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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 82
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Chapter 82


*044% 11:01

I had endured numerous fears and nightmares in my life, but my greatest fear

was losing Reuben. On the day that I had lost him six years ago, I thought that

nothing would be able to scareafter that. However, never in my wildest

imagination had I thought that the scariest nightmare of all was actually hidden

deep within my heart, lying dormant until the moment that man, Dark,

appeared before me.

The insane glint in his mismatched eyes, his aggressive touch, and his evil

smirk, everything about him awakened a primal fear inside me. After the

encounter in the park, I began to have blurry images in my mind where I saw

him. He was smiling atin that sevil way in my memories that I had no

idea had been stored inside me. The way he referred toas his mate, the way

he looked atwith his own sick twisted sense of love fiashing in his eyes,

then lust and anger in his eyes when he accusedof giving myself to Reuben.

The way he touchedas if I were his possession to ruin or toy with –

everything indicated that he knewquite well, even though I couldn’t recall


Without even wanting to, my mind filled with thoughts of him, I heard only his

voice callingRose. That ndamaged and terrifiedso much that I

started hallucinating, seeing every man as him. Even Reuben….

“There is always someone who is willing to disappear… if it is the only way to

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have you…”

Every bit of resistance and struggle I had left inside shattered, my arms dropped

to my sides with his blood dripping from my nails. With a k*ss on my head, he

slowly released my arm that he had twisted behind my back

then turned around to walk out of the room.

Watching his disappearing figure in front of my eyes, my heart shattered into a

million pieces. I reached out a hand, my mouth opened to call him back, to stop

him, but the back in front of my eyes was not Reuben’s. It was


My voice failed to make an identifiable sound as the image ofbeing pinned

under him, moments away from being raped, appeared in my mind causing me

to brake down into miserable s obs as Reuben left.

My cries reached the ears of four figures standing out in the hallway, who had

heard the entire conversation from beginning to end as they watched Reuben’s

blo ody despondent figure aimlessly vanish in the corridor.

Leaning against the cold wall and standing among Walter, Oran, and Bix, Ella bit

her lip, clenched her fists at her sides, and immediately began to make her way

towards my room.


Emergency calls only

Chapter 82

$044% 11:02

“Ella… wait!” Bix was alarmed by her sudden boldness and quickly chased after

her with the others.

“Ella! Don’t do anything crazy!” Oran shouted, while Walter frowned as she

stormed into my room. They entered seconds after her, only to findgone.

Chasing after my children’s scent, I entered the children’s ward, finding Wyatt

and Lori lying unconscious on separate beds. “Wyatt… Lori…” I hugged each of

their bodies one by one, while more tears streamed from my eyes.

The image of them fainting right in front of my eyes had never left my mind. I

had nearly lost them. I had not been able to protect them. I was a horrible

mother. I was… an even worse mate.

My heart constricted, all I could do was shed silent tears. A while later I wiped

away my tears and k*ssed both of their foreheads, not wanting them to know of

my depressed state.

Just as I got up and moved to the middle of the room so that I could leave and

let my children rest, I realized that there were four other figures in the room. I

fearfully took a few steps back at the sight of Walter, Oran, and Bix, every one of

whom had pairs of mismatched eyes and evil faces resembling Dark. Even their

features were the same. My heart felt as if it could fail at any moment, and my

whole b*dy began shaking in terror until I saw Ella’s face.

She walked closer to me, capturing my full attention. “I knew this day would

come!!” She screamed, suddenly pushingaway.

“Ella, what the heck are you doing?!” Oran barked furiously at her, but she didn’t


“You ruined him years ago, now you’ve completely destroyed what little was left

of him by forgetting him all together!” She accused me, her eyes teary. “If you

just wanted to disappear, then why the heck did you cback into his life?

You should have just disappeared! You should never have cback here,

Willow!” She screamed at me.

Listening to her I broke into tears again, for sunknown reason my heart

hurt and even Ceri cried in my mind. I… could feel Reuben’s heartbreak. I could

feel his pain that I caused. I… really had ruined him.

“ENOUGH!” Walter grabbed her arm and forced her to look at him. He had not

known what Ella was going to say but he did not want her to continue, “I will kill

you if you say another word to her!”

“Then kill me!” Ella’s tears rolled down her cheeks, freezing Walter in place as

she revealed her vulnerability for the first time. “You’re free to do whatever you

like, and I’ll do what I should have done a long tago,” she said,


Emergency calls onlyO

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Chapter 82



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looking into his eyes. “She has the right to know every little detail about

Reuben’s life that has transpired over the last six years… “Her voice was barely

above a whisper.

Walter’s pup

eyes remained fixed on her tears, her uneven breathing mixed with soft so bs.

Ella tore her eyes away from him, gently pulling her arm from his grasp, then

turned to me.

Our eyes locked as I started walking closer to her, “What did you mean when

you said that I ruined his life?” I stopped in front of her an arm’s length away

and asked, “Tell me… please,” my voice broke.

Both of us looked at each other in tears, as I realized that Reuben’s story had

ended withleaving the Emerald Bright Pack, him standing at the door to my

abandoned house frozen and heartbroken at my disappearance. Tha had just

been the beginning of our story…
