection by the Moon Goddess perhaps, it’s worth looking into “I reply to him.
“Do you realise how incredible it is to have a Guardian Wolf alive in our lifetime?” Alex
asks us with amazement.
“Elder Martin didn’t say she was my mate?” I check.

“No, he said she resided in your pack and that was enough for me, he said you’d be
reaching out as you had a problem anyway and I thought to hell with it, we are
coming to you” he says with a shrug.
“Well I’m glad you have” I sigh, “there is a lot going on and a lot we still don’t
“Alpha? Can I have a quick word?” Axel calls as he knocks on the door.
“Yes come in Axel” I shout before he opens the door and freezes at the sight before

“Alpha King, Lady Ophelia it’s an honour” he says bowing low. “I’m sorry I’ve been in the office I appear to have missed you
“Hello Axel” Alex says stretching out his hand for him to shake.
Teksasi sight, moattendic
Figmes News” he says sal in stool. 7 socke I. Ecer Marin and he has further
interrogated Or Nomen. Omy Chares and Carbine ever tac trackers instaled, ther
were designed by Dr Nomon so he has provided us with information on them. So we
don’t need to work about Parman

That’s good to hear I say with relief
“Theres more.” Axel says with excitement. “Dir Norton has ever so kindly provided the
derals of the tackars believe can find Charles
“Seriously?” I ask looking at hinin amazement
“Yes! I was going to deactivate Caroline’s but then I thought perhaps we could lead a faise trail to keep them busy for a few days.
I know this weekend would be good to go ahead with no problems” he says
Clicking my fingers par his shoulders in price, you are brilliant! Yes. Laurence is due
back in a couple of hours, once he’s back you can arrange with him a false trail for the
next few days. How long do you need to find Charles?
“Give me 3 hours, can I have permission to stay here and only Evan travel back to
Alba Henry’s pack and run the scheduled scout missions? I believe I could be of
more use here at the moment Alpha Henry has cleared it” he says eagerly.
“Most definitely” I agree. “So Evan will be participating in the 30 hour mission yes? Due back Sunday morning and will have time
to rest before the ceremony?”
“He will” Axel says confidently

“Then go ahead, go and organise that and I will come find you once I am done here. Thank you Axel, Nova will be very pleased”
I say with a grin which he returns. Bowing low to our guests he leaves with a spring in his step.
“Ceremony?” Alex asks with a mischievous gleam.
“Novas Luna Ceremony, and yes before you start you were to be invited. We only decided this morning to hold it in 3 days” I say
rolling my eyes at him.
“Oh good..I do love a party” he smirks before Nova glides back into the room.
“Refreshments will be here shortly” she says softly.