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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design Chapter 101
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Chapter 101

Alpha Benjamin

At the age of sixteen, my pack had been destroyed and taken over by rogues.

Once the Alpha’s son, living in luxury, I beca homeless beggar. Countless

times, I returned to the borders of my pack filled with the desire to exact

revenge on every one of them. Yet, I was forced to retreat each tpowerless,

positionless, and penniless.

Similarly, countless times I contemplated ending my worthless life through

suicide but I could never bring myself to follow through with it. Every tI

considered it, the memories of the bloodshed, pain, and my desire for revenge

for my family and pack members fiooded back into my heart, preventing me

from taking that final step.

I was so hopeless and pathetic that it triggered a simmering anger inside me.

Slowly, this anger piled up until it reached a boiling point, turninginto a

blazing volcano barely contained by a thin layer of something withinthat I

could never quite name. Perhaps it was an opportunity in disguise?

For a few years, I survived in the forest living like a rogue until I encountered my

soulmate, an ordinary she–wolf living in a pack. We instantly fell in love and she

broughtback to live in her pack together. That’s where this whole story

really began.

It was a pack of Omegas. Every wolf, even the Alpha and Luna, were Omegas.

Happiness and peace pervaded their home, even the lowest–ranking wolf

seemed happier than me. It puzzledto no end. Why, with Alpha blood

coursing through my veins, did I live a life akin to that of a worm? Why did I

possess a soulmate, food, and shelter, yet remain devoid of happiness?

Amidst grappling with these suffocating emotions, I struck up a friendship with

George Rathbone, the Alpha of the pack. It all began withoffering to assist

him with driving and other odd jobs. Over the years, our friendship blossomed,

growing deeper until we becbest friends. We spent our tplaying chess

and sharing wine, forming a bond that transcended mere camaraderie.

People enviedbecause the Alpha favored me, but it only fueled the hate

festering within me. From our very first encounter, I loathed George. He was

kind, powerful, and a genuinely good person. Others were drawn to his

positivity, but I found it repulsive and insincere. How could a lowly Omega

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extend kindness to me? How could someone of such low status presto give

Every moment spent in his presence felt suffocating. He remindedof the

wretched rogues who had decimated my pack and stolen everything from me.

George was no different. He didn’t deserve to be called

Alpha, nor did he merit any of the privileges. Only I knew the extent of my

endurance over those 14 years, but eventually, my patience reached its breaking


I couldn’t fathom how, but George somehow discovered my hidden identity as

an Alpha–blood after all those years. The Wade Moon Pack was exclusively for

Omegas, by concealing my true status I had violated the most sacred rule. That

revelation marked the beginning of my downfall. George decreed that I must

depart from the pack within a month.

It was a gesture of kindness on his part not to expose my deception to the

others and to allowto leave quietly, with my dignity intact.

The very idea of leaving Wade Moon droveto madness. Over the years, I had

never recognized George as my Alpha, and in my mind Wade Moon belonged to

me. No one had the right to expelfrom there, especially not that despicable


Leaving Wade Moon behind for a walk, I found myself in a random desolate

forest where I vented all my anger, frustration, and disgust by screaming into

the void and pounding a tree until my hands were numb. Little did I

know, I wasn’t alone. By sheer coincidence, I stumbled upon a murder scene,

not one perpetrated by an ordinary

werewolf, but by a living monster who also happened to witness my true nature,

something that no one else in

the world was privy to.

His mismatched eyes bore intolike those of a predator sizing up its prey, a

sinister grin twisted his lips upon uncovering my secret sent shivers down my

spine. There was no other option but to fiee. I ran for my life, but I couldn’t

escape the realization that while I could run from everything else, I couldn’t run

from Dark.

Wherever I turned, he stood before me, an ominous presence that seemed to

mock my attempts to escape. Finally, I surrendered, dropping to my knees and

pleading for my life but his response was unexpected.

“Do you desire to becAlpha of that pack?” he asked.

It was my deepest aspiration to lead the Wade Moon Pack, I couldn’t fathom

leaving it as George had demanded. The offer was tantalizing, especially

considering that all Dark asked for in return was a place to reside. Witnessing

his mysterious powers, I sensed he was no ordinary wolf but rather a formidable

creature–a solution to my pent–up anger and ambition.

Despite my fear, I brought Dark to Wade Moon withunder the guise of a

nephew. With my soulmate away visiting her mother with our son, I found

myself at an advantage. I didn’t dare question Dark about his plans, I was simply

too scared.


When Eloise met Dark, her reaction was unsettling, as if she could see through

his facade. Of course, since I had lied and said he was my nephew visiting

temporarily, George allowed him to stay. Days passed without incident, but I

lived in constant fear of being exposed or expelled from the pack. After a week,

Dark had yet to make a move, my anxiety only grew.

All Dark ever did was wander around the pack, disappearing for hours at a time,

sometimes using my place like a guesthouse. I could never figure out what was

going on in his mind. With each passing day, my frustration mounted, especially

as I felt the pressure from George’s ever watchful eyes, a constant reminder that

my tin the pack was running out. Unable to bear the weight of it any longer,

I confronted Dark in frustration. I believed he had betrayed me, or worse, that

he had never intended to helpat all. It seemed he had been using me, and

I’d had enough.

Searching for him, I ended up by the riverside of the pack, where I witnessed an

unbelievable sight. Dark was with Willow. She lay on the riverbank, surrounded

by a mysterious darkness, soaking wet, while he eyed her as if she were a

delicious piece of meat. As a man, I could clearly discern the ill intentions

behind Dark’s gaze. It suddenly dawned onwhere he had been disappearing

to, why he was still staying in Wade Moon, and what he was up to. His eyes

spoke volumes.

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But I couldn’t gather the courage to confront him then, especially when Dark’s

predatory gaze had already spottedlong ago. It felt as if I had stepped into

his territory, and that territory’s nwas Willow. Panicking, I left immediately,

but later that night, I mustered the courage to confront him again.

“You promised to helpbecthe Alpha, but you’ve yet to do anything.

George is still the Alpha, and I’m going to be kicked out in a few days!” I

accused, my frustration boiling over. “All you do is follow that girl…”

Normally, he spoke very little and I was used to him ignoring me. But that day, I

pushed my luck, ignored my fear, and mistook him for srandom wolf with a

few magical tricks. That was my biggest mistake. The moment I mentioned

Willow, his truly evil nature emerged, nearly killingon the spot.

His deadly grip tightened around my throat, lifting my b*dy into the air,

something impossible for any normal wolf to do. I was certain I was about to


“You are never to call her a girl. She is not a random girl. She is mine. My mate,”

he solemnly announced, emphasizing the significance of Willow to him.

“But she is only 14,” I managed to get out between harsh breaths, struggling to

comprehend the situation. I had believed that he misunderstood Willow to be 17

or 18 due to her mature appearance and b*dy growth. She had grown before my

eyes, her rapid development misleading in many ways.


“Fourteen?” Dark’s evil smile confirmed my fears. “What destiny? I am also

seventeen,” With a violent toss, he castaside, leavingto contemplate my

impending fate as he promised I would soon be the Alpha.


The look in his eyes conveyed his genuine commitment to helpingbecome

Alpha. However, it tookhours to process the truth that the man that

appeared to be in his mid–20s was actually only 17 years old and Willow

was his mate?