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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1108
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Chapter 1108

After getting off the car, she walked to the door and knocked.

After a while, the villa door finally opened, revealing Madeline’s somewhat pale face.

“Briana, come in first,”

After Briana Cameron walked in, she couldn’t help but frown, saying, “Why is you r face so pale? Haven’t you been resting well these past few days?”

Madeline nodded. “You sit first, what would you like to drink? I only have water and coffee here.”

“No need, tell me what’s really going on, let me see if I can help you.”

The two sat down on the sofa, and Madeline was silent for a moment before she spoke: “I am indeed in a relationship, with someone you also know.”

Briana Cameron paused for a moment, then blurted out subconsciously, “You’re not talking about… Brycen, are you?”

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Madeline pursed her l*ps and nodded, “It was him. Initially, I didn’t want to get involved with him, but he never gave up. Once, when I was filming, I fell from a wire and he desperately protected me…..”

“Since then, my opinion of him had changed. At first, I thought he was pursuing me on a whim, but later I realized he was serious.”

“So what happened this time? You were being insulted so badly online, and I di dn’t see him stand up for you.”

Chapter 1108

Madeline was silent for a moment, then said softly, “I’ve already broken up with him.”

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Seeing her dispirited appearance, Briana Cameron couldn’t help but frown. “Yo u don’t seem to have let go, did he bring it up?”

Madeline shook her head. “No, it was me who brought it up. I was never really c ompatible with him. I was only briefiy with him because his sincerity touched m e. Breaking up now is just cutting our losses in time.”

“But your expression didn’t tell me that. If you still have feelings, I suggest you not give up on this relationship so quickly.”

Madeline hung her head, her eyes filled with despair and pain. “It’s useless. the Carney family will never accept me. Being with me will only gradually wear awa y his feelings for me. It’s better to break up now, at least in the future when he t hinks of me, he won’t feel regret.”

Aside from the Carney family, after her parents accidentally found out about Br ycen’s background, every time they called him, they hinted at her to ask Brycen to help her brother find a job in Bridenville.

Madeline had never agreed, because she knew very well that once she started, t he Garcia family would cling to Brycen like vampires.

Once Brycen found out what her family was like, he might truly regret falling in l ove with her and even start to despise himself

Whenever she thought of this possibility, Madeline’s heart felt as if it was tightly gripped by a large hand, and waves of suffocating pain would inevitably come.

Seeing the despair radiating from her, Briana Cameron couldn’t help but say, “Madeline, I think you’re

in a bad state right now. You’ve always been a confident and sunny girl in front of me. Why has a mere romance made you so unconfident?”

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In Briana Cameron’s eves, Madeline was a queen of the screen, with both acting skills and beauty that were hard to beat She didn’t need to rely on anyone to li ve well

Madeline gave a bitter laugh. “Perhaps it’s because of falling in love with someone that one becomes s o anxious about gains and losses

“Regardless. I thought you were a very good girl, don’t belittle yourself because of emotions”

Madeline nodded. “Yes, I understand Thank you, Briana”

Briana Cameron stayed with Madeline for a while longer, cooked her a meal, an d only left after seeing that she was feeling a bit better

Not long after she left, the doorbell of the Madeline villa rang again

Thinking she had forgotten something, Madeline opened the door directly

However, the moment Madeline saw the person at the door, her face instantly tu rned incredibly unpleasant.