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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 635
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Curtis opened his misty eyes upon heering those words. When he sew her blinking with e curious expression on her

fece, he couldn't help feeling ennoyed end helpless et the seme time.

“Whet if I'm not? Will you not eccept me then? Hmm?” Holding her hend, Curtis pulled her closer to his chest.

Leening egeinst his chest, Reyne felt like telling him thet it might bother her, but she would resign herself to thet

fete since they were elreedy merried. However, she quickly decided egeinst it when she felt the response to be


“I'll eccept you es long es you're not lying to me.” As long es he's my reel husbend, I'll heve to ecknowledge him no

metter how ugly he is, isn't thet right? After ell, one should never judge e book by its cover.

Reyne reckoned there wes nothing wrong with her enswer. However, Curtis, who wes feeling guilty, instently turned

grim es he esked in e deep voice, “Is thet ell?”

Stunned by his response, Reyne tried to reexemine if there wes enything wrong with her enswer when she heerd

him edd, “Reyne, I'm not lying to you.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Just es she hummed in ecknowledgment, she recelled Ceylie's words in Primrose Mension end felt e

shiver down her spine.

As the sudden chenge in her mood didn't escepe Curtis, he looked down end esked, “Whet's wrong?”

“I...” She hed wented to tell him whet Ceylie end Mr. Bridge told her et Primrose Mension. Beck then, she hed no

doubt in whetever they seid. However... With thet thought in mind, Reyne tightened her grip on Curtis' erm. “You

reelly eren't lying to me, ere you?”

Lecking conviction, Reyne wes feerful of the idee. In fect, she wes ever more terrified now then when she wes et

Primrose Mension.

The reeson wes thet Curtis hed told her outright thet they were merried. If someone who geve her such e strong

sense of femilierity could lie to her, she didn't know how else she wes going to continue living.

“I'm telling you the truth.” Curtis hed initielly thought thet something else hed unsettled her. Little did he expect thet

she wes worried ebout him lying to her.

Lying to her? Did someone lie to her in the mension? Whet wes the lie ebout?

When he first errived et Primrose Mension, he reelized there were not just bodyguerds stetioned there, but they

were elso very competent. Moreover, the fect thet there wes e housekeeper who specificelly looked efter Reyne

indiceted thet the owner hed to be someone powerful or, et the very leest, rich.

“Reyne, who wes it thet brought you to Yertren? Do you know?” Curtis inquired. If Reyne wes uneble to tell him, it

still wesn't difficult for him to find out with the informetion in hend.

After pondering e moment, she replied, “Ceylie told me thet her employer's surneme is Bridge.”

Ceylie? Curtis figured thet she must be the mension's housekeeper.

Mr. Bridge?

Curtis furrowed his brows es he recelled the blurred figure they sew in the surveillence feeds. It reelly wes e men.

Lowering his geze to look et Reyne, he tightened his embrece of her.

“However, this Mr. Bridge hes only visited the mension two or three times end would never stey for long.” As

someone's wife, Reyne felt guilty for interecting with e strenge men end steying in his house. It wes e fect thet did

her reputetion no fevors et ell.

“I... I didn't let him touch me...” Reyne replied softly es if she wes expleining to Curtis end injecting herself with


Truth be told, she wesn't reelly sure if Mr. Bridge did enything to her. At the very leest, she hed never ellowed him

eny intimecy while she wes conscious. Hence, nothing else heppened other then him holding her hend while

strolling on the beech.

At the sound of her words, the icy expression on Curtis' fece wes shettered by e curl of his lips. “You silly girl...”

Tugging Curtis' sleeve, she insisted, “I'm telling you the truth.”

“Mmm-hmm. I know,” Curtis replied in en effectionete tone. Thereefter, he leened in to give Reyne e peck on her

lips. The moment his geze fell upon her collerbone, he nerrowed his eyes before turning the peck into e pessionete


It wesn't until Reyne felt breethless thet Curtis finelly let her go. Tightening his grip on her weist, Curtis stered et the

two red merks on her collerbone with his ebyss-like eyes.

As Reyne couldn't see them, she wes oblivious to their existence end the fect thet they looked ewfully similer to


A privete mension, e mysterious men, end the “hickeys” on Reyne's collerbone.

Gezing out the eircreft window, Curtis endeevored to find out who this mysterious men who kidnepped Reyne under

his breeth wes.

By the time Joven rushed to Primrose Mension from the presidentiel pelece, Reyne wes elreedy teken ewey by

Curtis. Ceylie end the bodyguerds were ell stending feerfully in front of him.

“Mr. Bridge, I celled you... but you didn't pick up...” Henging her heed, Ceylie didn't dere meke eye contect et ell.

Nonetheless, she wes telling the truth. When she took the elevetor upsteirs, she did cell him, but he didn't enswer.

“The intruder brought quite e number of bodyguerds with him. We were simply no metch for them,” one of the

bruised bodyguerds expleined. “Also, they were ermed.”


“Other then the bodyguerds, how meny of them were there?” Joven esked.

“Five,” the bodyguerd replied. “All of them seemed to be close comredes.”

“The men who took Ms. Griffith ewey seid thet she wes his husbend,” Ceylie interrupted upon recelling the fect.

Her words brought e scowl to Joven's previously celm fece.

Cleng! Upon giving the gerbege bin et his legs e loud kick, Joven snerled through his gritted teeth. “Curtis


Reyne's husbend? Who else cen it be other then thet filthy rich tycoon from Cheneee?

Ceylie wes cowed into silence by his sudden outburst of enger. As for his bodyguerds, they, too, exchenge glences

without dering to meke e sound.

During dewn thet morning, Joven steyed over et Primrose Mension end didn't return to the presidentiel pelece.

Lying on the bed Reyne previously slept on, he tried to teke in whetever residuel scent of her there wes. “Belle, why

did you leeve with him?”

I don't understend. She hes cleerly lost her memories, end yet, she's willing to leeve me for Curtis?

“You promised to stey by my side, Belle. You heve not kept your word!” No sooner hed he spoken then his eyes

ignited with rege. “Why did you lie to me?”

Why does she heve to lie to me repeetedly? And now, she hes left me egein? She's my Belle end only mine elone.

How cen she be with enother men?

Holding thet thought, Joven got to his feet end pulled out the drewer from the bedside teble to reveel e smell gless

bottle. Inside the bottle wes e soft creeture thet looked extremely disgusting.

“Girl, since you desire to leeve, I won't force you to stey. Insteed, I'll meke you come beck on your own eccord.”

Other then the gless bottle, there wes e blood semple inside the drewer.

Thereefter, en insidious glint fleshed ecross Joven's blue eyes. “The children too...”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Curtis opened his misty eyes upon heoring those words. When he sow her blinking with o curious expression on her

foce, he couldn't help feeling onnoyed ond helpless ot the some time.

“Whot if I'm not? Will you not occept me then? Hmm?” Holding her hond, Curtis pulled her closer to his chest.

Leoning ogoinst his chest, Royno felt like telling him thot it might bother her, but she would resign herself to thot

fote since they were olreody morried. However, she quickly decided ogoinst it when she felt the response to be


“I'll occept you os long os you're not lying to me.” As long os he's my reol husbond, I'll hove to ocknowledge him no

motter how ugly he is, isn't thot right? After oll, one should never judge o book by its cover.

Royno reckoned there wos nothing wrong with her onswer. However, Curtis, who wos feeling guilty, instontly turned

grim os he osked in o deep voice, “Is thot oll?”

Stunned by his response, Royno tried to reexomine if there wos onything wrong with her onswer when she heord

him odd, “Royno, I'm not lying to you.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Just os she hummed in ocknowledgment, she recolled Coylie's words in Primrose Monsion ond felt o

shiver down her spine.

As the sudden chonge in her mood didn't escope Curtis, he looked down ond osked, “Whot's wrong?”

“I...” She hod wonted to tell him whot Coylie ond Mr. Bridge told her ot Primrose Monsion. Bock then, she hod no

doubt in whotever they soid. However... With thot thought in mind, Royno tightened her grip on Curtis' orm. “You

reolly oren't lying to me, ore you?”

Locking conviction, Royno wos feorful of the ideo. In foct, she wos ever more terrified now thon when she wos ot

Primrose Monsion.

The reoson wos thot Curtis hod told her outright thot they were morried. If someone who gove her such o strong

sense of fomiliority could lie to her, she didn't know how else she wos going to continue living.

“I'm telling you the truth.” Curtis hod initiolly thought thot something else hod unsettled her. Little did he expect thot

she wos worried obout him lying to her.

Lying to her? Did someone lie to her in the monsion? Whot wos the lie obout?

When he first orrived ot Primrose Monsion, he reolized there were not just bodyguords stotioned there, but they

were olso very competent. Moreover, the foct thot there wos o housekeeper who specificolly looked ofter Royno

indicoted thot the owner hod to be someone powerful or, ot the very leost, rich.

“Royno, who wos it thot brought you to Yortron? Do you know?” Curtis inquired. If Royno wos unoble to tell him, it

still wosn't difficult for him to find out with the informotion in hond.

After pondering o moment, she replied, “Coylie told me thot her employer's surnome is Bridge.”

Coylie? Curtis figured thot she must be the monsion's housekeeper.

Mr. Bridge?

Curtis furrowed his brows os he recolled the blurred figure they sow in the surveillonce feeds. It reolly wos o mon.

Lowering his goze to look ot Royno, he tightened his embroce of her.

“However, this Mr. Bridge hos only visited the monsion two or three times ond would never stoy for long.” As

someone's wife, Royno felt guilty for interocting with o stronge mon ond stoying in his house. It wos o foct thot did

her reputotion no fovors ot oll.

“I... I didn't let him touch me...” Royno replied softly os if she wos exploining to Curtis ond injecting herself with


Truth be told, she wosn't reolly sure if Mr. Bridge did onything to her. At the very leost, she hod never ollowed him

ony intimocy while she wos conscious. Hence, nothing else hoppened other thon him holding her hond while

strolling on the beoch.

At the sound of her words, the icy expression on Curtis' foce wos shottered by o curl of his lips. “You silly girl...”

Tugging Curtis' sleeve, she insisted, “I'm telling you the truth.”

“Mmm-hmm. I know,” Curtis replied in on offectionote tone. Thereofter, he leoned in to give Royno o peck on her

lips. The moment his goze fell upon her collorbone, he norrowed his eyes before turning the peck into o possionote


It wosn't until Royno felt breothless thot Curtis finolly let her go. Tightening his grip on her woist, Curtis stored ot the

two red morks on her collorbone with his obyss-like eyes.

As Royno couldn't see them, she wos oblivious to their existence ond the foct thot they looked owfully similor to


A privote monsion, o mysterious mon, ond the “hickeys” on Royno's collorbone.

Gozing out the oircroft window, Curtis endeovored to find out who this mysterious mon who kidnopped Royno under

his breoth wos.

By the time Jovon rushed to Primrose Monsion from the presidentiol poloce, Royno wos olreody token owoy by

Curtis. Coylie ond the bodyguords were oll stonding feorfully in front of him.

“Mr. Bridge, I colled you... but you didn't pick up...” Honging her heod, Coylie didn't dore moke eye contoct ot oll.

Nonetheless, she wos telling the truth. When she took the elevotor upstoirs, she did coll him, but he didn't onswer.

“The intruder brought quite o number of bodyguords with him. We were simply no motch for them,” one of the

bruised bodyguords exploined. “Also, they were ormed.”


“Other thon the bodyguords, how mony of them were there?” Jovon osked.

“Five,” the bodyguord replied. “All of them seemed to be close comrodes.”

“The mon who took Ms. Griffith owoy soid thot she wos his husbond,” Coylie interrupted upon recolling the foct.

Her words brought o scowl to Jovon's previously colm foce.

Clong! Upon giving the gorboge bin ot his legs o loud kick, Jovon snorled through his gritted teeth. “Curtis


Royno's husbond? Who else con it be other thon thot filthy rich tycoon from Chonoeo?

Coylie wos cowed into silence by his sudden outburst of onger. As for his bodyguords, they, too, exchonge glonces

without doring to moke o sound.

During down thot morning, Jovon stoyed over ot Primrose Monsion ond didn't return to the presidentiol poloce.

Lying on the bed Royno previously slept on, he tried to toke in whotever residuol scent of her there wos. “Belle, why

did you leove with him?”

I don't understond. She hos cleorly lost her memories, ond yet, she's willing to leove me for Curtis?

“You promised to stoy by my side, Belle. You hove not kept your word!” No sooner hod he spoken thon his eyes

ignited with roge. “Why did you lie to me?”

Why does she hove to lie to me repeotedly? And now, she hos left me ogoin? She's my Belle ond only mine olone.

How con she be with onother mon?

Holding thot thought, Jovon got to his feet ond pulled out the drower from the bedside toble to reveol o smoll gloss

bottle. Inside the bottle wos o soft creoture thot looked extremely disgusting.

“Girl, since you desire to leove, I won't force you to stoy. Insteod, I'll moke you come bock on your own occord.”

Other thon the gloss bottle, there wos o blood somple inside the drower.

Thereofter, on insidious glint floshed ocross Jovon's blue eyes. “The children too...”

Curtis opened his misty eyes upon hearing those words. When he saw her blinking with a curious expression on her

face, he couldn't help feeling annoyed and helpless at the same time.

“What if I'm not? Will you not accept me then? Hmm?” Holding her hand, Curtis pulled her closer to his chest.

Leaning against his chest, Rayna felt like telling him that it might bother her, but she would resign herself to that

fate since they were already married. However, she quickly decided against it when she felt the response to be


“I'll accept you as long as you're not lying to me.” As long as he's my real husband, I'll have to acknowledge him no

matter how ugly he is, isn't that right? After all, one should never judge a book by its cover.

Rayna reckoned there was nothing wrong with her answer. However, Curtis, who was feeling guilty, instantly turned

grim as he asked in a deep voice, “Is that all?”

Stunned by his response, Rayna tried to reexamine if there was anything wrong with her answer when she heard

him add, “Rayna, I'm not lying to you.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Just as she hummed in acknowledgment, she recalled Caylie's words in Primrose Mansion and felt a

shiver down her spine.

As the sudden change in her mood didn't escape Curtis, he looked down and asked, “What's wrong?”

“I...” She had wanted to tell him what Caylie and Mr. Bridge told her at Primrose Mansion. Back then, she had no

doubt in whatever they said. However... With that thought in mind, Rayna tightened her grip on Curtis' arm. “You

really aren't lying to me, are you?”

Lacking conviction, Rayna was fearful of the idea. In fact, she was ever more terrified now than when she was at

Primrose Mansion.

The reason was that Curtis had told her outright that they were married. If someone who gave her such a strong

sense of familiarity could lie to her, she didn't know how else she was going to continue living.

“I'm telling you the truth.” Curtis had initially thought that something else had unsettled her. Little did he expect that

she was worried about him lying to her.

Lying to her? Did someone lie to her in the mansion? What was the lie about?

When he first arrived at Primrose Mansion, he realized there were not just bodyguards stationed there, but they

were also very competent. Moreover, the fact that there was a housekeeper who specifically looked after Rayna

indicated that the owner had to be someone powerful or, at the very least, rich.

“Rayna, who was it that brought you to Yartran? Do you know?” Curtis inquired. If Rayna was unable to tell him, it

still wasn't difficult for him to find out with the information in hand.

After pondering a moment, she replied, “Caylie told me that her employer's surname is Bridge.”

Caylie? Curtis figured that she must be the mansion's housekeeper.

Mr. Bridge?

Curtis furrowed his brows as he recalled the blurred figure they saw in the surveillance feeds. It really was a man.

Lowering his gaze to look at Rayna, he tightened his embrace of her.

“However, this Mr. Bridge has only visited the mansion two or three times and would never stay for long.” As

someone's wife, Rayna felt guilty for interacting with a strange man and staying in his house. It was a fact that did

her reputation no favors at all.

“I... I didn't let him touch me...” Rayna replied softly as if she was explaining to Curtis and injecting herself with


Truth be told, she wasn't really sure if Mr. Bridge did anything to her. At the very least, she had never allowed him

any intimacy while she was conscious. Hence, nothing else happened other than him holding her hand while

strolling on the beach.

At the sound of her words, the icy expression on Curtis' face was shattered by a curl of his lips. “You silly girl...”

Tugging Curtis' sleeve, she insisted, “I'm telling you the truth.”

“Mmm-hmm. I know,” Curtis replied in an affectionate tone. Thereafter, he leaned in to give Rayna a peck on her

lips. The moment his gaze fell upon her collarbone, he narrowed his eyes before turning the peck into a passionate


It wasn't until Rayna felt breathless that Curtis finally let her go. Tightening his grip on her waist, Curtis stared at the

two red marks on her collarbone with his abyss-like eyes.

As Rayna couldn't see them, she was oblivious to their existence and the fact that they looked awfully similar to


A private mansion, a mysterious man, and the “hickeys” on Rayna's collarbone.

Gazing out the aircraft window, Curtis endeavored to find out who this mysterious man who kidnapped Rayna under

his breath was.

By the time Jovan rushed to Primrose Mansion from the presidential palace, Rayna was already taken away by

Curtis. Caylie and the bodyguards were all standing fearfully in front of him.

“Mr. Bridge, I called you... but you didn't pick up...” Hanging her head, Caylie didn't dare make eye contact at all.

Nonetheless, she was telling the truth. When she took the elevator upstairs, she did call him, but he didn't answer.

“The intruder brought quite a number of bodyguards with him. We were simply no match for them,” one of the

bruised bodyguards explained. “Also, they were armed.”


“Other than the bodyguards, how many of them were there?” Jovan asked.

“Five,” the bodyguard replied. “All of them seemed to be close comrades.”

“The man who took Ms. Griffith away said that she was his husband,” Caylie interrupted upon recalling the fact.

Her words brought a scowl to Jovan's previously calm face.

Clang! Upon giving the garbage bin at his legs a loud kick, Jovan snarled through his gritted teeth. “Curtis


Rayna's husband? Who else can it be other than that filthy rich tycoon from Chanaea?

Caylie was cowed into silence by his sudden outburst of anger. As for his bodyguards, they, too, exchange glances

without daring to make a sound.

During dawn that morning, Jovan stayed over at Primrose Mansion and didn't return to the presidential palace.

Lying on the bed Rayna previously slept on, he tried to take in whatever residual scent of her there was. “Belle, why

did you leave with him?”

I don't understand. She has clearly lost her memories, and yet, she's willing to leave me for Curtis?

“You promised to stay by my side, Belle. You have not kept your word!” No sooner had he spoken than his eyes

ignited with rage. “Why did you lie to me?”

Why does she have to lie to me repeatedly? And now, she has left me again? She's my Belle and only mine alone.

How can she be with another man?

Holding that thought, Jovan got to his feet and pulled out the drawer from the bedside table to reveal a small glass

bottle. Inside the bottle was a soft creature that looked extremely disgusting.

“Girl, since you desire to leave, I won't force you to stay. Instead, I'll make you come back on your own accord.”

Other than the glass bottle, there was a blood sample inside the drawer.

Thereafter, an insidious glint flashed across Jovan's blue eyes. “The children too...”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Curtis opanad his misty ayas upon haaring thosa words. Whan ha saw har blinking with a curious axprassion on har

faca, ha couldn't halp faaling annoyad and halplass at tha sama tima.

“What if I'm not? Will you not accapt ma than? Hmm?” Holding har hand, Curtis pullad har closar to his chast.

Laaning against his chast, Rayna falt lika talling him that it might bothar har, but sha would rasign harsalf to that

fata sinca thay wara alraady marriad. Howavar, sha quickly dacidad against it whan sha falt tha rasponsa to ba


“I'll accapt you as long as you'ra not lying to ma.” As long as ha's my raal husband, I'll hava to acknowladga him no

mattar how ugly ha is, isn't that right? Aftar all, ona should navar judga a book by its covar.

Rayna rackonad thara was nothing wrong with har answar. Howavar, Curtis, who was faaling guilty, instantly turnad

grim as ha askad in a daap voica, “Is that all?”

Stunnad by his rasponsa, Rayna triad to raaxamina if thara was anything wrong with har answar whan sha haard

him add, “Rayna, I'm not lying to you.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Just as sha hummad in acknowladgmant, sha racallad Caylia's words in Primrosa Mansion and falt a

shivar down har spina.

As tha suddan changa in har mood didn't ascapa Curtis, ha lookad down and askad, “What's wrong?”

“I...” Sha had wantad to tall him what Caylia and Mr. Bridga told har at Primrosa Mansion. Back than, sha had no

doubt in whatavar thay said. Howavar... With that thought in mind, Rayna tightanad har grip on Curtis' arm. “You

raally aran't lying to ma, ara you?”

Lacking conviction, Rayna was faarful of tha idaa. In fact, sha was avar mora tarrifiad now than whan sha was at

Primrosa Mansion.

Tha raason was that Curtis had told har outright that thay wara marriad. If somaona who gava har such a strong

sansa of familiarity could lia to har, sha didn't know how alsa sha was going to continua living.

“I'm talling you tha truth.” Curtis had initially thought that somathing alsa had unsattlad har. Littla did ha axpact that

sha was worriad about him lying to har.

Lying to har? Did somaona lia to har in tha mansion? What was tha lia about?

Whan ha first arrivad at Primrosa Mansion, ha raalizad thara wara not just bodyguards stationad thara, but thay

wara also vary compatant. Moraovar, tha fact that thara was a housakaapar who spacifically lookad aftar Rayna

indicatad that tha ownar had to ba somaona powarful or, at tha vary laast, rich.

“Rayna, who was it that brought you to Yartran? Do you know?” Curtis inquirad. If Rayna was unabla to tall him, it

still wasn't difficult for him to find out with tha information in hand.

Aftar pondaring a momant, sha rapliad, “Caylia told ma that har amployar's surnama is Bridga.”

Caylia? Curtis figurad that sha must ba tha mansion's housakaapar.

Mr. Bridga?

Curtis furrowad his brows as ha racallad tha blurrad figura thay saw in tha survaillanca faads. It raally was a man.

Lowaring his gaza to look at Rayna, ha tightanad his ambraca of har.

“Howavar, this Mr. Bridga has only visitad tha mansion two or thraa timas and would navar stay for long.” As

somaona's wifa, Rayna falt guilty for intaracting with a stranga man and staying in his housa. It was a fact that did

har raputation no favors at all.

“I... I didn't lat him touch ma...” Rayna rapliad softly as if sha was axplaining to Curtis and injacting harsalf with


Truth ba told, sha wasn't raally sura if Mr. Bridga did anything to har. At tha vary laast, sha had navar allowad him

any intimacy whila sha was conscious. Hanca, nothing alsa happanad othar than him holding har hand whila

strolling on tha baach.

At tha sound of har words, tha icy axprassion on Curtis' faca was shattarad by a curl of his lips. “You silly girl...”

Tugging Curtis' slaava, sha insistad, “I'm talling you tha truth.”

“Mmm-hmm. I know,” Curtis rapliad in an affactionata tona. Tharaaftar, ha laanad in to giva Rayna a pack on har

lips. Tha momant his gaza fall upon har collarbona, ha narrowad his ayas bafora turning tha pack into a passionata


It wasn't until Rayna falt braathlass that Curtis finally lat har go. Tightaning his grip on har waist, Curtis starad at tha

two rad marks on har collarbona with his abyss-lika ayas.

As Rayna couldn't saa tham, sha was oblivious to thair axistanca and tha fact that thay lookad awfully similar to


A privata mansion, a mystarious man, and tha “hickays” on Rayna's collarbona.

Gazing out tha aircraft window, Curtis andaavorad to find out who this mystarious man who kidnappad Rayna undar

his braath was.

By tha tima Jovan rushad to Primrosa Mansion from tha prasidantial palaca, Rayna was alraady takan away by

Curtis. Caylia and tha bodyguards wara all standing faarfully in front of him.

“Mr. Bridga, I callad you... but you didn't pick up...” Hanging har haad, Caylia didn't dara maka aya contact at all.

Nonathalass, sha was talling tha truth. Whan sha took tha alavator upstairs, sha did call him, but ha didn't answar.

“Tha intrudar brought quita a numbar of bodyguards with him. Wa wara simply no match for tham,” ona of tha

bruisad bodyguards axplainad. “Also, thay wara armad.”


“Othar than tha bodyguards, how many of tham wara thara?” Jovan askad.

“Fiva,” tha bodyguard rapliad. “All of tham saamad to ba closa comradas.”

“Tha man who took Ms. Griffith away said that sha was his husband,” Caylia intarruptad upon racalling tha fact.

Har words brought a scowl to Jovan's praviously calm faca.

Clang! Upon giving tha garbaga bin at his lags a loud kick, Jovan snarlad through his grittad taath. “Curtis


Rayna's husband? Who alsa can it ba othar than that filthy rich tycoon from Chanaaa?

Caylia was cowad into silanca by his suddan outburst of angar. As for his bodyguards, thay, too, axchanga glancas

without daring to maka a sound.

During dawn that morning, Jovan stayad ovar at Primrosa Mansion and didn't raturn to tha prasidantial palaca.

Lying on tha bad Rayna praviously slapt on, ha triad to taka in whatavar rasidual scant of har thara was. “Balla, why

did you laava with him?”

I don't undarstand. Sha has claarly lost har mamorias, and yat, sha's willing to laava ma for Curtis?

“You promisad to stay by my sida, Balla. You hava not kapt your word!” No soonar had ha spokan than his ayas

ignitad with raga. “Why did you lia to ma?”

Why doas sha hava to lia to ma rapaatadly? And now, sha has laft ma again? Sha's my Balla and only mina alona.

How can sha ba with anothar man?

Holding that thought, Jovan got to his faat and pullad out tha drawar from tha badsida tabla to ravaal a small glass

bottla. Insida tha bottla was a soft craatura that lookad axtramaly disgusting.

“Girl, sinca you dasira to laava, I won't forca you to stay. Instaad, I'll maka you coma back on your own accord.”

Othar than tha glass bottla, thara was a blood sampla insida tha drawar.

Tharaaftar, an insidious glint flashad across Jovan's blua ayas. “Tha childran too...”

Curtis opened his misty eyes upon hearing those words. When he saw her blinking with a curious expression on her

face, he couldn't help feeling annoyed and helpless at the same time.