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Facade of Love

Chapter 220
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Chapter 220 Taking the Plunge

I spun around, and there was Christina, as expected.

Her face was a total 180 from the sweet act she had pulled in the hall. I shot her a look.

“Seems like snooping is more your style than mine.”

She was all puffed up, glaring at me like I had stolen her candy. “I’ve never met anyone as

brazen as you. You’re not even with Iddy anymore, but you still had the gall to take the

bracelet grandma meant for the Youngs‘ new bride. You’ve got no conscience, huh?”

I could not help but chuckle at her outrage. “What’s got you so riled up? Got your eye on

the bracelet? Or maybe it’s Iddy you’re after?”

“You…” She winced as if my words had stepped on a sore spot. Then, with a face twisted

in pride, she shot me a look that could freeze lava and said, “So what if I like him? You’re

the one who divorced him, right? What’s the big deal? Can’t anyone else fancy him? And

hey, if someone like you could snag him, why not me?”

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I raised an eyebrow and, honestly, her words were so ridiculous I had to laugh. “You?”

She huffed, her eyes rolling as if I was the most pathetic thing she had ever seen. “Please,

in terms of family, my dad’s a big shot in Lake City. Your Scott Corporation is small

potatoes there. And looks? Please, you’re yesterday’s news, Yvette. What makes you think

you’re in my league? Iddy must’ve been blind to marry you. Good thing you had the brains

to leave him, or it would’ve been a total cringe fest.”

I could not help but chuckle at her dramatics. “Oh, a big shot in Lake City? Scott

Corporation is small potatoes? Yesterday’s news? Miss Zanier, your way with words is…

enlightening. No wonder Idris isn’t into your family. With that kind of charm and class, it’s

just… wow.”

“Yvette, if you’ve got something to say, spit it out. Quit the snark,” Christina snapped, her

face red with fury as she glared daggers at me.

Seeing her all worked up was kind of funny. I gave a light laugh and said, “Listen, a little

free advice–don’t get your hopes up. Idris’s bar isn’t down low in Hell. He wouldn’t give

you the time of day, let alone a second glance. Instead of picking fights with me, maybe

hit the books and get some smarts. Who knows? It might make him notice you.”

I was not usually this blunt, but sometimes I just could not help it.

She was clearly not used to being called out like that. Her eyes flared up with anger, and

she glared at me with pure fury, almost losing her mind as she spat out, “Who are you to

boss me around? You’re nothing! Just drop dead.” I never saw it coming when she charged

at me. I jumped back on instinct, narrowly avoiding her, and my expression turned stone–

cold.” Christina, this is the Youngs‘ turf. If you’re looking to brawl, do it somewhere else,” I

said, my brows knitted in annoyance. I was not about to start a scene here.

Rage had completely taken over her. She had missed her wild attack and, with a dark look

in her eyes, she caught sight of the pond next to us. A mean streak flashed across her

face as she hissed, “Dying here would be too good for you.”

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Just like that, she grabbed me and shoved me towards the pond. I realized her plan a

second too late, and a chill ran down my spine. Acting fast, I clung to a decorative rock

pile nearby and, in a desperate move to save myself, I kicked her right in the stomach.

Chapter 220 Taking the Plunge


She cried out in pain and instinctively let go of me to clutch her belly. She had been so

eager to push me that she was now teetering on the edge of the pond herself, surrounded

by a tangle of shrubs and flowers. When she released me, her skirt got snagged by the

shrubs, and she stumbled backward.

Losing her balance, she toppled over straight into the pond, her fancy dress now a banner

caught in the bushes.


I stood there for a few heartbeats, shocked, too stunned to even shout for help.

It was not until I heard Christina flailing in the water, gasping, “Help… help… somebody

help me, I… I can’t swim,” that I snapped back to reality.