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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 214
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Read Fated To The Alpha [by Jessica Hall] Chapter 214 – “You better not be wanking; what is taking you so long-” he

stops suddenly, a look of shock on his face as Jonah tugs me toward his friend.

Kyan had on a tailored navy suit, yet it did nothing to hide the bulk of muscle beneath his clothes. His suit jacket

was, open the top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, and I could make out the dark tattoos beneath the

white button- up shirt, some swirling design pattern that moved up the side of his neck.

He stops looking at Jonah, and his jaw clenches; I hadn’t seen him in years, and he had put on more weight, was

just as tall as Jonah but built sturdier, more muscular. His dark hair cropped short on the sides and longer on top, he

had a five o’clock shadow whereas Jonah was clean shaved, Kyan’s eyes are a deep grey almost black, lined with

thick lashes; he looked like a woman’s equivalent of a wet dream until his face morphed into a snarl when he

notices me. His eyes dart to Jonah’s, and his lips press in a harsh line. We stop in front of him, and I start slipping on

my gloves to cover my hands, anything to distract myself from the look he was giving me.

“She isn’t eighteen, Jonah; she can’t be in a C****o by herself,”

“Good thing she isn’t by herself then,” Jonah says, stepping past him and reaching for the door. Kyan steps away

from me.


“You know that isn’t what I meant,” Kyan growls at him.

“She is with us, so it will be fine; you said I could bring someone,”

“So you chose a twelve-year-old,” His words stung. No, they more than stung; the way he said it made my stomach

plunge somewhere cold and deep within me.

“She is sixteen, and geez, Kyan, what has got into you? It’s Marabella, for g*d sake.”

“That’s exactly my point; she is underage and shouldn’t be in a f*****g C****o,”

“Fine, go by yourself then; I will take her bowling or something,” Jonah tells him with a sigh, bowling sounded better

than spending the night next to someone who clearly hates my guts. Kyan pinches the bridge of his nose and



“We lose our liquor license because of her,”

“She won’t be drinking or in any of the g******g areas, and she is with us; no one would say s**t,” Jonah cuts him

off. Kyan’s eyes darted to mine.

“She remains with you; I am not babysitting her,” Kyan snaps before opening the door and stepping out.

“I will just wait here,” I tell Jonah, suddenly feeling unwelcome. You would think by now I would be used to that

feeling, but I did not want to cause conflict between him and his best friend, it would be better if I just rang dad to

come to get me. This was a terrible idea; I just wanted to go home.

“Marabella, hurry up; we are already late. We can’t leave you in here by yourself,” Kyan snaps from outside the


Jonah squeezes my hand, and Kyan growls, Kyan not missing the action as his eyes dart down to glare at Jonah’s

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hand. Jonah lets me go gripping my elbow, and Kyan walks off in a manner that makes me not want to follow; one

day Marabella, one day and we will be free, I remind myself. Jonah tugged me along beside him, or more dragged

me with these stupid heels. Glancing over his shoulder, he sneers at us before Kyan presses the button on the

elevator before looking at my hands.

“Remove them; they don’t go with your dress,” Kyan says, glaring at my hands. I look up at Jonah. It was one thing

not having them on when with Jonah or mum, even Eziah; besides showering, I always wore them.

“But If I touch,”

“You won’t be touching anyone; remove them,” Kyan snaps at me.

“Bro, chill. Leave her be,” Kyan ignores him, his intense aggressive gaze holding mine.

“All these years, and control it, remove them, Marabella. I won’t be seen with you while you wear those ridiculous

gloves,” Jonah growls at him, and Kyan rolls his eyes, grabbing my gloved hand and tugging the glove off by the

fingers, he then reaches for the other and tugs it off before pocketing them. I clench my hands into fists, rubbing

my fingers over my palm when the doors open, having my hands on display for the world to see made me feel


Hopping in the elevator, Kyan does up his suit jacket before fiddling with his cufflinks he pulls from his pocket, his

jaw clenched as he glared at his wrists trying to put the cufflinks on before dropping one. I bend down picking it up.

“Here let me help,” Jonah tells him.

“It’s fine,” Kyan snaps at him and Jonah puts up his hands.

“F**k man, just trying to help, no need to bite my head off,” Jonah says stepping away from him. Kyan sighs looking

over at him before reaching for the cufflink in my hand.

“I’m sor-” He stops short of what he was saying when I grip his wrist, turning his hand palm up and poking the

cufflink through. I straighten his cuff and look up to find him staring at me. His face is set in stone and

indecipherable. I jerk my hand away at the cold look he gives me. I shouldn’t have touched him, why would I do


His jaw clenches before he swallows. Holding out his other wrist and cufflink. My hands shook as I pinched the

cufflink between my fingers before fixing the other one when I felt his hand brush against the back of mine, his

thumb stroking over the back of it, sparks rushed up my arms and my lips part as I quickly did the cuff link up and

step away.

“See, she isn’t so bad. Little fingers come in handy sometimes,” Jonah laughs, nudging him. Kyan nods but doesn’t

say anything, turning to stare at the elevator doors. His hands fist at his sides and I look at Jonah who shrugs before

gripping my elbow.


My feet were k*****g, all night Jonah had been dragging me from one place to another, I swear I walked the entire

C****o twenty times, Kyan always with u s but he barely acknowledged my presence except when I went to wander

off to use the bathroom, only for him t o snap at me and say to stay close. We now seemed to be in some event

room, the strobing lights were giving me a headache, and I desperately needed to pee still. The water bottle in ny

hand was now empty and I looked around for a bathroom when a man approached Jonah about some tech issue

with the security cameras.

“Ah, hang on. I will come have a look, watch Mara for me,” he says, patting Kyan’s shoulder before walking off and

not giving him time to answer. Kyan glares at him before turning to look at m e before he turns back to the person

he was talking to.

I watch people, feeling out of place and even more out of place standing next Kyan. I glance around the large open

room. Noticing a sign with an arrow stating bathrooms’ were down the corridor. I hastily make my way over to it

before slipping into the hall.

Relief floods me when I step into the empty corridor, finally quiet, I thought, and I could see the ladies bathroom up

ahead. I walk down the red-carpeted and gold trimmed corridor. It was dimly lit, the walls grey with small dome

lamps hanging off the walls. I quickly use the bathroom before tugging my dress down and flattening it. Stepping

out, I walk into a man.

He stunk of Liquor, and he grips my arms. “Sorry, love,” He slurs, leaning half on me. The man face was partially

slack as the alcohol weeded it way through his system, his hands clammy and burps before chuckling and

staggering forward again.

“That’s alright,” I tell him, stepping out of reach and moving to step around him. He steps in my way, and I try to

step the other side of him, but he again steps directly in my path. A chuckle leaves him.

“Excuse me,” I murmur, trying to awkwardly move around him.

“How about I buy you a drink?” He purrs gripping my arms, I could tell he was human and I use my wrists to push

on his chest as he steps closer to me.

“Move please,” I ask politely, knowing i t best not to aggravate a drunk man. My heart thumps erratically in my

chest, fear snaking around me tightly when his grip gets tighter. My mind screamed at me to make him let go but I

didn’t have my gloves touching him, I would k**l him.

“I said let go,” I tell him, as his face moves toward mine. His breath smells heavily of beer and I have to hold myself

back from gagging at the stench.

“Ella!” Kyan’s demanding voice bellows and I jolt, the man freezes looking over his shoulder before stepping away

from me. Oh thank g*d, I never thought I would be excited to be glared at before in my life, but I was only seconds

from throwing myself at him just to escape this man’s clutches. Kyan was walking down the corridor toward us, a

look on his face that sent a chill down my spine, his hands in his pockets and he commanded attention, he never

looked more intimidating and I was unsure if I wanted to run to him or from him suddenly. Kyan stopped next to the

man, who swayed slightly.

“Ella come here, Kyan says, pulling his hand from his pocket and holding it out t o me. I grabbed it. Anything to get

away from the drunk man. Kyan yanks me over to him and I stumble in the heels, my other hand grabbing his suit

jacket and the buttons unpop. Kyan steadies me, his eyes still on the man who was muttering about being

interrupted and something else that makes Kyan growl before turning to look at me.

“Go wait outside the doors,” He says, his breath caressing over my neck as he leans closer to whisper to me, I

shiver. I His whisper is more of an angry growl, something I thought impossible to do. I went to walk off when Kyan

gripped my elbow, sparks rushed up my arm and his hand burned into my skin.

“That means wait, don’t wander off, you won’t like it if I have to hunt you down again” Kyan tells me. The man

bristles and Kyan nudges me toward the exit and I hastily rush off. Stepping out, I glance back behind me.

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“Now, Ella,” Kyan says and I nod my head, slipping out the door and closing it behind me. The music was louder and

I glanced around looking for Jonah but not daring to move. I could tell Kyan was angry at me and fear of him made

m e remain where I was when all I wanted t o do was run back to the penthouse and hide away. People stared at

me and I had t o look out of place standing off next to the doors by myself.

After a few minutes the door beside me opens up and Kyan steps out. He pulls a set of keys from his pocket and

locks the doors before grabbing the phone out of his back pocket. His jaw is clenched and I see his knuckles coated

in blood as he sends a text before turning around to face me.

Blood spots were on his white shirt and h e went to turn toward the rest of the room when I stepped in front of him,

tugging his suit jacket closed and doing u p the buttons before someone could see.

“Is he?” I stopped not knowing what I was asking.

“D**d? Yes, you were told not to leave our sides,”

“I just wanted to use the restroom,”

“And now one of my patrons is d**d,”

“I never asked you to k**l him,” I squeak out, guilt smashing me. Bile rises in my throat and nausea washes over


“He shouldn’t have touched you,”

“He was drunk,”

“He still touched you,”

“Why do you care, you hate me anyway,” I tell him, stepping away from him.

“I don’t hate you Marabella, I just don’t like ” I scoff.

“Same thing,”

“You know nothing, now enough we are leaving,” He says, gripping my elbow and tugging me after him.

“Wait, what about Jonah?” I ask, trying t o pull away from his grip. He growls ignoring me and pulling me toward the


“Kyan slow down, I have heels on” I shriek as I stumble after him. He stops abruptly and I walk into his back. He

growled menacingly before kneeling and lifting the bottom of my dress and fiddling with my heel. I grip his shoulder

glancing around and ignoring the growl h e let out when I touched him. He slips one heel off before grabbing my

other ankle and tingles rush up the inside of my leg and t***h making me gasp. He removes it before standing.

“Better?” He says, before grabbing my elbow again, my heels clutched in his other hand as he led me toward the

elevator. He presses the button when I hear Jonah’s voice from behind us.

There you both are, ,” Jonah sighs, making me look at him. Relief floods me, and the elevator doors open.

Get her back to the penthouse,” Kyan snaps at him before pushing me into the elevator. Jonah looks between us,

clearly confused.

“What’s going on?” He asks, concerned.

“Don’t bring her back here again,” Kyan snaps at him before shoving my heels into his chest.

“Kyan?” Jonah snaps but he just walks off. Jonah runs a hand through his hair before stepping in the elevator

looking at me.

What happened?” He asks and I shrug. Kyan would probably tell him later and I just hoped I wasn’t still with Jonah

when he did.