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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 275
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Chapter 275 Chapter 275 The scene before Lizzie's eyes stung her heart.

Since her dad, Malcolm, had transformed into someone she could hardly recognize, she had tried to bury the painful truth, instead painting him in her mind as a doting father and a loving husband. She clung to the illusion of their once-happy family of three.

But reality delivered a crushing blow.

In all the years that had passed, Lizzie had never seen Malcolm take Gina to a movie or give her a present. Gina was always giving, silently and selflessly, without expecting anything in return.

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And what does she get for it? Malcolm's betrayal, once again.

"Dad!" Lizzie couldn't hold back any longer.

Hearing the familiar voice in the movie theater, Malcolm turned around and saw Lizzie's face etched with disappointment.

The middle-aged woman beside Malcolm offered Lizzie a warm and friendly smile.

Lizzie clenched her fists, fighting the urge to lash out.

"Just wait here for me," Malcolm whispered to the woman, then hurried over to Lizzie.

"Lizzie, what are you doing here?" "That's not the point. The real question is, why are you with that woman? Didn't you say you would cut ties with her? By doing this, where do you put Mom?" Malcolm's face darkened. "What woman? All those years of education, and you talk like this, huh?" His expression softened slightly. "Lizzie, you're too young to understand adult matters. That's Cindy. She's a kind and good woman who doesn't mind not having an official title and just being with your dad." Lizzie scoffed. "Kind and good? So, she thinks it's okay to steal someone else's husband and wreck a family?" Malcolm continued, "Lizzie, since timmemorial, what man hasn't been fickle? I've just made a mistake that any man would make. Think about it. In the old days, men had multiple mistresses. No matter what, your mother will always be my wife. I love her, but that love has expired. It's turned into familial affection. Cindy and I share true love, Lizzie. I hope you can accept that." Had she not heard it with her ears, Lizzie would never have believed such shameless words could cfrom Malcolm.

"And what if I don't accept it?" "Do you want to see your mom anddivorce? You're a good kid, Lizzie. I don't think you would want to break up our family, right?" Malcolm had read her mind well. She harbored a love for her father and didn't want to shatter their family, so she hadn't told Gina.

Taking advantage of her silence, Malcolm patted Lizzie's shoulder. "The movie's about to start. I should go watch it with Cindy." And with that, he walked away.

Lizzie watched them leave, squat on the ground, and cried uncontrollably.

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Her friends Anthea and Tanya arrived with their tickets, only to find Lizzie in tears. "Lizzie, what's happened to you?" All Lizzie could do was cry.

They decided to skip the movie and helped her to a chair in the rest area.

"Lizzie, what's wrong? Crying won't solve the problem. Tell fellys what m happened, and fanya and I will help you figure it out," Anthea urged. Tanya was totally on board. "I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but Annie's got brains. She'll figure it out!" Lizzie looked up at them, tears streaming down her face. "Annie, Tanya, my dad... he doesn't wantanymore..." Tanya wiped Lizzie's tears while Anthea put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Take your time, Lizzie."

Through her sobs, Lizzie recounted everything. "The neighbor's story I told you before... was about my dad. He's having an affair! He said he would end it, but he was with that bitch again! He lied toand my mom! What do I do now, Annie, Tanya?"

Anthea looked at Lizzie, her voice calm and resolute. "You have to tell your mom Then she can divorce him and ensure he doesn't get away with anything." 30 Min Away.