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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 109
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Chapter 109

Laura had arrived!

The crowd's hearts skipped a beat.

Dakota nervously clasped her hands together.

Archic and Madison showed signs of delight in their eyes after a brief moment of surprise.

Laura personally cout to meet them after knowing they were waiting for her downstairs!

“What's all the commotion about?” Peggy approached with a displeased expression. “And you, why are you here


She then looked at Cameron while furrowing her brows with disgust.

This annoying guy, hadn’t he left?

Peggy's attitude toward Cameron took Archie and Madison aback.

Did Peggy know this guy?

But soon, they understood.

Cameron must have offended Peggy before.

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Otherwise, why would Peggy treat him like this?

Cameron and Dakota were definitely putting on an act!

Archie and Madison sneered inwardly and looked at Cameron mockingly.

They couldn’t wait to see this guy get humiliated!

Cameron was in no mood to deal with these two jerks, nor did he care about Peggy.

He only cared about why Laura had clooking for Dakota.

Dakota was unaware of Cameron and Laura's relationship. She saw Peggy's unfriendly attitude toward Cameron

and timidly asked, “Ms. Lee, um... did Cameron offend you in any way?”

Peggy felt a surge of anger. She wanted to express that Cameron had offended her in numerous ways, but she

held back her words after recalling what Laura had said earlier.

“I just feel that your quarreling has affected Ms. Jones’ mood.”

“I'm sorry, Ms. Lee...”

Dakota's heart trembled, and she immediately apologized.

On the other hand, Madison seemed to enjoy the spectacle and wanted to stir up more trouble. Taking

advantage of what she thought was Laura’s favor, she loudly exclaimed, “Ms. Lee, Ms. Jones, he’s the

Canler 100

one causing a scene here. He was even shouting

“Madison, how could you falsely accuse Cameron like this!” Dakota becanxious,

“Falsely accuse him?” Madison's lips curled into a cold smile. “I'm only speaking the truth!”

After hearing her malicious words, Laura looked at Madison with a slightly chilly gaze.

Madison thought Laura believed her words and continued, “Ms. Jones, | can guarantee that word | said is true!

“Cameron is my ex-husband. For five years, he leeched offand used me. | couldn't bear it anymore, which

led to our divorce.


“But even after the divorce, he was unwilling to let go. He would harassevery now and then. He even got

involved with my best friend, this woman here!”

Madison pointed at Dakota.

Dakota's face turned pale, and she wanted to explain.

“Go on.” Laura's voice cut through the air.

“Yes, Ms. Jones!”

Madison gained even more confidence with Laura's input. “I don’t know when they got involved, but | tolerated it


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“I just never expected that my tolerance would only encourage their audacity. This time, they wanted to come

and disrupt us upon learning that we cto the hotel to see you!

“I exposed their intentions, and they claimed you invited them. They even pretended to call you and said you

would cdown to meet them.

“But the truth is, you cdown to seeand my boyfriend.

“When | spoke up about the situation just now, | thought they would back off. But Cameron said | was arrogant

and lived in a fantasy world!

“I couldn’t accept that, so we argued, leading to the scene you just witnessed.

Madison portrayed herself as a victim, expecting Laura to take her side.

And indeed, Laura’s expression grew even colder after hearing her words.

Dakota's heart trembled.

Madison's eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

Just when she thought Laura was about to take action against this adulterous couple, Laura’s next words made

her smile vanish instantly.

She stood there, stunned.

“So, what's wrong with him saying you're arrogant and living in a fantasy world?”