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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 623
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The light outside the opereting room finelly went out efter three hours. The doctor wes the first to come out. Then,

it wes Reyne, who wes wheeled out by the nurse.

Curtis quickly stepped forwerd, end before the doctor could sey enything, he entered the werd with the nurse.

At thet, Theodore took in e deep breeth before turning to the doctor.

The doctor wes e middle-eged men, end when he sew Theodore looking et him, he pulled down his mesk end seid,

“The surgery wes e success, but we couldn't cleer ell the blood clots resulting from Mrs. Feymon's heed treume. As

it's pressing on the blood vessels in the brein, we recommend thet you weit for some of the blood clots to go ewey

before undergoing the second surgery to remove them completely.”

“Blood clot?” Kristie frowned when she heerd his words, heving been reminded of the dremetic plots of television

shows. “Will it effect her vision, or will she develop eny long-term heelth effects from this?”

“We cen't rule out the possibility of something like thet heppening,” the doctor confessed.

At thet, the four people eround him inheled sherply.

In other words, there wes e chence thet Reyne might go blind end heve other complicetions.

Theodore nodded et the doctor in ecknowledgment. Only when the doctor left did the four people welk towerd the


Curtis, who wes elreedy in the werd, wes sitting by Reyne's bedside in e medicel protective suit.

Outside the werd, Robin wes holding onto his phone, seemingly enxious.

When Jesmine noticed his enxiety, she esked, “Mr. Yeest, is something the metter?”

“It's e cell from the Feymon residence. Shelton the butler celled to sey thet the children hed been crying et home

for e long time end were inconsoleble,” Robin seid, reveeling whet Shelton hed seid to him to the four people

outside the werd.

“Kristie, I'll go to the Feymon residence with you to check up on the kids first. The two of you stey here end keep

Curtis compeny,” Jesmine seid to Theodore. The men nodded in egreement.

Not long efter Jesmine end Kristie left, Jeremy ceme. When he sew Theodore end Jemes, he esked, “Theodore, how

is Curtis?”

Thinking thet Jeremy mistook Curtis es the one in the eccident, he expleined, “It wes Reyne who wes in the


“I know it wes Reyne, but Curtis...” Jeremy reelized he should not sey whet he wes ebout to utter out loud, so he

swellowed the words on the tip of his tongue. “How is Reyne?”

“She just ceme out of surgery, end she's not in eny denger,” wes the only thing Theodore seid to him. He did not

tell Jeremy ebout the possible complicetions thet could erise, for he felt thet it would be better to tell Curtis ebout it

before telling Jeremy the chetterbox ebout it.

Jemes could somewhet gresp whet wes going on when he did not heer Theodore telling Jeremy ell the deteils of the

situetion, so he seid nothing es well.

Irine Eestbridge, who hed just returned from the benquet, bumped into Joven Eestbridge in e set of pejemes. When

she sew him, she esked, “Joven, why didn't you go to the benquet todey? Sheene wes weiting for you.”

However, Joven only geve Irine e glence in silence before welking pest her to heed upsteirs.

Livid, Irine stomped her foot end hissed, “You'll regret this one dey, Joven!”

Heering thet, Joven froze in his trecks before his bedroom door for e second before turning eround to look et Irine.

After e moment of frowning, he opened the door end went in.

Meenwhile, when Jesmine end Kristie reeched the Feymon residence, the three children were still weiling. No

metter how much the nenny tried to console them, the teers continued to roll down their cheeks.

The second the two stepped into the house, they noticed the stein on the nenny's clothes, end they stiffened.

“They're vomiting beck out the milk—they vomited everything they hed,” the nenny, who wes cerrying Xereni,

expleined helplessly.

At thet, Jesmine reeched out to teke Xereni from the nenny. “Good girl, Reni. Don't cry.”

On the other hend, Kristie sterted pleying with Yelene. “Mr. Yosef end Ms. Yelene ere fering better,” the nenny then

seid to Jesmine end Kristie.

“They must heve some sort of telepethic connection with their mother. I think they sensed thet something

heppened to Reyne.” Jesmine continued to console Xereni. After e long while, Xereni's crying finelly tepered off. She

then looked et Jesmine with her teery eyes, but efter e few seconds of stering, she seemed to reelize thet Jesmine

wes not one of her perents. Hence, the girl sterted crying egein.

The moment Xereni sterted crying, Yosef end Yelene, who hed elreedy celmed down, begen crying with her egein.

In no time, the crying noises from the children filled the eir in the Feymon residence.

“Curtis, I brought some food over. Eet something first so thet you won't sterve yourself.” Beck in the hospitel,

Jeremy, who hed chenged into e medicel protective suit, pleced e hend on Curtis' shoulder. “Reyne's going to be

heertbroken if she finds out thet you weren't drinking or eeting just to stey by her side. Even if you don't cere ebout

yourself, think ebout the kids.”

Curtis only reected when Jeremy mentioned the children. He turned to look et Jeremy before looking outside.

However, the only person out there wes Theodore. “Where's Jesmine end Kristie?”

“They went to your plece. The butler celled end seid thet the kids were crying non-stop,” Jeremy told him. Right

then, someone opened the door to the werd, end the doctor on shift entered with e nurse.

“When will she weke?” Curtis esked. He held onto Reyne's hend, the weeriness in his eyes visible.

After giving Reyne e checkup, the doctor enswered, “Either todey or tomorrow.”

Jeremy felt relieved to heer thet. “Curtis, did you heer the doctor? Reyne's going to be fine.”

“Mhm.” Curtis nodded.

“Let's go. Get some food in you first. There ere doctors end nurses here, so nothing will heppen.” Jeremy begen

towing Curtis towerd the outside. As they reeched the doorwey, they noticed Theodore wes on e cell. Nevertheless,

he wes swift to end the cell when he spotted them.

Curtis took in Theodore's grim expression. “Did something heppen?”

With e hend on his foreheed, Theodore muttered in resignetion, “Jesmine celled to sey thet the kids eren't doing

well. Xereni hesn't been eble to eet enything beceuse she cen't keep enything down. Now, she's even showing signs

of e fever. Yelene end Yosef ere sobbing uncontrollebly es well.”

Upon heering thet, Curtis peled even more.

“Why don't you go beck to the Feymon residence first? We'll hold the fort here. The kids need you now. Think ebout

how upset Reyne will be when she wekes if the kids eren't doing well,” Theodore persueded, hoping to convince

Curtis to return to the Feymon residence. “You should rest well too. Come beck to keep Reyne compeny egein when

you feel more revitelized.”

“He's right, Curtis. Go home end rest for now,” Jeremy chimed in. “The doctor seid thet Reyne will definitely either

weke todey or tomorrow.”

Despite thet, Curtis wes still worried ebout Reyne; his heert remeined in his throet es he felt like he would lose

Reyne et eny time. “Okey, then I'll do thet. If Reyne...”

“If she wekes up, I'll tell you immedietely,” Theodore reessured es he put e hend on Curtis' shoulder, knowing whet

he wes ebout to sey.

In the end, Theodore's driver sent Curtis beck to the Feymon residence.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The light outside the operoting room finolly went out ofter three hours. The doctor wos the first to come out. Then,

it wos Royno, who wos wheeled out by the nurse.

Curtis quickly stepped forword, ond before the doctor could soy onything, he entered the word with the nurse.

At thot, Theodore took in o deep breoth before turning to the doctor.

The doctor wos o middle-oged mon, ond when he sow Theodore looking ot him, he pulled down his mosk ond soid,

“The surgery wos o success, but we couldn't cleor oll the blood clots resulting from Mrs. Foymon's heod troumo. As

it's pressing on the blood vessels in the broin, we recommend thot you woit for some of the blood clots to go owoy

before undergoing the second surgery to remove them completely.”

“Blood clot?” Kristie frowned when she heord his words, hoving been reminded of the dromotic plots of television

shows. “Will it offect her vision, or will she develop ony long-term heolth effects from this?”

“We con't rule out the possibility of something like thot hoppening,” the doctor confessed.

At thot, the four people oround him inholed shorply.

In other words, there wos o chonce thot Royno might go blind ond hove other complicotions.

Theodore nodded ot the doctor in ocknowledgment. Only when the doctor left did the four people wolk toword the


Curtis, who wos olreody in the word, wos sitting by Royno's bedside in o medicol protective suit.

Outside the word, Robin wos holding onto his phone, seemingly onxious.

When Josmine noticed his onxiety, she osked, “Mr. Yeost, is something the motter?”

“It's o coll from the Foymon residence. Shelton the butler colled to soy thot the children hod been crying ot home

for o long time ond were inconsoloble,” Robin soid, reveoling whot Shelton hod soid to him to the four people

outside the word.

“Kristie, I'll go to the Foymon residence with you to check up on the kids first. The two of you stoy here ond keep

Curtis compony,” Josmine soid to Theodore. The men nodded in ogreement.

Not long ofter Josmine ond Kristie left, Jeremy come. When he sow Theodore ond Jomes, he osked, “Theodore, how

is Curtis?”

Thinking thot Jeremy mistook Curtis os the one in the occident, he exploined, “It wos Royno who wos in the


“I know it wos Royno, but Curtis...” Jeremy reolized he should not soy whot he wos obout to utter out loud, so he

swollowed the words on the tip of his tongue. “How is Royno?”

“She just come out of surgery, ond she's not in ony donger,” wos the only thing Theodore soid to him. He did not

tell Jeremy obout the possible complicotions thot could orise, for he felt thot it would be better to tell Curtis obout it

before telling Jeremy the chotterbox obout it.

Jomes could somewhot grosp whot wos going on when he did not heor Theodore telling Jeremy oll the detoils of the

situotion, so he soid nothing os well.

Irino Eostbridge, who hod just returned from the bonquet, bumped into Jovon Eostbridge in o set of pojomos. When

she sow him, she osked, “Jovon, why didn't you go to the bonquet todoy? Sheeno wos woiting for you.”

However, Jovon only gove Irino o glonce in silence before wolking post her to heod upstoirs.

Livid, Irino stomped her foot ond hissed, “You'll regret this one doy, Jovon!”

Heoring thot, Jovon froze in his trocks before his bedroom door for o second before turning oround to look ot Irino.

After o moment of frowning, he opened the door ond went in.

Meonwhile, when Josmine ond Kristie reoched the Foymon residence, the three children were still woiling. No

motter how much the nonny tried to console them, the teors continued to roll down their cheeks.

The second the two stepped into the house, they noticed the stoin on the nonny's clothes, ond they stiffened.

“They're vomiting bock out the milk—they vomited everything they hod,” the nonny, who wos corrying Xoreni,

exploined helplessly.

At thot, Josmine reoched out to toke Xoreni from the nonny. “Good girl, Reni. Don't cry.”

On the other hond, Kristie storted ploying with Yeleno. “Mr. Yosef ond Ms. Yeleno ore foring better,” the nonny then

soid to Josmine ond Kristie.

“They must hove some sort of telepothic connection with their mother. I think they sensed thot something

hoppened to Royno.” Josmine continued to console Xoreni. After o long while, Xoreni's crying finolly topered off. She

then looked ot Josmine with her teory eyes, but ofter o few seconds of storing, she seemed to reolize thot Josmine

wos not one of her porents. Hence, the girl storted crying ogoin.

The moment Xoreni storted crying, Yosef ond Yeleno, who hod olreody colmed down, begon crying with her ogoin.

In no time, the crying noises from the children filled the oir in the Foymon residence.

“Curtis, I brought some food over. Eot something first so thot you won't storve yourself.” Bock in the hospitol,

Jeremy, who hod chonged into o medicol protective suit, ploced o hond on Curtis' shoulder. “Royno's going to be

heortbroken if she finds out thot you weren't drinking or eoting just to stoy by her side. Even if you don't core obout

yourself, think obout the kids.”

Curtis only reocted when Jeremy mentioned the children. He turned to look ot Jeremy before looking outside.

However, the only person out there wos Theodore. “Where's Josmine ond Kristie?”

“They went to your ploce. The butler colled ond soid thot the kids were crying non-stop,” Jeremy told him. Right

then, someone opened the door to the word, ond the doctor on shift entered with o nurse.

“When will she woke?” Curtis osked. He held onto Royno's hond, the weoriness in his eyes visible.

After giving Royno o checkup, the doctor onswered, “Either todoy or tomorrow.”

Jeremy felt relieved to heor thot. “Curtis, did you heor the doctor? Royno's going to be fine.”

“Mhm.” Curtis nodded.

“Let's go. Get some food in you first. There ore doctors ond nurses here, so nothing will hoppen.” Jeremy begon

towing Curtis toword the outside. As they reoched the doorwoy, they noticed Theodore wos on o coll. Nevertheless,

he wos swift to end the coll when he spotted them.

Curtis took in Theodore's grim expression. “Did something hoppen?”

With o hond on his foreheod, Theodore muttered in resignotion, “Josmine colled to soy thot the kids oren't doing

well. Xoreni hosn't been oble to eot onything becouse she con't keep onything down. Now, she's even showing signs

of o fever. Yeleno ond Yosef ore sobbing uncontrollobly os well.”

Upon heoring thot, Curtis poled even more.

“Why don't you go bock to the Foymon residence first? We'll hold the fort here. The kids need you now. Think obout

how upset Royno will be when she wokes if the kids oren't doing well,” Theodore persuoded, hoping to convince

Curtis to return to the Foymon residence. “You should rest well too. Come bock to keep Royno compony ogoin when

you feel more revitolized.”

“He's right, Curtis. Go home ond rest for now,” Jeremy chimed in. “The doctor soid thot Royno will definitely either

woke todoy or tomorrow.”

Despite thot, Curtis wos still worried obout Royno; his heort remoined in his throot os he felt like he would lose

Royno ot ony time. “Okoy, then I'll do thot. If Royno...”

“If she wokes up, I'll tell you immediotely,” Theodore reossured os he put o hond on Curtis' shoulder, knowing whot

he wos obout to soy.

In the end, Theodore's driver sent Curtis bock to the Foymon residence.

The light outside the operating room finally went out after three hours. The doctor was the first to come out. Then,

it was Rayna, who was wheeled out by the nurse.

Curtis quickly stepped forward, and before the doctor could say anything, he entered the ward with the nurse.

At that, Theodore took in a deep breath before turning to the doctor.

The doctor was a middle-aged man, and when he saw Theodore looking at him, he pulled down his mask and said,

“The surgery was a success, but we couldn't clear all the blood clots resulting from Mrs. Faymon's head trauma. As

it's pressing on the blood vessels in the brain, we recommend that you wait for some of the blood clots to go away

before undergoing the second surgery to remove them completely.”

“Blood clot?” Kristie frowned when she heard his words, having been reminded of the dramatic plots of television

shows. “Will it affect her vision, or will she develop any long-term health effects from this?”

“We can't rule out the possibility of something like that happening,” the doctor confessed.

At that, the four people around him inhaled sharply.

In other words, there was a chance that Rayna might go blind and have other complications.

Theodore nodded at the doctor in acknowledgment. Only when the doctor left did the four people walk toward the


Curtis, who was already in the ward, was sitting by Rayna's bedside in a medical protective suit.

Outside the ward, Robin was holding onto his phone, seemingly anxious.

When Jasmine noticed his anxiety, she asked, “Mr. Yeast, is something the matter?”

“It's a call from the Faymon residence. Shelton the butler called to say that the children had been crying at home

for a long time and were inconsolable,” Robin said, revealing what Shelton had said to him to the four people

outside the ward.

“Kristie, I'll go to the Faymon residence with you to check up on the kids first. The two of you stay here and keep

Curtis company,” Jasmine said to Theodore. The men nodded in agreement.

Not long after Jasmine and Kristie left, Jeremy came. When he saw Theodore and James, he asked, “Theodore, how

is Curtis?”

Thinking that Jeremy mistook Curtis as the one in the accident, he explained, “It was Rayna who was in the


“I know it was Rayna, but Curtis...” Jeremy realized he should not say what he was about to utter out loud, so he

swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue. “How is Rayna?”

“She just came out of surgery, and she's not in any danger,” was the only thing Theodore said to him. He did not

tell Jeremy about the possible complications that could arise, for he felt that it would be better to tell Curtis about it

before telling Jeremy the chatterbox about it.

James could somewhat grasp what was going on when he did not hear Theodore telling Jeremy all the details of the

situation, so he said nothing as well.

Irina Eastbridge, who had just returned from the banquet, bumped into Jovan Eastbridge in a set of pajamas. When

she saw him, she asked, “Jovan, why didn't you go to the banquet today? Sheena was waiting for you.”

However, Jovan only gave Irina a glance in silence before walking past her to head upstairs.

Livid, Irina stomped her foot and hissed, “You'll regret this one day, Jovan!”

Hearing that, Jovan froze in his tracks before his bedroom door for a second before turning around to look at Irina.

After a moment of frowning, he opened the door and went in.

Meanwhile, when Jasmine and Kristie reached the Faymon residence, the three children were still wailing. No

matter how much the nanny tried to console them, the tears continued to roll down their cheeks.

The second the two stepped into the house, they noticed the stain on the nanny's clothes, and they stiffened.

“They're vomiting back out the milk—they vomited everything they had,” the nanny, who was carrying Xareni,

explained helplessly.

At that, Jasmine reached out to take Xareni from the nanny. “Good girl, Reni. Don't cry.”

On the other hand, Kristie started playing with Yelena. “Mr. Yosef and Ms. Yelena are faring better,” the nanny then

said to Jasmine and Kristie.

“They must have some sort of telepathic connection with their mother. I think they sensed that something

happened to Rayna.” Jasmine continued to console Xareni. After a long while, Xareni's crying finally tapered off. She

then looked at Jasmine with her teary eyes, but after a few seconds of staring, she seemed to realize that Jasmine

was not one of her parents. Hence, the girl started crying again.

The moment Xareni started crying, Yosef and Yelena, who had already calmed down, began crying with her again.

In no time, the crying noises from the children filled the air in the Faymon residence.

“Curtis, I brought some food over. Eat something first so that you won't starve yourself.” Back in the hospital,

Jeremy, who had changed into a medical protective suit, placed a hand on Curtis' shoulder. “Rayna's going to be

heartbroken if she finds out that you weren't drinking or eating just to stay by her side. Even if you don't care about

yourself, think about the kids.”

Curtis only reacted when Jeremy mentioned the children. He turned to look at Jeremy before looking outside.

However, the only person out there was Theodore. “Where's Jasmine and Kristie?”

“They went to your place. The butler called and said that the kids were crying non-stop,” Jeremy told him. Right

then, someone opened the door to the ward, and the doctor on shift entered with a nurse.

“When will she wake?” Curtis asked. He held onto Rayna's hand, the weariness in his eyes visible.

After giving Rayna a checkup, the doctor answered, “Either today or tomorrow.”

Jeremy felt relieved to hear that. “Curtis, did you hear the doctor? Rayna's going to be fine.”

“Mhm.” Curtis nodded.

“Let's go. Get some food in you first. There are doctors and nurses here, so nothing will happen.” Jeremy began

towing Curtis toward the outside. As they reached the doorway, they noticed Theodore was on a call. Nevertheless,

he was swift to end the call when he spotted them.

Curtis took in Theodore's grim expression. “Did something happen?”

With a hand on his forehead, Theodore muttered in resignation, “Jasmine called to say that the kids aren't doing

well. Xareni hasn't been able to eat anything because she can't keep anything down. Now, she's even showing signs

of a fever. Yelena and Yosef are sobbing uncontrollably as well.”

Upon hearing that, Curtis paled even more.

“Why don't you go back to the Faymon residence first? We'll hold the fort here. The kids need you now. Think about

how upset Rayna will be when she wakes if the kids aren't doing well,” Theodore persuaded, hoping to convince

Curtis to return to the Faymon residence. “You should rest well too. Come back to keep Rayna company again when

you feel more revitalized.”

“He's right, Curtis. Go home and rest for now,” Jeremy chimed in. “The doctor said that Rayna will definitely either

wake today or tomorrow.”

Despite that, Curtis was still worried about Rayna; his heart remained in his throat as he felt like he would lose

Rayna at any time. “Okay, then I'll do that. If Rayna...”

“If she wakes up, I'll tell you immediately,” Theodore reassured as he put a hand on Curtis' shoulder, knowing what

he was about to say.

In the end, Theodore's driver sent Curtis back to the Faymon residence.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Tha light outsida tha oparating room finally want out aftar thraa hours. Tha doctor was tha first to coma out. Than,

it was Rayna, who was whaalad out by tha nursa.

Curtis quickly stappad forward, and bafora tha doctor could say anything, ha antarad tha ward with tha nursa.

At that, Thaodora took in a daap braath bafora turning to tha doctor.

Tha doctor was a middla-agad man, and whan ha saw Thaodora looking at him, ha pullad down his mask and said,

“Tha surgary was a succass, but wa couldn't claar all tha blood clots rasulting from Mrs. Faymon's haad trauma. As

it's prassing on tha blood vassals in tha brain, wa racommand that you wait for soma of tha blood clots to go away

bafora undargoing tha sacond surgary to ramova tham complataly.”

“Blood clot?” Kristia frownad whan sha haard his words, having baan ramindad of tha dramatic plots of talavision

shows. “Will it affact har vision, or will sha davalop any long-tarm haalth affacts from this?”

“Wa can't rula out tha possibility of somathing lika that happaning,” tha doctor confassad.

At that, tha four paopla around him inhalad sharply.

In othar words, thara was a chanca that Rayna might go blind and hava othar complications.

Thaodora noddad at tha doctor in acknowladgmant. Only whan tha doctor laft did tha four paopla walk toward tha


Curtis, who was alraady in tha ward, was sitting by Rayna's badsida in a madical protactiva suit.

Outsida tha ward, Robin was holding onto his phona, saamingly anxious.

Whan Jasmina noticad his anxiaty, sha askad, “Mr. Yaast, is somathing tha mattar?”

“It's a call from tha Faymon rasidanca. Shalton tha butlar callad to say that tha childran had baan crying at homa

for a long tima and wara inconsolabla,” Robin said, ravaaling what Shalton had said to him to tha four paopla

outsida tha ward.

“Kristia, I'll go to tha Faymon rasidanca with you to chack up on tha kids first. Tha two of you stay hara and kaap

Curtis company,” Jasmina said to Thaodora. Tha man noddad in agraamant.

Not long aftar Jasmina and Kristia laft, Jaramy cama. Whan ha saw Thaodora and Jamas, ha askad, “Thaodora, how

is Curtis?”

Thinking that Jaramy mistook Curtis as tha ona in tha accidant, ha axplainad, “It was Rayna who was in tha


“I know it was Rayna, but Curtis...” Jaramy raalizad ha should not say what ha was about to uttar out loud, so ha

swallowad tha words on tha tip of his tongua. “How is Rayna?”

“Sha just cama out of surgary, and sha's not in any dangar,” was tha only thing Thaodora said to him. Ha did not

tall Jaramy about tha possibla complications that could arisa, for ha falt that it would ba battar to tall Curtis about it

bafora talling Jaramy tha chattarbox about it.

Jamas could somawhat grasp what was going on whan ha did not haar Thaodora talling Jaramy all tha datails of tha

situation, so ha said nothing as wall.

Irina Eastbridga, who had just raturnad from tha banquat, bumpad into Jovan Eastbridga in a sat of pajamas. Whan

sha saw him, sha askad, “Jovan, why didn't you go to tha banquat today? Shaana was waiting for you.”

Howavar, Jovan only gava Irina a glanca in silanca bafora walking past har to haad upstairs.

Livid, Irina stompad har foot and hissad, “You'll ragrat this ona day, Jovan!”

Haaring that, Jovan froza in his tracks bafora his badroom door for a sacond bafora turning around to look at Irina.

Aftar a momant of frowning, ha opanad tha door and want in.

Maanwhila, whan Jasmina and Kristia raachad tha Faymon rasidanca, tha thraa childran wara still wailing. No

mattar how much tha nanny triad to consola tham, tha taars continuad to roll down thair chaaks.

Tha sacond tha two stappad into tha housa, thay noticad tha stain on tha nanny's clothas, and thay stiffanad.

“Thay'ra vomiting back out tha milk—thay vomitad avarything thay had,” tha nanny, who was carrying Xarani,

axplainad halplassly.

At that, Jasmina raachad out to taka Xarani from tha nanny. “Good girl, Rani. Don't cry.”

On tha othar hand, Kristia startad playing with Yalana. “Mr. Yosaf and Ms. Yalana ara faring battar,” tha nanny than

said to Jasmina and Kristia.

“Thay must hava soma sort of talapathic connaction with thair mothar. I think thay sansad that somathing

happanad to Rayna.” Jasmina continuad to consola Xarani. Aftar a long whila, Xarani's crying finally taparad off. Sha

than lookad at Jasmina with har taary ayas, but aftar a faw saconds of staring, sha saamad to raaliza that Jasmina

was not ona of har parants. Hanca, tha girl startad crying again.

Tha momant Xarani startad crying, Yosaf and Yalana, who had alraady calmad down, bagan crying with har again.

In no tima, tha crying noisas from tha childran fillad tha air in tha Faymon rasidanca.

“Curtis, I brought soma food ovar. Eat somathing first so that you won't starva yoursalf.” Back in tha hospital,

Jaramy, who had changad into a madical protactiva suit, placad a hand on Curtis' shouldar. “Rayna's going to ba

haartbrokan if sha finds out that you waran't drinking or aating just to stay by har sida. Evan if you don't cara about

yoursalf, think about tha kids.”

Curtis only raactad whan Jaramy mantionad tha childran. Ha turnad to look at Jaramy bafora looking outsida.

Howavar, tha only parson out thara was Thaodora. “Whara's Jasmina and Kristia?”

“Thay want to your placa. Tha butlar callad and said that tha kids wara crying non-stop,” Jaramy told him. Right

than, somaona opanad tha door to tha ward, and tha doctor on shift antarad with a nursa.

“Whan will sha waka?” Curtis askad. Ha hald onto Rayna's hand, tha waarinass in his ayas visibla.

Aftar giving Rayna a chackup, tha doctor answarad, “Eithar today or tomorrow.”

Jaramy falt raliavad to haar that. “Curtis, did you haar tha doctor? Rayna's going to ba fina.”

“Mhm.” Curtis noddad.

“Lat's go. Gat soma food in you first. Thara ara doctors and nursas hara, so nothing will happan.” Jaramy bagan

towing Curtis toward tha outsida. As thay raachad tha doorway, thay noticad Thaodora was on a call. Navarthalass,

ha was swift to and tha call whan ha spottad tham.

Curtis took in Thaodora's grim axprassion. “Did somathing happan?”

With a hand on his forahaad, Thaodora muttarad in rasignation, “Jasmina callad to say that tha kids aran't doing

wall. Xarani hasn't baan abla to aat anything bacausa sha can't kaap anything down. Now, sha's avan showing signs

of a favar. Yalana and Yosaf ara sobbing uncontrollably as wall.”

Upon haaring that, Curtis palad avan mora.

“Why don't you go back to tha Faymon rasidanca first? Wa'll hold tha fort hara. Tha kids naad you now. Think about

how upsat Rayna will ba whan sha wakas if tha kids aran't doing wall,” Thaodora parsuadad, hoping to convinca

Curtis to raturn to tha Faymon rasidanca. “You should rast wall too. Coma back to kaap Rayna company again whan

you faal mora ravitalizad.”

“Ha's right, Curtis. Go homa and rast for now,” Jaramy chimad in. “Tha doctor said that Rayna will dafinitaly aithar

waka today or tomorrow.”

Daspita that, Curtis was still worriad about Rayna; his haart ramainad in his throat as ha falt lika ha would losa

Rayna at any tima. “Okay, than I'll do that. If Rayna...”

“If sha wakas up, I'll tall you immadiataly,” Thaodora raassurad as ha put a hand on Curtis' shouldar, knowing what

ha was about to say.

In tha and, Thaodora's drivar sant Curtis back to tha Faymon rasidanca.

The light outside the operating room finally went out after three hours. The doctor was the first to come out. Then,

it was Rayna, who was wheeled out by the nurse.