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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201

“No, I’m not sick. I’m just a little worried about you.” On the other end of the phone, Robin’s warm and

jade-like voice came over, with the power to heal people’s hearts.

“Worried about me?”.

Naomi raised her eyebrows in surprise, grabbed a pillow, and held it in her arms, changing into a

comfortable position. “Yeah, I heard from Uncle Zach that Susan joined the group for filming. You were

so busy today that you worked late. I’m a little worried. Are you home yet?”

Hearing Robin’s words of concern, Naomi felt warmth in her heart and replied softly, “I’m home. Don’t

worry about me. This amount of work is trivial to me.” “You must pay attention to work-life balance,

oh…” Robin suddenly groaned. Naomi immediately sat upright as she frowned and asked, “What’s the

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matter? Did the wound open? Why don’t I come over?” She was about to roll over and get out of bed

as she spoke. “No, it just hurts a little bit. It’s so late. You just be good and stay home.” In the ward.

Hearing Naomi’s anxious and concerned voice, Robin raised the corner of his mouth slightly. “Are you

really all right?” Naomi asked again worriedly. “I’m really fine. I’ll be discharged from the hospital

tomorrow morning.” Naomi raised her eyebrows in surprise and replied, “So soon? I’ll come to see you

tomorrow morning, and you are not allowed to refuse.” “Okay, I’ll wait for you at the hospital tomorrow.”

Robin curled his lips and smiled. In fact, he really wanted to see her. “Yeah! That’s settled then!” “Okay,

hurry up and go to bed. I know you’ve been working very hard these days. When I’m healed, I’ll share

your burden!” “Oh, it’s not that bad…”

Naomi denied it, but Robin warmed her heart.

After a brief chat with Robin, she hung up the phone. The whole night after that, her phone did not

move at all. Stinky Daddy did not even make a phone call. He did not even send a message.

In the morning, Naomi turned on the phone, looked at the empty chat interface with Stinky Daddy, and

blocked him in anger. She was not going to think about Stinky Daddy anymore. Instead, she would pick

up Robin to be discharged from the hospital! Hospital VIP ward. “Robin, I’m coming in!” Naomi pushed

open the door and entered, just in time to see that Robin was already tidying up. “Have you finished

packing?” “Well, you came just in time. Have you had breakfast?” Robin turned around with a smile and

pointed to the dining table next to him. Naomi’s stomach groaned at the right time. She blushed, and

she pressed her eyes quickly with her hands. “Aunt cooked too much, so come with me to have

breakfast.” Robin smiled and warmly invited Naomi to breakfast. “Oh, then I will happily do so!” Naomi

scratched her head and walked toward the dining table in embarrassment. In her heart, she gave Robin

a full score for his emotional intelligence.

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“Robin, the girl who will marry you in the future will be very happy,” Naomi casually said as she opened

the lunch box with her head lowered.

When Robin heard her, the movements in his hands suddenly stopped, and he stared at Naomi with

deep eyes and spoke meaningfully. “I hope so too.”

However, Naomi was too hungry, so she concentrated on taking the dumpling and stuffed it into her

mouth, completely ignoring what Robin said.


As soon as the dumpling entered her mouth, she was immediately scalded by the scorching hot food.

She started babbling and flailing. “Slow down. Spit it out first.” Robin smiled lightly and put his hand

under her mouth, not showing any disgust. However, the overly intimate action frightened Naomi. She

stiffened for a moment, bypassed Robin’s hand, and spat the dumpling back into the bowl. “It’s too

hot…” “Yeah.” Robin’s expression darkened as he withdrew his hand calmly.