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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 405
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Chapter 405


On the other side, in a VIP ward of the Bridenville General Hospital, Hector was lying on his side on the hospital bed, looking out the window with an indifferent express ion.

The agent beside him peeled an orange and handed it to him, slowly saying, “H ector, have some fruit.”

Ever since he woke up and realized that under Albert’s coercion, he had told Briana that he was not he r savior, Hector had been indifferent to everyone. Every day, apart from eating, he would just stare out of the window, ignoring anyone who tried to talk to him.

“I didn’t want to eat.”

The agent sighed and slowly said, “Even if you want to explain to Briana that yo u saved her, you at least have to wait until your injuries are healed, right?”

Hector closed his eyes, speaking in an indifferent tone, “I want to be alone for a while, you go ahead.”

Watching him close his eyes in a manner that suggested he didn’t want to talk, t he agent didn’t say anything more. After putting down the orange, he quietly left.

Only when the ward had returned to silence did Hector open his eyes.

The agent and Albert both guessed wrong. He didn’t want to see Briana. Knowin g she was safe, he was relieved and didn’t want to bother her anymore.


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He just needed more time to convince himself, to restrain his emotions, and to stop paying attention to he r.

That was it.

On the other side, after Norma was hospitalized, she was quickly arranged for e xamination, but nothing was found. All of Norma’s indicators were normal, but t here was no sign of her waking up.

Upon the doctor’s advice, they could only administer a nutritional IV to Norma, maintaining the most basic nutrition.

“Mr. Yoder, I suggested transferring to the First Hospital. After all, their equipment is more advanced th an ours. The issues we couldn’t detect here, perhaps the First Hospital could.”

Maxim’s expression was icy, “Arrange for a transfer immediately.”

Norma had been unconscious all along, and he couldn’t care less about whether he would run into Hector or not.

However, Maxim had called Albert in advance, asking him to have someone kee p an eye on Hector, not to let him appear in front of himself and Briana.

After going for a check–up at another hospital, the results were no different from those at Greenlawn Hospita l.

Maxim’s face grew increasingly grim, he coldly said, “A bunch of useless people, can’t even figure out why he fainted!”

Knowing his overwhelming power, the doctor who examined Norma was trembli ng with fear, yet dared not to contradict.

Briana frowned at him and said, “Mr. Yoder, don’t worry. How about I contact th e miracle doctor who treated your leg before, to see if he can find out the reaso n for your grandmother’s fainting?”



Maxim nodded coldly, “Hmm, you’re tired too. I’ll have someone take you to res t in a bit. I can take care of grandma here.”


Briana stepped aside to call Wyatt, knowing that he was conveniently attending a semi nar in Haseton. She told him about Norma’s sudden fainting spell, and Wyatt ag reed to come over immediately.

Half an hour later, Wyatt came to check on Norma’s health.

When taking the pulse, his expression gradually became serious. He checked un der Norma’s tongue again, and sure enough, there was a fast–acting heart– saving pill

If it weren’t for this fast–acting heart– saving pill, Norma would have been dead by now.

He stood up and looked at Maxim, saying, “Mr. Yoder, the old lady’s condition is a bit complicated, I need to go back and prepare some medi cinal materials.”

Maxim frowned, “How long will it take?”

“Probably a day’s time.”

A glint of coldness fiashed in his eyes, he was about to give Wyatt only half a da y when Briana suddenly spoke up, “In that case, Dr. Waylon should hurry up and prepare the medicinal herbs, I’ll see you

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Watching Briana and Wyatt leave together, Maxim’s eyes were filled with coldne ss.

Although Briana and Wyatt appeared unfamiliar with each other, some of their actions and behaviors were clearly very familiar.




Thinking of this, Maxim’s eyes grew a few degrees colder.

Stepping out of the ward, Wyatt immediately whispered, “This disease is not ea sy to treat, I guess you’ll have to step in.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Briana shoved something into his h and.
