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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 102
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Making Arrangements
Making Arrangements
Jax POV:
After greeting the first guests that have arrived I quickly shoot up to my office to give my uncle Henry a call. “Laurence where did
dad go?” I link him quickly.
“He’s at the lake house, got 4 wolves watching and monitoring his movements as didn’t know what he would do. Seems he is
just resting at the moment” he links me back immediately.
“Can’t believe that happened” I link him back.
“I’m kind of not surprised” he admits through the link making me pause.
“You’re not?” I ask in surprise.
“She was pretty angry after their altercation the other day. Her mate has lied to her
and hurt her pups amongst other things. I don’t like to say it but I always felt like he held your mum back a bit” he links me
“Yeah it was always father’s way or no way at all” I reply back with a sigh. “Ok I’m going to call Henry now, although he’s
probably on his way here already.”
“Ok boss, just let me know if you need me to do anything else” he replies. “I’ll keep handling the guests for now.”
“Thanks mate” I reply quickly as I slump down in my office chair and retrieve my
phone from the drawer. Finding my uncles mobile number I call him whilst rubbing my forehead to try and release the tension I
“Jax my boy, checking where I am?” My uncles cheery voice says through the phone.
“Hey Henry” I say and I hear his breath immediately hitch when he hears my tone.
“Whats up? Is it Nova? Is she ok?” He asks his words tumbling out.
“Yeah yeah, Novas fine. Getting a massage as we speak curtesy of moi” I reply with a
chuckle. “Unfortunately this is about something else.”
“Oh, what’s up?” He asks curiously.
“Ma rejected father” I say bluntly as he stays quiet on the other end for a moment.

Making Arrangements
“Well s**t” he finally says as I stand up to walk to the window. Watching the pack members hurry around making everything look
beautiful for the ceremony I nearly forget I’m on the phone.
“What brought that on?” He asks when I don’t say anything.

“Ah man I don’t even know where to start. His admittance of the way he treated us growing up, the methods he and his beta
used, the fact he arranged with the council for me to marry Genevieve and his that from me. Or maybe it was the fact he invited
Genevieve to the Luna Ceremony today for her to challenge Nova for the Luna position. That’s not mentioning the doubt he has
been trying to install in pack members about my brothers capability and my own” I rant..
“f**k sake David” he growls, “I swear he never learns.”
“Yes well it’s done now, he accepted the rejection because he knew mum had had enough” I say.
“I think your mum had enough a while ago” Henry admits.
“Huh?” I ask confused.
“She gave him an ultimatum a few years ago, either step back and let you run the Midnight Sky Pack and be successful in your
own right or keep doubting his pups continue to cause tension in the family and end up losing her” he says quietly.
“Ma said that?” I check.
“Yes..we held an intervention” he admits. “His Alpha ego took a hit but it was a
necessary one.”
“I never knew” I say quietly.
“It wasn’t for you to know” Henry says simply. “We knew what you were capable of,
but your father was hell bent on wanting things his way. It seems he never truly got
over it.”

“It seems that way” I agree. “Could you take him in to your pack until he decides what
to do? I don’t feel comfortable him being here, ma needs support and also Pa really
doesn’t seem to be a fan of Nova.”
“Really?” He asks now shocked.
Making Arrangements
“Yes” I reply, “he’s unhappy with the danger she brings to the pack but I think he’s just
not comfortable with being around such a strong Luna.”
“She’s admirable not someone to be wary of Henry observes.
“Exactly” I sigh.
“I’ll take him yes. I have 4 warriors escorting me and they were due to travel back today, he can go with them. I’ll have my Beta
keep an eye on him until I’m back” he lets me know.
“Thanks Henry, I appreciate it” I say with relief. “So how long until you’re here?”
“45 minutes, you best have some drink waiting for me” he laughs.

“I believe there is a bottle of whiskey in your room ready” I chuckle.
“You know me well” he exclaims.
“Wasn’t me, Nova arranged some welcome baskets. I had a little look and yours has whiskey..maybe she thinks it’s a family
thing” I say amused.
“Well then, she’s just gone up on my book once again” he says with a booming laugh. “I’ll see you soon Alpha.”
“Thanks Alpha” I say with a smirk at the sudden use of formal titles. Hanging up the phone I roll my shoulders happy to have
sorted that small issue out.
“Let’s go check on mum” Zeus suggests to me. Walking up to her room quickly I knock lightly but don’t hear a response. Peaking.

my head in I see her small form curled up on her bed resting, feeling my heart swell when I see the sad droop of her cheeks
even in sleep I lean over and stroke her hair like she used to for me when I
was younger.
“They’re strong” Zeus comments, “she will be ok.”
“I know” I murmur back quietly as she sighs in her sleep. Standing up I get her a bottle of water and place it on the bedside table
and drop a few flowers I pinched from a vase on my walk here. Taking one last look at her I let myself out of her room and
quietly close the door behind me.
“I need a drink” I mutter to myself.

Making Arrangements
“Well let’s go celebrate then” Zeus says to cheer me up. “Concentrate on today, your mum has put far too much effort in it to let
this overcast it too much.”
“You’re right” I say making him puff his chest out proudly. Walking down stairs I see. Alpha Brent has just arrived and I walk over
to greet him.
“Alpha Jax” he says with a wide smile. “I was wondering when I would be getting this. invitation.”
“You did?” I ask amused.
“I could tell” he says smugly, “you two were meant for one another and I personally couldn’t be happier for you. You’ve got
yourself a strong mate there Alpha.”
“Oh you have no idea” I comment. “Nova will be pleased to see you.”
“Where is she?” He asks looking around.
“Ah the ladies are having some massages before getting ready, she deserves some time with her friends before I get to hog all
her attention this evening” I laugh.
“A gentlemen I see” he says.
Seeing an Omega pass with some drinks I quickly take a whiskey and say my thanks. Holding my glass out to Alpha Brent he
clinks it as I toast “to my Luna.”
“To your Luna” he repeats with a smile.
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