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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 177
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Chapter 0177

It’s been two days since Emma and I were kidnapped. The police have searched for

Reaper, but he was in the wind again. They couldn’t find him and those of his men who

were caught weren’t talking.

I’ve lived in constant fear since then, I don’t want something like that happening again. I

especially didn’t want to be targeted for something that I wasn’t even involved with.


“Mom can I play video games?” Noah ask bringing me back to the task at hand.

I’ve done all my chores in the hopes of keeping my mind from thinking too much. I was

currently folding

our clothes. After this, I didn’t have anything else to do.

“Sure. What time did Gunner say he’s coming?”

Those two were now joined at the hips. They did everything together even when they were

in school.

Their bond was so special and it reminded me of the one Rowan, Gabe and Travis have

had since they were young boys.

“Around three”

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“Okay. I’ll make sure to have some snacks for you two”

He k*sses me on the cheek. “You’re the best”

After that, he leaves and I am once again left with my thoughts. It’s like for the past few

days I’ve done nothing but think. It was driving me crazy. The thoughts just kept coming.

Even when I was asleep.

Everything was confusing. Especially where Rowan was concerned. He has called a few

times, but instead of talking to him, I just hand over the phone to Noah, I wasn’t in the

right mental capacity to deal with him or the new character he has suddenly developed.

His actions these past few months are so contradictory. How can I all of a sudden mean

something to him when I didn’t for the last nine years? What has changed?

Nothing different has happened. I am still the same Ava. The same woman who he kept

rejecting her love.

If this change in him had happened a few years back, I would have jumped at the

opportunity. Now though, I feel like too much has already been said and done. There are

just things that I can’t erase from my mind or my heart. Words said that can never ever be

taken back and actions that can never be undone.

But isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?’ a voice asks me. ‘To have him see you, pay

attention to you, want you‘

I can’t deny that. I always dreamed of a day when Rowan wanted me, craved me. But it’s

a little too late.

now. I let go of those fantasies a long time ago.

Those were the fantasies of a girl who was in love and craved love. The woman I am now


that some things were just never meant to be.

The woman I am now understands that hurt is more powerful than love. She understands

that people you

love can break you to the point where you’re nothing but pieces on the floor.

She understand that love is never enough and that you can’t force someone else to love

you. Finally, she understands that once something is broken things can never be the same

again, that includes a broken

heart and trust.

s playing w

Falling for whatever game Rowan be foolish. He already destroyed me once and I can’t let

that happen ever again. I don’t want to ever go back to a time where I would look at

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myself in the mirror and not recognize the woman staring back at her. I can’t risk that..

Protecting my heart and being there for children is my top priority now. That has to be

enough. The love I have around me is enough, even if it isn’t romantic.

My silly dreams of finding my prince charming is long dead. Rowan and Ethan taught me

that. They taught me that fairytales are exactly that, tales and we know that tales are


I’m shaken from my thoughts by the sound of knocking on the door. I look at the time and

realize it’s almost three. I have been sitting here, drowning in my thoughts for almost an

hour and a half. I needed to sort out the mess that was in my head. I can’t keep this up for


Sighing, I stand up. I knew it was probably Gunner because he was the only one we were

expecting. I would make them the snacks I promised then take a much needed nap.

Opening the door, I am shocked to find Gunner standing outside with his dad.

“Hey” I greet him awkwardly after giving Gunner a hug.

He doesn’t need invitation so he rushes inside and up the stairs the moment we’re done

greeting each other.

Calvin and I are left standing awkwardly, staring at each other.