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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 61
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Nova POV:
“Do you think we are doing the right thing?” I ask Luca and Jax as we pull away.
“I mean the hunters will know I am going to see the council with them having 3 feeding them information. They will know that
they failed in taking Florence and I doubt they will just give up, they will be scheming surely” i worry. “What about the pack? What
if they use this time as one to attack?”
“I know Nova..f uck” Jax exclaims quietly as we drive away.
“I understand your concerns. But i also know that despite you both not being there. the pack is in good hands. You have a Beta
with Alpha Blood leading, you have twin Alphas there for added strength, your dad is a Guardian Wolf. I’ve seen you fight Nova,
if he’s anything like you then they will regret if they do attack. Plus you have. Sophie who can fight like hell, as well as how many
elite warriors? Not to mention the previous Alpha and Luna’ Luca points out.
“Over 200 elite warriors including ex elite who are at the age to still fight, then we have almost 1200 others who can fight” Jax
admits. “I had Evan call them all in so the pack is closer together, no one is staying remote or any further than 3 miles from the
pack house. Theo is also returning this evening along with Florence. She is being escorted by warriors from my uncles pack and
he has stated that he can be
contacted to assist if any situation requires it.”
“I actually think we are more in danger than your pack” Luca admits. “If they have 150
hunters then they could easily be taken out by that many wolves, it would be idiotic of
them to attack.”
“And what if they do have witches helping?” I ask nervously.
“Well know Florence said she was certain only 2 took her and I believe her, but the
extraction report states they killed 9 hunters, they must have been waiting in the
vehicles. So I’m not ruling out witches being involved in actually taking Florence
especially after the whole Rose fiasco. Maybe it was a need to know basis on your
grandfathers end” Jax points out.


“Even then I doubt they would attack your pack, they wouldn’t have that many
witches to help Lu
assures us. “Us on the other hand” he frets.
“We are walking into a situation that is not ideal” I admit.
“The council approves of using witches when necessary, it could even have been the traitors suggestion” Jax muses.
“True” I sigh. “Well we won’t know until we get to this s**t show.”
Hearing a splutter of laughter from Jax and Luca I smirk, “what?” I ask innocently.
“s**t show” Laurence laughs.
“Would you have preferred me refer to it as a bonding experience?” I ask with at giggle.
“Fair enough sis” Luca chuckles grinning at me in the mirror.
Settling in we continue our journey for the next hour and a half talking comfortably amongst ourselves as we try to keep our
nerves at bay. Pulling up to the gates to the council building I look at the two men who mean the world to me.
“Whatever happens in there, we are in it together” I say to them with a comforting smile which they both return.
“Always” they chorus.
Pulling up I see two elders waiting for us outside the doors with expressionless. faces. Jax parks the car and jumps out before
opening my door and offering me his hand. Walking up to the council men with Jax beside me and Luca close behind I
ensure a relaxed smile is on my face.
“Hello gentlemen” I say politely bowing my head in respect.

“Nova” they say stiffly back to me.
“Luna Nova” Jax says with a light growl, his wolf offended for his mate.
“Our apologises..Luna Nova” Elder Frost corrects before welcoming Jax and Luca. “If you could all follow me I will show you to
your rooms. Luna Nova you will be staying
on the 2nd floor, Alpha Jax, Beta Luca you will both be in your respective rooms on
the 3rd floor.”
O With a laugh I look at them, “I will be staying with my mate councillors” I inform them.
“You agreed to stay in your own room when visiting” the other whose name I don’t

know pipes up.
Shrugging I smile at them innocently, “true. I did agree that when I visited with my CHOSEN mate I would stay in a separate
room as ridiculous a request as it was. But I made no such agreement when it came to my fated. So Elder Frost if you could
show us all to the 3rd floor we would be most grateful.”
Seeing them struggle for words they both stiffly nod their heads before gesturing
“Can I request to know why I was still expected to stay in a separate room?” I ask as
we walk.
“To control your anger” Elder Frost says coldly.
“I haven’t struggled with my anger since I was 12 years old and that was through no fault of my own if I have to remind you,
anyway..being around my fated would calm. that so called anger if it was a true issue wouldn’t it” I point out.
With clenched jaws they say nothing until we reach the 3rd floor rooms, as they hold the doors open for us to walk in I pause
directly in front of them both as I take a deep. breath. “Strange..it’s almost as if you wanted me to be alone, to not have my mater
there for me, or my brother” I murmur whilst at looking in their eyes.

I can assure you Luna Nova that is not the case” Frost says as he struggles to
maintain eye contact.
“Well Elder, if your eyes didn’t give you away then your scent does..you reek of lies” I hiss as I step forward. Seeing panic flare in
his eyes I c**k my head at him, “now I just
need to now why” I muse.
Pausing for a moment as I study them I step back before smiling lazily. “If you’ll
excuse us, we would like to freshen up, we will be done shortly.” With that I close our
door on their shocked faces and breathe a sigh of relief.
“Weird” Jax comments.
“They don’t want you near me because they think you increase my strength, both physically and me ntally” I explain as I head
towards the bathroom.
and so they are
sont me
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