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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

As her seat was raised, a footrest popped out from below Eileen excitedly put her feet up. Spotting a

blanket and pillow nearby, she immediately unfolded them, thinking to herself, First class really is

something else!”

The plane took off in no time, with the in-flight announcement reminding everyone about safety

measures, but there wasn’t a word about using cell phones. Eileen was a stickler for rules and

obediently turned off her phone.

Not long after takeoff, the flight attendants began asking each passenger what they would like to eat

and drink.

There was no way Eileen was going to pass up on free food and drinks, especially since the meals in

first class were so much tastier and varied than those in business class. She regretted having eaten

breakfast too early, but still ordered some packaged snacks and cake. Even if she didn’t eat them now,

she could take them with her when she got off the plane.

When the flight attendant delivered her food, the partition to the next cabin was opened momentarily. In

that brief moment, Eileen noticed that her neighbor, Egbert, was still on his phone.

She pointed at him and immediately reported, “He didn’t turn off his phone!”

The flight attendant was taken aback, and the man across her turned his head at the sound of her

voice. He didn’t seem surprised to see her, as if he already knew she was next to him.

Eileen held a challenging gaze with Egbert, who merely glanced at her before turning his attention back

to his call.

“Hey, this guy has no sense of safety!” Eileen glared at the flight attendant, “Aren’t you going to scold


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The flight attendant awkwardly explained, “Miss, our airline provides in-flight internet. All our first-class

passengers can use their phones in airplane mode to connect to the internet 20 minutes after takeoff.

There’s no need to turn off the phone”

Eileen was stunned

Afraid that she might feel embarrassed, the flight attendant quickly added. ‘Enjoy your meal” She

hastily push her cart away.

Eileen’s face flushed with heat. First-class passengers even got to surf the web on the planet Was this

what being rich felt like?

Eileen was a little dazed.

Egbert hung up his call and looked over at her, his eyes intense, “Is there a problem?

Eileen didn’t want to deal with him. She pressed the button to raise the partition, secretly turned on her

phone, and tried to connect to the wifi. To her surprise, it worked.

“Wow!” She exclaimed again. This was seriously high class!

The plane landed in Tokyo from the Capital

Eileen walked out of her first-class cabin begrudgingly. As soon as she opened the partition, she saw

Egbert rising from his seat.

Although the aisle was wide. Egbert paused to let her pass. Eileen shot the man a glance, feeling in no

way that he was being gentlemanly. She walked ahead of him with determined strides.

Egbert watched her resolute figure and chuckled lightly.

As soon as Eileen walked out of the boarding tunnel, she saw the crew members. They led her to the

meeting point, where she found that she and Egbert were the first to arrive-no one else was there yet.

“Please take a break. Ms. Bblythe and Mr. Morgan’s plane will arrive in about an hour.” A crew member

politely informed them.

Eileen sat down in a corner with the snacks and drinks she got from first class. Egbert sat on the other

side and immediately started checking his phone. He seemed very busy today.

Perhaps he was always busy Eileen recalled that during their travels, Egbert often made calls on the

balcony at night and sometimes early in the morning while others were having breakfast.

Did an actor really have to be this busy? Even if he was, shouldn’t his manager be the one dealing with


“Ms Lopez” Eileen was deep in thought when someone suddenly called out to her

She turned to see Egbert’s assistant, who was holding two large boxes filled with drinks and was

distributing them to the crew, “Ms. Lopez, what would you like to drink? We have lattes, cappuccinos,

and Americanos.”

Naturally, Eileen wouldn’t miss out on free drinks, so she got up immediately and casually picked a


After letting everyone make their choice, the assistant handed a black coffee to Egbert. He took the

coffee but didn’t drink it right away. He was still looking at his phone.

Ten minutes later, Hubery arrived. He seemed very pleased, and asked his assistant to buy coffee for


As his assistant was about to leave, the director waved his cup and said, “No need, Hubery. Mr. Reed

already treated us.”

Hubery turned to look at Egbert and said disappointedly, “Oh, I’m late.”

Eileen, gnawing at her coffee cup in the corner and listening to the conversation, couldn’t help but want

to laugh.

Hubery was so fake that his presence was nauseating. If he really wanted to treat everyone to coffee,

he should have just asked his assistant to go buy it instead of pretending to be generous here. His

affectation ruined Eileen’s good mood this morning

Since the others hadn’t arrived yet, Hubery spent the rest of the time while schmoozing with the

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The more Eileen heard Hubery’s raucous voice, the more annoyed she became, until she finally

couldn’t help but say, “Aren’t you a bit loud?”

Chapter 42

Everyone turned to look at her. Even Egbert glanced over.

Eileen looked at Hubery and said, “I’m talking about you. You’re making so much noise. With so many

people here, we can only hear you. It’s giving me a headache. Can’t you keep it down?”

Hubery’s face changed instantly, and he stood up and asked, “What did you say?”

“I said you’re too loud. Cant you understand? Are you deaf?” Eileen asked.

“Eileen, don’t go too far!” Hubery glanced at the crew and feigned injury, “I didn’t do anything to you.”

“Your mere existence is unsettling.” Eileen said. That was definitely a provocation.

“You’re going too far!” Hubery said indignantly, his face full of grievance.

Sure enough, once he put on his pitiful act, some crew members came to his defense, “Hubery didn’t

do anything”

“He was just chatting.”

“Hubery s actually a nice guy”

Eileen gave a cold snort, fixing those workers with a stare, “Just by having a chat and he’s considered

a good guy? So, should all those talk show hosts be getting the Nobel Peace Prize or what?”

The workers instantly shut their traps, knowing full well they couldn’t out-argue Eileen, the Roasting



Then Eileen cast a glance at Hubery, noticing him squinting at her, she cocked her chin, “What, got a

problem? Wanna throw down?”

Hubery promptly shifted his gaze, clearly recalling the time Eileen pinned his head and dunked him in

the water.

At this moment, Egbert drew back his gaze, quietly chuckling to himself.