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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 “You!” Scott snapped as he pointed an angry finger at Naomi, shaking with rage. “Naomi!”

Clarissa stepped in. “This is my dad‘s right!” “What right? This is daylight robbery! You even tricked me

into signing over the inheritance rights!”

Naomi fired a contemptuous glare at the trio in front of her. Then, she pulled out a contract and a pen

from her bag. “If you want the formulas, sign this contract, and I‘ll hand them over.”

“What contract?”

“It‘s simple. I‘ve prepared a list. First, give me all of Mom‘s things and transfer all the shares she left

behind to me. Then, I‘ll give you all of the formulas and guides on how to develop them,” Naomi

explained as if she was speaking to a group of imbeciles. “No way! Forget it!” Lilian exclaimed.

Rachel had left behind a collection of exquisite jewelry. Since Lilian had them in the palm of her hands,

she was not about to let them go of them so easily!

Besides, if they handed over the shares to Naomi, what would happen to Clarissa‘s future?

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“No? That’s too bad, then,” Naomi replied mockingly as she picked up the contract. “I heard that your

company‘s going to shut down if you don‘t produce new medicine soon. I‘m your only hope. Besides, I

doubt your slacker daughter can help you with medical formulas.” Clarissa‘s blood boiled. “You! I


Scott‘s expression was dark. He was too furious to speak.

Naomi was running out of patience. She raised three fingers and said, “I‘ll give you three seconds to

decide. Think carefully about this. How much would the stock prices of a bankrupt company be


“Three!” Naomi shouted as she dropped one of her fingers.

The atmosphere in the room was so heavy that Scott found it hard to breathe. His face was twisted in

agonizing fury.

He never expected Naomi to put him on the spot. “Two!”

Naomi dropped another finger as she continued to stare the trio down with ice–cold eyes, sending a

shiver down Scott‘s spine. “Just do it, Dad!” Clarissa exclaimed through gritted teeth. “Fine! I‘ll sign it!”

Scott huffed, then angrily signed his name on the contract. Naomi immediately pulled out her phone

and took a photo of the contract. She sent it to her

lawyer as a backup, then smiled sweetly at Scott. “This contract is effective immediately. I‘ll remind you

again to do your part quickly. Otherwise, you‘ll pay a thousand fold.” “Then, you‘ll have to play your part

of the contract and give us those formulas!” Clarissa snapped. Naomi responded with a smile. “Of

course. They‘re in my room. I’ll get them to you right away.

She then turned and made her way up the stairs. Scott watched as Naomi ascended the stairs then

met eyes with Lilian. The couple shared a wicked look.

Once they had their hands on the formulas and pulled the company out of its slump, they would have

all the ammunition they needed to bring Naomi down! Naomi stopped at the landing on her way

upstairs just in time for her to catch the menacing look the couple shared.

She snickered as she walked into her room. She opened up a secret compartment and took out a

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Most of Rachel‘s things were already with Naomi. All her mother had left to her were a few notebooks

that contained formulas that Rachel had scribbled down during her teenage years. Scott was the one

who always assumed that Rachel held some kind of treasure in her hands, perhaps due to his greed.

Naomi replaced the important items back into the secret compartment and locked them up. That way,

even if she was not at home, the scum that lived in the house would not be able to find anything if they

tried to barge into her room. “Are you done? You‘re not thinking of destroying the information, are you?”

Naomi was only gone for a few minutes, but Scott was already impatiently pressing her from the other

side of her room door. “It‘s done. These are the formulas you wanted,” Naomi responded as she

opened the door and shoved the document in Scott‘s arms. Scott hungrily held on to the document as if

he was afraid that Naomi would change her mind. “I do need to warn you, however, that these are

formulas that Mom wrote down in her early years. It‘s best to run some clinical trials first before you–”

“Yeah, yeah!” Scott scoffed as he cut Naomi off mid–sentence. “These are mine now! You mind your

own business!”

How could he possibly waste more time on trials and experiments? He would start production

immediately and turn the formulas into cold, hard cash! “Good luck, then!”