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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 232
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Chapter 0232


I read and re–read the note. My heart was beating so hard that I thought it would punch a

hole through my chest. I was scared shitless and I didn’t know what to do. This was the

third note I was getting.

I had just come from dropping Noah off at school when I found it in front of my door. When

I first saw the box wrapped in a red bow, I thought that it was a gift. That is until I opened

it and found a dead rat and

the note next to it.

I was now panicking because the threats seemed to be getting worse.

I dump the box and the rat in the trash bin before I take my phone and call Reaper. I

prayed that he would

have answers for me. That by some miracle he had found out who was behind all this.

He answered after the second ring and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ava” he answered roughly. He sounded like he had been smoking.

“Please tell me that you have something for me” I plead desperately.

I know it is rude not even greet him, but I am scared. I am constantly worried and looking

over my shoulder. I’ve become so paranoid that anyone I accidentally bump into in the

street or store, immediately becomes a suspect.

I haven’t told my family or friends because I don’t want to worry them. If this continues

though, I’ll have to tell them and also report it to the police. The more people who are

looking into this, the better the chances of finding this bastard.

“I’m sorry, Ava, but I have nothing. No one seems to know anything and all the leads we

had turned out to be dead ends” he says remorsefully.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I want to scream and shout. I want to curse the whole damn world, but what would be the

use of it? I need this person found, because I couldn’t shake this gut feeling that

everything is about to go horribly wrong.

“How can there be nothing? I just got another note and it was attached to a dead rat. I’m

afraid, Reaper. So F***ing afraid”

try holding back the tears, but they fall anyway. They stream down my face like waterfall,

soaking the top of my dress in the process.

I’m sorry, Ava, but I am doing all that I can

I don’t know what about his words triggered me, but they just did.

and burst throughout my entire b*dy.

“Then try harder!” I scream, my voice echoing through the walls.

“Ava” he calls through clenched and I freeze before sagging in defeat.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Reaper. I’m just frustrated and I took it out on you” I apologize

when I realize how rude and bratty I sounded.

He sighs, “I know and I get you, but you don’t have to worry about a thing. I won’t let

anything bad happen

to you, okay?”

I don’t answer him. How can I when everything inside me tells me that nothing is going to

be okay? That

something really bad will happen.

“Let me call a few of my contacts then I’ll let you know what I find” he adds when I don’t

say anything



Without waiting for another word, I hang up.

I sit there on the kitchen stool as I stare at the dustbin. Thought after thought invade my

head. I couldn’t find peace or a moment of respite. I was tired and worn out. I haven’t

been able to sleep this past few weeks. I’m suffering from a case of insomnia.

When I do sleep, my dreams are filled with nothing but nightmares. All of them consist of

me and my baby dying.

Between thoughts of this new threat and Rowan’s confession a couple of days, I haven’t

gotten a time where my mind is still. If I’m not thinking about the notes, then I’m thinking

about Rowan’s unexpected confession of love.

Feeling jittery, I stand up and begin pacing. I needed a distraction or else I was going to go

absolutely insane.

After a few minutes of pacing I grab my phone and call Letty. It rings, but she doesn’t pick

up. I try again, the same thing happens. Maybe she was in a meeting or something.

I then dial Corrine’s number. She picks after the third ring.

Hey, love. How are you?” she asks, though she sounded a bit distracted.

I’m good. I was wondering if you would like to go shopping with me?”

I was desperate. I had enough things for me and my kids, but if it was the only way to

distract my mind.

then so be it.

“I’m sorry, hun, but I have so much work, I don’t think today will be possible. How about

Thursday? I’ll

make time for you”

I am disappointed, but I get her. She has a business to run after all.

It’s okay. I totally understand”

“Thanks. I’ll see you on Thursday, okay?


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Once we hang up, I stare at my kitchen. I couldn’t stay here until Noah came back from

school. I had nothing to do and the last thing I want is to be left alone with my thoughts.

That was probably going to

end in disaster.

Taking my car keys and the purse I usually store my cards and money, I leave the house. I

was going to go.

to my favorite ice cream shop. Ice cream cures everything.

I get there quickly. Time really flies when you head is preoccupied.

I park across the street and walk to the shop. When I get there I order a big bowl of ice

cream. If I couldn’t stop thinking so much, then I was going to give myself a brain freeze.

Maybe that will help with stilling my running thoughts.

I take my time as I eat my blueberry swirl and vanilla ice cream. It made me feel better for

a while. As I focused on enjoying the flavor, I didn’t think that much. Plus the shop also

had free books, so you can enjoy your ice cream as you read.

By the time I was done, I felt so much bette.

I’d been there for like two hours and I thought it was time for me to go home. Since I was

more relaxed, maybe I could get some shut eye before Noah come back from school.

When I go to pay. I get this strange feeling. Like warning bells were ringing in my head and


Something inside me told me to stay inside. For some reason my heart felt heavy. Like I

had this dark cloud that had suddenly attached itself to me.

Against my better judgement, I pay and leave.

I should have listened to my instincts. I should have stayed in the F***ing shop.

I was about to cross the road to the parking lot when I heard a screech of tires, followed by


The last thing I remember is people’s horrified screams and this intense pain right before

cold darkness

embraced me.