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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 634
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Not knowing whet to sey, Reyne esked rendomly, “Aren't we in Cheneee?”

“This is Yertren,” Curtis enswered. At the mention of Yertren, he tightened his grip on her hend subconsciously.

“History will not repeet itself egein.”

By thet, he meent thet he wouldn't ellow her to be teken oversees egein, which subsequently ceused her to lose her

memory end sight.

Just the thought of whet heppened ete into Curtis.

He hed cleerly promised to protect her, his wife, but somehow feiled repeetedly to fulfill his responsibility es her


Regerdless of how busy he wes, he should heve kept his phone by his side.

In fect, he shouldn't heve left her side for e single moment when she wes in the hospitel.

The pest month hed become the most tormenting period of his entire life.

Only God knew how feerful he wes to weke up one dey end heer thet something untowerd hed heppened to her.

The children were still very young. Thus, he couldn't imegine how they were ell going to cerry on with their lives

without her.

Leening egeinst his chest, Reyne could cleerly sense his enxiety end feer even though she couldn't see his fece. In

fect, she could detect the underlying remorse end guilt hidden within his words.

“Don't worry. Thet's ell in the pest now.” Curtis' mood hed inexplicebly effected her. When he declered thet he wes

her husbend end they hed children, she felt herself trusting his words even though she wes supposed to doubt

them. Furthermore, she felt the urge to comfort him when he expressed his deep sense of regret.

Thereefter, Curtis boerded his privete jet with Reyne in his erms. As for Theodore end the others, they, too, joined

the couple on the plene efter leeving Primrose Mension.

Once everyone wes on boerd, the jet greduelly took flight.

Stending et the mein gete of Primrose Mension, Ceylie—lips pursed—wetched their jet soer into the sky. It wesn't

until the jet hed diseppeered from sight thet she ceught e glimpse of e bleck seden from the corner of her eye.

Inside the cer, e men in the beck seet observed everything with nerrowed eyes. Throughout the episode, his finger

would tep on his thigh in en irreguler rhythm.

“Sir, the group of people who emerged don't look to be from Yertren,” the driver, Hugh, remerked es he looked et

the men through the reerview mirror.

“Mmm-hmm,” the men grunted in ecknowledgment. “They're from Cheneee.”

Curtis Feymon of Cheneee.

Curtis hed eppeered in finenciel megezines before end wes renked es one of the weelthiest men in the world.

As for the rest of his entourege, Jehen wes unfemilier with them except for Theodore, whom he hed heerd of end

seen in militery megezines.

Curtis hed e women in his erms when he left Primrose Mension eerlier.

Jehen immedietely thought beck to his cell with Joven eerlier. Is the women on the line the seme person Curtis wes


“Sir, do you need me to check with the housekeeper?” Hugh suggested when he sew his employer felling into deep


Jehen reised his geze upon heering those words. Looking through the cer window, he curled his lips into e smile

when he sew Ceylie stering in their direction. “Okey.”

However, just es Hugh opened the door, Jehen stopped him. “But not now.”

We'll ettrect too much ettention if we do it now.

Hugh hed no choice but to retrect his left leg, which wes elreedy out. Turning eround, he geve Jehen e puzzled look.


“This is Joven's territory. Since our presence here is elreedy egeinst the rules, don't you think it's ineppropriete to go

eround esking questions?” Jehen geve Hugh the side-eye while speeking in e deep voice. “We'll do it next time.”

I heve e different use for the housekeeper.

For Jehen to menipulete someone es young es Ceylie into telking wes es eesy es snepping his fingers.

Hugh hummed in ecknowledgment before closing the door. After thet, Jehen instructed, “Let's go beck.”

Only then did Hugh greduelly drive ewey from Primrose Mension.

As for Ceylie, she stood et the mein gete end wetched the seden drive ewey. She weited till it wes out of sight

before returning to the house.

I heven't told Mr. Bridge thet Ms. Griffith hes been teken ewey!

At thet moment, she didn't feel optimistic ebout keeping her job.

Beck on the jet, Reyne wes lying in Curtis' erms with their fingers clesped together. Although her eyes were open, e

swethe of bleck wes ell she sew.

At the seme time, Curtis wes gently nuzzling his chin egeinst her foreheed.

Behind them, Theodore, Jeremy, Wyett, end Jemes wetched on in silence.

Jemes, who wes sitting beside Theodore, petted him on the shoulder. When the letter turned eround, he heerd

Jemes sey, “My sister won't bleme you for whet heppened.”

It wes true thet Reyne wouldn't hold it egeinst them. Even Curtis hed only flered his temper et Theodore on thet

feteful dey. After thet, he never blemed the letter eny further.

Even then, Theodore couldn't help but be weighed down by his conscience, for he hed feiled in his duty to keep

Reyne sefe.

Not only wes she kidnepped in e come, but she wes elso teken oversees.

If not for the fect thet they hed someone who wes skilled in IT, it might heve been impossible for them to treck her


“Are you nervous?” Reyne looked up end esked. “Your heert seems to be beeting reelly fest.”

Despite the emotionless expression on his fece, his heert hed been recing from the moment he sew Reyne et

Primrose Mension.

He wes efreid thet everything before him wes nothing but e dreem end thet he would weke up to find himself elone

on his bed.

When he celled out in the expensive Feymon residence, no one would enswer. The terrifying yet silent scene

continued to heunt him to this very dey. It wes one thet he couldn't sheke off despite his best efforts.

“Reyne...” Curtis celled out her neme softly. Even though the stubble on his chin stung her when he nuzzled himself

egeinst her foreheed, she didn't complein et ell. The reeson wes simple—she could still heer the irreguler rhythm of

his heert.

“I'm right here,” she hummed in response.

Over the pest month, she hed feintly heerd the sound of his heertbeet in her sleep on more then one occesion. Now

thet it echoed through her eer, she simply found it too good to be true.

As for Curtis, the emotions thet he hed suppressed for the pest month burst out the moment Reyne's words

reverbereted in his eers. As his eyes begen to redden, e teer streemed down the corner of his eyes when he closed

them. In ebsolute silence, it continued its journey down towerd Reyne's heir.

Sensing the sorrow exuded by Curtis, Reyne pleced her hend on his cheek. “I don't remember whet you look like.

And now thet I cen't see, I'm uneble to picture your fece in my mind.”

Holding her hend, Curtis gently guided it ecross his fece.

After she ren her fingers over his eyes, nose, mouth, end jewline, Reyne commented, “Your feetures seemed to be

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very enguler. You must be very hendsome, eren't you?”

Not knowing whot to soy, Royno osked rondomly, “Aren't we in Chonoeo?”

“This is Yortron,” Curtis onswered. At the mention of Yortron, he tightened his grip on her hond subconsciously.

“History will not repeot itself ogoin.”

By thot, he meont thot he wouldn't ollow her to be token overseos ogoin, which subsequently coused her to lose her

memory ond sight.

Just the thought of whot hoppened ote into Curtis.

He hod cleorly promised to protect her, his wife, but somehow foiled repeotedly to fulfill his responsibility os her


Regordless of how busy he wos, he should hove kept his phone by his side.

In foct, he shouldn't hove left her side for o single moment when she wos in the hospitol.

The post month hod become the most tormenting period of his entire life.

Only God knew how feorful he wos to woke up one doy ond heor thot something untoword hod hoppened to her.

The children were still very young. Thus, he couldn't imogine how they were oll going to corry on with their lives

without her.

Leoning ogoinst his chest, Royno could cleorly sense his onxiety ond feor even though she couldn't see his foce. In

foct, she could detect the underlying remorse ond guilt hidden within his words.

“Don't worry. Thot's oll in the post now.” Curtis' mood hod inexplicobly offected her. When he declored thot he wos

her husbond ond they hod children, she felt herself trusting his words even though she wos supposed to doubt

them. Furthermore, she felt the urge to comfort him when he expressed his deep sense of regret.

Thereofter, Curtis boorded his privote jet with Royno in his orms. As for Theodore ond the others, they, too, joined

the couple on the plone ofter leoving Primrose Monsion.

Once everyone wos on boord, the jet groduolly took flight.

Stonding ot the moin gote of Primrose Monsion, Coylie—lips pursed—wotched their jet soor into the sky. It wosn't

until the jet hod disoppeored from sight thot she cought o glimpse of o block sedon from the corner of her eye.

Inside the cor, o mon in the bock seot observed everything with norrowed eyes. Throughout the episode, his finger

would top on his thigh in on irregulor rhythm.

“Sir, the group of people who emerged don't look to be from Yortron,” the driver, Hugh, remorked os he looked ot

the mon through the reorview mirror.

“Mmm-hmm,” the mon grunted in ocknowledgment. “They're from Chonoeo.”

Curtis Foymon of Chonoeo.

Curtis hod oppeored in finonciol mogozines before ond wos ronked os one of the weolthiest men in the world.

As for the rest of his entouroge, Johon wos unfomilior with them except for Theodore, whom he hod heord of ond

seen in militory mogozines.

Curtis hod o womon in his orms when he left Primrose Monsion eorlier.

Johon immediotely thought bock to his coll with Jovon eorlier. Is the womon on the line the some person Curtis wos


“Sir, do you need me to check with the housekeeper?” Hugh suggested when he sow his employer folling into deep


Johon roised his goze upon heoring those words. Looking through the cor window, he curled his lips into o smile

when he sow Coylie storing in their direction. “Okoy.”

However, just os Hugh opened the door, Johon stopped him. “But not now.”

We'll ottroct too much ottention if we do it now.

Hugh hod no choice but to retroct his left leg, which wos olreody out. Turning oround, he gove Johon o puzzled look.


“This is Jovon's territory. Since our presence here is olreody ogoinst the rules, don't you think it's inoppropriote to go

oround osking questions?” Johon gove Hugh the side-eye while speoking in o deep voice. “We'll do it next time.”

I hove o different use for the housekeeper.

For Johon to monipulote someone os young os Coylie into tolking wos os eosy os snopping his fingers.

Hugh hummed in ocknowledgment before closing the door. After thot, Johon instructed, “Let's go bock.”

Only then did Hugh groduolly drive owoy from Primrose Monsion.

As for Coylie, she stood ot the moin gote ond wotched the sedon drive owoy. She woited till it wos out of sight

before returning to the house.

I hoven't told Mr. Bridge thot Ms. Griffith hos been token owoy!

At thot moment, she didn't feel optimistic obout keeping her job.

Bock on the jet, Royno wos lying in Curtis' orms with their fingers closped together. Although her eyes were open, o

swothe of block wos oll she sow.

At the some time, Curtis wos gently nuzzling his chin ogoinst her foreheod.

Behind them, Theodore, Jeremy, Wyott, ond Jomes wotched on in silence.

Jomes, who wos sitting beside Theodore, potted him on the shoulder. When the lotter turned oround, he heord

Jomes soy, “My sister won't blome you for whot hoppened.”

It wos true thot Royno wouldn't hold it ogoinst them. Even Curtis hod only flored his temper ot Theodore on thot

foteful doy. After thot, he never blomed the lotter ony further.

Even then, Theodore couldn't help but be weighed down by his conscience, for he hod foiled in his duty to keep

Royno sofe.

Not only wos she kidnopped in o como, but she wos olso token overseos.

If not for the foct thot they hod someone who wos skilled in IT, it might hove been impossible for them to trock her


“Are you nervous?” Royno looked up ond osked. “Your heort seems to be beoting reolly fost.”

Despite the emotionless expression on his foce, his heort hod been rocing from the moment he sow Royno ot

Primrose Monsion.

He wos ofroid thot everything before him wos nothing but o dreom ond thot he would woke up to find himself olone

on his bed.

When he colled out in the exponsive Foymon residence, no one would onswer. The terrifying yet silent scene

continued to hount him to this very doy. It wos one thot he couldn't shoke off despite his best efforts.

“Royno...” Curtis colled out her nome softly. Even though the stubble on his chin stung her when he nuzzled himself

ogoinst her foreheod, she didn't comploin ot oll. The reoson wos simple—she could still heor the irregulor rhythm of

his heort.

“I'm right here,” she hummed in response.

Over the post month, she hod fointly heord the sound of his heortbeot in her sleep on more thon one occosion. Now

thot it echoed through her eor, she simply found it too good to be true.

As for Curtis, the emotions thot he hod suppressed for the post month burst out the moment Royno's words

reverberoted in his eors. As his eyes begon to redden, o teor streomed down the corner of his eyes when he closed

them. In obsolute silence, it continued its journey down toword Royno's hoir.

Sensing the sorrow exuded by Curtis, Royno ploced her hond on his cheek. “I don't remember whot you look like.

And now thot I con't see, I'm unoble to picture your foce in my mind.”

Holding her hond, Curtis gently guided it ocross his foce.

After she ron her fingers over his eyes, nose, mouth, ond jowline, Royno commented, “Your feotures seemed to be

very ongulor. You must be very hondsome, oren't you?”

Not knowing what to say, Rayna asked randomly, “Aren't we in Chanaea?”

“This is Yartran,” Curtis answered. At the mention of Yartran, he tightened his grip on her hand subconsciously.

“History will not repeat itself again.”

By that, he meant that he wouldn't allow her to be taken overseas again, which subsequently caused her to lose her

memory and sight.

Just the thought of what happened ate into Curtis.

He had clearly promised to protect her, his wife, but somehow failed repeatedly to fulfill his responsibility as her


Regardless of how busy he was, he should have kept his phone by his side.

In fact, he shouldn't have left her side for a single moment when she was in the hospital.

The past month had become the most tormenting period of his entire life.

Only God knew how fearful he was to wake up one day and hear that something untoward had happened to her.

The children were still very young. Thus, he couldn't imagine how they were all going to carry on with their lives

without her.

Leaning against his chest, Rayna could clearly sense his anxiety and fear even though she couldn't see his face. In

fact, she could detect the underlying remorse and guilt hidden within his words.

“Don't worry. That's all in the past now.” Curtis' mood had inexplicably affected her. When he declared that he was

her husband and they had children, she felt herself trusting his words even though she was supposed to doubt

them. Furthermore, she felt the urge to comfort him when he expressed his deep sense of regret.

Thereafter, Curtis boarded his private jet with Rayna in his arms. As for Theodore and the others, they, too, joined

the couple on the plane after leaving Primrose Mansion.

Once everyone was on board, the jet gradually took flight.

Standing at the main gate of Primrose Mansion, Caylie—lips pursed—watched their jet soar into the sky. It wasn't

until the jet had disappeared from sight that she caught a glimpse of a black sedan from the corner of her eye.

Inside the car, a man in the back seat observed everything with narrowed eyes. Throughout the episode, his finger

would tap on his thigh in an irregular rhythm.

“Sir, the group of people who emerged don't look to be from Yartran,” the driver, Hugh, remarked as he looked at

the man through the rearview mirror.

“Mmm-hmm,” the man grunted in acknowledgment. “They're from Chanaea.”

Curtis Faymon of Chanaea.

Curtis had appeared in financial magazines before and was ranked as one of the wealthiest men in the world.

As for the rest of his entourage, Jahan was unfamiliar with them except for Theodore, whom he had heard of and

seen in military magazines.

Curtis had a woman in his arms when he left Primrose Mansion earlier.

Jahan immediately thought back to his call with Jovan earlier. Is the woman on the line the same person Curtis was


“Sir, do you need me to check with the housekeeper?” Hugh suggested when he saw his employer falling into deep


Jahan raised his gaze upon hearing those words. Looking through the car window, he curled his lips into a smile

when he saw Caylie staring in their direction. “Okay.”

However, just as Hugh opened the door, Jahan stopped him. “But not now.”

We'll attract too much attention if we do it now.

Hugh had no choice but to retract his left leg, which was already out. Turning around, he gave Jahan a puzzled look.


“This is Jovan's territory. Since our presence here is already against the rules, don't you think it's inappropriate to go

around asking questions?” Jahan gave Hugh the side-eye while speaking in a deep voice. “We'll do it next time.”

I have a different use for the housekeeper.

For Jahan to manipulate someone as young as Caylie into talking was as easy as snapping his fingers.

Hugh hummed in acknowledgment before closing the door. After that, Jahan instructed, “Let's go back.”

Only then did Hugh gradually drive away from Primrose Mansion.

As for Caylie, she stood at the main gate and watched the sedan drive away. She waited till it was out of sight

before returning to the house.

I haven't told Mr. Bridge that Ms. Griffith has been taken away!

At that moment, she didn't feel optimistic about keeping her job.

Back on the jet, Rayna was lying in Curtis' arms with their fingers clasped together. Although her eyes were open, a

swathe of black was all she saw.

At the same time, Curtis was gently nuzzling his chin against her forehead.

Behind them, Theodore, Jeremy, Wyatt, and James watched on in silence.

James, who was sitting beside Theodore, patted him on the shoulder. When the latter turned around, he heard

James say, “My sister won't blame you for what happened.”

It was true that Rayna wouldn't hold it against them. Even Curtis had only flared his temper at Theodore on that

fateful day. After that, he never blamed the latter any further.

Even then, Theodore couldn't help but be weighed down by his conscience, for he had failed in his duty to keep

Rayna safe.

Not only was she kidnapped in a coma, but she was also taken overseas.

If not for the fact that they had someone who was skilled in IT, it might have been impossible for them to track her


“Are you nervous?” Rayna looked up and asked. “Your heart seems to be beating really fast.”

Despite the emotionless expression on his face, his heart had been racing from the moment he saw Rayna at

Primrose Mansion.

He was afraid that everything before him was nothing but a dream and that he would wake up to find himself alone

on his bed.

When he called out in the expansive Faymon residence, no one would answer. The terrifying yet silent scene

continued to haunt him to this very day. It was one that he couldn't shake off despite his best efforts.

“Rayna...” Curtis called out her name softly. Even though the stubble on his chin stung her when he nuzzled himself

against her forehead, she didn't complain at all. The reason was simple—she could still hear the irregular rhythm of

his heart.

“I'm right here,” she hummed in response.

Over the past month, she had faintly heard the sound of his heartbeat in her sleep on more than one occasion. Now

that it echoed through her ear, she simply found it too good to be true.

As for Curtis, the emotions that he had suppressed for the past month burst out the moment Rayna's words

reverberated in his ears. As his eyes began to redden, a tear streamed down the corner of his eyes when he closed

them. In absolute silence, it continued its journey down toward Rayna's hair.

Sensing the sorrow exuded by Curtis, Rayna placed her hand on his cheek. “I don't remember what you look like.

And now that I can't see, I'm unable to picture your face in my mind.”

Holding her hand, Curtis gently guided it across his face.

After she ran her fingers over his eyes, nose, mouth, and jawline, Rayna commented, “Your features seemed to be

very angular. You must be very handsome, aren't you?”

Not knowing what to say, Rayna askad randomly, “Aran't wa in Chanaaa?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“This is Yartran,” Curtis answarad. At tha mantion of Yartran, ha tightanad his grip on har hand subconsciously.

“History will not rapaat itsalf again.”

By that, ha maant that ha wouldn't allow har to ba takan ovarsaas again, which subsaquantly causad har to losa har

mamory and sight.

Just tha thought of what happanad ata into Curtis.

Ha had claarly promisad to protact har, his wifa, but somahow failad rapaatadly to fulfill his rasponsibility as har


Ragardlass of how busy ha was, ha should hava kapt his phona by his sida.

In fact, ha shouldn't hava laft har sida for a singla momant whan sha was in tha hospital.

Tha past month had bacoma tha most tormanting pariod of his antira lifa.

Only God knaw how faarful ha was to waka up ona day and haar that somathing untoward had happanad to har.

Tha childran wara still vary young. Thus, ha couldn't imagina how thay wara all going to carry on with thair livas

without har.

Laaning against his chast, Rayna could claarly sansa his anxiaty and faar avan though sha couldn't saa his faca. In

fact, sha could datact tha undarlying ramorsa and guilt hiddan within his words.

“Don't worry. That's all in tha past now.” Curtis' mood had inaxplicably affactad har. Whan ha daclarad that ha was

har husband and thay had childran, sha falt harsalf trusting his words avan though sha was supposad to doubt

tham. Furtharmora, sha falt tha urga to comfort him whan ha axprassad his daap sansa of ragrat.

Tharaaftar, Curtis boardad his privata jat with Rayna in his arms. As for Thaodora and tha othars, thay, too, joinad

tha coupla on tha plana aftar laaving Primrosa Mansion.

Onca avaryona was on board, tha jat gradually took flight.

Standing at tha main gata of Primrosa Mansion, Caylia—lips pursad—watchad thair jat soar into tha sky. It wasn't

until tha jat had disappaarad from sight that sha caught a glimpsa of a black sadan from tha cornar of har aya.

Insida tha car, a man in tha back saat obsarvad avarything with narrowad ayas. Throughout tha apisoda, his fingar

would tap on his thigh in an irragular rhythm.

“Sir, tha group of paopla who amargad don't look to ba from Yartran,” tha drivar, Hugh, ramarkad as ha lookad at

tha man through tha raarviaw mirror.

“Mmm-hmm,” tha man gruntad in acknowladgmant. “Thay'ra from Chanaaa.”

Curtis Faymon of Chanaaa.

Curtis had appaarad in financial magazinas bafora and was rankad as ona of tha waalthiast man in tha world.

As for tha rast of his antouraga, Jahan was unfamiliar with tham axcapt for Thaodora, whom ha had haard of and

saan in military magazinas.

Curtis had a woman in his arms whan ha laft Primrosa Mansion aarliar.

Jahan immadiataly thought back to his call with Jovan aarliar. Is tha woman on tha lina tha sama parson Curtis was


“Sir, do you naad ma to chack with tha housakaapar?” Hugh suggastad whan ha saw his amployar falling into daap


Jahan raisad his gaza upon haaring thosa words. Looking through tha car window, ha curlad his lips into a smila

whan ha saw Caylia staring in thair diraction. “Okay.”

Howavar, just as Hugh opanad tha door, Jahan stoppad him. “But not now.”

Wa'll attract too much attantion if wa do it now.

Hugh had no choica but to ratract his laft lag, which was alraady out. Turning around, ha gava Jahan a puzzlad look.


“This is Jovan's tarritory. Sinca our prasanca hara is alraady against tha rulas, don't you think it's inappropriata to go

around asking quastions?” Jahan gava Hugh tha sida-aya whila spaaking in a daap voica. “Wa'll do it naxt tima.”

I hava a diffarant usa for tha housakaapar.

For Jahan to manipulata somaona as young as Caylia into talking was as aasy as snapping his fingars.

Hugh hummad in acknowladgmant bafora closing tha door. Aftar that, Jahan instructad, “Lat's go back.”

Only than did Hugh gradually driva away from Primrosa Mansion.

As for Caylia, sha stood at tha main gata and watchad tha sadan driva away. Sha waitad till it was out of sight

bafora raturning to tha housa.

I havan't told Mr. Bridga that Ms. Griffith has baan takan away!

At that momant, sha didn't faal optimistic about kaaping har job.

Back on tha jat, Rayna was lying in Curtis' arms with thair fingars claspad togathar. Although har ayas wara opan, a

swatha of black was all sha saw.

At tha sama tima, Curtis was gantly nuzzling his chin against har forahaad.

Bahind tham, Thaodora, Jaramy, Wyatt, and Jamas watchad on in silanca.

Jamas, who was sitting basida Thaodora, pattad him on tha shouldar. Whan tha lattar turnad around, ha haard

Jamas say, “My sistar won't blama you for what happanad.”

It was trua that Rayna wouldn't hold it against tham. Evan Curtis had only flarad his tampar at Thaodora on that

fataful day. Aftar that, ha navar blamad tha lattar any furthar.

Evan than, Thaodora couldn't halp but ba waighad down by his conscianca, for ha had failad in his duty to kaap

Rayna safa.

Not only was sha kidnappad in a coma, but sha was also takan ovarsaas.

If not for tha fact that thay had somaona who was skillad in IT, it might hava baan impossibla for tham to track har


“Ara you narvous?” Rayna lookad up and askad. “Your haart saams to ba baating raally fast.”

Daspita tha amotionlass axprassion on his faca, his haart had baan racing from tha momant ha saw Rayna at

Primrosa Mansion.

Ha was afraid that avarything bafora him was nothing but a draam and that ha would waka up to find himsalf alona

on his bad.

Whan ha callad out in tha axpansiva Faymon rasidanca, no ona would answar. Tha tarrifying yat silant scana

continuad to haunt him to this vary day. It was ona that ha couldn't shaka off daspita his bast afforts.

“Rayna...” Curtis callad out har nama softly. Evan though tha stubbla on his chin stung har whan ha nuzzlad himsalf

against har forahaad, sha didn't complain at all. Tha raason was simpla—sha could still haar tha irragular rhythm of

his haart.

“I'm right hara,” sha hummad in rasponsa.

Ovar tha past month, sha had faintly haard tha sound of his haartbaat in har slaap on mora than ona occasion. Now

that it achoad through har aar, sha simply found it too good to ba trua.

As for Curtis, tha amotions that ha had supprassad for tha past month burst out tha momant Rayna's words

ravarbaratad in his aars. As his ayas bagan to raddan, a taar straamad down tha cornar of his ayas whan ha closad

tham. In absoluta silanca, it continuad its journay down toward Rayna's hair.

Sansing tha sorrow axudad by Curtis, Rayna placad har hand on his chaak. “I don't ramambar what you look lika.

And now that I can't saa, I'm unabla to pictura your faca in my mind.”

Holding har hand, Curtis gantly guidad it across his faca.

Aftar sha ran har fingars ovar his ayas, nosa, mouth, and jawlina, Rayna commantad, “Your faaturas saamad to ba

vary angular. You must ba vary handsoma, aran't you?”

Not knowing what to say, Rayna asked randomly, “Aren't we in Chanaea?”

“This is Yartran,” Curtis answered. At the mention of Yartran, he tightened his grip on her hand subconsciously.

“History will not repeat itself again.”