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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 107
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Chapter 107


“You obtained Louis’s royal powers?” Dark’s expression was clearly one of

outrage, seeingas twins typically possessed opposing royal abilities. Alden had

bargained his powers for the use of evil, resulting in Dark inheriting them.

However, Alpha Louis had never utilized his royal powers; over the years the

dormant powers had accrued and grown to such an extent that he could pass

them on to someone in his bloodline–namely, me. “How in the world did he

bestow his powers to you?!” he demanded.

“Why? Afraid that you can’t overcpowers that are the exact opposite of

yours?” I smirked, my nails already stained with his blood. At that point, none of

his powers could hurtlike they had at Wade Moon. Dark had to fight with his

fist and wolf without using his puny evil powers.

“Me, scared?” He gave a light chuckle. “You don’t know a damn thing about me,

boy. But don’t worry, you soon will. What amusesto no end is whether

Louis’s act of bestowing his power on you was his pathetic attempt to assuage

his guilt. The guilt of ruining his son’s life by separating him from his soulmate,

attempting to harm his grandchildren while they were still in the womb, or

rendering his son infertile there are just so many options,” he remarked, the

corner of his lips lifting as his injured face began to heal itself.-

My expression darkened when he touched on one of the most sensitive topics

of my life. However, I swiftly composed myself before Willow could detect any

signs of distress. It was imperative that she remain emotionally unscathed and

refrained from shifting into her wolf form to aid me. If Ella’s assumption proved

correct, doing so risked losing her.

“I concur, he likely sought to assuage his guilt. Though I still harbor resentment

towards him, it pales in comparison to someone that has slayed his own son,

wouldn’t you agree?” I smirked, knowing full well that he would grasp the


“My son? Or Alden’s son. Black was merely a pawn!” he laughed before swiftly

transforming into his wolf form and launching himself at me. I shifted as well,

but before I could defend myself, another of his wolves attackedfrom the

side, catchingoff guard. “I AM DARK! DEVOID OF EMOTION OR RELATIONS! I

EXIST ONLY TO DEVOUR AND DECIMATE!!” he snarled ferociously, while

relentlessly assaulting my chest.


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spat blood from the sheer force of his onslaught. Why did this monstrous

creature feel as heavy as a mountain crashing down upon me? With great effort,

I raised my arm to halt his vicious attack, all the while stealing glances at

Willow, who was clearly panicking. She appeared to be contemplating whether

or not to intervene. I shook my head at her, signaling for her not to do anything

rash, then mustered up all of my strength to kick Dark away, though it proved to

be a Herculean task.

Just as he lunged for my throat, I deftly fiipped him aside. Seizing the

opportunity, he slipped away, but I swiftly kicked him from behind with all my

might. He growled in response, but managed to regain his balance and charged

atonce more. As he pounced, I unleashed three wolves from the darkness,

catching him off guard. It was a mere illusion, and he fell into my trap. Seizing

his leg with my teeth, I slammed him to the ground, breaking his leg in two with

a sickening snap. He howled in pain, unable to fiee, presentingwith the

perfect opening. With a primal snarl, I sank my teeth deep into his fiesh, poised

to tear his wolf head from his b*dy. Before I could execute the fatal blow, he

vanished into thin air.

Chapter 107

Bloody coward! He still had the audacity to use his powers to vanish and

escape. I rose to my feet, glaring into the smoky darkness where I sensed his


“Reuben, you’re bleeding profusely,” Willow rushed to my side, placing a hand

over the wound. It was then that I realized the extent of the damage–my wolf’s

ch*st had been nearly torn apart, with blood spattering across the room. When

she touched my wolf, Ceri established a connection with Dex to bolster my

strength, while Willow desperately attempted to stem the bleeding through our

mate bond. “This is all because of me. I should not have let this matter get this

far…,” her eyes grew redder with what was clearly pent up anger, my worst fears

began to materialize.

“I’ll be fine. Just refrain from shifting and keep control of yourself,” I

communicated to her through our mind-link.

“But why? How can I stand by and watch you face him alone, let you hurt like

this?” She peered deeply into my wolf’s eyes, before I could respond, Dark’s

voice echoed.

“No cheating, Rose,” he spoke seductively as he approached her from behind.

Anticipating his move, I decided to take the offensive rather than the defensive,

launching myself at him. “With my mark upon your n*ck, you are forbidden from

healing another man. Your only privilege is to witness his demise, as I promised

earlier,” he grinned at her, pullinginto the darkness with him.

However, his words and actions triggered Willow so severely that her hand was

left empty and trembling as he practically tore us apart.

I seized his hand and thrust it in front of me. Our wolves rolled in each other’s

blood as we lunged at each other, teeth bared. I sank my teeth into his ear,

poised to rip it from his b*dy, but once again, he vanished into thin air.

“f**k!” I gritted my teeth, taking furious breaths. “Fight like a man, you bitch!”

“What’s the matter? Already feeling frustrated?” His sneering voice echoed

around me, but he remained invisible. “Are you not proud to possess powers

that are the opposite of mine?”

“Didn’t Louis warn you that merely acquiring his power is not enough? You must

also learn how to wield it, your b*dy must be accustomed to handling such

divine abilities. Did you truly believe facingwould be child’s play, boy?” He

growled, suddenly materializing in front ofand relentlessly attacking my

ch*st to exacerbate the wound. “You’ve truly disappointed me. Perhaps instead

of prying into my identity, you should have focused on learning how to defeat

me. That way you could have utilized these powers more effectively,” he

taunted, his sharp teeth aimed at my ch*st for a final, devastating blow.

Threatening to create a gaping hole in my chest, that would possibly result in

my death any second. Before his teeth could make contact, I lunged forward

sinking my own teeth into one of his eyes.

He howled in pain and swiftly retreated, moving at lightning speed. “I never

needed to inquire about your identity from anyone, you bastard,” I growled,

drawing in a deep breath despite the loss of blood. “The moment Willow

mentioned that Black had the saura as you, I began to suspect the Alpha

King’s involvement. A son inherits his father’s aura, after all. Then, it all clicked

forwhen I recalled seeing Alpha Benjamin with the Alpha King when I was

around seven years old, accompanying my father and uncle on a hunting trip in

an unfamiliar forest. It becglaringly obvious that the secret friend Alpha

Benjamin spoke of was none other than the Alpha King.”

Dark stared atwith one eye oozing blood, a sinister smile curling his lips.

“Nice move. You can

Chapter 107

play dirty, but how long can you withstand my assault?”

I frowned as Dex suddenly vanished from my thoughts. I was forcibly thrust back

into my human form, against my will. “What the heck,” I murmured, feeling a

hollow emptiness in my mind, as if my wolf had perished. “DEX! DEX!” I roared

through our mental link, but received no response. “What have you done, you

son of a bitch!” I glared at Dark.

Dark grinned, his tone filled with malice. “Just killed him,” he said, tilting his

head to observe Willow, who stood stunned by the revelation. She had sensed

Dex’s absence immediately, her complexion drained of color as if she had seen

a ghost, her other half had been torn away from her.

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“How is this possible?” I murmured, staring down at my hands.

Dark smiled wickedly. “On one side royal divine power bestows blessings, but

on the other side it curses when used against a blood relative. It causes your

wolf to instantly vanish as well as poses a risk of killing your wolf, just as it did

to you when you attacked me. That’s why I paid no mind to those useless royal

divine powers that were binding my hands. Of course, you fell for it and lost

your wolf,” he grinned maliciously at Willow, though his words were directed at

me, his focus solely on her.

I vomited blood once again, my b*dy failing to heal without Dex.

“Wi… Willow…” I gasped, attempting to reassure her with a glance that

everything was alright, but she didn’t seem convinced by my falsehood.

Dark approached Willow, whispering in her ear, “His wolf is dead. He’s lost the

royal divine power. He’s utterly useless now. What will you offerto spare his

life, Rose? He can’t even stand with that hole I carved into his chest,” he

caressed her cheek, his gaze fixed on her lifeless expression as she continued to

stare at me. With a triumphant glance between her and I, he continued, “So,

how about taking my hard cock in your ass right in front of your mate?” He

nipped at her earlobe and squeezed her buttocks, keeping an eye on my

reaction from the corner of his eye.

Willow remained motionless, her eyes devoid of life as they briefiy met mine

before shifting to Dark. “Go fuck yourself,” she spat, a strange yet unfamiliar

smile quirking the corners of her lips, stunning not only Dark butas well.

What had I just witnessed? That didn’t seem like




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