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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2040
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The living room returned to its silence. Lambert stood by the window, gazing into the thick of the night, lost in thought, silent as the stars. An hour later, the doors to the operating room swung open. Everyone rose to their feet, eyes darting to the doctor. The doctor, noticing the tense faces waiting for him, relaxed his own and smiled reassuringly, “No need to worry, folks. The young lady and gentleman are out of the woods. We've removed the bullets and shrapnel. Thankfully, no vital areas were hit; they just lost a fair bit of blood. A little rest and they'll be right as rain!” Jonathan strode toward the operating room. Estelle had been moved to an adjacent bed, an IV drip feeding into her arm. She could be transferred to a different room when she woke up the next day. She lay there, a serene slumber cloaking her features, yet the tracks of tears at the corners of her eyes suggested a sorrow that haunted even her dreams. Jonathan leaned over the bed, hands bracing him as he watched her intently, a mix of relief, pain, and an indescribable swelling emotion in his chest. After a moment, he lowered his head and kissed the tear stains at the corner of her eyes, whispering as gently as if he feared waking her, “Ella, get sgood rest. I'm here for you, always here.” Lambert stood at the doorway, eyes fixed on Estelle, and on the tall figure bending over her. His emotions churned, his mind a tangled mess. She was Stella, the one he'd yearned for all these years, and yet he had almost been the cause of her demise! How could he have been so foolish? No wonder she had always looked down on him! And Alvis, was he the man she loved? Was he the one she held in higher regard than Lambert? It was clear to him that Alvis cared deeply for her! So, it was true! With his thoughts in disarray, Lambert stared blankly at Estelle on the bed before turning to leave. It was late, and both Evelyn and Sylvia wanted to stay and care for Estelle, but Jonathan refused. Gab spoke up, “Estelle’s out of danger now. Let's all get srest. I'll stay on watch here!” “I'm not leaving either. | can take care of Xavier!” Josiah chimed in immediately. In the end, no one left. They all waited in the living room, spending the night in vigil. The following morning, Xavier was the first to wake. Learning that Estelle was also safe, he breathed a sigh of relief, though his spirits remained dampened. The mission had been a success; they had taken down Triceratops and demolished Zion, a cause for celebration, but the loss of Wolf cast a heavy shadow over the victory. Especially for Estelle and Xavier, who had not forgotten Wolf, their teammate, now fallen before them once more. Gab entered the room with breakfast for Jonathan. “You haven't slept all night. Eat something, then get srest. I'll be here with Estelle. If she wakes, I'll send someone to get you immediately!” Jonathan shook his head and said, “No need. | wouldn't be able to sleep way.” Being here, watching over her, gave him speace of mind. “At least eat something,” Gab urged. pil hungry,” Jonathan replied flatly. Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Gab nodded and asked, “How you feeling?” “It’s nothing serious, just sscratches. What about Estelle? Has she woken up?” “Not yet.” Gab sat down, legs crossed, his demeanor cool and detached, “I never would have guessed it was Wolf.” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image)