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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 782
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Chapter 782


Kiley looked furious, “Mr. Yoder, you can’t just defend Ms. Cameron because she’s your girlfriend, can you?”

Maxim looked at her with a cold expression, “I don’t defend my own girlfriend, do you think I would defend you?”

Kiley’s face turned pale and then fiushed, “Mr. Yoder, don’t change the subject, we are talking about Mrs. Sullivan’s necklace!”

“I also said, if you want to search her bag, bring out the evidence,” I had said.

Kiley pursed her l*ps, looking coldly at Maxim, “Mr. Yoder, if you refuse to coope rate, we will have no choice but to call the police. It won’t look good for anyone if this gets out of hand.”

“Were you threatening me?”

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Maxim’s expression was icy cold, his gaze at Kiley was incredibly saintly, sendin g chills down one’s spine.

“This is not a threat, I’m just reminding Mr. Yoder, if this matter is resolved here, it can still be settled privately. But if the police get involved, it’s uncertain whe ther Ms. Cameron will be able to walk away unscathed. ”

Maxim looked at him coldly, a glint of chill fiashing in his eyes.

Just then, Briana Cameron spoke up. “Let’s call the police then ”


Chapter TEG

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As soon as she said this, everyone looked at her with disbelief and began to whi sper among themselves.

“It couldn’t really be that she didn’t steal it, otherwise how would she have the nerve to call the police?”

“Maybe it’s a case of the thief crying ‘stop thief? That necklace might not be on her anymore.”

“Isn’t it a bit too much for you to say that? After all, you don’t have any evidence to prove that it was definitely Briana Cam eron who stole it!”

A slow smile crept up the corners of Kiley’s mouth. If Briana Cameron was intent on digging h er own grave, then she would gladly help her along!

“Ms. Cameron, I hope you won’t regret it.”

Briana Cameron looked indifferent, “If you’re going to call the police, do it quic kly. Don’t waste everyone’s time.”


Kiley dialed the emergency number, and after explaining the situation at the scene to the police, they assured her they would be there soon.

While waiting for the police to arrive, the woman in the blue dress sent a messa ge to Kiley with her head down.

“Ms. Schneider, everything has been taken care of. Once the police arrive, even if Briana Cameron had ten mouths, she wouldn’t be able to explain herself.”

After reading, Kiley deleted the message, a smile tugging at the corner of her m outh.

The Sullivan family, in Haseton, although not as powerful as the


Cameron family, was not the kind of family that could be humihated by the Cam eron family

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Once the police arrived and found the necklace in Briana Cameron’s bag the Su llivan family would surely find a way to teach Briana Cameron a lesson.

By then, all she needed to do was to watch the drama from the sidelines

Thinking of the scene where Briana Cameron was taken away by the police, she couldn’t help but feel excited.

The police arrived quickly

Because there was no surveillance in the venue, the police could only start by a sking about the situation at that time.

Most people didn’t have any impression of Mrs. Sullivan’s necklace, only the wo man in blue told the police that she had seen Briana Cameron put the necklace into her bag with her own eyes.

The police officer approached Briana Cameron, about to speak, but Briana Cam eron beat him to it. “Officer,” she began, “I want to report that someone has secr etly placed Mrs. Sullivan’s necklace in my bag.‘

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole place erupted.

“Did I hear it wrong, Mrs. Sullivan’s necklace was really in her bag?”

“This thief was crying ‘stop thief‘, really played beautifully by Briana Cameron. It seems she planned to pin the necklace theft on someone else!”

“It must be said that Briana Cameron’s mental strength was really good, she co uld actually lie with her eyes open, saying that someone secretly put the neckla ce in her bag!”