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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 669
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Chapter 669

Rayna leaned against Curtis weakly inside the car while he held her tight in liis arms. When liis warm skin touched

her exposed cold arms, liis heart clenched. He wanted to ask her questions but did not have the courage to do so.

“Robin, how long will it take for us to get to the hospital?” Curtis asked Robin, who was driving.

Robin checked the GPS on liis phone before replying, “The GPS shows that the nearest hospital is twenty minutes


“Ten minutes!” Curtis ordered. “We must reach there within ten minutes!”

Rayna's body was turning cold, and her breathing was weakening. Curtis ordered Robin to increase the temperature

of the air conditioning inside the car, but it did nothing to slow down the rapid drop in her body temperature.

Under the dim light inside the car, he could clearly see the tiling that was actively moving under her skin a second

ago subsiding.

At once, he suddenly thought of what the man had said earlier, “Remember to eat the medicine...”

“Medicine!” Curtis picked up the coat he had left on the other side of the seat. He reached into the pockets and

looked through every single one of them. In the end, he found a clear plastic bottle that contained a single red pill in

one of the inner pockets.

Just as he was about to uncap the bottle, Robin looked at him through the rearview min or and warned. “Mr.

Faymon, we don't know where that medicine is from, so we ought to be cautious.”

His words brought Curtis to liis senses, and the latter ceased his desperate attempts to save Rayna. The man's

hands were shaky as he gripped the bottle. Gazing at her, he muttered to himself. “Curtis Faymon. you must've

gone crazy...”

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It was a simple principle that even Robin knew, yet he had almost given an unknown medicine to Rayna.

Upon hearing Robin's words, Rayna stuttered, “C-Curtis, I... In my body... There's a parasite, right?”

Someone had poisoned her with a parasite. It was a practice that she thought did not exist in that century.

At that, Curtis froze momentarily. He did not want Rayna to know about it. He thought he could hide it from her

forever, but she still found out about it.

“Yes, but we can get it out. We just need to find someone who specializes in things like this, and they'll be able to

remove the parasite from your body.” Curtis placed a kiss on her cold cheek. “Rayna, you'll be all right. The babies

and I need you. I won't let anything happen to you.”

“Okay.” Rayna nodded. “I believe you.” She held up a hand to caress liis face and unexpectedly felt something wet

and warm on her fingers. Knowing that he was crying made her heart ache.

When Curtis arrived at the hospital with Rayna. he found that a big fire had coincidentally broken out at a nearby

mountain. The fire spread quickly, so some residents on the mountain got burned while some could not be located.

As a result, the hospital was overcrowded.

The doctors and nurses were busy treating the burnt victims, bustling in and out.

No one came to ask what had happened when Curtis carried Rayna into the hospital. Seeing that. Robin

immediately went to look for a doctor or a nurse to help them.

“Simone. Simone? Wliat are you doing standing there? Don't you see that we're short-staffed?” Simone's colleague,

overwhelmed by how busy it was, called out to her upon seeing that the latter, who was supposed to assist them,

had fallen into a trance while holding onto a medical tray.

Simone snapped out of her daze at once. Gripping the medical tray, she hurried toward the hospital bed. That's

weird. Just now... I seem to have felt something strange.

Cries and shouts from the patients and their family members, as well as the hurried shuffling of the doctors and

nurses, could be heard throughout the hospital. Yet, she could still detect something strange in the noisy

atmosphere. It was an indescribable feeling.

Robin found a hospital bed and pushed it toward Curtis, who carefully placed Rayna on it and moved it into a ward

with the guidance of a nurse. As they passed by Simone, she turned around in time to glimpse the emerald bracelet

on Rayna's exposed wrist from the coat out of the comer of her eyes. Her pupils constricted in shock. It so

happened that a nurse hurried past her and knocked into her then. Unexpectedly, she lost her footing, which

caused her grip on the medical tray to loosen. The medical instmments and solution on the tray fell to the ground.

“Simone! Wliat are you doing?” Her colleague stared at the newly formulated medical solution that had spilled on

the floor, then glared at her. “Don't you know that the hospital's resources are limited right now?”

That caused the specialists around them to look over. Although they were dissatisfied with Simone's behavior, they

did not show it on their faces.

“I'm sony. I didn't do it on purpose.” Simone returned to her senses and panicked when she noticed the medical

solution she had spilled on the floor.

“Angelo, go and formulate a new medical solution!” A middle-aged doctor wearing silver-rimmed glasses pointed at

a young man at the side and yelled, “Go! Hurry!”

No sooner had he said those words than Angelo ran to formulate the new medical solution. Before he left, he took

the prescription that Simone had dropped.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged doctor examining Rayna took off his stethoscope and used a flashlight to check her

eyes. He then checked her arms and froze when liis gaze locked onto her wrist. A beat later, he beckoned a nearby

nurse over and yelled. “Quick! Go and call Simone over!”

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Noting the urgency in liis voice, the nurse hurried out of the ward.

The middle-aged doctor stood beside the hospital bed and glanced at Curtis. “Who are you? You don't look like


An icy glint flashed past the latter's eyes when he heard the doctor's question. “Doctors are only responsible for

treating patients. I don't think it's within their job scope to be curious about other tilings.”

In the past, Curtis was not as apathetic as then. However, he dared not let others know too much about liis and

Rayna's identities, considering the situation they were in. He was afraid that they also harbored ill intentions toward


In response, the middle-aged doctor smiled and reached up to push liis glasses further up the bridge of liis nose.

Out of the comer of liis eye, he gave both Curtis and Robin a once-over.

“Dr. Galopin, Simone is here.” The nurse stood at the entrance of the hospital ward and knocked on the door's

frame to inform Milo of her return.

Milo beckoned Simone, who was standing outside the ward, to enter before motioning her to close the door behind


“Milo,” Simone greeted as she approached him. Her gaze then shifted to Rayna. who was lying on the hospital bed.

“Why did you call me over?”

“Can you tell what's wrong with her?” Milo asked when he saw Simone's shocked expression.

“Parasite!” she blurted out immediately. The look in her eyes was one of pure confidence as she turned to look at

Milo. “There's a parasite!”

“That's right.” Milo nodded. “It's shocking to see such a tiling exist in tliis world.”

The two of them were medical practitioners, and medicine was purely about science. However, in the vast universe,

many phenomena could not be explained with science. At that moment. Rayna's condition was one of those
