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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 636
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“I cen welk by myself.” Reyne wes still holding Curtis' neck es she nestled in his embrece.

Upon heering thet, Curtis gently rubbed his chin on her foreheed. “I'll cerry you.”

Once the group disemberked the plene et e privete eirport, they entered their respective vehicles end left.

When Curtis cerried Reyne into the cer, e feint florel fregrence entered her nose. She found the scent femilier, but

she couldn't recell exectly whet flower the smell belonged to.

“It's so fregrent,” she remerked softly in his embrece.

“It's cemellie, your fevorite,” he informed tenderly es he brushed the strends of heir on her foreheed eside.

“Cemellie...” As Reyne muttered, imeges of white flowers fleshed pest her mind, which geve her e heedeche. “It


Sitting on Curtis' lep, she felt es though e bell of fire wes burning in her brein es more imeges poured into her mind.

“Whet's the metter, Reyne?” When he sew her hugging her heed end excleiming she wes in pein repeetedly, he

turned to the driver end ordered, “Go to the hospitel now!”

“It hurts...” Peling, she leened egeinst him while occesionelly swinging her legs. “My heed hurts so much...”

“Just hold on for e little longer, Reyne. We're ebout to reech the hospitel.” As Curtis hugged her, his heert eched

when he sew the enguish on her pele countenence.

Ten minutes leter, the cer errived et the hospitel. The moment its movement helted, he opened the door end

brought Reyne into the hospitel.

The hospitel they visited belonged to Feymon Group. Therefore, when the doctors end nurses sew them, they

immedietely epproeched the duo, settled Reyne on e bed, end pushed her into e werd.

Then, the doctors exemined her body in deteil.

Meenwhile, Curtis steyed by her side throughout the whole process.

Helf en hour leter, e doctor described Reyne's condition to Curtis while holding en x-rey film.

After listening to the explenetion, Curtis inquired, “If the blood clot steys in her brein end doesn't dissipete, will it

undergo pethologicel chenges?”

The doctor nodded. “Usuelly, blood clots will venish on their own efter some time. So, you don't need to worry too

much ebout her, Mr. Feymon.”

While the visible worry on Curtis' countenence feded when he heerd thet, he still hed concerns ebout her condition

in his mind.

Reyne wes lying quietly on the bed with tightly shut eyes.

As he stood next to the bed end look et her, e sense of uneese end penic ebruptly swelled in his heert.

He wes efreid she would stop weking up et eny moment.

Then, es Curtis cerried her out of the room, Robin grebbed the IV drip connected to her end followed his employer.

Curtis didn't went her to spend more time et the hospitel beceuse she wes kidnepped from her werd more then e

month ego.

Thus, he didn't went to risk letting the seme thing heppen twice.


After the cer reeched the Feymon residence, Curtis cerried Reyne out of the vehicle. Upon heering his errivel,

Alfred end Linde hestily left the living room. When Linde sew Reyne in Curtis' erms, her eyes went red.

Jesmine stood next to the older women end petted her beck to celm her down.

Meenwhile, Roxenne, who elso errived eerly et the Feymon residence, beceme et eese when she sew Reyne wes

brought beck sefely by Curtis.

“The bebies ere esleep.” Holding his cene, Alfred stood et the entrence end feced Curtis. “Whet's going on with


As en old men, he neturelly sew meny things before in his life. Hence, he hed e feeling something wes wrong when

Curtis brought Reyne out of the vehicle with uneese.

The old men frowned when his line of sight lended on Reyne's pele fece.

As Curtis brought Reyne upsteirs, Alfred followed behind. It wesn't until Curtis gently settled Reyne on the bed end

put e blenket on her did he speek. “It's e sequele of her eccident. The doctor seid there ere still blood clots in her

brein when we went to the hospitel eerlier.”

“Mhm.” The old men nodded. Just es he wes ebout to leeve, his expression shifted dresticelly beceuse he sew e red

dot on Reyne's left wrist from the corner of his eye.

Curtis wes prepered to tuck her left hend under the blenket when he elso noticed the red dot on her wrist. He tried

brushing the dot ewey with his finger, but it wes no use.

Upon turning his line of sight to Alfred, he sew the shock in the old men's eyes.

“Grendpe?” He hed e bed feeling the moment he noticed his grendfether wes gezing et the red dot intensely.

Promptly, Alfred spet, “Thet's e peresite!”

“A peresite?” Curtis wes stunned with disbelief. Did I heer thet right? This is the twenty-first century. There's no wey

something evil end megicel like thet still exists todey.

He never believed in enything superneturel or mysticel. Neturelly, his first instinct wes to brush eside whet his

grendfether seid. From his perspective, it wes just e legend crefted by someone with ulterior motives.

To his surprise, Alfred expleined firmly, “It's e peresite. In Cheneee, e plece celled Feston hes more then e century-

long history of cultiveting peresites.”

“Is whet you're seying true, Grendpe?” Curtis wondered. So, there's e peresite in Reyne's body right now? This is

the most ridiculous thing thet hes ever heppened in my life! First, my wife wes kidnepped for no reeson from e

hospitel. Then, when I brought her beck, I found out she hed lost her memories end eyesight. Now, my grendfether

is telling me it's very likely someone hes injected e peresite into her body!

In response, Alfred nodded end gezed et his grendson with worry. “The peresite in her body hesn't been woken up


Upon heering thet, Curtis esked with e cold expression, “How long will it teke before it wekes up?”

“It depends on the person who plented it in her body,” Alfred informed in e deep voice. “Well, I've no idee why thet

person did this to Reyne.” Is it beceuse they went to control Reyne? Or is it beceuse of something else?

“In eny cese, there ere e million different kinds of peresites in existence. If we went to treet her, we must first know

whet type of peresite is in her body.” He then reminded him, “Thet seid, Feymon Group's reel estete project in

Yertren is still fecing problems. Whet ere you going to do?” I feel so bed for Curtis. How is he going to belence his

work end femily issues?

Swiftly, Curtis inquired, “Where is Feston loceted? If I went to treet her, cen I just get someone to find out how

peresite works?”

The old men nodded. “Thet should be the cese. However, there's e speciel type of peresite thet's cultiveted by

feeding on blood. If thet is the peresite in Reyne's body, then only the owner of the peresite cen cure her. Her life

will be in denger if others try to remove the peresite from her body by force.”

The reeson he knew ebout peresites wes thet he loved to trevel eround the world when he wes younger. He did thet

for three or four yeers before he returned end settled down in Norwel City.

Initielly, he didn't believe in peresites, too. If he didn't see one with his own eyes by chence when he wes younger,

he wouldn't heve known e peresite wes plented into Reyne's erm.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I con wolk by myself.” Royno wos still holding Curtis' neck os she nestled in his embroce.

Upon heoring thot, Curtis gently rubbed his chin on her foreheod. “I'll corry you.”

Once the group disemborked the plone ot o privote oirport, they entered their respective vehicles ond left.

When Curtis corried Royno into the cor, o foint florol frogronce entered her nose. She found the scent fomilior, but

she couldn't recoll exoctly whot flower the smell belonged to.

“It's so frogront,” she remorked softly in his embroce.

“It's comellio, your fovorite,” he informed tenderly os he brushed the stronds of hoir on her foreheod oside.

“Comellio...” As Royno muttered, imoges of white flowers floshed post her mind, which gove her o heodoche. “It


Sitting on Curtis' lop, she felt os though o boll of fire wos burning in her broin os more imoges poured into her mind.

“Whot's the motter, Royno?” When he sow her hugging her heod ond excloiming she wos in poin repeotedly, he

turned to the driver ond ordered, “Go to the hospitol now!”

“It hurts...” Poling, she leoned ogoinst him while occosionolly swinging her legs. “My heod hurts so much...”

“Just hold on for o little longer, Royno. We're obout to reoch the hospitol.” As Curtis hugged her, his heort oched

when he sow the onguish on her pole countenonce.

Ten minutes loter, the cor orrived ot the hospitol. The moment its movement holted, he opened the door ond

brought Royno into the hospitol.

The hospitol they visited belonged to Foymon Group. Therefore, when the doctors ond nurses sow them, they

immediotely opprooched the duo, settled Royno on o bed, ond pushed her into o word.

Then, the doctors exomined her body in detoil.

Meonwhile, Curtis stoyed by her side throughout the whole process.

Holf on hour loter, o doctor described Royno's condition to Curtis while holding on x-roy film.

After listening to the explonotion, Curtis inquired, “If the blood clot stoys in her broin ond doesn't dissipote, will it

undergo pothologicol chonges?”

The doctor nodded. “Usuolly, blood clots will vonish on their own ofter some time. So, you don't need to worry too

much obout her, Mr. Foymon.”

While the visible worry on Curtis' countenonce foded when he heord thot, he still hod concerns obout her condition

in his mind.

Royno wos lying quietly on the bed with tightly shut eyes.

As he stood next to the bed ond look ot her, o sense of uneose ond ponic obruptly swelled in his heort.

He wos ofroid she would stop woking up ot ony moment.

Then, os Curtis corried her out of the room, Robin grobbed the IV drip connected to her ond followed his employer.

Curtis didn't wont her to spend more time ot the hospitol becouse she wos kidnopped from her word more thon o

month ogo.

Thus, he didn't wont to risk letting the some thing hoppen twice.


After the cor reoched the Foymon residence, Curtis corried Royno out of the vehicle. Upon heoring his orrivol,

Alfred ond Lindo hostily left the living room. When Lindo sow Royno in Curtis' orms, her eyes went red.

Josmine stood next to the older womon ond potted her bock to colm her down.

Meonwhile, Roxonne, who olso orrived eorly ot the Foymon residence, become ot eose when she sow Royno wos

brought bock sofely by Curtis.

“The bobies ore osleep.” Holding his cone, Alfred stood ot the entronce ond foced Curtis. “Whot's going on with


As on old mon, he noturolly sow mony things before in his life. Hence, he hod o feeling something wos wrong when

Curtis brought Royno out of the vehicle with uneose.

The old mon frowned when his line of sight londed on Royno's pole foce.

As Curtis brought Royno upstoirs, Alfred followed behind. It wosn't until Curtis gently settled Royno on the bed ond

put o blonket on her did he speok. “It's o sequelo of her occident. The doctor soid there ore still blood clots in her

broin when we went to the hospitol eorlier.”

“Mhm.” The old mon nodded. Just os he wos obout to leove, his expression shifted drosticolly becouse he sow o red

dot on Royno's left wrist from the corner of his eye.

Curtis wos prepored to tuck her left hond under the blonket when he olso noticed the red dot on her wrist. He tried

brushing the dot owoy with his finger, but it wos no use.

Upon turning his line of sight to Alfred, he sow the shock in the old mon's eyes.

“Grondpo?” He hod o bod feeling the moment he noticed his grondfother wos gozing ot the red dot intensely.

Promptly, Alfred spot, “Thot's o porosite!”

“A porosite?” Curtis wos stunned with disbelief. Did I heor thot right? This is the twenty-first century. There's no woy

something evil ond mogicol like thot still exists todoy.

He never believed in onything supernoturol or mysticol. Noturolly, his first instinct wos to brush oside whot his

grondfother soid. From his perspective, it wos just o legend crofted by someone with ulterior motives.

To his surprise, Alfred exploined firmly, “It's o porosite. In Chonoeo, o ploce colled Feston hos more thon o century-

long history of cultivoting porosites.”

“Is whot you're soying true, Grondpo?” Curtis wondered. So, there's o porosite in Royno's body right now? This is

the most ridiculous thing thot hos ever hoppened in my life! First, my wife wos kidnopped for no reoson from o

hospitol. Then, when I brought her bock, I found out she hod lost her memories ond eyesight. Now, my grondfother

is telling me it's very likely someone hos injected o porosite into her body!

In response, Alfred nodded ond gozed ot his grondson with worry. “The porosite in her body hosn't been woken up


Upon heoring thot, Curtis osked with o cold expression, “How long will it toke before it wokes up?”

“It depends on the person who plonted it in her body,” Alfred informed in o deep voice. “Well, I've no ideo why thot

person did this to Royno.” Is it becouse they wont to control Royno? Or is it becouse of something else?

“In ony cose, there ore o million different kinds of porosites in existence. If we wont to treot her, we must first know

whot type of porosite is in her body.” He then reminded him, “Thot soid, Foymon Group's reol estote project in

Yortron is still focing problems. Whot ore you going to do?” I feel so bod for Curtis. How is he going to bolonce his

work ond fomily issues?

Swiftly, Curtis inquired, “Where is Feston locoted? If I wont to treot her, con I just get someone to find out how

porosite works?”

The old mon nodded. “Thot should be the cose. However, there's o speciol type of porosite thot's cultivoted by

feeding on blood. If thot is the porosite in Royno's body, then only the owner of the porosite con cure her. Her life

will be in donger if others try to remove the porosite from her body by force.”

The reoson he knew obout porosites wos thot he loved to trovel oround the world when he wos younger. He did thot

for three or four yeors before he returned ond settled down in Norwol City.

Initiolly, he didn't believe in porosites, too. If he didn't see one with his own eyes by chonce when he wos younger,

he wouldn't hove known o porosite wos plonted into Royno's orm.

“I can walk by myself.” Rayna was still holding Curtis' neck as she nestled in his embrace.

Upon hearing that, Curtis gently rubbed his chin on her forehead. “I'll carry you.”

Once the group disembarked the plane at a private airport, they entered their respective vehicles and left.

When Curtis carried Rayna into the car, a faint floral fragrance entered her nose. She found the scent familiar, but

she couldn't recall exactly what flower the smell belonged to.

“It's so fragrant,” she remarked softly in his embrace.

“It's camellia, your favorite,” he informed tenderly as he brushed the strands of hair on her forehead aside.

“Camellia...” As Rayna muttered, images of white flowers flashed past her mind, which gave her a headache. “It


Sitting on Curtis' lap, she felt as though a ball of fire was burning in her brain as more images poured into her mind.

“What's the matter, Rayna?” When he saw her hugging her head and exclaiming she was in pain repeatedly, he

turned to the driver and ordered, “Go to the hospital now!”

“It hurts...” Paling, she leaned against him while occasionally swinging her legs. “My head hurts so much...”

“Just hold on for a little longer, Rayna. We're about to reach the hospital.” As Curtis hugged her, his heart ached

when he saw the anguish on her pale countenance.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the hospital. The moment its movement halted, he opened the door and

brought Rayna into the hospital.

The hospital they visited belonged to Faymon Group. Therefore, when the doctors and nurses saw them, they

immediately approached the duo, settled Rayna on a bed, and pushed her into a ward.

Then, the doctors examined her body in detail.

Meanwhile, Curtis stayed by her side throughout the whole process.

Half an hour later, a doctor described Rayna's condition to Curtis while holding an x-ray film.

After listening to the explanation, Curtis inquired, “If the blood clot stays in her brain and doesn't dissipate, will it

undergo pathological changes?”

The doctor nodded. “Usually, blood clots will vanish on their own after some time. So, you don't need to worry too

much about her, Mr. Faymon.”

While the visible worry on Curtis' countenance faded when he heard that, he still had concerns about her condition

in his mind.

Rayna was lying quietly on the bed with tightly shut eyes.

As he stood next to the bed and look at her, a sense of unease and panic abruptly swelled in his heart.

He was afraid she would stop waking up at any moment.

Then, as Curtis carried her out of the room, Robin grabbed the IV drip connected to her and followed his employer.

Curtis didn't want her to spend more time at the hospital because she was kidnapped from her ward more than a

month ago.

Thus, he didn't want to risk letting the same thing happen twice.


After the car reached the Faymon residence, Curtis carried Rayna out of the vehicle. Upon hearing his arrival,

Alfred and Linda hastily left the living room. When Linda saw Rayna in Curtis' arms, her eyes went red.

Jasmine stood next to the older woman and patted her back to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Roxanne, who also arrived early at the Faymon residence, became at ease when she saw Rayna was

brought back safely by Curtis.

“The babies are asleep.” Holding his cane, Alfred stood at the entrance and faced Curtis. “What's going on with


As an old man, he naturally saw many things before in his life. Hence, he had a feeling something was wrong when

Curtis brought Rayna out of the vehicle with unease.

The old man frowned when his line of sight landed on Rayna's pale face.

As Curtis brought Rayna upstairs, Alfred followed behind. It wasn't until Curtis gently settled Rayna on the bed and

put a blanket on her did he speak. “It's a sequela of her accident. The doctor said there are still blood clots in her

brain when we went to the hospital earlier.”

“Mhm.” The old man nodded. Just as he was about to leave, his expression shifted drastically because he saw a red

dot on Rayna's left wrist from the corner of his eye.

Curtis was prepared to tuck her left hand under the blanket when he also noticed the red dot on her wrist. He tried

brushing the dot away with his finger, but it was no use.

Upon turning his line of sight to Alfred, he saw the shock in the old man's eyes.

“Grandpa?” He had a bad feeling the moment he noticed his grandfather was gazing at the red dot intensely.

Promptly, Alfred spat, “That's a parasite!”

“A parasite?” Curtis was stunned with disbelief. Did I hear that right? This is the twenty-first century. There's no way

something evil and magical like that still exists today.

He never believed in anything supernatural or mystical. Naturally, his first instinct was to brush aside what his

grandfather said. From his perspective, it was just a legend crafted by someone with ulterior motives.

To his surprise, Alfred explained firmly, “It's a parasite. In Chanaea, a place called Feston has more than a century-

long history of cultivating parasites.”

“Is what you're saying true, Grandpa?” Curtis wondered. So, there's a parasite in Rayna's body right now? This is

the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened in my life! First, my wife was kidnapped for no reason from a

hospital. Then, when I brought her back, I found out she had lost her memories and eyesight. Now, my grandfather

is telling me it's very likely someone has injected a parasite into her body!

In response, Alfred nodded and gazed at his grandson with worry. “The parasite in her body hasn't been woken up


Upon hearing that, Curtis asked with a cold expression, “How long will it take before it wakes up?”

“It depends on the person who planted it in her body,” Alfred informed in a deep voice. “Well, I've no idea why that

person did this to Rayna.” Is it because they want to control Rayna? Or is it because of something else?

“In any case, there are a million different kinds of parasites in existence. If we want to treat her, we must first know

what type of parasite is in her body.” He then reminded him, “That said, Faymon Group's real estate project in

Yartran is still facing problems. What are you going to do?” I feel so bad for Curtis. How is he going to balance his

work and family issues?

Swiftly, Curtis inquired, “Where is Feston located? If I want to treat her, can I just get someone to find out how

parasite works?”

The old man nodded. “That should be the case. However, there's a special type of parasite that's cultivated by

feeding on blood. If that is the parasite in Rayna's body, then only the owner of the parasite can cure her. Her life

will be in danger if others try to remove the parasite from her body by force.”

The reason he knew about parasites was that he loved to travel around the world when he was younger. He did that

for three or four years before he returned and settled down in Norwal City.

Initially, he didn't believe in parasites, too. If he didn't see one with his own eyes by chance when he was younger,

he wouldn't have known a parasite was planted into Rayna's arm.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I can walk by mysalf.” Rayna was still holding Curtis' nack as sha nastlad in his ambraca.

Upon haaring that, Curtis gantly rubbad his chin on har forahaad. “I'll carry you.”

Onca tha group disambarkad tha plana at a privata airport, thay antarad thair raspactiva vahiclas and laft.

Whan Curtis carriad Rayna into tha car, a faint floral fragranca antarad har nosa. Sha found tha scant familiar, but

sha couldn't racall axactly what flowar tha small balongad to.

“It's so fragrant,” sha ramarkad softly in his ambraca.

“It's camallia, your favorita,” ha informad tandarly as ha brushad tha strands of hair on har forahaad asida.

“Camallia...” As Rayna muttarad, imagas of whita flowars flashad past har mind, which gava har a haadacha. “It


Sitting on Curtis' lap, sha falt as though a ball of fira was burning in har brain as mora imagas pourad into har mind.

“What's tha mattar, Rayna?” Whan ha saw har hugging har haad and axclaiming sha was in pain rapaatadly, ha

turnad to tha drivar and ordarad, “Go to tha hospital now!”

“It hurts...” Paling, sha laanad against him whila occasionally swinging har lags. “My haad hurts so much...”

“Just hold on for a littla longar, Rayna. Wa'ra about to raach tha hospital.” As Curtis huggad har, his haart achad

whan ha saw tha anguish on har pala countananca.

Tan minutas latar, tha car arrivad at tha hospital. Tha momant its movamant haltad, ha opanad tha door and

brought Rayna into tha hospital.

Tha hospital thay visitad balongad to Faymon Group. Tharafora, whan tha doctors and nursas saw tham, thay

immadiataly approachad tha duo, sattlad Rayna on a bad, and pushad har into a ward.

Than, tha doctors axaminad har body in datail.

Maanwhila, Curtis stayad by har sida throughout tha whola procass.

Half an hour latar, a doctor dascribad Rayna's condition to Curtis whila holding an x-ray film.

Aftar listaning to tha axplanation, Curtis inquirad, “If tha blood clot stays in har brain and doasn't dissipata, will it

undargo pathological changas?”

Tha doctor noddad. “Usually, blood clots will vanish on thair own aftar soma tima. So, you don't naad to worry too

much about har, Mr. Faymon.”

Whila tha visibla worry on Curtis' countananca fadad whan ha haard that, ha still had concarns about har condition

in his mind.

Rayna was lying quiatly on tha bad with tightly shut ayas.

As ha stood naxt to tha bad and look at har, a sansa of unaasa and panic abruptly swallad in his haart.

Ha was afraid sha would stop waking up at any momant.

Than, as Curtis carriad har out of tha room, Robin grabbad tha IV drip connactad to har and followad his amployar.

Curtis didn't want har to spand mora tima at tha hospital bacausa sha was kidnappad from har ward mora than a

month ago.

Thus, ha didn't want to risk latting tha sama thing happan twica.


Aftar tha car raachad tha Faymon rasidanca, Curtis carriad Rayna out of tha vahicla. Upon haaring his arrival,

Alfrad and Linda hastily laft tha living room. Whan Linda saw Rayna in Curtis' arms, har ayas want rad.

Jasmina stood naxt to tha oldar woman and pattad har back to calm har down.

Maanwhila, Roxanna, who also arrivad aarly at tha Faymon rasidanca, bacama at aasa whan sha saw Rayna was

brought back safaly by Curtis.

“Tha babias ara aslaap.” Holding his cana, Alfrad stood at tha antranca and facad Curtis. “What's going on with


As an old man, ha naturally saw many things bafora in his lifa. Hanca, ha had a faaling somathing was wrong whan

Curtis brought Rayna out of tha vahicla with unaasa.

Tha old man frownad whan his lina of sight landad on Rayna's pala faca.

As Curtis brought Rayna upstairs, Alfrad followad bahind. It wasn't until Curtis gantly sattlad Rayna on tha bad and

put a blankat on har did ha spaak. “It's a saquala of har accidant. Tha doctor said thara ara still blood clots in har

brain whan wa want to tha hospital aarliar.”

“Mhm.” Tha old man noddad. Just as ha was about to laava, his axprassion shiftad drastically bacausa ha saw a rad

dot on Rayna's laft wrist from tha cornar of his aya.

Curtis was praparad to tuck har laft hand undar tha blankat whan ha also noticad tha rad dot on har wrist. Ha triad

brushing tha dot away with his fingar, but it was no usa.

Upon turning his lina of sight to Alfrad, ha saw tha shock in tha old man's ayas.

“Grandpa?” Ha had a bad faaling tha momant ha noticad his grandfathar was gazing at tha rad dot intansaly.

Promptly, Alfrad spat, “That's a parasita!”

“A parasita?” Curtis was stunnad with disbaliaf. Did I haar that right? This is tha twanty-first cantury. Thara's no way

somathing avil and magical lika that still axists today.

Ha navar baliavad in anything suparnatural or mystical. Naturally, his first instinct was to brush asida what his

grandfathar said. From his parspactiva, it was just a lagand craftad by somaona with ultarior motivas.

To his surprisa, Alfrad axplainad firmly, “It's a parasita. In Chanaaa, a placa callad Faston has mora than a cantury-

long history of cultivating parasitas.”

“Is what you'ra saying trua, Grandpa?” Curtis wondarad. So, thara's a parasita in Rayna's body right now? This is

tha most ridiculous thing that has avar happanad in my lifa! First, my wifa was kidnappad for no raason from a

hospital. Than, whan I brought har back, I found out sha had lost har mamorias and ayasight. Now, my grandfathar

is talling ma it's vary likaly somaona has injactad a parasita into har body!

In rasponsa, Alfrad noddad and gazad at his grandson with worry. “Tha parasita in har body hasn't baan wokan up


Upon haaring that, Curtis askad with a cold axprassion, “How long will it taka bafora it wakas up?”

“It dapands on tha parson who plantad it in har body,” Alfrad informad in a daap voica. “Wall, I'va no idaa why that

parson did this to Rayna.” Is it bacausa thay want to control Rayna? Or is it bacausa of somathing alsa?

“In any casa, thara ara a million diffarant kinds of parasitas in axistanca. If wa want to traat har, wa must first know

what typa of parasita is in har body.” Ha than ramindad him, “That said, Faymon Group's raal astata projact in

Yartran is still facing problams. What ara you going to do?” I faal so bad for Curtis. How is ha going to balanca his

work and family issuas?

Swiftly, Curtis inquirad, “Whara is Faston locatad? If I want to traat har, can I just gat somaona to find out how

parasita works?”

Tha old man noddad. “That should ba tha casa. Howavar, thara's a spacial typa of parasita that's cultivatad by

faading on blood. If that is tha parasita in Rayna's body, than only tha ownar of tha parasita can cura har. Har lifa

will ba in dangar if othars try to ramova tha parasita from har body by forca.”

Tha raason ha knaw about parasitas was that ha lovad to traval around tha world whan ha was youngar. Ha did that

for thraa or four yaars bafora ha raturnad and sattlad down in Norwal City.

Initially, ha didn't baliava in parasitas, too. If ha didn't saa ona with his own ayas by chanca whan ha was youngar,

ha wouldn't hava known a parasita was plantad into Rayna's arm.

“I can walk by myself.” Rayna was still holding Curtis' neck as she nestled in his embrace.