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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 275
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Chapter 0275

I stare at the papers in front of me, but the words are nothing but a blur. I couldn’t make

sense of any of it, mainly because I couldn’t focus on shit.

My thoughts were back home with Ava. I couldn’t help but worry, even though I had


protecting the whole compound.

What if something happened and I wasn’t there to protect her?

That was my biggest worry right now. I failed her the last time, when she was shot. I was

just afraid of

something like that happening to her again.

My phone rings, and I dive for it. I’m disappointed when I see Reaper’s name flash. I

bought Ava a new

phone a couple of days ago, and I was hoping that it was her calling.

With a sigh, I answer, “What?”

“What’s got your underwear in a twist?” he grumbles back.

bastard, and he sure as hell

I still didn’t like the didn’t like me, but for Ava and Iris’s sake, we would work

together to protect them.

“Did you call for something important, or do you just want to bitch at me?” I push the

documents I was studying aside and lean back against my chair. “If that’s the case, then

I’m going to hang up because I’m

not in the F***ing mood to deal with you.”

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He doesn’t say anything, and for a while. I almost think that he has hung up. I wouldn’t

put it past him


Pinching the bridge of my nose, I let myself exhale deeply. I’ve been at work for four

hours, and I already

have a migraine.

“Have you found anything related to that day?” I ask him instead.

It was better than just hearing him breathe on the other end. If he was calling, then there

must be a

reason why

His sigh is deep and loaded. That much I can tell.

“No,” he replies. “And that’s what has me worried. I’m usually able to find someone within

days; It’s now.

been months, and we still don’t have a F***ing clue on who could be behind her attack.”

The police investigations led to dead ends after dead ends. I was hoping that working with

Reaper would

“It’s starting to get on my F***ing nerve because, as long as this person is still breathing,

Ava will probably always be in danger.” I hear a growl, followed by a crash on his end.

He was right. That’s what scares me so much. It’s why I’m not big on the idea of leaving

Ava home alone.

“Any lead at all? Anything at all that could point us in the right direction?” I almost plead.

We needed something. I needed something. Anything at all. The constant worry was

starting to get to me. I couldn’t risk losing Ava. Especially not now, when I feel like I’ve

been given a second chance.

“Nothing,” he breathes out. Though there is something that I can’t figure out,”

“What is it?”


“How has this person stayed hidden?” he replies. “Like I said, it is not really hard for me to

find someone. I mean, I’m king of the underground; no one stays hidden from me.”

I thought about it for a while. He is right. Reaper is the king of his terrain. His name alone

is enough to send someone into an early grave. The bastard is unhinged, and most people

fear him. The fact that he isn’t able to find out who ordered the hit and who actually

carried it out is weird as F***.

“Could it be that someone is protecting him or her? I murmur more to myself than to him.

“That’s impossible”

“Just think about it. We are yet to trace this person, even with both our influences,

meaning someone is

backing them up. Someone is making sure that they’re not found.”

He’s quiet for a while. It’s a lot, but I think it’s starting to sink in. It’s the only explanation

that makes

sense. No one is this good at hiding unless someone else is covering their tracks for them.

“Even if that’s the case, what about the one who fired? He or she might have fired

themselves or paid

someone else to do it, either way, they aren’t working alone,” he summarizes.


“That means that someone is hiding them from me.”

A frustrated groan leaves my mouth. “That’s what I’ve been trying to F***ing tell you for

the past few

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Standing up, I head to my office bar and pour myself a glass of whiskey. I gulp the amber

content and add


Dealing with Reaper always gives me a damn headache and ruins my mood. I was already

in a bad mood, but he just made it worse.

“Just F***ing chill. I’m thinking, and I don’t need you interrupting my thought process with

your negative


“Why you…

He cuts off my rant before I can finish.

The glass in my hand was gripped so tight that I was afraid it was going to break. That’s

how on my

nerves he was.

“All this means only one thing,” he starts. “That whoever is protecting our target is

powerful enough to

defy us.”

“That or he or she is family,” I add as the thought filters through my thoughts.

“Fuck! You know what this means, right?”

“Yes,” I reply as my tone hardens. “If our target is family, which I suspect he or she is,

then whoever is covering their tracks will do anything to protect them, including defying


Damn it, this just made things more complicated. We need to find whoever hurt Ava

before he or she can.

strike again.