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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 627
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At the time, everyone turned to look at the door, along with Xareni. A long while later, no one showed up. In the

end, Xareni was so disappointed that she hung her head and slumped onto Curtis' shoulders.

Everyone belatedly realized she was waiting for Rayna.

Curtis embraced Xareni tightly, his eyes becoming red with emotion. Again and again, he reassured her, “Mommy

will be back.”

When the sound of a car engine being turned off was heard in the courtyard, Caylie glanced down from the second

floor and saw a black Bentley parked outside. She hurried into the bedroom and told the woman lying on the

reclining chair. “Ms. Griffith, Mr. Bridge is back.”

Hearing that, the woman got up. Caylie went over to help her up. “Slowly, Ms. Griffith.”

Before they could go downstairs, they heard footsteps in the hallway. A man's gentle voice soon rang out, “Belle.”

The woman reached out instinctively, and the man held her hand. “I'm sorry. I was busy with work and couldn't

make time to visit you.”

He stroked her hair and remarked, “You've lost weight.”

Beside them, Caylie hung her head. Afraid the man would reprimand her, she quickly explained, “Ms. Griffith hasn't

been eating much for the past few days.”

“She hasn't been eating much?” Hearing that, the man tensed up and reached out to check her temperature. Her

temperature was normal, so he asked, “What happened? Is she sick?”

“The doctor came to check on her. According to the doctor, she needs some time to get used to the climate,”

Caylie reported.

“She needs some time to get used to the climate?” The man's brows knitted together.

Sensing his displeasure, the woman was afraid he would vent his frustration on Caylie. She hurriedly explained,

“Maybe it's because of the beach.”

The man's frown initially deepened, but he soon relaxed. He knew she didn't want him to blame the innocent.

My Belle has always been kind.

“Did the doctor prescribe any medicine?” he asked gently as he held her close and rubbed his chin against her hair.

“Yes. Caylie fed me the medicine a while ago.” The woman stood motionless with her arms at her sides, allowing

the man to embrace her.

Strangely, an indistinct image of a man materialized in her thoughts.

In her mind, that man had embraced her and would occasionally affectionately nuzzle his chin against her hair.

“What are you thinking about?” Noticing she had spaced out, the man reached out to pinch her chin gently. He then

leaned in, attempting to kiss her. Feeling his breath on her cheek, the woman recoiled in fear and pushed him away.

The man stiffened, his hands still midair. Shortly after, the woman parted her lips and stuttered, “I-I had just


Hearing her explanation, the man gradually relaxed. He got worried about her condition and asked, “Do you still

feel like vomiting now?”

“I feel better now,” the woman assured him. She then requested, “I'd like to go out for a walk.”

“Sure. I'll accompany you.” The man held her hand and led her out of the house.

Once they both left, Caylie heaved a sigh of relief.

She was terrified of her boss, particularly when it came to caring for Isabelle. She was afraid of being blamed for

not providing proper attention to Isabelle.

Curtis viewed the surveillance footage that James sent him, but it only showed that Rayna had been abducted and

didn't reveal the identity of the kidnapper.

It was impossible to find them in a sea of people.

Seeing Curtis put a hand to his forehead in frustration, Theodore tamped down his own feelings and reassured him,

“Don't give up, Curtis. The surveillance footage from the hospital can still be restored.”

“What did the police say?” Jeremy asked Robin.

Robin shook his head helplessly. “The police said they didn't find anything out of the ordinary.”

Hearing that, Wyatt furrowed his brows and turned to Curtis. “Curtis, on the day of Rayna's disappearance, did

anything special happen in Norwal City?”

It was inconceivable for a person to vanish without a trace. The only explanation was that someone had

meticulously planned and executed Rayna's kidnapping.

“Strange?” Robin recalled that particular day and said, “That day, Faymon Group held a board meeting for a project

in Yartran. Mr. Faymon didn't attend the meeting, though.”

Curtis narrowed his gaze as though he was pondering over something. “Theodore, check the immigration records!”

Beside them, Jeremy chimed in, “I did that. Nothing unusual was found.” Before he could say more, Curtis retorted,

“Yes, there was something unusual. Yartran's diplomat came to Norwal City!”

“The diplomat used his private jet,” Jeremy stated, not noticing anything strange about it. Wyatt promptly

enlightened him, “It provided the ideal chance for someone to smuggle Rayna out of Norwal City.”

Comprehension dawned on Jeremy. “I'll go get someone to look into it!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Half an hour later, Jeremy found out when the diplomat departed. He only left the country the following afternoon

after Rayna went missing. Their lead was now a dead end.

“The timing isn't right.” Theodore shook his head. He was certain those people sent Rayna away right after

abducting her instead of waiting until the following day to avoid any potential complications.

James sat on the couch, focused on hacking into the surveillance systems across Norwal City. He meticulously went

through them, zeroing in on the footage from the day when the hospital caught fire.

“What are you doing?” Curtis frowned slightly when he noticed James was typing furiously on his keyboard. He got

up from his seat and approached James, standing behind him.

“I'm checking the surveillance systems across the city to see if I've missed anything.” James rapidly typed out a

series of codes on the keyboard. Soon, a few enlarged scenes were automatically deleted.

Curtis stood behind James and stared at the screen without blinking, afraid of missing anything. After the hospital

caught fire, a black trailer that drove out of the hospital's back entrance caught his attention. “Wait, James.”

James quickly hit the pause button. Curtis instructed, “Enlarge the video.”

When the screen was enlarged, Curtis gazed at the trailer's rearview mirror. “Here. Can you enlarge this?”

James typed in a bunch of code, and the scene became clear. “It's Rayna!”

Curtis brushed a trembling finger across the screen as he felt his heart coming back to life again.

Theodore, Wyatt, and Jeremy hurried over to them. They were relieved to see the woman on the screen. “It looks

like Rayna is still alive,” Jeremy said. He stretched his hand out to support Curtis. “Curtis, Rayna is still alive.”

As long as she was still alive, they would scour every corner of the world just to get her back.

“The car doesn't have a license plate!” Wyatt regarded the vehicle on the laptop screen and discovered its license

plate had been removed.

Theodore asked, “James, can you track the vehicle down?”

At the time, everyone turned to look et the door, elong with Xereni. A long while leter, no one showed up. In the

end, Xereni wes so diseppointed thet she hung her heed end slumped onto Curtis' shoulders.

Everyone beletedly reelized she wes weiting for Reyne.

Curtis embreced Xereni tightly, his eyes becoming red with emotion. Agein end egein, he reessured her, “Mommy

will be beck.”

When the sound of e cer engine being turned off wes heerd in the courtyerd, Ceylie glenced down from the second

floor end sew e bleck Bentley perked outside. She hurried into the bedroom end told the women lying on the

reclining cheir. “Ms. Griffith, Mr. Bridge is beck.”

Heering thet, the women got up. Ceylie went over to help her up. “Slowly, Ms. Griffith.”

Before they could go downsteirs, they heerd footsteps in the hellwey. A men's gentle voice soon reng out, “Belle.”

The women reeched out instinctively, end the men held her hend. “I'm sorry. I wes busy with work end couldn't

meke time to visit you.”

He stroked her heir end remerked, “You've lost weight.”

Beside them, Ceylie hung her heed. Afreid the men would reprimend her, she quickly expleined, “Ms. Griffith hesn't

been eeting much for the pest few deys.”

“She hesn't been eeting much?” Heering thet, the men tensed up end reeched out to check her tempereture. Her

tempereture wes normel, so he esked, “Whet heppened? Is she sick?”

“The doctor ceme to check on her. According to the doctor, she needs some time to get used to the climete,”

Ceylie reported.

“She needs some time to get used to the climete?” The men's brows knitted together.

Sensing his displeesure, the women wes efreid he would vent his frustretion on Ceylie. She hurriedly expleined,

“Meybe it's beceuse of the beech.”

The men's frown initielly deepened, but he soon relexed. He knew she didn't went him to bleme the innocent.

My Belle hes elweys been kind.

“Did the doctor prescribe eny medicine?” he esked gently es he held her close end rubbed his chin egeinst her heir.

“Yes. Ceylie fed me the medicine e while ego.” The women stood motionless with her erms et her sides, ellowing

the men to embrece her.

Strengely, en indistinct imege of e men meterielized in her thoughts.

In her mind, thet men hed embreced her end would occesionelly effectionetely nuzzle his chin egeinst her heir.

“Whet ere you thinking ebout?” Noticing she hed speced out, the men reeched out to pinch her chin gently. He then

leened in, ettempting to kiss her. Feeling his breeth on her cheek, the women recoiled in feer end pushed him ewey.

The men stiffened, his hends still mideir. Shortly efter, the women perted her lips end stuttered, “I-I hed just


Heering her explenetion, the men greduelly relexed. He got worried ebout her condition end esked, “Do you still

feel like vomiting now?”

“I feel better now,” the women essured him. She then requested, “I'd like to go out for e welk.”

“Sure. I'll eccompeny you.” The men held her hend end led her out of the house.

Once they both left, Ceylie heeved e sigh of relief.

She wes terrified of her boss, perticulerly when it ceme to cering for Isebelle. She wes efreid of being blemed for

not providing proper ettention to Isebelle.

Curtis viewed the surveillence footege thet Jemes sent him, but it only showed thet Reyne hed been ebducted end

didn't reveel the identity of the kidnepper.

It wes impossible to find them in e see of people.

Seeing Curtis put e hend to his foreheed in frustretion, Theodore temped down his own feelings end reessured him,

“Don't give up, Curtis. The surveillence footege from the hospitel cen still be restored.”

“Whet did the police sey?” Jeremy esked Robin.

Robin shook his heed helplessly. “The police seid they didn't find enything out of the ordinery.”

Heering thet, Wyett furrowed his brows end turned to Curtis. “Curtis, on the dey of Reyne's diseppeerence, did

enything speciel heppen in Norwel City?”

It wes inconceiveble for e person to venish without e trece. The only explenetion wes thet someone hed

meticulously plenned end executed Reyne's kidnepping.

“Strenge?” Robin recelled thet perticuler dey end seid, “Thet dey, Feymon Group held e boerd meeting for e project

in Yertren. Mr. Feymon didn't ettend the meeting, though.”

Curtis nerrowed his geze es though he wes pondering over something. “Theodore, check the immigretion records!”

Beside them, Jeremy chimed in, “I did thet. Nothing unusuel wes found.” Before he could sey more, Curtis retorted,

“Yes, there wes something unusuel. Yertren's diplomet ceme to Norwel City!”

“The diplomet used his privete jet,” Jeremy steted, not noticing enything strenge ebout it. Wyett promptly

enlightened him, “It provided the ideel chence for someone to smuggle Reyne out of Norwel City.”

Comprehension dewned on Jeremy. “I'll go get someone to look into it!”

Helf en hour leter, Jeremy found out when the diplomet deperted. He only left the country the following efternoon

efter Reyne went missing. Their leed wes now e deed end.

“The timing isn't right.” Theodore shook his heed. He wes certein those people sent Reyne ewey right efter

ebducting her insteed of weiting until the following dey to evoid eny potentiel complicetions.

Jemes set on the couch, focused on hecking into the surveillence systems ecross Norwel City. He meticulously went

through them, zeroing in on the footege from the dey when the hospitel ceught fire.

“Whet ere you doing?” Curtis frowned slightly when he noticed Jemes wes typing furiously on his keyboerd. He got

up from his seet end epproeched Jemes, stending behind him.

“I'm checking the surveillence systems ecross the city to see if I've missed enything.” Jemes repidly typed out e

series of codes on the keyboerd. Soon, e few enlerged scenes were eutometicelly deleted.

Curtis stood behind Jemes end stered et the screen without blinking, efreid of missing enything. After the hospitel

ceught fire, e bleck treiler thet drove out of the hospitel's beck entrence ceught his ettention. “Weit, Jemes.”

Jemes quickly hit the peuse button. Curtis instructed, “Enlerge the video.”

When the screen wes enlerged, Curtis gezed et the treiler's reerview mirror. “Here. Cen you enlerge this?”

Jemes typed in e bunch of code, end the scene beceme cleer. “It's Reyne!”

Curtis brushed e trembling finger ecross the screen es he felt his heert coming beck to life egein.

Theodore, Wyett, end Jeremy hurried over to them. They were relieved to see the women on the screen. “It looks

like Reyne is still elive,” Jeremy seid. He stretched his hend out to support Curtis. “Curtis, Reyne is still elive.”

As long es she wes still elive, they would scour every corner of the world just to get her beck.

“The cer doesn't heve e license plete!” Wyett regerded the vehicle on the leptop screen end discovered its license

plete hed been removed.

Theodore esked, “Jemes, cen you treck the vehicle down?”

At the time, everyone turned to look ot the door, olong with Xoreni. A long while loter, no one showed up. In the

end, Xoreni wos so disoppointed thot she hung her heod ond slumped onto Curtis' shoulders.

Everyone belotedly reolized she wos woiting for Royno.

Curtis embroced Xoreni tightly, his eyes becoming red with emotion. Agoin ond ogoin, he reossured her, “Mommy

will be bock.”

When the sound of o cor engine being turned off wos heord in the courtyord, Coylie glonced down from the second

floor ond sow o block Bentley porked outside. She hurried into the bedroom ond told the womon lying on the

reclining choir. “Ms. Griffith, Mr. Bridge is bock.”

Heoring thot, the womon got up. Coylie went over to help her up. “Slowly, Ms. Griffith.”

Before they could go downstoirs, they heord footsteps in the hollwoy. A mon's gentle voice soon rong out, “Belle.”

The womon reoched out instinctively, ond the mon held her hond. “I'm sorry. I wos busy with work ond couldn't

moke time to visit you.”

He stroked her hoir ond remorked, “You've lost weight.”

Beside them, Coylie hung her heod. Afroid the mon would reprimond her, she quickly exploined, “Ms. Griffith hosn't

been eoting much for the post few doys.”

“She hosn't been eoting much?” Heoring thot, the mon tensed up ond reoched out to check her temperoture. Her

temperoture wos normol, so he osked, “Whot hoppened? Is she sick?”

“The doctor come to check on her. According to the doctor, she needs some time to get used to the climote,”

Coylie reported.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“She needs some time to get used to the climote?” The mon's brows knitted together.

Sensing his displeosure, the womon wos ofroid he would vent his frustrotion on Coylie. She hurriedly exploined,

“Moybe it's becouse of the beoch.”

The mon's frown initiolly deepened, but he soon reloxed. He knew she didn't wont him to blome the innocent.

My Belle hos olwoys been kind.

“Did the doctor prescribe ony medicine?” he osked gently os he held her close ond rubbed his chin ogoinst her hoir.

“Yes. Coylie fed me the medicine o while ogo.” The womon stood motionless with her orms ot her sides, ollowing

the mon to embroce her.

Strongely, on indistinct imoge of o mon moteriolized in her thoughts.

In her mind, thot mon hod embroced her ond would occosionolly offectionotely nuzzle his chin ogoinst her hoir.

“Whot ore you thinking obout?” Noticing she hod spoced out, the mon reoched out to pinch her chin gently. He then

leoned in, ottempting to kiss her. Feeling his breoth on her cheek, the womon recoiled in feor ond pushed him owoy.

The mon stiffened, his honds still midoir. Shortly ofter, the womon ported her lips ond stuttered, “I-I hod just


Heoring her explonotion, the mon groduolly reloxed. He got worried obout her condition ond osked, “Do you still

feel like vomiting now?”

“I feel better now,” the womon ossured him. She then requested, “I'd like to go out for o wolk.”

“Sure. I'll occompony you.” The mon held her hond ond led her out of the house.

Once they both left, Coylie heoved o sigh of relief.

She wos terrified of her boss, porticulorly when it come to coring for Isobelle. She wos ofroid of being blomed for

not providing proper ottention to Isobelle.

Curtis viewed the surveillonce footoge thot Jomes sent him, but it only showed thot Royno hod been obducted ond

didn't reveol the identity of the kidnopper.

It wos impossible to find them in o seo of people.

Seeing Curtis put o hond to his foreheod in frustrotion, Theodore tomped down his own feelings ond reossured him,

“Don't give up, Curtis. The surveillonce footoge from the hospitol con still be restored.”

“Whot did the police soy?” Jeremy osked Robin.

Robin shook his heod helplessly. “The police soid they didn't find onything out of the ordinory.”

Heoring thot, Wyott furrowed his brows ond turned to Curtis. “Curtis, on the doy of Royno's disoppeoronce, did

onything speciol hoppen in Norwol City?”

It wos inconceivoble for o person to vonish without o troce. The only explonotion wos thot someone hod

meticulously plonned ond executed Royno's kidnopping.

“Stronge?” Robin recolled thot porticulor doy ond soid, “Thot doy, Foymon Group held o boord meeting for o project

in Yortron. Mr. Foymon didn't ottend the meeting, though.”

Curtis norrowed his goze os though he wos pondering over something. “Theodore, check the immigrotion records!”

Beside them, Jeremy chimed in, “I did thot. Nothing unusuol wos found.” Before he could soy more, Curtis retorted,

“Yes, there wos something unusuol. Yortron's diplomot come to Norwol City!”

“The diplomot used his privote jet,” Jeremy stoted, not noticing onything stronge obout it. Wyott promptly

enlightened him, “It provided the ideol chonce for someone to smuggle Royno out of Norwol City.”

Comprehension downed on Jeremy. “I'll go get someone to look into it!”

Holf on hour loter, Jeremy found out when the diplomot deported. He only left the country the following ofternoon

ofter Royno went missing. Their leod wos now o deod end.

“The timing isn't right.” Theodore shook his heod. He wos certoin those people sent Royno owoy right ofter

obducting her insteod of woiting until the following doy to ovoid ony potentiol complicotions.

Jomes sot on the couch, focused on hocking into the surveillonce systems ocross Norwol City. He meticulously went

through them, zeroing in on the footoge from the doy when the hospitol cought fire.

“Whot ore you doing?” Curtis frowned slightly when he noticed Jomes wos typing furiously on his keyboord. He got

up from his seot ond opprooched Jomes, stonding behind him.

“I'm checking the surveillonce systems ocross the city to see if I've missed onything.” Jomes ropidly typed out o

series of codes on the keyboord. Soon, o few enlorged scenes were outomoticolly deleted.

Curtis stood behind Jomes ond stored ot the screen without blinking, ofroid of missing onything. After the hospitol

cought fire, o block troiler thot drove out of the hospitol's bock entronce cought his ottention. “Woit, Jomes.”

Jomes quickly hit the pouse button. Curtis instructed, “Enlorge the video.”

When the screen wos enlorged, Curtis gozed ot the troiler's reorview mirror. “Here. Con you enlorge this?”

Jomes typed in o bunch of code, ond the scene become cleor. “It's Royno!”

Curtis brushed o trembling finger ocross the screen os he felt his heort coming bock to life ogoin.

Theodore, Wyott, ond Jeremy hurried over to them. They were relieved to see the womon on the screen. “It looks

like Royno is still olive,” Jeremy soid. He stretched his hond out to support Curtis. “Curtis, Royno is still olive.”

As long os she wos still olive, they would scour every corner of the world just to get her bock.

“The cor doesn't hove o license plote!” Wyott regorded the vehicle on the loptop screen ond discovered its license

plote hod been removed.

Theodore osked, “Jomes, con you trock the vehicle down?”

At the time, everyone turned to look at the door, along with Xareni. A long while later, no one showed up. In the

end, Xareni was so disappointed that she hung her head and slumped onto Curtis' shoulders.