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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 667
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"I won't..."
"Don't decide so hastily. Consider it before you get there. Don't you want to know why you ended up in this way?" Howard asked
in a meaningful tone. "Since you prepared your birthday gift for His Majesty, you had fallen into a trap set by someone."
Felix's face turned pale. "I don't know what you mean," he said.
"Do you still remember the incident at Scott's mansion?" Howard said as he walked forward. "I believe that you haven't forgotten
that, because since that incident, you fell into a trap set by Prince Francis and finally ended up this way."
"No way!"
"Why do you think it is impossible?" Howard sneered. "Prince Francis has always been in the imperial capital. Because of his
poor health, he seldom made any public appearance. Even if he disappeared for a period, no one would come to know. Prince
Jason had been outside, building up his force. One of them has been always inside the imperial capital, and the other was
outside. The two of them worked hand in hand to make a vast web of traps for you, and you sneaked in it, just as they had
Felix was horrified to hear Howard's disclosure. He couldn't believe what he heard and was still in denial. "Francis is dying. He
won't live a long life." He intensely tried to throw off his doubts.
"Don't worry about him. He will live a long life, but I'm afraid it's His Majesty who wouldn't live longer." Howard was quick to

dismiss his doubts.
"He had been poisoned, and his body has been totally damaged. Then how could he possibly live a long life?" Felix said,
shaking his head, and still in denial. "It's impossible for him to live a long life." "That's why I said all of you have neglected her,"
Howard said complacently, as if he was proud to have a young sister like Harper. "Do you know why Prince Francis moved out of
the Imperial Palace and lived outside alone? He did it so that he could get treated by Harper and improve his health." "Harper
Chu again!" Felix shouted, raging with anger. But after thinking for a while, he realized that he knew nothing about Harper except

for her gentle appearance. "It had nothing to do with Harper. You can't blame her. You should remember that the person who
gave the final nail in His Majesty's coffin was not Harper, but you, Prince Felix," Howard said in a harsh tone.
"Me? A nail in my father's coffin?" Felix searched his memory for any such instance when he directly harmed his father. "The
Longevity Pills!" he exclaimed in shock. "So, you are not that stupid," Howard said calmly. "When Scott and his family were
slaughtered in their mansion, I was there. Guess who rescued the son of Imperial Physician Hodge?" "You did that?"
"No, no, that wasn't me. Prince Jason did that." Howard paused for a while, as if he was searching for the secret mechanism
inside the passage underground. "We just stood by and witnessed where things were progressing. We were never involved in it.
It was Prince Francis who asked Scott to develop the Longevity Pills, and it was Prince Walden who snatched the Longevity Pills
from Scott. It was you who gave the Longevity Pills to His Majesty as the birthday gift."
"The Longevity Pills were poisonous?"
"Yeah, a kind of poison that can be used to control people. I guess His Majesty must have been controlled by the drug. In other
words, he is in the hand of Francis, and he can do nothing about it. Harper said that His Majesty's health had already been in

bad condition, and since he is now addicted to the drug, it's only a matter of time before his death. But she has been curious as
to whom His Majesty would be selecting as his heir," Howard said, as he explained the gravity of the plot. Felix fell silent. The
heir his father had selected was not him, nor Francis, nor Jason. Even he didn't know who it was. However, no matter whoever
the heir was, it had nothing to do with him. The only thing he wanted to know was about Francis, and whether
he had plotted all that had happened by staying behind the scene.
"What on earth happened between my father and my wife?" he asked.
"Perhaps you have to ask Prince Francis this question. I am not sure exactly what happened between them, but I know that His
Majesty raped her in the Cold Palace," Howard said. Although he wasn't aware of what specifically happened, he guessed that it
must have something to do with Harper and Francis. Since neither of them could keep themselves out, he chose to let Francis
take the blame.

When he heard that, Felix's eyes reddened instantly. As the crown prince, he had always worked conscientiously and had never
slacked off for fear that he would dissatisfy and annoy the emperor and that his position as the crown prince would get impacted.
However, it had turned out that the emperor, his own father, had raped his wife!
"Damn it!" Felix sneered.
"You have sufficient reason to hate him. He just made you a cuckold." Howard spared no effort to sow discord. "It seems that
Prince Francis is really smart, because he hasn't been married yet. And, Prince Jason is not married either. All the sons of His
Majesty, except you, are unmarried."
Felix's eyes turned cold. "Inform Harper Chu that I am willing to give her what she wants, but on one condition!"
"Tell me what it is," Howard asked with interest. He guessed that Felix wanted to kill Francis. After all, Francis was the one who
conspired against him so viciously and precisely. According to Howard's understanding of Felix, he would certainly want to take
"I want to see Francis!" Felix demanded.