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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 95
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Chapter 95


Why was it so cold? My brows furrowed in confusion as I slowly opened my eyes,

only to find myself lying on the fioor next to the wall that I had been leaning

against. Had I fallen asleep?

Blinking rapidly, I recalled how the darkness had consumedout of the blue.

It was as if I had been drugged then fallen asleep! Alarmed, I sat up to look at

the clock on the wall in front of me. I had been out for around half an hour,

basically since Willow had left the room. I recalled hearing a knock coming from

the door downstairs and then I..

I sensed something was amiss and swiftly exited the room. Having abstained

from food and drink for a day, it was implausible that I had been drugged. Yet,

how had I dozed off. Upon descending to the living room, a chilling sight

awaited– evidence of a break-in: shattered windows, indications of a

struggle, and clues that something or someone had been dragged away.

Furthermore, Reuben and Willow were nowhere to be found.

“Goddess! Have Reuben and Willow attacked?!” I put my hand on my forehead in


“It seems like that’s the case,” Walter’s deep voice reachedand to my

surprise, he had been in the living room, perhaps even before I arrived

downstairs. He appeared to have cfrom a less frequented path of Emerald

Bright Pack.

Our eyes met briefiy, remindingof the wildness his had held when he had

forcibly broughtback, confinedin the room with him, and watched me

like a predator guarding its prey until Willow returned. His silent non stop

eyeing had been frightening after his proposal to sleep with him in exchange for

helping my pack. This hunter… he was truly despicable. I averted my gaze from

him in disgust.

He chuckled at my reaction. I clenched my fists but decided to ignore him and

focused on the CCTV cameras in the living room.

“How did they get broken?” I asked with a frown.

“Someone deliberately smashed them,” Walter’s voice cfrom behind me,

then I noticed he was standing right there. My heart quickened slightly. His

manly smell was stronger.

“That seems impossible,” I turned to face him. “Emerald Bright is way too secure.

How could an outsider attack the packhouse? No one in their right mind would

attempt it



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with Reuben inside. It seems impossible,” I pointed out.

“It’s only possible if the outsider wasn’t actually an outsider but someone who

knew Reuben,” he murmured, nodding towards the dining room where the

remnants of three broken cups were visible.

“Who could it be?” I bit my lip. “The pack’s Alpha and Luna are missing, the

packhouse has been attacked, yet the pack members are acting normal. Could it

be that they are just as unaware as me? But that seems unlikely. Could it be the

work of that man with

mismatched eyes? He already controles people’s wolves and makes them

vanish…” I murmured, feeling goosebumps breakout over my skin at the thought

of my encounter with him. I knew he was trouble, especially considering Walter’s

reaction when I had mentioned him. It seemed he knew there was a dangerous

man out there. I took a deep breath, “I can’t sit still after seeing this. I have to

do something,” With that, I pulled out my phone and started to walk away, only

to be stopped by Walter.

“What do you think you can do in your current state?” he grasped my arm, “Do

you have the manpower?” He raised an eyebrow. I paused, my heart burned at

his words. For a moment, I had forgotten how close I was to losing everything. I

had cto terms with that reality, but whenever he reminded me, I felt a

sickening sense of shame.

“I don’t have resources, but I have a brain,” I snapped, attempting to pull my

arm back, but his grip was firmer than I had anticipated. It felt as though he

wasn’t human, but rather a beast beneath that well put together exterior! “I can

inform Bix and Oran about the attack and the disappearance of Reuben and

Willow. I can go to the head warrior and advise him to prepare for any possible

attack on the pack. I can…”

“In other words, you want to help and absolve yourself of guilt from any past

misdeeds,” he interjected.

Once again, his words wounded my heart, but this tI confronted him, saying,

“True, I don’t want to live with the guilt. I can’t change what I did, but I can help

with my two functioning arms and legs,” I remarked.

He gazed deep into my eyes for a few seconds, the emotions fiickering in them

indecipherable. Suddenly, he moved closer to my face and whispered, “If you

want to

more useful, how about coming with me?” he proposed.


“With you?” Before I could respond, he took my hand and began leadingout

through the backdoor of the packhouse. “Hey! Where the hell are you taking

me?” I panicked and struggled to avoid getting into his car, but he managed to

getinside. Once again, he intended to drive out through one of the less

frequented paths of the pack.


Chapter US

“I am searching for someone for Reuben, he responded, getting in

“So why are you bringingalong?” I asked.

The corner of his lips twisted, “I need a woman and it had to be you

What on earth! Did I just see a hint of wickedness in his eyes?! He needed a

woman for what?! And why did it have to be me?


Leaning against a tree stood a man with a familiar figure. Bleeding from wounds

that were all over his b*dy; the intruder was none other than Sky.

“Sky, what happened to you?” I rushed over to him in a panic then glanced at

Bix, “Did you beat him?”

“No!” he protested immediately, “He was already in this state when I caught him

tre s p assi

n g. He stubbornly wanted to go in and meet with you. I just forced him to wait

here seeing he could be a threat to the pack. Well, do you know him? Who is

he?” Bix questioned.

“He is Alpha Benjamin’s son,” I replied quickly but did not fail to notice a bitter

frown cover his face at the mention of the Alpha.

I didn’t dwell on his frown too much and turned my attention back to Sky, “Sky,

look at me. It’s me, Willow,” I attempted to rouse Sky, but his eyes were

unfocused, darting in all directions.

“I think he hit his head combined with the blood loss, he can’t stay fully

conscious,” Bix splashed water on Sky’s face from a bottle then handed it to me,

“he made it to Emerald Bright in search of you in this condition, I wonder why

he’s so desperate.”

I silently agreed with Bix as I gave Sky the water, which helped him regain

consciousness. “Sky…” I tapped his face.

“Willow…” he whispered.

“Yes, it’s me!” I exclaimed. His once bright face was now pale, as if he were

fading away. His shoes were gone, his feet were bleeding. It seemed like he had

narrowly escaped from something. I grasped his hand and inquired, “Why are

you in this condition, Sky? Why were you searching for me?”

He shifted slightly, reaching under his dirty, torn jacket. From it, he retrieved a

diary. Grimacing in pain, he placed the diary into my hand. “Look at it.”.


Chapter 95

“What’s this?” I questioned, opening the diary as Bix squatted curiously

As soon as I opened it, old photos cinto view. I took a closer look at the

pictures which were slightly blurry. There stood a group of men and women,

more like a group of pack members, standing in front of a birthday cake. In the

middle, there was a couple holding a child. Beside them was… “Alpha

Benjamin?” I recognized him immediately. He looked younger.

I looked between photos and the Sky. “Are these Alpha Benjamin’s photos and

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diary?” I questioned. Sky just stared at me, silently askingto look at


“Doesn’t this child resemble Lori?” Bix pointed out. I looked down at the child

attentively and nodded in astonishment.

“She truly does resemble Lori…” I whispered, feeling puzzled.

“It’s Willow…” Sky’s sudden revelation startled me.

“That’s me?” I gasped, scrutinizing the image once more. I appeared to be

around 4 or 5 years old in the photographs. Sky confirmed with a nod. My gaze

shifted to the couple in the center of the picture, cradling me. Though the image

was somewhat blurred, the more I looked, the more a sense of familiarity

washed over me, akin to the figures in my dreams.

“Are they my…” I looked at Sky desperately.

“They are your parents,” Sky remarked as I looked at him desperately. My hands

shook slightly from the emotions welling up inside me. For the first time, I

beheld an image of them outside my dreams. I had asked the Alpha numerous

times if he possessed any pictures of my parents, but he always claimed he

disliked taking photos and had none. Sky, perceptive as ever, remarked, “It’s

from your fifth birthday celebration.”

“How do you know?” I blinked at him. “I thought you said you lost your

memories in an accident at sixteen.”

“I remember everything now,” he said, pointing to the wound on his head, a

clear mark from being struck by an iron rod. “I also realized how content I was

without those dreadful memories,” his voice tinged with sadness and guilt for

sunknown reason.

Bix looked at Sky and me. “What memory is so disgusting?” I quietly inquired,

feeling uneasy under Sky’s gaze.

“The memory of Alpha George and Luna Eloise. The first Omega blood Alpha and

Luna in the history of the werewolf realm. Your parents,” he disclosed, his vision


Chapter 95

blurring as he appeared to lose consciousness once more. The photo slipped

from hand as I approached Sky.


Sky, why do you call my parents Alpha and Luna? Do you also remember my

parents? I shook him repeatedly. I couldn’t let him slip into darkness when he

knew the most crucial part of my past. “Sky, can you hear me? Please, do you

remember my pack’s nas well?”

As I inquired, he slowly opened his eyes and disclosed, “It was the Wade Moon


“What?” My eyes widened in shock as did Bix’s,”Wade Moon was my pack?”