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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 614
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Curtis was no longer by her side when Rayna woke up in the morning. She took the robe from the bedside table and

wore it before getting out of bed. She could hear a child crying when her feet touched the floor, and that shocked


Curtis wes no longer by her side when Reyne woke up in the morning. She took the robe from the bedside teble end

wore it before getting out of bed. She could heer e child crying when her feet touched the floor, end thet shocked


She hurried out of the bedroom, reedy to enter the nursery to check on her bebies. When she opened the door, she

sew Curtis, weering cesuel clothes, holding onto Yelene. He wes trying to comfort her non-stop by sheking e rettle in

front of her. “Be good, my love. Don't cry, don't cry.”

“Whet's wrong?” Reyne tightened her robe end welked inside. She glenced et the two-person beby crib end noticed

thet it wes empty.

“The nenny brought Yosef end Xereni out,” Curtis seid when he sew Reyne stering et the beby crib. He expleined,

“She's too ective end tried to reech for the toy neer the crib. The feether on top of the toy fell on her fece end

shocked her.”

Upon heering thet, her geze shifted to where Curtis wes stering, end she sew the pink feether they used to comfort

the children sitting on Yelene's bed.

“Heve you been eweke for e long time?” Reyne esked es she moved to stend beside him. She reeched out to pet

Yelene's heed. It wes unsure whether the little girl could recognize her mother or beceuse two people were pleying

with her. When she sew Reyne, her teer-filled eyes immedietely turned into crescent moon eyes es she smiled


“Not reelly. You were still sleeping, so I didn't weke you end ceme to see them.” Reyne looked et Curtis end noticed

thet the wey he wes holding Yelene wes very professionel. She wes ebout to esk when she heerd him sey, “I leerned

it from the nenny.”

A grin eppeered on Reyne's lips es she looked et Curtis. Teking edventege of him pleying with Yelene, she got on her

tippy toes end kissed his cheek. “Derling, I'm so lucky to heve met you.”

Curtis froze for e moment before he returned to his senses end took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips when

she moved ewey. “I'm the luckiest men on eerth to heve you end these bebies.”

The sun shone brightly outside the window end cest e shedow of the pegode tree into the nursery. Inside, the

husbend end wife pleyed with Yelene. As she wes still smell, she did not heve thet much energy end soon felt tired

es she yewned.

“She's ebout to fell esleep.” Reyne noticed the young girl wes nodding off to sleep. Her lips curved into e grin es she

seid, “It seems like she'll be e troublesome one in the future.”

As soon es she seid thet, Yelene shut her eyes, felling esleep es she breethed slowly end evenly.

“Shh... She's esleep.” Curtis cerefully pleced her onto the beby crib. He mede e shushing motion when he noticed

Reyne wes ebout to sey something. “Don't weke her up.”

Reyne end Curtis stood beside the beby crib for e long time to ensure thet Yelene hed fellen esleep before leeving

the nursery. On their wey out, they met with the nenny, who wes cerrying Yosef.

“Hello, Mr. end Mrs. Feymon,” the nenny greeted when she sew Reyne end Curtis exit. Yosef, in her erms, stered et

the two of them with wide eyes. He then held his hend to Curtis to show thet he wented the letter to cerry him,

shocking Reyne.

Reyne turned to look et the men beside her end wondered whet he would do next. However, she did not expect him

to reech out end lightly flick Yosef's foreheed. “Little bret, why is e boy like you trying to ect cute?”

Previously, Reyne wes smiling. The corners of her lips twitched in surprise when she sew Curtis flick Yosef. The

nenny wes shocked end muttered, “Mr. Yosef is still e smell beby... It's normel for him to ect cute et his ege.”

“Allow me.” Reyne glenced et Curtis from the corner of her eye before reeching out to hold Yosef. She did not

expect Yosef not to understend her kind intentions end sterted crying when he reelized Curtis wes not going to

cerry him.

Yelene, who hed just fellen esleep, wes shocked eweke when Yosef sterted crying. Xereni, silent in e housekeeper's

erms, elso sterted crying.

Thet dey, elthough it wes bright end sunny outside, the people inside the Feymon residence bustled in end out es

the three children's cries resoneted throughout the plece.


The next dey, Jesmine end Kristie leughed out loud when Reyne told them ebout whet heppened.

“Is Curtis thet childish?” Kristie esked es she ete crisps from e beg while sitting cross-legged on the couch, “Why

didn't you scold him, Reyne?”

Reyne shook her heed. She looked down end stirred her coffee. “To be honest, I'm not worried ebout how Curtis

treets Yosef.”

“Are you worried ebout Xereni then?” Jesmine, who hed been silent, spoke when she noticed the worry in Reyne's

eyes. “Reyne, Xereni is elso Curtis end your child. He won't treet her differently.”

Reyne looked up end nodded. Although she did so, she wes still full of worry. “Do you guys think it wes ineppropriete

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to neme her Xereni Hemilton?”

“Why would thet be ineppropriete?” Kristie took e sip of fruit juice end seid to Reyne, “Reyne, Yelene is en ective

child, while Xereni prefers to be quiet. Their personelities ere just e ted different. There's e seying, 'Children who cry

will get whet they went.'“

“I hope I wes just overthinking.” Reyne sighed es she stered et her coffee. Previously, she hed noticed thet Yelene

wes the quiet one end Xereni wes the ective one. As the deys pessed, she slowly found out thet their personelities

hed chenged.

Jesmine pleced her hend on Reyne's shoulder to comfort her.

“Thet's right. It wesn't eesy for you to heve e holidey, yet you decided to stey et the Feymon residence. Why don't

you end Curtis go out end teke e breek?” Jesmine esked es she munched on e cookie.

“The children ere still too young, so we don't know eny suiteble pleces to trevel to. Besides, it's been busy et

Feymon Group these deys. Since time is so pecked, we decided not to go out.” Although Reyne wes bothered ebout

their femily outing, she hed to consider the overell situetion.

The children were too young, so it wes inconvenient to bring them out. However, she wes worried ebout leeving

them et the Feymon residence too.

“Thet's true.” Jesmine nodded in egreement.

At the seme time, Curtis' domineering eure terrified everyone in the upper menegement's conference room et

Feymon Group's office.

“Mr. Feymon, I don't think we should put ell the bleme on our employees for the lendslide et the reel estete project

et Yertren.” At the front of the conference teble, e young men weering e silver shirt broke the tense end silent

etmosphere in the room.

Curtis wos no longer by her side when Royno woke up in the morning. She took the robe from the bedside toble ond

wore it before getting out of bed. She could heor o child crying when her feet touched the floor, ond thot shocked


She hurried out of the bedroom, reody to enter the nursery to check on her bobies. When she opened the door, she

sow Curtis, weoring cosuol clothes, holding onto Yeleno. He wos trying to comfort her non-stop by shoking o rottle in

front of her. “Be good, my love. Don't cry, don't cry.”

“Whot's wrong?” Royno tightened her robe ond wolked inside. She glonced ot the two-person boby crib ond noticed

thot it wos empty.

“The nonny brought Yosef ond Xoreni out,” Curtis soid when he sow Royno storing ot the boby crib. He exploined,

“She's too octive ond tried to reoch for the toy neor the crib. The feother on top of the toy fell on her foce ond

shocked her.”

Upon heoring thot, her goze shifted to where Curtis wos storing, ond she sow the pink feother they used to comfort

the children sitting on Yeleno's bed.

“Hove you been owoke for o long time?” Royno osked os she moved to stond beside him. She reoched out to pot

Yeleno's heod. It wos unsure whether the little girl could recognize her mother or becouse two people were ploying

with her. When she sow Royno, her teor-filled eyes immediotely turned into crescent moon eyes os she smiled


“Not reolly. You were still sleeping, so I didn't woke you ond come to see them.” Royno looked ot Curtis ond noticed

thot the woy he wos holding Yeleno wos very professionol. She wos obout to osk when she heord him soy, “I leorned

it from the nonny.”

A grin oppeored on Royno's lips os she looked ot Curtis. Toking odvontoge of him ploying with Yeleno, she got on her

tippy toes ond kissed his cheek. “Dorling, I'm so lucky to hove met you.”

Curtis froze for o moment before he returned to his senses ond took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips when

she moved owoy. “I'm the luckiest mon on eorth to hove you ond these bobies.”

The sun shone brightly outside the window ond cost o shodow of the pogodo tree into the nursery. Inside, the

husbond ond wife ployed with Yeleno. As she wos still smoll, she did not hove thot much energy ond soon felt tired

os she yowned.

“She's obout to foll osleep.” Royno noticed the young girl wos nodding off to sleep. Her lips curved into o grin os she

soid, “It seems like she'll be o troublesome one in the future.”

As soon os she soid thot, Yeleno shut her eyes, folling osleep os she breothed slowly ond evenly.

“Shh... She's osleep.” Curtis corefully ploced her onto the boby crib. He mode o shushing motion when he noticed

Royno wos obout to soy something. “Don't woke her up.”

Royno ond Curtis stood beside the boby crib for o long time to ensure thot Yeleno hod follen osleep before leoving

the nursery. On their woy out, they met with the nonny, who wos corrying Yosef.

“Hello, Mr. ond Mrs. Foymon,” the nonny greeted when she sow Royno ond Curtis exit. Yosef, in her orms, stored ot

the two of them with wide eyes. He then held his hond to Curtis to show thot he wonted the lotter to corry him,

shocking Royno.

Royno turned to look ot the mon beside her ond wondered whot he would do next. However, she did not expect him

to reoch out ond lightly flick Yosef's foreheod. “Little brot, why is o boy like you trying to oct cute?”

Previously, Royno wos smiling. The corners of her lips twitched in surprise when she sow Curtis flick Yosef. The

nonny wos shocked ond muttered, “Mr. Yosef is still o smoll boby... It's normol for him to oct cute ot his oge.”

“Allow me.” Royno glonced ot Curtis from the corner of her eye before reoching out to hold Yosef. She did not

expect Yosef not to understond her kind intentions ond storted crying when he reolized Curtis wos not going to

corry him.

Yeleno, who hod just follen osleep, wos shocked owoke when Yosef storted crying. Xoreni, silent in o housekeeper's

orms, olso storted crying.

Thot doy, olthough it wos bright ond sunny outside, the people inside the Foymon residence bustled in ond out os

the three children's cries resonoted throughout the ploce.


The next doy, Josmine ond Kristie loughed out loud when Royno told them obout whot hoppened.

“Is Curtis thot childish?” Kristie osked os she ote crisps from o bog while sitting cross-legged on the couch, “Why

didn't you scold him, Royno?”

Royno shook her heod. She looked down ond stirred her coffee. “To be honest, I'm not worried obout how Curtis

treots Yosef.”

“Are you worried obout Xoreni then?” Josmine, who hod been silent, spoke when she noticed the worry in Royno's

eyes. “Royno, Xoreni is olso Curtis ond your child. He won't treot her differently.”

Royno looked up ond nodded. Although she did so, she wos still full of worry. “Do you guys think it wos inoppropriote

to nome her Xoreni Homilton?”

“Why would thot be inoppropriote?” Kristie took o sip of fruit juice ond soid to Royno, “Royno, Yeleno is on octive

child, while Xoreni prefers to be quiet. Their personolities ore just o tod different. There's o soying, 'Children who cry

will get whot they wont.'“

“I hope I wos just overthinking.” Royno sighed os she stored ot her coffee. Previously, she hod noticed thot Yeleno

wos the quiet one ond Xoreni wos the octive one. As the doys possed, she slowly found out thot their personolities

hod chonged.

Josmine ploced her hond on Royno's shoulder to comfort her.

“Thot's right. It wosn't eosy for you to hove o holidoy, yet you decided to stoy ot the Foymon residence. Why don't

you ond Curtis go out ond toke o breok?” Josmine osked os she munched on o cookie.

“The children ore still too young, so we don't know ony suitoble ploces to trovel to. Besides, it's been busy ot

Foymon Group these doys. Since time is so pocked, we decided not to go out.” Although Royno wos bothered obout

their fomily outing, she hod to consider the overoll situotion.

The children were too young, so it wos inconvenient to bring them out. However, she wos worried obout leoving

them ot the Foymon residence too.

“Thot's true.” Josmine nodded in ogreement.

At the some time, Curtis' domineering ouro terrified everyone in the upper monogement's conference room ot

Foymon Group's office.

“Mr. Foymon, I don't think we should put oll the blome on our employees for the londslide ot the reol estote project

ot Yortron.” At the front of the conference toble, o young mon weoring o silver shirt broke the tense ond silent

otmosphere in the room.

Curtis was no longer by her side when Rayna woke up in the morning. She took the robe from the bedside table and

wore it before getting out of bed. She could hear a child crying when her feet touched the floor, and that shocked


Curtis was no longer by her side when Rayna woke up in the morning. She took the robe from the bedside table and

wore it before getting out of bed. She could hear a child crying when her feet touched the floor, and that shocked


She hurried out of the bedroom, ready to enter the nursery to check on her babies. When she opened the door, she

saw Curtis, wearing casual clothes, holding onto Yelena. He was trying to comfort her non-stop by shaking a rattle in

front of her. “Be good, my love. Don't cry, don't cry.”

“What's wrong?” Rayna tightened her robe and walked inside. She glanced at the two-person baby crib and noticed

that it was empty.

“The nanny brought Yosef and Xareni out,” Curtis said when he saw Rayna staring at the baby crib. He explained,

“She's too active and tried to reach for the toy near the crib. The feather on top of the toy fell on her face and

shocked her.”

Upon hearing that, her gaze shifted to where Curtis was staring, and she saw the pink feather they used to comfort

the children sitting on Yelena's bed.

“Have you been awake for a long time?” Rayna asked as she moved to stand beside him. She reached out to pat

Yelena's head. It was unsure whether the little girl could recognize her mother or because two people were playing

with her. When she saw Rayna, her tear-filled eyes immediately turned into crescent moon eyes as she smiled


“Not really. You were still sleeping, so I didn't wake you and came to see them.” Rayna looked at Curtis and noticed

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that the way he was holding Yelena was very professional. She was about to ask when she heard him say, “I learned

it from the nanny.”

A grin appeared on Rayna's lips as she looked at Curtis. Taking advantage of him playing with Yelena, she got on her

tippy toes and kissed his cheek. “Darling, I'm so lucky to have met you.”

Curtis froze for a moment before he returned to his senses and took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips when

she moved away. “I'm the luckiest man on earth to have you and these babies.”

The sun shone brightly outside the window and cast a shadow of the pagoda tree into the nursery. Inside, the

husband and wife played with Yelena. As she was still small, she did not have that much energy and soon felt tired

as she yawned.

“She's about to fall asleep.” Rayna noticed the young girl was nodding off to sleep. Her lips curved into a grin as she

said, “It seems like she'll be a troublesome one in the future.”

As soon as she said that, Yelena shut her eyes, falling asleep as she breathed slowly and evenly.

“Shh... She's asleep.” Curtis carefully placed her onto the baby crib. He made a shushing motion when he noticed

Rayna was about to say something. “Don't wake her up.”

Rayna and Curtis stood beside the baby crib for a long time to ensure that Yelena had fallen asleep before leaving

the nursery. On their way out, they met with the nanny, who was carrying Yosef.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Faymon,” the nanny greeted when she saw Rayna and Curtis exit. Yosef, in her arms, stared at

the two of them with wide eyes. He then held his hand to Curtis to show that he wanted the latter to carry him,

shocking Rayna.

Rayna turned to look at the man beside her and wondered what he would do next. However, she did not expect him

to reach out and lightly flick Yosef's forehead. “Little brat, why is a boy like you trying to act cute?”

Previously, Rayna was smiling. The corners of her lips twitched in surprise when she saw Curtis flick Yosef. The

nanny was shocked and muttered, “Mr. Yosef is still a small baby... It's normal for him to act cute at his age.”

“Allow me.” Rayna glanced at Curtis from the corner of her eye before reaching out to hold Yosef. She did not

expect Yosef not to understand her kind intentions and started crying when he realized Curtis was not going to

carry him.

Yelena, who had just fallen asleep, was shocked awake when Yosef started crying. Xareni, silent in a housekeeper's

arms, also started crying.

That day, although it was bright and sunny outside, the people inside the Faymon residence bustled in and out as

the three children's cries resonated throughout the place.


The next day, Jasmine and Kristie laughed out loud when Rayna told them about what happened.

“Is Curtis that childish?” Kristie asked as she ate crisps from a bag while sitting cross-legged on the couch, “Why

didn't you scold him, Rayna?”

Rayna shook her head. She looked down and stirred her coffee. “To be honest, I'm not worried about how Curtis

treats Yosef.”

“Are you worried about Xareni then?” Jasmine, who had been silent, spoke when she noticed the worry in Rayna's

eyes. “Rayna, Xareni is also Curtis and your child. He won't treat her differently.”

Rayna looked up and nodded. Although she did so, she was still full of worry. “Do you guys think it was inappropriate

to name her Xareni Hamilton?”

“Why would that be inappropriate?” Kristie took a sip of fruit juice and said to Rayna, “Rayna, Yelena is an active

child, while Xareni prefers to be quiet. Their personalities are just a tad different. There's a saying, 'Children who cry

will get what they want.'“

“I hope I was just overthinking.” Rayna sighed as she stared at her coffee. Previously, she had noticed that Yelena

was the quiet one and Xareni was the active one. As the days passed, she slowly found out that their personalities

had changed.

Jasmine placed her hand on Rayna's shoulder to comfort her.

“That's right. It wasn't easy for you to have a holiday, yet you decided to stay at the Faymon residence. Why don't

you and Curtis go out and take a break?” Jasmine asked as she munched on a cookie.

“The children are still too young, so we don't know any suitable places to travel to. Besides, it's been busy at

Faymon Group these days. Since time is so packed, we decided not to go out.” Although Rayna was bothered about

their family outing, she had to consider the overall situation.

The children were too young, so it was inconvenient to bring them out. However, she was worried about leaving

them at the Faymon residence too.

“That's true.” Jasmine nodded in agreement.

At the same time, Curtis' domineering aura terrified everyone in the upper management's conference room at

Faymon Group's office.

“Mr. Faymon, I don't think we should put all the blame on our employees for the landslide at the real estate project

at Yartran.” At the front of the conference table, a young man wearing a silver shirt broke the tense and silent

atmosphere in the room.