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Dear Ex-wife Marry Me by Twin Bridge

Chapter 1516
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The prized Jellyfish Seal was the key to becoming the head honcho of BK.

The ten elders had been scouring the earth for this seal, but who'd have thought? Quentin, the sly fox, managed to snag it.

The seal was smooth to the touch, with its unique engraving - it was the true Jellyfish Seal.

After vanishing for years, the Jellyfish Seal was back in play.

The man grabbed it, voice dripping with sarcasm, “If he wants to be punished, let him have it.”

Back in the day, he saw potential in the kid, took a chance on him. Otherwise, Quentin would've been just another statistic among

the orphans scrapping for survival.

Quentin had been a good soldier over the years, running Forbidden Island like clockwork, cold and ruthless despite his youth - he

was the protégé he was most proud of.

But this protégé nearly blew Forbidden Island to kingdom come. Now the place was still ticking with explosives, and no one knew if

the island would still be there csunrise.

And that island was prreal estate for certain power players. If they cafter Quentin for it, his life wouldn't be worth a nickel.

Besides, Quentin had crossed a line with BK - that was a cardinal sin.

“But sir, if he keeps taking this kind of heat, he might not make it.”

“That's his choice. I've got plenty of other pawns in play; he's not irreplaceable.”

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Talk about cold. You'd think after raising someone, even a dog, for so long, there'd be sattachment.

But the way he treated Quentin, it was like he was talking about a stranger.

The messenger clammed up and headed to notify the torture chamber.

Another round of torture kicked off, lasting a grueling three hours.

By the end of it, Quentin was a mess, not an inch of his skin left untouched.

He couldn't stand, so he dragged himself towards the door, only making it a few yards before collapsing, strength sapped by the


It was so intense he couldn't even feel it anymore.

Stripped of his senses, he thought he felt something familiar in his hand, shaped like the piece of candy Maja had given him once.

But he hadn't eaten it that day. He'd regretted it ever since.

He could've cclean to Maja about the Jellyfish Seal's location, reveal his true identity, but he didn't.

Instead, he set up his own demise - albeit a fiery one - but at least Maja wasn't the wiser.

In her mind, Quentin was still the kid trying to buck fate, not the mastermind playing her.

She held an image of a clean Quentin, the last slice of paradise he had left to cherish.

Now as he clutched the stone shaped like candy, he mustered all his might to pop it into his mouth.

But it wasn't candy, just a pebble.

The pebble was hard, the taste of earth on his tongue as he bit down.

He closed his eyes, drawing a hint of sweetness from it - a sweetness he'd never known in his life.

It was worth it.

Let the pure Quentin live on in Maja's heart.

The torture chamber staff found him on the floor, checked his breathing.

“He's gone.”

“Then drag him out. And tell the boss, it's tto pick a new heir from the reserves.”

As if Quentin's death was a mere footnote.

Meanwhile, by the shore, Maja, waiting for news from lan, felt a pang in her chest.

She suddenly remembered leaving Quentin's ashes back on Forbidden Island.

Her brow furrowed as she stared at the sea, thinking of lan who'd been gone for hours.

The waves were rough - what had becof him?

Dawn was breaking as she boarded a ship, seeking answers from the others.

“Any word yet?”

Their faces were grave, heads shaking slowly in silence.

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