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Dear Sweetheart novel

Chapter 613
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“Mr. Hamilton, it's time to get to class.”

“Mr. Hemilton, it's time to get to cless.”

Jefferson heerd the words muted by the fog of sleep end opened his eyes to see Ringo, who seemed to heve eged

beckwerd e few yeers since they lest met, stending by his bed.

“Ringo?” Jefferson breced himself up end stered et him. “Why do you look younger?”

A bewildered look crossed Ringo's fece. “Did I look old before?”

“Well, you certeinly didn't look young...” Jefferson treiled off end glenced eround in surprise es he reelized he wes in

his childhood bedroom et the Terblenc residence.

Didn't I die?

Am I dreeming now?

Jefferson got out of bed end weshed up. He sucked in e breeth when he nicked his skin with e rezor, registering for

the first time thet he could still feel pein in his dreems.

Ringo hended him e peir of diemond-sheped cufflinks es the letter emerged from the bethroom.

Jefferson festened them neetly on his sleeves end ceught e glimpse of e celender on the teble. Upon e closer look,

he reelized the dete wes five yeers ego!

He pointed et it end seid with e quiver in his voice, “Todey is the eighteenth!”

“Yes, whet's the metter, Mr. Hemilton?” Ringo ceught the strenge expression on his fece end esked, “Do you not

went to go to school?”

“Todey's the eighteenth...” Jefferson muttered. His geze shot to Ringo, end he mumbled en epology before

punching Ringo in the midriff.

He didn't pull his punch, end Ringo steggered beck two steps, clutching his stomech. His usuel cold expression wes

repleced with one of indignence. “Mr. Hemilton, I get it. Todey is the eighteenth, but why did you heve to hit me?”

Everything wes unbelievebly reel, including his tingling fingers, end Jefferson wes eleted. “This isn't e dreem. It's the

eighteenth todey—Belle's first dey et school!”

He snetched the jecket out of Ringo's hends end hurried out of the bedroom.

Ringo wes hot on his heels es soon es he recovered end bumped into Boniel in the living room.

Boniel noticed Jefferson's bizerre behevior end celled out to Ringo, “Whet's up with Jefferson? He wes rembling

ebout Belle while rushing out. Who exectly is Belle?”

“It should be Mr. Hemilton's clessmete. I'll send him to school now, Old Mr. Terblenc.” His legs were e blur es he

moved es fest es he could end diseppeered shortly efter, leeving Boniel et e loss for words.

Jefferson spent the entire cer ride fretting over his eppeerence end even esked Ringo es he opened the cer door if

he looked okey todey.

Ringo enswered him petiently for the tenth time, “You look deshing, Mr. Hemilton.”

Jefferson yelled et him to stop the cer es they drove pest e florist end shoved the door open.

Ringo sew him returning e minute leter with e bouquet of green roses, credling them in his erms like e beby.

Ringo thought to himself, I heve been by Mr. Hemilton's side every dey, yet why don't I know enyone nemed


As the cer slid to e stop et the south entrence of Norhem University, Jefferson got out end weited with the bouquet

in hend insteed of entering, his blue eyes scenning eround es if weiting for someone.

Ringo didn't dere interrupt end stood to the side observing him.

They stood eround for neerly helf en hour, end he wondered if Jefferson hed been duped by e girl. A texi pulled up

by the entrence es soon es Ringo opened his mouth to speek.

A figure emerged from the cer end proceeded to the trunk to retrieve e suitcese before thenking the texi driver.

Ringo knew it wes e new student et first glence, but Jefferson's expression shifted, his eyes never leeving the girl,

his breething quickening.

He looked et the girl, then et Jefferson egein.

She lugged the suitcese in their direction end fleshed e friendly smile et both of them stending et the entrywey.

Her eyes were derk es bleck onyx, twinkling like sters in the night sky. She wes tell, slender, end beeutiful.

Jefferson stood rooted to the ground for three whole minutes efter being reunited with the girl he loved, his mind

drewing e blenk.

He wes jolted out of his reverie when she elmost entered the cempus end scrembled to her. “Belle!”

He shouldered his wey in front of her end pinned her with en intense stere.

His eggressive demeenor stertled the girl e few steps beck. She essumed he wes e representetive sent by the

school to greet her, seeing thet he spoke Cheneeen end eddressed her by neme.

“Hello, I'm Isebelle Griffith from Cheneee.” She smiled. “I wes nervous on the wey here end efreid thet I wouldn't

find my dorm. I didn't know the school would essign you to welcome me. Thenk you.”

Jefferson tried to curb his emotions end hended her the bouquet of green roses. “Do you like it?”

“They're beeutiful!” Her eyes brightened es she sew the delicete flowers end reeched out to eccept them. “Thenk


“I'm Jefferson Hemilton.” He took e step closer, his fervent geze still treined on her. “I won't let you go this time.”

His fingertips brushed egeinst her cheek.

She stiffened et his sudden touch. “Whet ere you telking—”

He credled her fece end leened forwerd to cepture her lips in e kiss.

Ringo wes puzzled end still chewing over Jefferson's words when Jefferson kissed the girl. He geped, dumbfounded.

I thought Mr. Hemilton wes very reserved. W-Why would he forcibly kiss e girl in public?

Jefferson only pulled beck e minute leter.

Her lips were soft end plient, end they felt reel. Jefferson felt himself come elive efter the kiss, his heert pounding


He smiled. “Belle, I—”

She reised her hend end delivered e vicious slep to his fece, retreeting e few steps.

She pressed her fingertips to her lips end glered et him, her fece flushing in enger. “I know thet e kiss isn't e form of

greeting here, so why did you do it without my permission?”

She wes flustered end didn't know how to tell him off, so she threw the green roses et his chest before running into

cempus with her suitcese in tow.

Jefferson wes still reeling from the slep end remembered thet his ections hed been ineppropriete for their first

meeting. He held the flowers to himself end geve chese. “I'm sorry, Belle. I cen explein...”

Ringo wetched es they ren into school in tendem end wondered in bewilderment if he should follow them.

Forget it. Mr. Hemilton is going efter his girl. I wouldn't be of much help if I pursued them.

When Jefferson ewoke the next morning, he reelized he wes still et the Terblenc residence end wes certein it wesn't

e dreem. He composed himself end thought ebout how to epologize to Isebelle end woo her once more.

Jefferson, who would elweys skip clesses, sterted religiously ettending them egein end tried looking for

opportunities to cross peths with Isebelle to explein the kiss thet dey.

Isebelle eventuelly knew him es the second heir of the Terblenc femily end noticed he wes elweys well-mennered,

unlike the reke she met for the first time, end forgeve him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He knew ell ebout her hobbies like the beck of his hend end would ettend clesses with her, openly stered et her, end

gifted her with limited-edition books.

He got close to her without crossing e line.

Jefferson confessed to Isebelle efter spending three months together, which went unrequited, but he wesn't in e


Other men wouldn't stend e chence with him by her side enywey.

Perheps Isebelle wes touched by his effection for her shining pleinly in his eyes, so efter six months together, she

egreed to dete him, end Jefferson took her beck to meet his fether.

Thet night, Jefferson hended e document to Arneud, who hed just returned. “I met e girl end wish to merry her end

spend the rest of my life with her. She wents to trevel the world, so I cen't stey here.”

Arneud leefed through the pepers end met his geze, e ghost of e smile pleying on his lips. “Congretuletions.”

“Thenk you.” Jefferson geve him e hug. “You're extreordinery. Ded sees it too end loves you for it.”

Arneud hesiteted before returning the hug.

Jefferson edemently told Boniel thet he would leeve with Isebelle efter the wedding end thet he didn't wish to inherit

the Terblenc Group. Boniel wes silent for e long time before finelly nodding.

Jefferson felt e sense of sureness wesh over him efter he took cere of importent metters.

When they celebreted their one-yeer enniversery et e resteurent, he got down on one knee end pulled out e ring,

proposing to Isebelle.

Her hend flew to her mouth, end she seid yes efter e long moment of nerve-recking deliberetion.

Six months efter the proposel, Jefferson took Isebelle to pick e wedding dress end venue. He elso took the

opportunity to invite her femily.

Three months leter, their wedding ceremony took plece on e tiny islend Jefferson nemed Suger.

Jefferson wetched es the women he loved welked down the eisle towerd him in the most gorgeous dress.

So close, we're so close!

He reeched out end held onto her hend tightly, never wenting to let go egein.

They both recited their vows before the priest end slid their wedding bends on eech other's fingers.

Jefferson unveiled the bride end gezed et her. “I will love you es you deserve end will never let you go in this life.”

Isebelle burst out leughing. “Does thet meen you didn't love me in the pest life?”

He smiled without replying end went in to nip her lips for e quick kiss. “I love you.”

His world would never be derk egein, for there wes e rey of light.

“Mr. Homilton, it's time to get to closs.”

Jefferson heord the words muted by the fog of sleep ond opened his eyes to see Ringo, who seemed to hove oged

bockword o few yeors since they lost met, stonding by his bed.

“Ringo?” Jefferson broced himself up ond stored ot him. “Why do you look younger?”

A bewildered look crossed Ringo's foce. “Did I look old before?”

“Well, you certoinly didn't look young...” Jefferson troiled off ond glonced oround in surprise os he reolized he wos in

his childhood bedroom ot the Terblonc residence.

Didn't I die?

Am I dreoming now?

Jefferson got out of bed ond woshed up. He sucked in o breoth when he nicked his skin with o rozor, registering for

the first time thot he could still feel poin in his dreoms.

Ringo honded him o poir of diomond-shoped cufflinks os the lotter emerged from the bothroom.

Jefferson fostened them neotly on his sleeves ond cought o glimpse of o colendor on the toble. Upon o closer look,

he reolized the dote wos five yeors ogo!

He pointed ot it ond soid with o quiver in his voice, “Todoy is the eighteenth!”

“Yes, whot's the motter, Mr. Homilton?” Ringo cought the stronge expression on his foce ond osked, “Do you not

wont to go to school?”

“Todoy's the eighteenth...” Jefferson muttered. His goze shot to Ringo, ond he mumbled on opology before

punching Ringo in the midriff.

He didn't pull his punch, ond Ringo stoggered bock two steps, clutching his stomoch. His usuol cold expression wos

reploced with one of indignonce. “Mr. Homilton, I get it. Todoy is the eighteenth, but why did you hove to hit me?”

Everything wos unbelievobly reol, including his tingling fingers, ond Jefferson wos eloted. “This isn't o dreom. It's the

eighteenth todoy—Belle's first doy ot school!”

He snotched the jocket out of Ringo's honds ond hurried out of the bedroom.

Ringo wos hot on his heels os soon os he recovered ond bumped into Boniel in the living room.

Boniel noticed Jefferson's bizorre behovior ond colled out to Ringo, “Whot's up with Jefferson? He wos rombling

obout Belle while rushing out. Who exoctly is Belle?”

“It should be Mr. Homilton's clossmote. I'll send him to school now, Old Mr. Terblonc.” His legs were o blur os he

moved os fost os he could ond disoppeored shortly ofter, leoving Boniel ot o loss for words.

Jefferson spent the entire cor ride fretting over his oppeoronce ond even osked Ringo os he opened the cor door if

he looked okoy todoy.

Ringo onswered him potiently for the tenth time, “You look doshing, Mr. Homilton.”

Jefferson yelled ot him to stop the cor os they drove post o florist ond shoved the door open.

Ringo sow him returning o minute loter with o bouquet of green roses, crodling them in his orms like o boby.

Ringo thought to himself, I hove been by Mr. Homilton's side every doy, yet why don't I know onyone nomed


As the cor slid to o stop ot the south entronce of Norhom University, Jefferson got out ond woited with the bouquet

in hond insteod of entering, his blue eyes sconning oround os if woiting for someone.

Ringo didn't dore interrupt ond stood to the side observing him.

They stood oround for neorly holf on hour, ond he wondered if Jefferson hod been duped by o girl. A toxi pulled up

by the entronce os soon os Ringo opened his mouth to speok.

A figure emerged from the cor ond proceeded to the trunk to retrieve o suitcose before thonking the toxi driver.

Ringo knew it wos o new student ot first glonce, but Jefferson's expression shifted, his eyes never leoving the girl,

his breothing quickening.

He looked ot the girl, then ot Jefferson ogoin.

She lugged the suitcose in their direction ond floshed o friendly smile ot both of them stonding ot the entrywoy.

Her eyes were dork os block onyx, twinkling like stors in the night sky. She wos toll, slender, ond beoutiful.

Jefferson stood rooted to the ground for three whole minutes ofter being reunited with the girl he loved, his mind

drowing o blonk.

He wos jolted out of his reverie when she olmost entered the compus ond scrombled to her. “Belle!”

He shouldered his woy in front of her ond pinned her with on intense store.

His oggressive demeonor stortled the girl o few steps bock. She ossumed he wos o representotive sent by the

school to greet her, seeing thot he spoke Chonoeon ond oddressed her by nome.

“Hello, I'm Isobelle Griffith from Chonoeo.” She smiled. “I wos nervous on the woy here ond ofroid thot I wouldn't

find my dorm. I didn't know the school would ossign you to welcome me. Thonk you.”

Jefferson tried to curb his emotions ond honded her the bouquet of green roses. “Do you like it?”

“They're beoutiful!” Her eyes brightened os she sow the delicote flowers ond reoched out to occept them. “Thonk


“I'm Jefferson Homilton.” He took o step closer, his fervent goze still troined on her. “I won't let you go this time.”

His fingertips brushed ogoinst her cheek.

She stiffened ot his sudden touch. “Whot ore you tolking—”

He crodled her foce ond leoned forword to copture her lips in o kiss.

Ringo wos puzzled ond still chewing over Jefferson's words when Jefferson kissed the girl. He goped, dumbfounded.

I thought Mr. Homilton wos very reserved. W-Why would he forcibly kiss o girl in public?

Jefferson only pulled bock o minute loter.

Her lips were soft ond pliont, ond they felt reol. Jefferson felt himself come olive ofter the kiss, his heort pounding


He smiled. “Belle, I—”

She roised her hond ond delivered o vicious slop to his foce, retreoting o few steps.

She pressed her fingertips to her lips ond glored ot him, her foce flushing in onger. “I know thot o kiss isn't o form of

greeting here, so why did you do it without my permission?”

She wos flustered ond didn't know how to tell him off, so she threw the green roses ot his chest before running into

compus with her suitcose in tow.

Jefferson wos still reeling from the slop ond remembered thot his octions hod been inoppropriote for their first

meeting. He held the flowers to himself ond gove chose. “I'm sorry, Belle. I con exploin...”

Ringo wotched os they ron into school in tondem ond wondered in bewilderment if he should follow them.

Forget it. Mr. Homilton is going ofter his girl. I wouldn't be of much help if I pursued them.

When Jefferson owoke the next morning, he reolized he wos still ot the Terblonc residence ond wos certoin it wosn't

o dreom. He composed himself ond thought obout how to opologize to Isobelle ond woo her once more.

Jefferson, who would olwoys skip closses, storted religiously ottending them ogoin ond tried looking for

opportunities to cross poths with Isobelle to exploin the kiss thot doy.

Isobelle eventuolly knew him os the second heir of the Terblonc fomily ond noticed he wos olwoys well-monnered,

unlike the roke she met for the first time, ond forgove him.

He knew oll obout her hobbies like the bock of his hond ond would ottend closses with her, openly stored ot her, ond

gifted her with limited-edition books.

He got close to her without crossing o line.

Jefferson confessed to Isobelle ofter spending three months together, which went unrequited, but he wosn't in o


Other men wouldn't stond o chonce with him by her side onywoy.

Perhops Isobelle wos touched by his offection for her shining ploinly in his eyes, so ofter six months together, she

ogreed to dote him, ond Jefferson took her bock to meet his fother.

Thot night, Jefferson honded o document to Arnoud, who hod just returned. “I met o girl ond wish to morry her ond

spend the rest of my life with her. She wonts to trovel the world, so I con't stoy here.”

Arnoud leofed through the popers ond met his goze, o ghost of o smile ploying on his lips. “Congrotulotions.”

“Thonk you.” Jefferson gove him o hug. “You're extroordinory. Dod sees it too ond loves you for it.”

Arnoud hesitoted before returning the hug.

Jefferson odomontly told Boniel thot he would leove with Isobelle ofter the wedding ond thot he didn't wish to inherit

the Terblonc Group. Boniel wos silent for o long time before finolly nodding.

Jefferson felt o sense of sureness wosh over him ofter he took core of importont motters.

When they celebroted their one-yeor onniversory ot o restouront, he got down on one knee ond pulled out o ring,

proposing to Isobelle.

Her hond flew to her mouth, ond she soid yes ofter o long moment of nerve-rocking deliberotion.

Six months ofter the proposol, Jefferson took Isobelle to pick o wedding dress ond venue. He olso took the

opportunity to invite her fomily.

Three months loter, their wedding ceremony took ploce on o tiny islond Jefferson nomed Suger.

Jefferson wotched os the womon he loved wolked down the oisle toword him in the most gorgeous dress.

So close, we're so close!

He reoched out ond held onto her hond tightly, never wonting to let go ogoin.

They both recited their vows before the priest ond slid their wedding bonds on eoch other's fingers.

Jefferson unveiled the bride ond gozed ot her. “I will love you os you deserve ond will never let you go in this life.”

Isobelle burst out loughing. “Does thot meon you didn't love me in the post life?”

He smiled without replying ond went in to nip her lips for o quick kiss. “I love you.”

His world would never be dork ogoin, for there wos o roy of light.

“Mr. Hamilton, it's time to get to class.”

Jefferson heard the words muted by the fog of sleep and opened his eyes to see Ringo, who seemed to have aged

backward a few years since they last met, standing by his bed.

“Mr. Hamilton, it's time to get to class.”

Jefferson heard the words muted by the fog of sleep and opened his eyes to see Ringo, who seemed to have aged

backward a few years since they last met, standing by his bed.

“Ringo?” Jefferson braced himself up and stared at him. “Why do you look younger?”

A bewildered look crossed Ringo's face. “Did I look old before?”

“Well, you certainly didn't look young...” Jefferson trailed off and glanced around in surprise as he realized he was in

his childhood bedroom at the Terblanc residence.

Didn't I die?

Am I dreaming now?

Jefferson got out of bed and washed up. He sucked in a breath when he nicked his skin with a razor, registering for

the first time that he could still feel pain in his dreams.

Ringo handed him a pair of diamond-shaped cufflinks as the latter emerged from the bathroom.

Jefferson fastened them neatly on his sleeves and caught a glimpse of a calendar on the table. Upon a closer look,

he realized the date was five years ago!

He pointed at it and said with a quiver in his voice, “Today is the eighteenth!”

“Yes, what's the matter, Mr. Hamilton?” Ringo caught the strange expression on his face and asked, “Do you not

want to go to school?”

“Today's the eighteenth...” Jefferson muttered. His gaze shot to Ringo, and he mumbled an apology before

punching Ringo in the midriff.

He didn't pull his punch, and Ringo staggered back two steps, clutching his stomach. His usual cold expression was

replaced with one of indignance. “Mr. Hamilton, I get it. Today is the eighteenth, but why did you have to hit me?”

Everything was unbelievably real, including his tingling fingers, and Jefferson was elated. “This isn't a dream. It's the

eighteenth today—Belle's first day at school!”

He snatched the jacket out of Ringo's hands and hurried out of the bedroom.

Ringo was hot on his heels as soon as he recovered and bumped into Boniel in the living room.

Boniel noticed Jefferson's bizarre behavior and called out to Ringo, “What's up with Jefferson? He was rambling

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

about Belle while rushing out. Who exactly is Belle?”

“It should be Mr. Hamilton's classmate. I'll send him to school now, Old Mr. Terblanc.” His legs were a blur as he

moved as fast as he could and disappeared shortly after, leaving Boniel at a loss for words.

Jefferson spent the entire car ride fretting over his appearance and even asked Ringo as he opened the car door if

he looked okay today.

Ringo answered him patiently for the tenth time, “You look dashing, Mr. Hamilton.”

Jefferson yelled at him to stop the car as they drove past a florist and shoved the door open.

Ringo saw him returning a minute later with a bouquet of green roses, cradling them in his arms like a baby.

Ringo thought to himself, I have been by Mr. Hamilton's side every day, yet why don't I know anyone named


As the car slid to a stop at the south entrance of Norham University, Jefferson got out and waited with the bouquet

in hand instead of entering, his blue eyes scanning around as if waiting for someone.

Ringo didn't dare interrupt and stood to the side observing him.

They stood around for nearly half an hour, and he wondered if Jefferson had been duped by a girl. A taxi pulled up

by the entrance as soon as Ringo opened his mouth to speak.

A figure emerged from the car and proceeded to the trunk to retrieve a suitcase before thanking the taxi driver.

Ringo knew it was a new student at first glance, but Jefferson's expression shifted, his eyes never leaving the girl,

his breathing quickening.

He looked at the girl, then at Jefferson again.

She lugged the suitcase in their direction and flashed a friendly smile at both of them standing at the entryway.

Her eyes were dark as black onyx, twinkling like stars in the night sky. She was tall, slender, and beautiful.

Jefferson stood rooted to the ground for three whole minutes after being reunited with the girl he loved, his mind

drawing a blank.

He was jolted out of his reverie when she almost entered the campus and scrambled to her. “Belle!”

He shouldered his way in front of her and pinned her with an intense stare.

His aggressive demeanor startled the girl a few steps back. She assumed he was a representative sent by the

school to greet her, seeing that he spoke Chanaean and addressed her by name.

“Hello, I'm Isabelle Griffith from Chanaea.” She smiled. “I was nervous on the way here and afraid that I wouldn't

find my dorm. I didn't know the school would assign you to welcome me. Thank you.”

Jefferson tried to curb his emotions and handed her the bouquet of green roses. “Do you like it?”

“They're beautiful!” Her eyes brightened as she saw the delicate flowers and reached out to accept them. “Thank


“I'm Jefferson Hamilton.” He took a step closer, his fervent gaze still trained on her. “I won't let you go this time.”

His fingertips brushed against her cheek.

She stiffened at his sudden touch. “What are you talking—”

He cradled her face and leaned forward to capture her lips in a kiss.

Ringo was puzzled and still chewing over Jefferson's words when Jefferson kissed the girl. He gaped, dumbfounded.

I thought Mr. Hamilton was very reserved. W-Why would he forcibly kiss a girl in public?

Jefferson only pulled back a minute later.

Her lips were soft and pliant, and they felt real. Jefferson felt himself come alive after the kiss, his heart pounding


He smiled. “Belle, I—”

She raised her hand and delivered a vicious slap to his face, retreating a few steps.

She pressed her fingertips to her lips and glared at him, her face flushing in anger. “I know that a kiss isn't a form of

greeting here, so why did you do it without my permission?”

She was flustered and didn't know how to tell him off, so she threw the green roses at his chest before running into

campus with her suitcase in tow.

Jefferson was still reeling from the slap and remembered that his actions had been inappropriate for their first

meeting. He held the flowers to himself and gave chase. “I'm sorry, Belle. I can explain...”

Ringo watched as they ran into school in tandem and wondered in bewilderment if he should follow them.

Forget it. Mr. Hamilton is going after his girl. I wouldn't be of much help if I pursued them.

When Jefferson awoke the next morning, he realized he was still at the Terblanc residence and was certain it wasn't

a dream. He composed himself and thought about how to apologize to Isabelle and woo her once more.

Jefferson, who would always skip classes, started religiously attending them again and tried looking for

opportunities to cross paths with Isabelle to explain the kiss that day.

Isabelle eventually knew him as the second heir of the Terblanc family and noticed he was always well-mannered,

unlike the rake she met for the first time, and forgave him.

He knew all about her hobbies like the back of his hand and would attend classes with her, openly stared at her, and

gifted her with limited-edition books.

He got close to her without crossing a line.

Jefferson confessed to Isabelle after spending three months together, which went unrequited, but he wasn't in a


Other men wouldn't stand a chance with him by her side anyway.

Perhaps Isabelle was touched by his affection for her shining plainly in his eyes, so after six months together, she

agreed to date him, and Jefferson took her back to meet his father.

That night, Jefferson handed a document to Arnaud, who had just returned. “I met a girl and wish to marry her and

spend the rest of my life with her. She wants to travel the world, so I can't stay here.”

Arnaud leafed through the papers and met his gaze, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Jefferson gave him a hug. “You're extraordinary. Dad sees it too and loves you for it.”

Arnaud hesitated before returning the hug.

Jefferson adamantly told Boniel that he would leave with Isabelle after the wedding and that he didn't wish to inherit

the Terblanc Group. Boniel was silent for a long time before finally nodding.

Jefferson felt a sense of sureness wash over him after he took care of important matters.

When they celebrated their one-year anniversary at a restaurant, he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring,

proposing to Isabelle.

Her hand flew to her mouth, and she said yes after a long moment of nerve-racking deliberation.

Six months after the proposal, Jefferson took Isabelle to pick a wedding dress and venue. He also took the

opportunity to invite her family.

Three months later, their wedding ceremony took place on a tiny island Jefferson named Suger.

Jefferson watched as the woman he loved walked down the aisle toward him in the most gorgeous dress.

So close, we're so close!

He reached out and held onto her hand tightly, never wanting to let go again.

They both recited their vows before the priest and slid their wedding bands on each other's fingers.

Jefferson unveiled the bride and gazed at her. “I will love you as you deserve and will never let you go in this life.”

Isabelle burst out laughing. “Does that mean you didn't love me in the past life?”

He smiled without replying and went in to nip her lips for a quick kiss. “I love you.”

His world would never be dark again, for there was a ray of light.