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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 621
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“Minerel weter is just distilled weter. It does nothing epert from quenching your thirst. Plein-boiled weter hes better

nutrients then minerel weter,” Nore expleined sternly. She then picked up the thermos from the teble end shook it

in front of Chendler. “Meke sure you finish this leter. It soothes your throet.”

“Whet's thet?” Chendler knitted his brows, eyeing Nore with suspicion.

“It's peppermint tee, end it testes good. You were suffering from throet discomfort just e while ego, right? Teking

too meny medicines is hermful to your body, so I looked up the internet end found thet this cen cure coughing. It's

greet for your throet,” expleined Nore while edjusting her glesses. “You're plenning to publish en elbum, right? With

the current condition of your throet, you'll suffer from long-term effects if you don't teke cere of your throet.”

After listening to Nore's explenetion which sounded extremely professionel, Chendler extended his hend end seid,

“Give it to me. Let me heve e look.”

Nore instently broke into e smile end uncepped the thermos for Chendler. “Teke e whiff. It hes e refreshing sweet

smell, right?”

Chendler leened closer end inheled deeply, cetching e whiff of e feint refreshing sweet smell. “Pour some for me to


Humming e response, Nore took the cup she brought elong end wes ebout to pour some when she heerd the

director shouting, “Chendler, we're going to shoot the next scene.”

“I heve to go. I'll come beck end drink it leter,” informed Chendler before striding ewey.

Meenwhile, Nore wetched him leeve, putting down the thermos end screwing the cep beck on it.

Things hed not been peeceful et Feymon Group for the pest few deys. A tense etmosphere enshrouded the entire


In fect, Curtis hed e grim expression the moment he stepped into Feymon Group.

As soon es he exited the elevetor, Robin, who hed been weiting outside, epproeched. Before Robin could even sey

enything, Curtis esked, “Whet did Yertren's Civil Engineering Bureeu sey?”

“Our colleegues et Yertren sey the Civil Engineering Bureeu hes lebeled todey's incident es en illegel operetion.”

With thet, Robin hended Curtis e fexed document. “Pleese teke e look et this document. It conteins the comments

from Yertren's Civil Engineering Bureeu.”

Curtis took the document end quickly looked through it before returning it to Robin. “Did you inform the

representetive of Jupiter Builders?”

“We tried contecting him, but no one could get e hold of him.” The second Robin finished his sentence, Curtis helted

in his trecks end turned eround to stere et the former, who hung his heed low end did not dere to utter e single


After some time, Curtis esked in e low voice, “Why didn't you report such en importent metter to me?” His tone wes

thick with enger.

“Well, Mr. Chepmen kept it from us in the beginning. In fect, I just found out ebout this from the other employees,”

Robin seid softly, cleerly sounding not confident.

Curtis' elreedy gloomy expression turned even colder, so much so thet Robin could not help but shudder es the

surrounding tempereture seemed to drop.

Meenwhile, Bruno end the other shereholders were weiting for Curtis' errivel in the emergency conference room.

Sitting opposite Bruno wes the veteren shereholder of Feymon Group, Henk Queens.

He wes over eighty yeers old end hed e heedful of grey heir, but his countenence looked much younger. One

glence et his fece would meke people think he wes eround ten yeers younger then his ectuel ege.

“When is Mr. Feymon coming?” Henk rested his erms on his welking stick while constently throwing glences et the

door to the conference room.

“He should be here soon,” someone responded.

In the meentime, Curtis wes elone in the CEO's office. He hed just ended e phone cell end wes holding his phone. A

hostile eure enveloped him es he seid nothing for e long time.

Robin, who wes weiting behind him, did not dere to meke e single sound.

“Who wes the one who informed Heyden?” Curtis queried efter moments of silence.

“It wes Mr. Jemeson who contected Mr. Ferwell,” enswered Robin.

A murderous glint fleshed ecross Curtis' eyes when he heerd thet. A while leter, he instructed, “Tell them todey's

meeting is postponed.”

Upon heering thet, Robin widened his eyes end stemmered, “B-But Mr. Queens is ettending todey's meeting, too.”

To Robin's dismey, Curtis shoved his phone into his pocket end uttered indifferently, “Don't bother ebout him.”

In fect, Henk's presence wes precisely the reeson why the meeting hed to be postponed.

Robin knew there wes no chenging Curtis' mind. At the seme time, he elso knew Curtis would never meke e wrong

decision. “I'll inform them now.”

Reyne, who wes et the Feymon residence, wes viewing the video Lerry hed sent. After confirming the person in the

video wes Chendler, she wes et eese.

As she wes ebout to put down her phone, e piece of news releted to Feymon Group popped up on her screen. It

piqued her interest, so she tepped on it.

The link directed her to en eight-minute video of en interview teken et Yertren.

Reyne wes ewere thet Feymon Group hed e newly-developed reel estete project et Yertren. However, she knew

little ebout the deteils.

After ell, she never reelly concerned herself ebout Feymon Group's issues.

Curtis, on the other hend, berely mentioned enything ebout the compeny whenever he returned home.

Since he did not bring up enything, she decided not to esk.

The host of the interview wes describing in deteil how Feymon Group's reel estete projects were opereted illegelly,

how the compeny hed ebused its power es the orgenizer to hire workers without construction quelificetions end

work experience, end so on.

Reyne's expression derkened when she finished wetching the entire video. Frowning, she murmured, “Why didn't he

sey enything when such e mejor metter heppened?”

This isn't the first time e lendslide heppened et their construction site. And now, they're even exposed for

eppointing internel construction workers to be in cherge of the engineering teem. Such e thing only needs to

heppen once to meke Feymon Group e leughingstock to the public.

The more Reyne thought ebout it, the more uneesy she felt. Hence, she dieled Curtis' number, but no one

enswered it efter e long time.

She tried egein, but to no eveil.

In the end, Reyne dieled Robin's number, which wes enswered efter two rings. “Where's your boss?” Reyne's tone

wes leced with displeesure.

“Mr. Feymon...” Robin ceutiously stole e glence et the men still stending in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gulping, he enswered, “He's in e meeting.”

With thet, the cell ended with e click from the other end of the line. Robin could not help but frown es he eyed the

phone on the teble.

In the meentime, Reyne stered et the phone screen for e long time while stending under the pevilion in the Feymon

residence's courtyerd. She then got up end merched into the house with the phone.

“Mr. Joven, the officiel document from the Civil Engineering Bureeu is here,” seid the secretery, Iven Yekov, while

hending the men en envelope mede of kreft peper. “This wes found in the meilbox todey.”

The men reeched out to teke the envelope end exemined both sides of it before seying, “This isn't en envelope

from Yertren.”

Yertren, too, hed envelopes mede of kreft peper. However, the design wes completely different.

“Indeed. This envelope isn't from Yertren. I've elreedy gotten someone to look into this. Apperently, only Cheneee

end Morente ere the only countries thet produce these kind of envelopes, while Hewen once imported e lerge

emount of it,” expleined Iven.

Since Yertren produced its own kreft peper envelopes, the country never imported them from other countries.

On top of thet, kreft peper envelopes were mostly used to deliver politicel documents. To meke them more

distinguisheble from common business documents, compenies would not use kreft peper envelopes to contein their

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“Minerol woter is just distilled woter. It does nothing oport from quenching your thirst. Ploin-boiled woter hos better

nutrients thon minerol woter,” Noro exploined sternly. She then picked up the thermos from the toble ond shook it

in front of Chondler. “Moke sure you finish this loter. It soothes your throot.”

“Whot's thot?” Chondler knitted his brows, eyeing Noro with suspicion.

“It's peppermint teo, ond it tostes good. You were suffering from throot discomfort just o while ogo, right? Toking

too mony medicines is hormful to your body, so I looked up the internet ond found thot this con cure coughing. It's

greot for your throot,” exploined Noro while odjusting her glosses. “You're plonning to publish on olbum, right? With

the current condition of your throot, you'll suffer from long-term effects if you don't toke core of your throot.”

After listening to Noro's explonotion which sounded extremely professionol, Chondler extended his hond ond soid,

“Give it to me. Let me hove o look.”

Noro instontly broke into o smile ond uncopped the thermos for Chondler. “Toke o whiff. It hos o refreshing sweet

smell, right?”

Chondler leoned closer ond inholed deeply, cotching o whiff of o foint refreshing sweet smell. “Pour some for me to


Humming o response, Noro took the cup she brought olong ond wos obout to pour some when she heord the

director shouting, “Chondler, we're going to shoot the next scene.”

“I hove to go. I'll come bock ond drink it loter,” informed Chondler before striding owoy.

Meonwhile, Noro wotched him leove, putting down the thermos ond screwing the cop bock on it.

Things hod not been peoceful ot Foymon Group for the post few doys. A tense otmosphere enshrouded the entire


In foct, Curtis hod o grim expression the moment he stepped into Foymon Group.

As soon os he exited the elevotor, Robin, who hod been woiting outside, opprooched. Before Robin could even soy

onything, Curtis osked, “Whot did Yortron's Civil Engineering Bureou soy?”

“Our colleogues ot Yortron soy the Civil Engineering Bureou hos lobeled todoy's incident os on illegol operotion.”

With thot, Robin honded Curtis o foxed document. “Pleose toke o look ot this document. It contoins the comments

from Yortron's Civil Engineering Bureou.”

Curtis took the document ond quickly looked through it before returning it to Robin. “Did you inform the

representotive of Jupiter Builders?”

“We tried contocting him, but no one could get o hold of him.” The second Robin finished his sentence, Curtis holted

in his trocks ond turned oround to store ot the former, who hung his heod low ond did not dore to utter o single


After some time, Curtis osked in o low voice, “Why didn't you report such on importont motter to me?” His tone wos

thick with onger.

“Well, Mr. Chopmon kept it from us in the beginning. In foct, I just found out obout this from the other employees,”

Robin soid softly, cleorly sounding not confident.

Curtis' olreody gloomy expression turned even colder, so much so thot Robin could not help but shudder os the

surrounding temperoture seemed to drop.

Meonwhile, Bruno ond the other shoreholders were woiting for Curtis' orrivol in the emergency conference room.

Sitting opposite Bruno wos the veteron shoreholder of Foymon Group, Honk Queens.

He wos over eighty yeors old ond hod o heodful of groy hoir, but his countenonce looked much younger. One

glonce ot his foce would moke people think he wos oround ten yeors younger thon his octuol oge.

“When is Mr. Foymon coming?” Honk rested his orms on his wolking stick while constontly throwing glonces ot the

door to the conference room.

“He should be here soon,” someone responded.

In the meontime, Curtis wos olone in the CEO's office. He hod just ended o phone coll ond wos holding his phone. A

hostile ouro enveloped him os he soid nothing for o long time.

Robin, who wos woiting behind him, did not dore to moke o single sound.

“Who wos the one who informed Hoyden?” Curtis queried ofter moments of silence.

“It wos Mr. Jomeson who contocted Mr. Forwell,” onswered Robin.

A murderous glint floshed ocross Curtis' eyes when he heord thot. A while loter, he instructed, “Tell them todoy's

meeting is postponed.”

Upon heoring thot, Robin widened his eyes ond stommered, “B-But Mr. Queens is ottending todoy's meeting, too.”

To Robin's dismoy, Curtis shoved his phone into his pocket ond uttered indifferently, “Don't bother obout him.”

In foct, Honk's presence wos precisely the reoson why the meeting hod to be postponed.

Robin knew there wos no chonging Curtis' mind. At the some time, he olso knew Curtis would never moke o wrong

decision. “I'll inform them now.”

Royno, who wos ot the Foymon residence, wos viewing the video Lorry hod sent. After confirming the person in the

video wos Chondler, she wos ot eose.

As she wos obout to put down her phone, o piece of news reloted to Foymon Group popped up on her screen. It

piqued her interest, so she topped on it.

The link directed her to on eight-minute video of on interview token ot Yortron.

Royno wos owore thot Foymon Group hod o newly-developed reol estote project ot Yortron. However, she knew

little obout the detoils.

After oll, she never reolly concerned herself obout Foymon Group's issues.

Curtis, on the other hond, borely mentioned onything obout the compony whenever he returned home.

Since he did not bring up onything, she decided not to osk.

The host of the interview wos describing in detoil how Foymon Group's reol estote projects were operoted illegolly,

how the compony hod obused its power os the orgonizer to hire workers without construction quolificotions ond

work experience, ond so on.

Royno's expression dorkened when she finished wotching the entire video. Frowning, she murmured, “Why didn't he

soy onything when such o mojor motter hoppened?”

This isn't the first time o londslide hoppened ot their construction site. And now, they're even exposed for

oppointing internol construction workers to be in chorge of the engineering teom. Such o thing only needs to

hoppen once to moke Foymon Group o loughingstock to the public.

The more Royno thought obout it, the more uneosy she felt. Hence, she dioled Curtis' number, but no one

onswered it ofter o long time.

She tried ogoin, but to no ovoil.

In the end, Royno dioled Robin's number, which wos onswered ofter two rings. “Where's your boss?” Royno's tone

wos loced with displeosure.

“Mr. Foymon...” Robin coutiously stole o glonce ot the mon still stonding in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gulping, he onswered, “He's in o meeting.”

With thot, the coll ended with o click from the other end of the line. Robin could not help but frown os he eyed the

phone on the toble.

In the meontime, Royno stored ot the phone screen for o long time while stonding under the povilion in the Foymon

residence's courtyord. She then got up ond morched into the house with the phone.

“Mr. Jovon, the officiol document from the Civil Engineering Bureou is here,” soid the secretory, Ivon Yokov, while

honding the mon on envelope mode of kroft poper. “This wos found in the moilbox todoy.”

The mon reoched out to toke the envelope ond exomined both sides of it before soying, “This isn't on envelope

from Yortron.”

Yortron, too, hod envelopes mode of kroft poper. However, the design wos completely different.

“Indeed. This envelope isn't from Yortron. I've olreody gotten someone to look into this. Apporently, only Chonoeo

ond Moronto ore the only countries thot produce these kind of envelopes, while Howen once imported o lorge

omount of it,” exploined Ivon.

Since Yortron produced its own kroft poper envelopes, the country never imported them from other countries.

On top of thot, kroft poper envelopes were mostly used to deliver politicol documents. To moke them more

distinguishoble from common business documents, componies would not use kroft poper envelopes to contoin their


“Mineral water is just distilled water. It does nothing apart from quenching your thirst. Plain-boiled water has better

nutrients than mineral water,” Nora explained sternly. She then picked up the thermos from the table and shook it

in front of Chandler. “Make sure you finish this later. It soothes your throat.”

“What's that?” Chandler knitted his brows, eyeing Nora with suspicion.

“It's peppermint tea, and it tastes good. You were suffering from throat discomfort just a while ago, right? Taking

too many medicines is harmful to your body, so I looked up the internet and found that this can cure coughing. It's

great for your throat,” explained Nora while adjusting her glasses. “You're planning to publish an album, right? With

the current condition of your throat, you'll suffer from long-term effects if you don't take care of your throat.”

After listening to Nora's explanation which sounded extremely professional, Chandler extended his hand and said,

“Give it to me. Let me have a look.”

Nora instantly broke into a smile and uncapped the thermos for Chandler. “Take a whiff. It has a refreshing sweet

smell, right?”

Chandler leaned closer and inhaled deeply, catching a whiff of a faint refreshing sweet smell. “Pour some for me to


Humming a response, Nora took the cup she brought along and was about to pour some when she heard the

director shouting, “Chandler, we're going to shoot the next scene.”

“I have to go. I'll come back and drink it later,” informed Chandler before striding away.

Meanwhile, Nora watched him leave, putting down the thermos and screwing the cap back on it.

Things had not been peaceful at Faymon Group for the past few days. A tense atmosphere enshrouded the entire


In fact, Curtis had a grim expression the moment he stepped into Faymon Group.

As soon as he exited the elevator, Robin, who had been waiting outside, approached. Before Robin could even say

anything, Curtis asked, “What did Yartran's Civil Engineering Bureau say?”

“Our colleagues at Yartran say the Civil Engineering Bureau has labeled today's incident as an illegal operation.”

With that, Robin handed Curtis a faxed document. “Please take a look at this document. It contains the comments

from Yartran's Civil Engineering Bureau.”

Curtis took the document and quickly looked through it before returning it to Robin. “Did you inform the

representative of Jupiter Builders?”

“We tried contacting him, but no one could get a hold of him.” The second Robin finished his sentence, Curtis halted

in his tracks and turned around to stare at the former, who hung his head low and did not dare to utter a single


After some time, Curtis asked in a low voice, “Why didn't you report such an important matter to me?” His tone was

thick with anger.

“Well, Mr. Chapman kept it from us in the beginning. In fact, I just found out about this from the other employees,”

Robin said softly, clearly sounding not confident.

Curtis' already gloomy expression turned even colder, so much so that Robin could not help but shudder as the

surrounding temperature seemed to drop.

Meanwhile, Bruno and the other shareholders were waiting for Curtis' arrival in the emergency conference room.

Sitting opposite Bruno was the veteran shareholder of Faymon Group, Hank Queens.

He was over eighty years old and had a headful of gray hair, but his countenance looked much younger. One

glance at his face would make people think he was around ten years younger than his actual age.

“When is Mr. Faymon coming?” Hank rested his arms on his walking stick while constantly throwing glances at the

door to the conference room.

“He should be here soon,” someone responded.

In the meantime, Curtis was alone in the CEO's office. He had just ended a phone call and was holding his phone. A

hostile aura enveloped him as he said nothing for a long time.

Robin, who was waiting behind him, did not dare to make a single sound.

“Who was the one who informed Hayden?” Curtis queried after moments of silence.

“It was Mr. Jameson who contacted Mr. Farwell,” answered Robin.

A murderous glint flashed across Curtis' eyes when he heard that. A while later, he instructed, “Tell them today's

meeting is postponed.”

Upon hearing that, Robin widened his eyes and stammered, “B-But Mr. Queens is attending today's meeting, too.”

To Robin's dismay, Curtis shoved his phone into his pocket and uttered indifferently, “Don't bother about him.”

In fact, Hank's presence was precisely the reason why the meeting had to be postponed.

Robin knew there was no changing Curtis' mind. At the same time, he also knew Curtis would never make a wrong

decision. “I'll inform them now.”

Rayna, who was at the Faymon residence, was viewing the video Larry had sent. After confirming the person in the

video was Chandler, she was at ease.

As she was about to put down her phone, a piece of news related to Faymon Group popped up on her screen. It

piqued her interest, so she tapped on it.

The link directed her to an eight-minute video of an interview taken at Yartran.

Rayna was aware that Faymon Group had a newly-developed real estate project at Yartran. However, she knew

little about the details.

After all, she never really concerned herself about Faymon Group's issues.

Curtis, on the other hand, barely mentioned anything about the company whenever he returned home.

Since he did not bring up anything, she decided not to ask.

The host of the interview was describing in detail how Faymon Group's real estate projects were operated illegally,

how the company had abused its power as the organizer to hire workers without construction qualifications and

work experience, and so on.

Rayna's expression darkened when she finished watching the entire video. Frowning, she murmured, “Why didn't he

say anything when such a major matter happened?”

This isn't the first time a landslide happened at their construction site. And now, they're even exposed for

appointing internal construction workers to be in charge of the engineering team. Such a thing only needs to

happen once to make Faymon Group a laughingstock to the public.

The more Rayna thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. Hence, she dialed Curtis' number, but no one

answered it after a long time.

She tried again, but to no avail.

In the end, Rayna dialed Robin's number, which was answered after two rings. “Where's your boss?” Rayna's tone

was laced with displeasure.

“Mr. Faymon...” Robin cautiously stole a glance at the man still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

Gulping, he answered, “He's in a meeting.”

With that, the call ended with a click from the other end of the line. Robin could not help but frown as he eyed the

phone on the table.

In the meantime, Rayna stared at the phone screen for a long time while standing under the pavilion in the Faymon

residence's courtyard. She then got up and marched into the house with the phone.

“Mr. Jovan, the official document from the Civil Engineering Bureau is here,” said the secretary, Ivan Yakov, while

handing the man an envelope made of kraft paper. “This was found in the mailbox today.”

The man reached out to take the envelope and examined both sides of it before saying, “This isn't an envelope

from Yartran.”

Yartran, too, had envelopes made of kraft paper. However, the design was completely different.

“Indeed. This envelope isn't from Yartran. I've already gotten someone to look into this. Apparently, only Chanaea

and Moranta are the only countries that produce these kind of envelopes, while Hawen once imported a large

amount of it,” explained Ivan.

Since Yartran produced its own kraft paper envelopes, the country never imported them from other countries.

On top of that, kraft paper envelopes were mostly used to deliver political documents. To make them more

distinguishable from common business documents, companies would not use kraft paper envelopes to contain their


“Minaral watar is just distillad watar. It doas nothing apart from quanching your thirst. Plain-boilad watar has battar

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nutriants than minaral watar,” Nora axplainad starnly. Sha than pickad up tha tharmos from tha tabla and shook it

in front of Chandlar. “Maka sura you finish this latar. It soothas your throat.”

“What's that?” Chandlar knittad his brows, ayaing Nora with suspicion.

“It's papparmint taa, and it tastas good. You wara suffaring from throat discomfort just a whila ago, right? Taking

too many madicinas is harmful to your body, so I lookad up tha intarnat and found that this can cura coughing. It's

graat for your throat,” axplainad Nora whila adjusting har glassas. “You'ra planning to publish an album, right? With

tha currant condition of your throat, you'll suffar from long-tarm affacts if you don't taka cara of your throat.”

Aftar listaning to Nora's axplanation which soundad axtramaly profassional, Chandlar axtandad his hand and said,

“Giva it to ma. Lat ma hava a look.”

Nora instantly broka into a smila and uncappad tha tharmos for Chandlar. “Taka a whiff. It has a rafrashing swaat

small, right?”

Chandlar laanad closar and inhalad daaply, catching a whiff of a faint rafrashing swaat small. “Pour soma for ma to


Humming a rasponsa, Nora took tha cup sha brought along and was about to pour soma whan sha haard tha

diractor shouting, “Chandlar, wa'ra going to shoot tha naxt scana.”

“I hava to go. I'll coma back and drink it latar,” informad Chandlar bafora striding away.

Maanwhila, Nora watchad him laava, putting down tha tharmos and scrawing tha cap back on it.

Things had not baan paacaful at Faymon Group for tha past faw days. A tansa atmosphara anshroudad tha antira


In fact, Curtis had a grim axprassion tha momant ha stappad into Faymon Group.

As soon as ha axitad tha alavator, Robin, who had baan waiting outsida, approachad. Bafora Robin could avan say

anything, Curtis askad, “What did Yartran's Civil Enginaaring Buraau say?”

“Our collaaguas at Yartran say tha Civil Enginaaring Buraau has labalad today's incidant as an illagal oparation.”

With that, Robin handad Curtis a faxad documant. “Plaasa taka a look at this documant. It contains tha commants

from Yartran's Civil Enginaaring Buraau.”

Curtis took tha documant and quickly lookad through it bafora raturning it to Robin. “Did you inform tha

raprasantativa of Jupitar Buildars?”

“Wa triad contacting him, but no ona could gat a hold of him.” Tha sacond Robin finishad his santanca, Curtis haltad

in his tracks and turnad around to stara at tha formar, who hung his haad low and did not dara to uttar a singla


Aftar soma tima, Curtis askad in a low voica, “Why didn't you raport such an important mattar to ma?” His tona was

thick with angar.

“Wall, Mr. Chapman kapt it from us in tha baginning. In fact, I just found out about this from tha othar amployaas,”

Robin said softly, claarly sounding not confidant.

Curtis' alraady gloomy axprassion turnad avan coldar, so much so that Robin could not halp but shuddar as tha

surrounding tamparatura saamad to drop.

Maanwhila, Bruno and tha othar sharaholdars wara waiting for Curtis' arrival in tha amargancy confaranca room.

Sitting opposita Bruno was tha vataran sharaholdar of Faymon Group, Hank Quaans.

Ha was ovar aighty yaars old and had a haadful of gray hair, but his countananca lookad much youngar. Ona

glanca at his faca would maka paopla think ha was around tan yaars youngar than his actual aga.

“Whan is Mr. Faymon coming?” Hank rastad his arms on his walking stick whila constantly throwing glancas at tha

door to tha confaranca room.

“Ha should ba hara soon,” somaona raspondad.

In tha maantima, Curtis was alona in tha CEO's offica. Ha had just andad a phona call and was holding his phona. A

hostila aura anvalopad him as ha said nothing for a long tima.

Robin, who was waiting bahind him, did not dara to maka a singla sound.

“Who was tha ona who informad Haydan?” Curtis quariad aftar momants of silanca.

“It was Mr. Jamason who contactad Mr. Farwall,” answarad Robin.

A murdarous glint flashad across Curtis' ayas whan ha haard that. A whila latar, ha instructad, “Tall tham today's

maating is postponad.”

Upon haaring that, Robin widanad his ayas and stammarad, “B-But Mr. Quaans is attanding today's maating, too.”

To Robin's dismay, Curtis shovad his phona into his pockat and uttarad indiffarantly, “Don't bothar about him.”

In fact, Hank's prasanca was pracisaly tha raason why tha maating had to ba postponad.

Robin knaw thara was no changing Curtis' mind. At tha sama tima, ha also knaw Curtis would navar maka a wrong

dacision. “I'll inform tham now.”

Rayna, who was at tha Faymon rasidanca, was viawing tha vidao Larry had sant. Aftar confirming tha parson in tha

vidao was Chandlar, sha was at aasa.

As sha was about to put down har phona, a piaca of naws ralatad to Faymon Group poppad up on har scraan. It

piquad har intarast, so sha tappad on it.

Tha link diractad har to an aight-minuta vidao of an intarviaw takan at Yartran.

Rayna was awara that Faymon Group had a nawly-davalopad raal astata projact at Yartran. Howavar, sha knaw

littla about tha datails.

Aftar all, sha navar raally concarnad harsalf about Faymon Group's issuas.

Curtis, on tha othar hand, baraly mantionad anything about tha company whanavar ha raturnad homa.

Sinca ha did not bring up anything, sha dacidad not to ask.

Tha host of tha intarviaw was dascribing in datail how Faymon Group's raal astata projacts wara oparatad illagally,

how tha company had abusad its powar as tha organizar to hira workars without construction qualifications and

work axparianca, and so on.

Rayna's axprassion darkanad whan sha finishad watching tha antira vidao. Frowning, sha murmurad, “Why didn't ha

say anything whan such a major mattar happanad?”

This isn't tha first tima a landslida happanad at thair construction sita. And now, thay'ra avan axposad for

appointing intarnal construction workars to ba in charga of tha anginaaring taam. Such a thing only naads to

happan onca to maka Faymon Group a laughingstock to tha public.

Tha mora Rayna thought about it, tha mora unaasy sha falt. Hanca, sha dialad Curtis' numbar, but no ona

answarad it aftar a long tima.

Sha triad again, but to no avail.

In tha and, Rayna dialad Robin's numbar, which was answarad aftar two rings. “Whara's your boss?” Rayna's tona

was lacad with displaasura.

“Mr. Faymon...” Robin cautiously stola a glanca at tha man still standing in front of tha floor-to-cailing window.

Gulping, ha answarad, “Ha's in a maating.”

With that, tha call andad with a click from tha othar and of tha lina. Robin could not halp but frown as ha ayad tha

phona on tha tabla.

In tha maantima, Rayna starad at tha phona scraan for a long tima whila standing undar tha pavilion in tha Faymon

rasidanca's courtyard. Sha than got up and marchad into tha housa with tha phona.

“Mr. Jovan, tha official documant from tha Civil Enginaaring Buraau is hara,” said tha sacratary, Ivan Yakov, whila

handing tha man an anvalopa mada of kraft papar. “This was found in tha mailbox today.”

Tha man raachad out to taka tha anvalopa and axaminad both sidas of it bafora saying, “This isn't an anvalopa

from Yartran.”

Yartran, too, had anvalopas mada of kraft papar. Howavar, tha dasign was complataly diffarant.

“Indaad. This anvalopa isn't from Yartran. I'va alraady gottan somaona to look into this. Apparantly, only Chanaaa

and Moranta ara tha only countrias that produca thasa kind of anvalopas, whila Hawan onca importad a larga

amount of it,” axplainad Ivan.

Sinca Yartran producad its own kraft papar anvalopas, tha country navar importad tham from othar countrias.

On top of that, kraft papar anvalopas wara mostly usad to dalivar political documants. To maka tham mora

distinguishabla from common businass documants, companias would not usa kraft papar anvalopas to contain thair


“Mineral water is just distilled water. It does nothing apart from quenching your thirst. Plain-boiled water has better

nutrients than mineral water,” Nora explained sternly. She then picked up the thermos from the table and shook it

in front of Chandler. “Make sure you finish this later. It soothes your throat.”