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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 48
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Nova POV:
“You’re awake” I exclaim surprised as we walk back into Flos room.
“Uhh she mumbles as her eyes scrunch in pain.
“Don’t talk, just rest” I instruct before turning to look at Theo.
“How did it go?” He asks before I have chance to speak.
“Good, my uncle is a fair man and is understanding of what we can say about the situation” Jax answers calmly as he keeps his
attention on Flo.
‘Do you have the strength to mindlink?” He asks quietly.
“Jax..” I mutter knowing we have to ask but wanting my sister to rest. He turns to me with an apologetic look in his eyes but
before he can say anything more Flo links us.
“I’ll say what I can about the attack but I will need to rest after, I’m exhausted and the pain medicine will kick in again soon
making me sleep” she explains.
“You sure you’re up for it?” I link her quietly.
“Yes” she replies back confidently.
“Ok I have a few questions but the rest we can go over in the next few days” Jax
starts. “First what happened?”
“Andrew and I were out running, we’ve been so busy with border patrol and training that we haven’t had much time together
recently. I suggested we go for a run whilst we both had some time free as it was the last time we would be able to before going
away with Theo and Alice” she explains. “We always shift at that clearing and as we arrived i commented how it felt too quiet,
there were no sounds of wildlife around us or anything it was quite eerie. The next thing i know Andrew is falling over and blood
is seeping everywhere, I call his name and before I reach him I feel a sting in my neck, I’m positive I heard someone mutter
about being quick as the scent masking was wearing off but it’s a bit fuzzy. I’m afraid after that it goes black. Next thing i know
I’m in the back of a van surrounded by hunters with weapons pointing at me.”
“Scent masking makes sense” I mutter quietly, “i couldn’t scent the humans until we

were basically at the clearing and with Kias senses increasing I should have been
able to scent them much earlier. It would also explain how they got into our territory
without being traced.”
“But how did they get into our territory so easily?” Theo asks. “Our border patrols are

tight so they must have had an extremely small window.”
“How many took you do you know?” Jax asks.
“I’m positive there were only 2 before I blacked out” Flo says.
“That’s not many” I say confused.
“Im sure that’s what I could sense but I know how unlikely it sounds” Flo says sadly.
“I don’t doubt you Flo, I just think there must be more to it that you didn’t have chance
to figure out before you were sedated” I reassure her.
“What happened in the van? Jax asks.
“Not much, again it wasn’t clear at all but I do know at first they were talking about
their leader being happy they had been successful and that they would be rewarded.
Umm I don’t know much else as I was in and out of consciousness until the van was
made to stop and the doors were literally ripped off” Flo explains. “I wasn’t sure who
was there and I thought at first it was you all so I tried to kick and fight my way out
but I couldn’t move my limbs. A man shouted to another that they had been compromised and to follow plan B, he then

proceeded to attack me with a knife I
think. Something was stabbing me I’m certain of it and then again I can’t remember
Reaching forward I k*ss her forehead as I stroke her hair softly, “I’m so sorry Flo’ I
whisper quietly.
“Plan B” Theo says confused.
“If they couldn’t take Flo then they intended to either kill her or harm her so much she
lost her wolf, I suspect the latter. If they wanted to kill her they could have shot her I
assume?” Jax asks looking at Flo for confirmation.
“I think so” she agrees quietly.

“Florence I’m not going to ask for anything more until you have some rest, but if you

do remember anything of importance then please contact us. I know the nurse said at first you may be disoriented and it could
take a little while to feel more like yourself. You are healing as a human at the moment as your wolf gains her strength” Jax says
giving her a small smile.
“I can’t feel her” she whispers sounding broken.
“She’s there Flo. She’s resting, I asked the nurse to get some blood samples so we
can figure out what you were given. Hearing that you can’t feel her makes me think you were given something that stops the
connection between your wolf and yourself but she will be back. The nurse thinks it could be another 24 hours before your wolf is
able to start healing you” I say stroking her hair comfortingly..
Seeing a tear roll down her face I hold back a s ob, “Flo I am so sorry” I whisper again
as her eyes flick to mine.
“Don’t ever apologise to me Nova, you saved Theo and me years ago and I will never forget that, what you’ve done for us far
outweighs this ordeal. Besides I would do the
same all over again for family” she links me sharply.
I nod slowly before looking away trying to stop my emotions for becoming
“How can I mindlink?” She asks confused.
“What?” I ask.
“If I can’t feel my wolf, how can I mindlink?” She asks again.

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“Well your wolf is there you just can’t sense her, but Nova can and as can I now and
most likely Theo can now as you’re family” Jax points out. “But even if that wasn’t the case you are part of our pack and would
maintain that link plus you are mated to a
wolf” Jax explains.
Hearing that Flos eyes flit to mine again with tears filling them quickly, “Andrew? Have
you heard any more? Theo has filled me in so far.”
“It was the first thing she asked me” Theo chuckles softly.
“Nova and I are going to head back to the pack shortly. We wish we could stay but I’m
sure you both understand we need to get back and organise things for the coming days. I’m not comfortable with our plans so we
need to figure out a way forward and
we need to reassure pack members. I’m sure everyone will be relieved to hear you are
doing better. I will call Laurence before we leave and ask about the latest update with

Andrew, but I’ll also make sure you are updated every few hours” Jax promises
“We also think as soon as you’re stable we should move you home, you and Andrew
will be quicker closer together with the help of the mate bond” I explain quietly
making relief food Fics features
Seerg her lids flutter as she fights sleep I rest my head against hers. “sleep Flo. Theo
will be right here’ I comfort her.
As we wait a few moments for Flos breathing to even out I continue to stroke her hair
as my mind races whilst I gaze at the injuries she has sustained because of me.
“2 humans doesn’t sound right Theo murmurs once we are sure Flo is sound asleep.
“Unless they weren’t only human” Jax says darkly.
“What are you thinking?” I ask him in confusion.
With a sign he looks at me with a pained expression. “to be honest I’m not sure. Even
with Flo secated in her human form it seems unlikely two humans were able to
extract her so quickly without alerting us.”
“But how did I only scent humans?” I ask confused.
“We need to speak to the tracker but we’ve heard about witches recently, do you think. it’s too far fetched for them to be
involved?” Jax points out.

“I have never heard of hunters teaming with anyone other than other human hunters” I say softly.
“But it doesn’t mean it’s impossible, Flo mentioned how she thought it was eerily
quiet that could be the effect of a spell” Theo says dejectedly.
“But what about during the time your uncle extracted her?” I wonder.
“They could have left by that point” Jax says with a shrug. “Your grandfather could be
growing desperate, he has been unsuccessful for many years.”
“True” I sigh. “Goddess why has life become so confusing.”
Seeing Jaxs face sadden momentarily I look at him before quietly asking through the mindlink “are you ok?”
He looks at me with an unreadable expression, “I should be asking you that.”
“But I’m asking you” I reply quickly.
“I just wish we could have had longer than one day to enjoy being mated before drama strikes. I don’t like us having so much to
deal with, I want you and I to enjoy. time together..in peace. I also am worried for the pack” he answers making my face
“At least we are doing it together, I wish I hadn’t brought so much drama to everyone’s lives as well. But I’ve come to realise we
need to put that to one side, the sooner we deal with all this the sooner we can enjoy our lives together” I say with determination.
Seeing him nod slightly at my mindlink he offers me a small smile, “I love you” he
replies simply.
“And I love you..my Alpha” I reply with a little wink to cheer him up, making him smile
slightly as we enjoy a few seconds of gazing at one another.
“Theo I hate to say this but we are going to have to rush back. I want to assure you Alpha Henry and my brothers will be here to
offer any support. Axel and Evan will be
returning with us after this week so please don’t hesitate to go to them if you need”
Jax says as he stands up.
Giving Flo one last k*ss on her forehead I turn to embrace a tired Theo, “get some rest
yourself” I instruct him with a stern look. “Flo will need you to look after yourself, if you need us we are only a phone call away
and we will keep you updated with everything” I assure him.
“Thank you both” Theo says with relief.
“See you soon” I whisper as Jax opens the door for me, with a nod of his head at hist
Gam ma we walk quietly out the door.

Hey everyone! Just a little update today as been out for a family day, but I will have 3/4 updates for you. to enjoy tomorrow? Get
ready for a big shock soon??