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Facade of Love

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90 Stubborn Humans

I accepted the glass of water my mother offered, rinsing my mouth before gasping out, ”

Morning sickness?”

“Most women experience it when they’re pregnant. How can you be so clueless?” my

mother teased, though her smile did not quite reach her eyes. Seeing how weak I was, she

added, “You should rest. Your stomach is empty from all the vomiting. I’ll make you

something to eat.”

I did not argue with her. Instead, I nodded and made my way back to bed. As I lay there,

my hand instinctively moved to my belly. Morning sickness, huh?

Whether I was expecting to or not, I knew the answer better than anyone. Why was I

suddenly hit with such intense waves of nausea?

“What’s on your mind?” A deep, restrained voice echoed from beside the bed. I turned my

head to see Idris standing here.

He was by the bed, looking down at me from his towering height.

I hesitated for a moment, then sat up and said, “I’m not feeling well today, so I won’t be

heading to Clearwater Residence.” Moore had been taken back to our house by mother. I

was worried she might stir up some trouble, so I decided to stay here for a while.

He nodded, probably noticing my pale face, and did not argue with me. “Alright, then rest

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

here,” he said.

His agreeable response was unusual, and I was not used to it. Then I realized, after seeing

me throw up so violently, he and my mother probably thought it was morning sickness. He

cared about the child he thought was in my belly, so naturally, he would not give me a

hard time.

This saved me from a potential argument with him. After the bout of nausea, I was feeling

quite drained. I noticed him finding a spot to sit in my room, looking like he had no plans

to leave anytime soon.

I frowned, “It’s getting late. Aren’t you going back to Clearwater Residence?”

He raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes fixed on me, his voice low and restrained, “You’re my

wife and you’re staying here, yet you expect me to leave?”

I was taken aback, not quite understanding his point, “Are you planning to stay here


He raised an eyebrow, “Can’t I?”

It was fine for a son-in-law to stay at my place, but….

We had been married for two years, and he had never stayed at the Scotts before. His

sudden decision to stay was a bit unsettling for me.

Unable to find a reason to refuse him, I reluctantly nodded. “Sure.”

Suddenly, a loud “Clang!” echoed from outside, followed by the sound of various objects


I froze, my mind racing with thoughts that something had happened to my mother. Fear

gripped me as I scrambled out of bed to check.

Before I could take a step, Idris scooped me up and deposited me back onto the bed. I

frowned, irritation creeping into my voice. “What are you doing, Idris?”

He glanced at my bare feet, his voice a low rumble, “Put on your shoes first.” As he spoke,

he had already fetched my sl*ppers from the other side of the bed and sl*pped them onto

my feet. I blinked in surprise. This gu


Shaking my head, I dismissed the impractical thoughts, sl*pped out of bed, and left the


The noise was coming from a nearby room, Moore’s room.

The sound of crashing objects was followed by Moore’s shrill scream. I was still processing

the situation when Idris, who was behind me, swiftly pushed open Moore’s door and

stepped inside. His worried voice echoed out, “What happened?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I stood rooted to the spot, my gaze fixed on Moore’s bedroom door, my mind a whirl of


“Feeling a bit on edge? A mocking voice sounded in my ear. It was Maxwell, who seemed

to have just returned. His towering figure loomed behind me, his gaze fixed on Moore’s

room. Just standing there while he rushes off to another woman?”

I pressed my l*ps together, already accustomed to such situations. Without a word, I

turned and retreated to my own room.

Maxwell trailed behind me, a smirk playing on his l*ps. “Wait, your guy just went into

another woman’s room, and you’re just walking away? Not even going to take a peek?”

Once inside my room, I turned around, blocking him from entering. I stared at him, “What

could I possibly see if I went in?”

He paused, a sly grin spreading across his face. “A man and a woman alone in a room,

what do


think? A tender scene of love, of course.”

I was convinced that Maxwell was a divine punishment sent to torment me.

With a resounding “Bang!” I shut the door, leaving his annoying face on the other side.

Lying in bed, I felt a heavy weight on my chest, a discomfort that was hard to shake off. It

was funny how we humans were: we did not learn our lessons or let go until we faced the
