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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 41
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Nova POV:
Breakfast was a bit of a tense affair on my end, I tried to relax and engage in conversation with our families but my mind kept
wandering to what was to come.
“You ok Nova you seem a bit distracted this morning?” Luca asks me quietly.
Pausing for a moment I look around the table seeing everyone is busy eating. “Do you fancy going for a walk?” I ask turning to
look at him.
“Yeah why not, let’s go” he says before letting Sophie know he’ll be back shortly.
“I’m just going for a walk with Luca” I whisper to Jax as I stand. Seeing understanding in his eyes I smile softly at him before
“Thank you for breakfast everyone it was lovely, Luca and I are just going for a walk
we will be back soon” I say before we walk out the hall quietly.
As we head towards the forest I lead the way towards the lake where I know it will be quiet and I can calm my busy mind. “So
Caroline is coming to the pack this afternoon, Axton called and he has arranged the transfer. They will be attempting to wake her
in the morning I believe” I say to Luca as we take a seat by the lake.
“Ah..” he says as takes in what I’ve said. “How do you feel?”
“I’m not too sure if I’m honest, I know this has to be done and I’m happy that we are
starting the process of finding out more but I’m also apprehensive” I sigh as I watch
two butterflies dance together in the morning sun.
“I think you need to go in there with your boss like attitude, you’re a badas s Nova but
you’re also understanding, kind and patient they all level out perfectly. What you need to remember is that there is a very strong
possibility your mum may still be alive, I don’t want to say she is for definite as until we speak to the council we don’t know for
sure that it affects a human wolf mateship the same. But if there is a chance she is.
and that waking Caroline may help..then it needs to be done” he says with conviction.
“I know it needs to be done, doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll enjoy the outcome” I
mumble quietly.
1/4 .

Grasping my hand in his I see pain reflected in his eyes, “losing our parents was the
most difficult day in my entire life” he starts, “but you have the chance of finding your mum..I would do anything to have our mum
back. I would travel the entire world to
help her if necessary. You have to do this Nova.”

“I know” I smile gently at him, “I’m going to go through with it, there is no way I wouldn’t. I’m just trying to keep control of my
emotions. The amount of possible. outcomes it could lead to it increasing and it makes me nervous not knowing what is
coming” I tell him honestly.
“Don’t over think it, what did dad use to say..one step at a time. So..first we get Caroline here, secondly we try to wake her,
thirdly..we find out what she knows” Luca
tells me.
“Yes..you’re right” I whisper before going quiet for a moment.
“So..care to tell me about Sophie?” I ask chuckling as I see the love struck smile.
plastered on his face.
“She’s amazing, she’s intelligent, witty and absolutely stunning” he grins.
“She’s my sister, I mean surely some of those things run in the family” I joke.
“Oh goddess I’m going to have to make sure I now highlight that you’re my adopted sister and we share no blood relation. Can
you image the looks id get if I introduced you as my sister and I’m mated to yours” he groans.
Snorting out a laugh I shake my head at him, “that is a very good point. I for one. believe it’s all part of the moon Goddesses
plan..surely you being mates with my
sister means something.”
“And for this I think it’s your turn to be right. Either way I’m so glad I’ve finally met
her..I was beginning to lose hope” he admits quietly.
“I know” I murmur making him look at me in shock.

Shrugging I look out at the lake again before speaking,
I grew up with n your s you and can tell every emotion you have going on in those eyes of yours. Id see your face when there
would be new matings, you were happy of course you were, but you
couldn’t hide the pain from me.”
Laughing lightly he nodded, “I should have told you from the start.”

“You didn’t have to Luca. I had faith your mate would come, and I knew deep down you did to. Just the longer it took the further
down you buried that faith” I point out.
“Spot on. Who needs a therapist when you have a sister as observant as you” he
“What can I say, it’s just one of my talents” I laugh making him chuckle in response. Come on, I best say goodbye to Jaxs family
before they leave” I gesture towards the path standing up.
“You know I miss this” Luca says suddenly as we arrive back at the pack house.
“Me too, but this is life now. Jax said you’re welcome whenever” I remind him.
“But as a Beta I don’t get many opportunities to leave the pack, and now more than ever I need to be there to help Axton when I

get back. The council got back to me this
morning” he admits.
“Ah” I say not wanting to pry.
“We’ve been called in 4 days, Rose will be on trial then as Axton has said he cannot.
find the truth out without the risk of losing his temper” he explains.
“Well that’s mature of him..and correct” I agree. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“They may reach out to you, I named you as a witness and because of obvious reasons they will most likely want your version of
events. To be honest I don’t even know if it was a true mate bond” he shakes his head as he says that in disbelief.
“Well like Jax and I said, if you need us we will be there” I assure him.
“Thanks Nova” he says as we walk into the downstairs lounge.
“Hey..nice walk?” Jax asks as he stands to give me a quick hug.
“It was love, I feel better” I assure him seeing the question lingering in his eyes. As relief crosses his face he k*sses my temple
“I apologise for missing some of breakfast, with Luca meeting Sophie last night and me busy celebrating we didn’t get much time
to talk about..well anything really” I laugh lightly, “but I would love if you could come and join Jax and I for a private dinner in a
couple of days?” I ask his family.
Seeing them all smile in understanding his mother steps forward embracing me, “of course darling. We are looking forward to it.”
She assures me with a knowing smile.
“Thank you” I reply softly.
“That was a great idea” Jax whispers in my ear squeezing me softly.
“If you could excuse us, I’d like to speak to Laurence and Nova in private. It was lovely seeing everyone last night” Jaxs deep
voice says from behind me.
“Dad will we be seeing you soon?” I ask as we reach him by the door.
“I’m going to go back to my pack now but I’ll be returning in the morning. I’m aware of what’s happening later but I need to
ensure everything is ok at home. I’ve been away more than usual lately I don’t want to cause any issues” he explains..
“Of course, and Sophie?” I ask quietly.
“She will be staying here, I thought I may as well offer for her to stay here whilst Luca is visiting. It gives you the chance to spend
some time with her also” Jax announces
from beside me as my father smiles in approval.
“That’s wonderful” I say pulling Sophie in for a hug. “How about I meet you for some
“That would be perfect” she assures me.
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