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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1115
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Chapter 1115

Madeline and Vanessa were both quite famous, so it was surprising that they wo uld participate in such a thankless and strenuous show. I really wondered what their agents were thinking!

I hoped that Madeline and Vanessa could get along well, as they were both actr esses I really liked! Looking forward!


After several people finished lunch, they began to walk towards the forest toget her.

Because the food was still plentiful today, they decided to cut trees together an d ideally set up the rudimentary structure of the shelter.

Jacob walked into the woods, giving them precautions as he went. He had partic ipated in several episodes of the show and had acquired some wilderness survi val knowledge. However, surviving on a deserted island for a month was still ver y challenging. The team he was on in the previous episode had failed in less tha n ten days.

“There were blind bears and some aggressive wild animals on this island. so we had to build the shelter well Moreover, we were four people, so we needed at le ast two rooms and a kitchen, otherwise we would definitely have a hard time lat er on.”

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A few people were walking forward when suddenly Vanessa, who was in the mid dle, let out a scream.

“Ah! There was a snake!”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than she blacked out.



Chapter 1115

Following behind her. Madeline quickly supported her Several people looked in the direction she had just pointed, and sure enough, they saw a green snake coil ed around a tree trunk a few meters away from them. staring at them motionles sly

Jacob furrowed his brow, whispering. “This is a bamboo pit viper, it’s highly ven omous. We need to retreat slowly, don’t provoke it

However, as soon as the words fell, a rough wooden arrow fiew directly towards t he bamboo leaf green snake with a “whoosh” sound. piercing through its head a nd nailing it to the tree.

After a few seconds of silence, Jacob looked at Stewart, who was walking at the end, with a face full of shock. His eyes were filled with disbelief and admiration.

“Stewart. I didn’t expect your archery skills to be so good. When you said you co uld hunt. I hardly believed it! I’m truly convinced now! And when did you make the bow and arrows?!”

Stewart’s expression was indifferent. “I just happened to see some materials sui table for making a bow and arrow on the side of the road. so I casually made one.”

Watching his calm demeanor, Jacob suddenly gained a lot of

confidence. Perhaps with Stewart’s presence, their team could win this


Considering this possibility, he looked at Stewart with admiration.

Except for him, the rest of the guests had already received rewards. Could it be that this overwhelming wealth and honor had finally come

to him?!

“Stewart, why don’t you focus on hunting from now on, and I’ll take care of chop ping the trees. Madeline, you and Vanessa will be in charge of processing the ga me that Stewart hunts. Try to find a way to


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Chapter 1115

preserve it for a longer period of time!”

“No need, I could chop trees and hunt at the same time. We need to build a base. it’s best not to waste too much time looking for f ood ”

Seeing Stewart’s confident face, Jacob was almost moved to tears

“Alright, if the fish Madeline caught is enough for us to eat, we can also start buil ding the base first.”

Seeing the two discussing their post– meeting tasks, Madeline, who was standing by couldn’t help but say. “Before dis cussing these matters, should we find a way to wake Vanessa up first…”

Hearing this. both of them turned their heads to look at Vanessa. A hint of dissat isfaction fiashed in Stewart’s eves. If it wasn’t for the arrangement of the production team, he didn’ t want to participate in this variety show with a female star at all. Women are b oth timid and


“You watch him here, Jacob and I will be chopping trees nearby Call us anytime if anything happens.”

After speaking, Stewart went over to the side with Jacob, picked up an axe, and began chopping down trees.

Initially, the show crew did not provide axes. However, they later realized that without these items, guests without wilderness survival skills would quickly be e liminated. So, they began to provide some necessities, but only for the first thre e days. On the third day, they would come and take away all the items.