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Getting a Technology System in Modern Day-Novel

Chapter 236 Arriving In Esparia.
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That Sunday proved to be a challenging one for the citizens of Esparia as their day started with the influx of soldiers still arriving from Eden, increasing their numbers from yesterday's arrival of twenty thousand soldiers.

Although many of the Esparians had witnessed the Edenian President's press conference, very few of them truly believed the promise made by the Edenian president, mentioning that no harm will be caused due to their soldiers. In fact, some had already expected the soldiers to go wild to seize this opportunity and abuse their powers by indulging in misconducts for their own benefits, like stealing and raping women, using their victory to satisfy their personal desires, and regarding it as their spoils of war.

But contrary to such apprehensions, nothing of such sorts was heard since yesterday. In fact, the behavior of the Edenian troops contradicted these expectations. The first group of a thousand soldiers who had arrived directly went to the presidential palace and focused their efforts on replacing the Esparian military guards that were stationed there. This move was to secure the palace and make sure that it had a safe environment for the upcoming negotiations meeting that was set to take place in a matter of a few days.

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Following that, the next ten thousand Edenian soldiers that arrived were strategically dispersed throughout the city. Their presence was to ensure that no public discourse was caused by the dissatisfied citizens, as that could potentially cause a nationwide mass rebellion. This approach would change the situation from a country that was surrendering to a country that was on the brink of being broken to pieces due to different groups of rebellion rising from different cities, each with a different agenda. And to avoid it from starting from other cities too, another segment consisting of nine-thousand soldiers who had arrived yesterday were dispersed in other major cities, at the same time taking control over the military bases and commencing the process of registering the soldiers' information. This data was collected so that it would serve as preparation for the upcoming assimilation process that was set to occur after the completion of the negotiations.

For today, Eden was planning on sending an additional fifty-thousand soldiers, which will also be the last batch of soldiers that will be sent to Esparia for peacekeeping. This final batch of soldiers would be responsible for the protection during the whole negotiation duration and military assimilation. The soon-to-be-assimilated soldiers would be needed to be sent to Avalon Island to go through their training. They would return back to their post in Esparia before the stationed soldiers in the country could even be considered for returning back home. This period was expected to be ranging from a month at the earliest and three months at the most, which should be sufficient time for them to complete all the training of the new soldiers who would be joining their ranks within that period.

However, not everyone within Esparia remained calm. A segment of soldiers who were way too nationalistic decided not to agree with the decision that was made by the President and the sixty-eight percent of the population. They decided to group up and conduct guerrilla warfare to cause as much trouble for Edenian soldiers as possible throughout the negotiations period. They anticipated a swift and short resolution given the unconditional surrender, meaning that their government practically had no power to deny anything that would be demanded by the winners at all. All they could do was suggest against it or hope their enemies weren't too greedy, something they thought could only occur in their dreams.

But all of their dreams of causing chaos were abruptly extinguished moments after they declared their intent. The only evidence of their existence that remained was the massive crater that was way too overkill for the entire group, indicating that their rebellion had met a swift and devastating end. This display of force served as both an example and a warning to anyone who had even a semblance of the audacity to entertain the notion of causing trouble for the other nation.

Thanks to that crater which now acted as a warning, and the ongoing influx of highly disciplined soldiers in the streets, the country's situation had now fully stabilized. The situation had even started to return to the condition when the country previously was into the whole war shenanigans, as the presence of the vigilant soldiers deterred any potential upheaval.

Furthermore, another benefit of the extensive deployment of highly disciplined soldiers in the streets all the time, every day, for the whole week, had greatly reduced the crime rate by more than ninety-five percent in all cities which had soldiers within them. This was due to the gear the soldiers were wearing had a device that covered a three-kilometer radius; it meant that only a small group of soldiers needed to be stationed within the bubble of this radius for them to react to any situation at once, enabling more soldiers to be dispersed throughout the city. Using this built-in integration, Athena

was able to collect all of this data and create all the cities' real-time data share, meaning that the whole city was under surveillance without anyone even knowing that they were being watched at all. This significantly enhanced public safety and security.


"FWUUUUUUUUUU!" The distinctive roar of two SU-35 fighter jets reverberated through the skies of those living in the vicinity of the Esparias main airport. This airport was still not open for public use and was under the control of the Edenian army was preparing to accommodate a private airplane that was being escorted by those two fighters and was on its final approach, preparing for landing at the airport.

The private airplane's tail bore the Edenian presidential emblem, a clear indication of who it was carrying. The accompanying fighter jets only served on publicly announcing the arrival of the President of Eden.

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Following the plane's landing and taxiing back to a place where it was instructed, Alexander disembarked and was greeted by the presidential guards. Comprising an elite branch that was made not too long ago and consisted of the people who had the best of the best marks. These select few had the choice of choosing to protect the president or join the special forces, meaning all the people standing in front of him and some that had flown with him were the best of the best, which he was thankful to Aron for; however, he was surprised by the number of cars that were there to escort him.

The surprise stemmed from being aware of the fact that all these cars were custom-made by Aron's company and had to be transferred here during the last, and by his estimate, he managed to count twenty of them– a formidable convoy where each of these cars was capable of entering a war zone and come out from the other side of it while remaining unscathed. These cars were powered with a new groundbreaking fuel that was discovered by Aron's company, which allowed it to traverse for more than a few thousand kilometers on just a single tank without having to worry about refueling.

"Let's move, Mr president," said a guard, snapping Alexander from his trance, followed by him immediately starting to walk down the stairs and board one of the similar looking four cars. The convoy then started heading out, flanked by four motorcycles followed by vehicles that looked like police cars. The procession was followed by more and more vehicles that had different specialized equipments in them, including one radar-equipped unit, to make sure nothing of the sort of an attack is even near the president by even a few kilometers, as anything they discover to be even slightly dangerous will be dealt by one of the other cars that were carrying completely armed soldiers in the convoy, diverting from it and heading to deal with it promptly before returning and joining the convoy once again and during this time the convoy would still be traveling at the maximum speed possible in the certain terrain.


At the same time, in a secluded area, a submarine started its docking procedure under a roofed docker for submarines to evade the lurking gazes of the satellites.

Following the submarine's docking process, soldiers started disembarking from it with those at the front carrying someone who had his hands tied by black-looking zip ties, closely followed by a group of elegantly dressed women who were wearing comfortable and casual-looking clothes that had become a signature attire for those that hailed from the intelligence department.

This submarine's mission was to retrieve both the team responsible for apprehending the individual and the target himself. Upon reaching the retrieval location, the intelligence team agreed to meet with the submarine. A high-speed boat was sent to carry them and send them back to the submarine before it once again dived into the waters and remained submerged, never to rise until its recent docking for this operation.

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