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Facade of Love

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93 Driven Out of Scott Residence

In the courtyard, a cold wind howled, and I stood there, at a loss.

After standing in the yard for a while, I finally entered the villa. All that talk, and it was

back to square one because of a child.

Inside the villa, Moore’s belongings were placed in the living room. She had changed her

clothes, and my mother sat there with a stern face, utterly silent.

When Idris returned to the villa, Moore approached him, her eyes red with tears.

She did not say anything, but her look clearly showed she felt wronged.

Seeing her like this, Idris frowned and asked, “What’s wrong?” His eyes briefly swept over

her packed–up belongings.

Tears welling in her eyes, Moore choked up and said to Idris, “Iddy, I… I don’t have a home


Idris frowned as he looked toward my mother with dark, questioning eyes.

My mother did not look at him but turned her gaze to me instead. Seeing my face. red

from the cold, she wrapped the cloak she had prepared around me and pulled me to sit by

the fireplace to warm up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Naturally, I had noticed my mother and Moore’s unusual behavior. Looking at my mother, I

asked, “Mom, what’s this about?”

My mother patted my hand, signaling that everything was okay, then looked at Idris and

Moore and calmly said, “I’ve said what needed to be said. Moore, I’ve raised you for over

twenty years. The Scotts have never mistreated you, nor do we owe you anything. From

now on, you’re no longer a part of the Scott family.” Then she looked at Idris and

continued, “Idris, as for your affairs with Yvette, ast an elder, I shouldn’t interfere. But as a

mother, I can’t stand to see my child wronged. When we entrusted Yvette to you, we

hoped you would treat her well. But now, it seems you might not be able to do that. I don’t

blame you. Since you have someone else you want to take care of, Yvette will no longer

have anything to do with you. In relationships, it’s most dignified to part on good terms.

I’m sure you know this. Thank you for taking care of Yvette these past two years. I will

communicate with Madam Young on this matter. You won’t be staying the

ay mother had said all that needed to be said and effectively

(at she said to my możne

to stay with the Scotts, I will abide by your arrangement. But I really haven’t done.

anything wrong to Yvette with Iddy. You misunderstand me and are biased

against me. I can endure that, but Iddy has done nothing wrong. You can’t treat him this


My mother was about to say something, but I held her back, stood up, and looked at

Moore. “Moore, are you sure you want to stay with the Scotts?”

She frowned and her expression darkened. “What do you mean?”

I smiled faintly and indifferently said, “Stop the act now. Otherwise, you’ll miss your


After that, I looked at Idris. I met his somber gaze, and without saying more, I turned and

went upstairs.

Being kicked out by my mother was exactly what Moore wanted. How else would she have

found a reason to cling to Idris? Her fake crying was just to make herself seem pitiful. I

was disgusted by her act and could not stand her performance.

I had only been back in my room for a short while when I heard the sound of a car leaving

the yard. I knew without looking that it was Idris and Moore leaving.

Knock, knock!

There was a knock at my bedroom door.

“Come in,” I said..

My mother entered, looking somewhat uneasy, as if she had something to say. Seeing her

like this, I could not help but pull her to sit on the chaise lounge and said with a smile,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Mom, you’ve never been one to hesitate like this. What’s wrong today? Why are you

holding back?”

She looked at me, paused, and said, “Yvette, was I too harsh on Idris just now? Today,

Madam Young also told me about his relationship with Moore. He was just looking after

Moore. When I saw him treating Moore’s wounds in the room and remembered your

father’s death, I got angry and acted impulsively. Thinking about it now, I feel like a failure

as a mother. Did I ruin your chances with him by Laying those things? You’re not angry

with me, are you?”

Listening to my mother, I could not help but hold my forehead. If Moore had said I would

definitely have had a sarcastic retort, but coming from my mother, I


mother, I nodded and said, “Yes!”

elton like a child who had done

“Mom!” I interrupted, looking at her and saying, “I know you did all this with my best

interests at heart, but, Mom, I’ve grown up. I can handle my own affairs. Many times, your

intervention only makes me passive. Like today, you drove Moore out of the Scott

Residence and said those harsh words to Idris. If Idris and I were to continue our

relationship, wouldn’t that make it difficult for me? Also, driving Moore out right now plays

right into her hands, allowing her to act pititully and make Idris feel obligated to care for

her, doesn’t it?”