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Facade of Love

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 Mom Wants Us to Get a Divorce

If possible, my mother probably never wanted to see these two again in her lifetime.

Hearing what I said, Idris pursed his l*ps and began to speak. “On the day of the


“Ahhh!” Suddenly, a scream echoed from upstairs.

Without finishing his sentence, Idris dashed upstairs.

I stood there, unable to help but smile bitterly. Idris‘ reactions were extremely attuned to

Moore’s needs.

Suppressing the bitterness in my heart, I followed upstairs. On the corridor, Moore was

screaming in Idris‘ arms, her voice sounding panicked, “Iddy, there’s a thief in the house!”

The thief she was referring to was, of course, Maxwell, who was wearing only a towel and

had most of his b*dy exposed. Startled by her exaggerated reaction, he opened his mouth

awkwardly, attempting to explain.

Seeing me behind them, he came over to me, his face flushed with embarrassment.

“Sorry, I just wanted to ask if you had a hairdryer. I didn’t expect other people to be in the


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I nodded and glanced at Moore’s exaggerated reaction and Idris‘ darkened face. I did not

say much except to Maxwell. “We do. I’ll go get it for you.”

After saying that, I went into the bedroom, grabbed a hairdryer for Maxwell, and handed it

to him. After taking the hairdryer, Maxwell looked at Moore leaning on Idris, then at Idris‘

stern face, and then at me. He twitched the comer of his mouth and said, “This

relationship seems a bit complicated, huh?”

I gave him a look and said, “Go dry your hair.”

He chuckled awkwardly and then went to another bedroom. However, after a few steps, he

turned back to look at Idris and said, “Mr. Young, if I say that the reason I’m bathing here

and un–dressed like this is due to a minor accident, would you

believe me?”

Idris stared at him unflinchingly with a stern face. He did not say a word, but the

murderous intent in his gloomy gaze was enough to show he absolutely did not believe it!

Seeing the situation, Maxwell probably realized his explanation was futile. He shrugged

and said, “Never mind then, I won’t explain. I’m going to dry my hair.”

After Maxwell entered the bedroom, Moore reluctantly stood up straight from Idris‘ arms

and looked at me, saying, “Yvette, how can you just bring a man home like that? Don’t

you have any shame?”

Amused, I laughed. “You’re the one lying in my man’s arms. I still fall short when

compared to you. Also, Mr. Sanchez has a great physique. If you want to look, you can do

so openly. There’s no need to hide in your Iddy’s arms and steal glances. That contrived

act of yours makes my eyes”

“yvette, you’re talking nonsense!” Upon being exposed, Moore was so agitated she almost

jumped up and downL

I ignored her and went downstairs.

Idris followed me, his expression cold, and quickly blocked my path, asking, “Why did you

bring Maxwell Sanchez back to the Scotts‘ residence?”

I scoffed. “This is my house. Do I need to report to you whom I bring home?”

“Yvette, don’t be so shameless,” Moore said, as if she had caught me in the act. “Bringing

a man home to stay the night, and you’re even pregnant. How could you become like this,

so utterly shameless?”

“Who could be more shameless than you, Moore Scott?” A voice came from outside the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

door. It was my mother, carrying a cardboard box. She entered the hall, glaring at Moore

with suppressed anger. “Who let you in? Get out now. Don’t dirty this place.”

Seeing my mother return, Moore’s face softened somewhat, and she said to my mother,

“Mom, where’d you go? Yvette

Chapter 63 Mom Wants Us to Get a Divorce

brought a man home. Why didn’t you stop her? She’s being so unreasonable.”


My mother gave her a cold look and angrily said, “It’s none of your business what she’s

doing. You seduced your own sister’s husband. Don’t you know how dirty you are? Yet you

have the nerve to talk about others like that. Why don’t you take a look at yourself first?”

“Mom…” Upon getting scolded by my mother, Moore started crying. Her tears fell like rain

as she looked at my mother.” Mom, how can you say that to me? I’m your daughter!


“You’re no longer my daughter. Get out. You’re not welcome here…” As she spoke, my

mother turned to Idris, and her face was stern. “Mr. Young, please take your ‘person‘ and

leave. From now on, the Scotts have nothing to do with Moore, nor with you. Regarding

Yvette’s marriage to you, please convey to Madam Young that we are both respectable

families. Let’s find a time to get the divorce papers, so we can part on good terms,”